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 The last hope for TRON 2.0?

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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:19 PM
Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:

The funny thing is even good sales doesn't gaurantee a sequel. Duke Nukem 3D did FANTASTIC... and where's the sequel to that?

The video game business is an interesting one, from what I can tell. I haven't worked in the industry but it seems to me that studios come and go in the blink of an eye, and developers rarely stay in one place for any length of time.

It would help if more people actually bought the games they play instead of stealing them. Since part of my job was also copy supression measures at BVG, I know how hard it is to protect a game and I have seen the direct effect piracy has on a game. The next time I hear some nitwit say 'I downloaded it and beat it in four hours so I am not going to buy it' in my direct vicinity I am going to take his wallet. If you played the game, the developer is due something for their efforts. If you don't like the game, tell them so they don't keep shipping crap.abortion pills online cytotec abortion



Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:23 PM
One last thing, Redrain, I apologize for one specific point. You are in fact up to 191 signatures as of this moment. My comment about 20 signatures was wrong, and I am sorry for that point alone.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill



Posts: 484
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:27 PM
Regardless of what anyone did or didn't do for Tron 2.0, I bought my copy (mainly for the audio tracks and to support Tron since I couldn't play it anyways).

As far as the petition is concerned...


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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:30 PM
Now you have 192! Even though I disagree with some of it, I signed too.abortion pills online cytotec abortion



Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 1:28 PM
I signed it too....
I wish I could've had a better computer so that I could've bought the game. I feel bad about that now...



Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 2:29 PM

I'd be willing to bet that everyone here pretty much bought their copy. Any fan of Tron wouldn't have the gall to play a pirated copy.

I bought two.. the GBA and XBox version. I never did play it on the PC because up until a few weeks ago didn't have the PC to play it on.

Hell, I pretty much got the XBox just because of Tron

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 3:46 PM

DaveTRON Wrote:Redrain has always had his own version of the facts, and I don't agree with him all of the time.
I'm going on what I know. Obviously I can't know all the inner goings on at BVG. And maybe that's for the best, otherwise they'd probably sue me.

My personal conjecture may not always be correct. But the fact stands that BVG bungled the support of the game many times over. Even right now their web site is misleading with those screenshots, and fails to indicate where to download the patch that's so vital to Multiplayer.

BTW, if anyone thinks I'm ripping on the Xbox version . . . I'm not. Just pointing out the mistakes BVG made with that game, too. Not to mention, I bought a copy to support Tron.

I personally posted a News Article on the Petition the first time it existed on this site.
If such a thing happened . . . you're right. I don't remember ever seeing it. Did anyone else? If so, could they enlighten me?

Perhaps he's wanting a permanent banner on the main screen or something?
LOL. Please.

Considering the huge sig banner on his notes
Is there something wrong with having a signature that points to a site? Other users do it. Why single me out? Especially considering it's a help resource, not a personal page. (Well, not until now.)

I remember Sketch had a large banner to his SketchDomain site. No one ever complained about that.

Where there has been TRON 2.0 news, we have posted it.
So the maps weren't news-worthy items? And please don't say "they weren't accessable" again. They always have been, if people would take the opportunity to look for them. Unfortunately, since PGB went down more than once, it was not the best place to get maps from.

BTW, Xistence is still working on a project for the game after all this time . . . that I know will knock everyone's socks off. Just wait. If this project isn't news-worthy, then I don't know what is. It will still be a while before it comes out, though.

I worked at BVG the first time his petition came to light. I took a copy to the heads of Marketing and PD and I got laughed out of the room. I tried to show people how passionate the TRON community, however small, was. Redrain seems to forget about all of that too. Nobody gave a damn at BVG outside of me and 1 or two others.
Well, that's quite telling about the company, isn't it. As for "seeming to forget about that too", you never told me you did that.

They laugh now, but if there are enough signatures they may not be laughing later.

The fact is, TRON 2.0, the game, is DEAD.


Unfortunately, it didn't get a long life in any form, and no amount of petitioning is going to give it one.


There are some petitions that have succeeded, despite what you just said.

Redrain. Normally I like you a lot, I really don't want this to change that, but you have got to face the facts. Unless you can muster thousands of signatures and get sales to increase for a title not even in stores in great number, your hopes are dead.
That's the plan. I'm trying. It would be nice if Slashdot picked up on this, but they don't seem to be interested.

We'd have better luck chanelling our efforts into getting a movie out of them, and that's a crap shoot at best.
Again, why not put a news item on the front page about that Movie Sequel thread?

