TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 12:51 AM
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Falty User
Posts: 160 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 1:24 AM
wow...i'm the only one that's signed???abortion pills online cytotec abortion
Nikster User
Posts: 2,691 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 1:28 AM
I signed it ________________________
"The flippity on the google loads the Flynn to the disc battles the guy bad. Day wins. Said nuff!" - DaveTRON
Jack Thompson is to attorneys what Fred Phelps is to organized religion - Me
Scuzzy User
Posts: 1,608 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 1:30 AM
YOu are one long winded program, you know that, don't you?
Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 1:41 AM
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DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 10:49 AM
Having been on the inside, you have some things sort of right, and others on target but stated poorly. A few out and out creations of user fantasy as well. I will try to reply privately later on those.
I appreciate the zeal, but I don't think the effort is worth it. BVG hasn't, isn't and never will listen.
Watch how their tents fold up again after Chicken Little and Narnia both drop dead on arrival. Chicken Little is a decent game too, it will deserve better than it will get.
aldul User
Posts: 194 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 1:54 PM
Shame to see such a rich property go neglected. Disney could have nurtured this to be rather popular. It's a good fit for EPCOT synergy, and it lends itself to other media spinoffs. It's possible that those in charge don't see things this way and don't think it's worth spending any more money on. Unfortunately, Disney just doesn't come to mind when I think of creativity or risk taking. With the possible action, bright colors, and frenzied pace of this setting, I'd think it'd be a natural for todays audience.
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 2:34 PM
aldul Wrote:Unfortunately, Disney just doesn't come to mind when I think of creativity or risk taking. |
Which, again, is a total shame being they became as popular as a company as they are because of risk taking.
It's just so sad.
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Monday, July, 18, 2005 4:37 PM
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TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 4:34 PM
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Compucore User
Posts: 4,450 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 4:46 PM
Seems like they also closed down as well. No more web site for tron 2.0 What ashame.
2 Legit 2 quit
End of line
To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.
Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 5:32 PM
Sad, sad, sad...
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^ |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Wednesday, July, 20, 2005 6:35 PM
I've been wanting to say this for a long time. I don't mean to offend anyone by it. Just something that bugs me. An observation.
Why is it, that Tron 2.0 news related to the game itself has gotten second-class treatment, for the longest time now?
I see lots of stories about other Tron items making the front page. Even the Tron 2.0 comics made the front page. But something like this . . . a petition to help keep the game alive and moving forward? Nah.
And what about all the maps for the game, that have been released over time? The Tron Recognizer game made the front page. (Not that it doesn't deserve it, it's great.) No news about the maps, never hosted here in the file section, not much interest shown.
I just find it odd that a Tron site - with Tron 2.0 imagery on it everywhere no less - shows so little interest in the actual game itself.
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DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Wednesday, July, 20, 2005 8:49 PM
Could it have anything to do with the apathetic response to the news items posted the first time you did this? I posted it myself, so I know it took place.
Hell, we are still only at 50 posts to get a second movie.
Nobody seems to give a crap about these issues, so they don't get more attention.
Your petition has been around for quite a while and you are up to what, 20+ sigs? BVG won't respond to 1,000, so you have little hope of success with them.
I think the issue here is that YOU don't feel you are getting the attention you deserve, not TRON 2.0. There's been plenty of TRON 2.0 news.
As for maps....Most of the maps didn't get attention here because the people running those sites didn't do very much to stimulate activity over here. I tried, and got such a horrid response that I gave up.
I kept asking for an archive of the maps I could point to or download and put on TS, and I kept getting a mess of mixed files from other games that I couldn't figure out. If it had been more organized and user frieindly, I would have made it happen here at TS too, but it wasn't.
Don't blame TRON Sector for that one. You guys didn't make it accesible.
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Wednesday, July, 20, 2005 9:22 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:Could it have anything to do with the apathetic response to the news items posted the first time you did this? I posted it myself, so I know it took place. |
EDIT: Never mind. I figured out what you meant. I thought you were saying this had shown up on the news page at one time.
You meant Tron 2.0 Killer App related news received an apathetic response. Unfortunately, yes it seemed that way.
Hell, we are still only at 50 posts to get a second movie. |
Yes, and that's extremely sad.
You still have Admin powers, don't you? Why not mention that thread on the front page? I don't think it ever was. I'm sure it would help a lot.
Your petition has been around for quite a while and you are up to what, 20+ sigs? |
Not true.
I had a previous petition once, about a year ago. But due to stupidity and naivite on my part, the site I asked to keep it hosted . . . lost it. The current site can be trusted not to be so careless.
The way I went about it last time was a bad idea, and I took my lumps. (Still taking them now, I see.)
I created a new one just two days ago. It certainly has more than 20 sigs. You haven't even looked, have you?
I only brought it back because I see BVG totally abandoning this game. They don't even show you where to get the latest patch any more on the Tron 2.0 site. Which is absolutely ESSENTIAL to playing online. Without it, Multiplayer will not work for you.
BVG won't respond to 1,000, so you have little hope of success with them. |
You don't know that for certain. It's likely, yes. But not for certain.
I think the issue here is that YOU don't feel you are getting the attention you deserve, not TRON 2.0. |
Nothing could be further from the truth.
But please. Let's not go there. I could accuse you of the same thing. It wouldn't be fair or right. Let's not start this kind of discussion.
There's been plenty of TRON 2.0 news. |
Hmm, let's see. Except for the comic news, when was the last news item posted in the Tron 2.0 news section. November of 2004. Doesn't look like a lot of news to me, lately.
Don't blame TRON Sector for that one. You guys didn't make it accesible. |
Re: maps. That's not true either.
For a long time now, Boxhat has had the maps available to download in a very accessable manner. No log in required, maps bundled into packs, detailed descriptions. The problem is, everyone seems to ignore Boxhat for some reason.
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Jademz User
Posts: 0 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 1:13 AM
Is this a WB affiliate? (glam) jk. ok. I have many thanks to Redrain for his efforts.
He is passionate about the Tron community, as they are. The thing to do is encourage his hard work, because we have to support the community. I see no reason for your complaints Dave. I share some common goals with many people, and it's a shame to see your lack of generosity to something so quickly.
123. Jadem Sean Coxon January 15th, 2004 I bought this game, I quickly updated it, and have so far, given it approximately 3000 hours of play. Many here have put twice that, because it has unusual qualities. Since then, I have bought three other games, and dont desire to play them, and have instead bought 5 more Tron 2.0. The people here, are figures in a community who feel the good practices of business, are consummative to this game. The intentions among us is that you construe the aptitude of the Tron Community Developers Group. We use this game as a brown study, It has brought much delight, and has occupied much consideration among us. We are asking for the same quality.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 11:43 AM
Redrain has always had his own version of the facts, and I don't agree with him all of the time.
Admittedly, PGB was the site I tried to work with to