Just to show you I'm not working against you, I just think you are tilting at windmills, I think you will notice something different on the news page.
One last thing, Redrain, I apologize for one specific point. You are in fact up to 191 signatures as of this moment. My comment about 20 signatures was wrong, and I am sorry for that point alone.
Thank you.

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 3:58 PM

Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:The funny thing is even good sales doesn't gaurantee a sequel. Duke Nukem 3D did FANTASTIC... and where's the sequel to that?
There would've been a sequel to Duke Nukem long ago, if 3D Realms didn't keep scrapping the project and starting over. They've done this three times now!

First they did the sequel using the Quake 2 engine. Scrapped.

Then with the original Unreal Engine. Scrapped.

Then once more, with a later version of the Unreal Engine (Warfare?). Scrapped.

Now, I'm not sure what they're doing. But they keep bragging about how amazing it will be when it's finished. If they ever finish it.

3D Realms is almost as bad as BVG.



Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 4:54 PM
redrain85 Wrote:
Now, I'm not sure what they're doing. But they keep bragging about how amazing it will be when it's finished. If they ever finish it.

Considering it's been almost ten years since Duke 3D came out, I am not holding my breath.

Although I do still need to pick up Doom3 At least they didn't flake out on that sequel
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Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:16 PM
I played a little bit of Doom 3 on a friend's computer. That game is ADDICTIVE!!! I probaly spent an hour or so playing it, and I normally don't like that kind of game.



Posts: 1,230
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:20 PM
Thought I'd post. I almost feel like I'm jumping into the fire. Anyways... I'm now number 198 on the list. The thing is I've never bought the game. I played the light cycle part of the game once at a CompUSA in Houston, TX where it was set up as a display. (Does that fall under "If you played the game, the developer is due something for their efforts." Dave?) I was dead in a mater minutes so I can't really say too much about the game play at this point and I still know nothing about the plot. The main reason I haven't bought it yet is I simply don't have much time available to play games. The only game I've bought in the last (maybe 10 years) is the new Leasure Suit Larry game. I bought it because I enjoyed all the older games. The thing is now I can't even play that game. I bought the top of the line Sony Viao about 4 years ago and it's now so out of date that I couldn't even get it to play the game. However I'm serious about wanting to support TRON. The other reason I passed on the game that day in CompUSA was because I was unemployed at the time and didn't know where my next pay check was coming from. That's not stoping me now. So where is the best place to buy this game where it's likely to have the most positive effects. I'm guessing a used copy off eBay doesn't help the cause any. My Sony Viao probably won't let me play it now but I'll have a new computer down the road I'm sure and I still don't have much time to play games. Maybe I can get my boys started on it.

Can someone tell me if the plot/story behind the game is the same across all the versions... PC, X-Box, GBA, etc?

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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:24 PM
We're on the same side, I just have a problem with people basing their philosophies on incomplete truths. Let's discuss religion one of these days!

I should apologize about the banner crack too. I was being cynical and it was unfair. The banner is fine by me. I wasn't complaining so much as wondering why it didn't get you more interest in your petition.

You have the right idea. You are trying, and I should not make it seem like I am putting it down. I just know the clowns you are dealing with and they really don't give a damn about us fans.

Bob Picunko, one of the Marketing genius' behind the 'cute girls in baby doll t-shirts' campaign to promote TRON 2.0 actually said to me 'We don't make this for the fans.' (Or something to that effect). He honestly figured we were a sure buy and that they needed to focus on the non-TRON fans. Wouldn't it have been smarter to rally the community that loves the property to help get the word out? I don't know, I am in QA, but I know that a far better job could have been done by BVG.

I will also point your attention to the 'needing attention response' in your previous messages to see why I said 'byte me'. I am kidding you. I probably am an attention whore like Scuzzy and just in denial.

If you win this battle, I will praise your name forever, but I don't think you can win against an opponent that doesn't care.



Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:28 PM
wwwmwww Wrote:The only game I've bought in the last (maybe 10 years) is the new Leasure Suit Larry game. I bought it because I enjoyed all the older games.

If you love the older Larry games, you are gonna kick yourself for buying the new one. It's awful. The idea is there, the execution is lacking.

And guess what? There's a TRON 2.0 connection! The man who helped take Sierra down to it's grave and Larry with it is none other than Mike Ryder, the genius in charge of Production at BVG these days. Do the math.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion



Posts: 1,230
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:35 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:
If you love the older Larry games, you are gonna kick yourself for buying the new one. It's awful. The idea is there, the execution is lacking.

I haven't been able to play it yet. It's just sitting around waiting on me to get a new PC at the moment.

DaveTRON Wrote:
And guess what? There's a TRON 2.0 connection! The man who helped take Sierra down to it's grave and Larry with it is none other than Mike Ryder, the genius in charge of Production at BVG these days. Do the math.

Oh I loved the old Sierra games, Kings Quest, Space Quest, etc. Back in the day I even remember getting a nice Sierra news letter every now and then.

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Posts: 2,232
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 5:59 PM
Signatory number 200.

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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 6:21 PM

Me too. I miss the days of the great Sierra games!where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online



Posts: 803
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 6:55 PM

Lords Of The Realm 2.

I still play it when I have time.


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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 7:06 PM

wwwmwww Wrote:Can someone tell me if the plot/story behind the game is the same across all the versions... PC, X-Box, GBA, etc?
The plot is the same for the PC and Xbox versions, but different for the GBA version.

In the PC and Xbox versions, Alan Bradley is trying to recreate the technology that allowed digitizing objects into the electronic world. It was lost when the MCP disappeared. He's written a program called Ma3a to help him with the task.

A rival company called fCon wants this technology, and starts a hostile takeover. They kidnap Alan and try to force him to spill the beans. Alan has a son now named Jet, who learns of his kidnapping and tries to find out what happened to him.

When he gets to the lab where Alan was last seen, Ma3a digitizes Jet into the electronic world. Thus the game begins. Jet has been brought in to help protect Ma3a from fCon. Ma3a says he can be far more effective inside, than outside.

That's about as much as I want to say, without spoiling the rest. During the game you meet many characters, throw your disc to attack enemies, ride Light Cycles . . . it's very faithful to the movie, but updated at the same time.

Oh I loved the old Sierra games, Kings Quest, Space Quest, etc.
I loved the Sierra adventure games, too! I really miss them. You can get some free remakes from

BTW, Carl . . . do you think I would get flamed to high heaven, if I posted about Tron 2.0 in the off-topic section of MacrossWorld?

DaveTRON Wrote:We're on the same side, I just have a problem with people basing their philosophies on incomplete truths. Let's discuss religion one of these days!
Well as I said . . . I think it's better that I'm off-base in some regards, lest Disney come after me for inside information.

You have the right idea. You are trying, and I should not make it seem like I am putting it down. I just know the clowns you are dealing with and they really don't give a damn about us fans.

Bob Picunko, one of the Marketing genius' behind the 'cute girls in baby doll t-shirts' campaign to promote TRON 2.0 actually said to me 'We don't make this for the fans.' (Or something to that effect). He honestly figured we were a sure buy and that they needed to focus on the non-TRON fans. Wouldn't it have been smarter to rally the community that loves the property to help get the word out? I don't know, I am in QA, but I know that a far better job could have been done by BVG.
Man, that's bad. But you know, I saw him in an interview regarding Killer App, you could download from Gamespot. And I could tell even then, that he didn't seem too enthusiastic during his big pep talk for the game.

I will also point your attention to the 'needing attention response' in your previous messages to see why I said 'byte me'. I am kidding you. I probably am an attention whore like Scuzzy and just in denial.
Ah . . . LOL.

Well I owe you one now, for putting this on the front page. Once again, thank you.

And guess what? There's a TRON 2.0 connection! The man who helped take Sierra down to it's grave and Larry with it is none other than Mike Ryder, the genius in charge of Production at BVG these days. Do the math.
I'd heard something about that. About how he left Sierra and moved to BVG, some time shortly after the release of Tron 2.0. Why would Disney hire someone that just came from a studio that went belly-up? It would seem fairly obvious that whoever was in charge, was responsible for the company's demise.

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 7:18 PM

I know I've been asking a lot of everyone, but I thought I would still give this a try. If you're not interested, I completely understand.

I've submitted news of this to a site called It's apparently the next Slashdot. Except here, users post the news themselves, and it's up to the readers to support good stories to get them on the front page.

If I could get a few more "diggs" as they're called, the item should move to the front page. I've seen items in their low 20s make it to the front. Bigred from Boxhat told me is second only to Slashdot, and getting to the front page should help enormously.

The item already has 20 diggs. Unfortunately, the catch is that you have to create an account there. If a few people could create an account and click on the "digg it" link, I think it will get bumped.

The link to the item is:
Thanks in advance, to anyone that "diggs it".

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Posts: 803
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 8:40 PM
How was the story of the gameboy different?

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  Tron 2.0 
 The last hope for TRON 2.0?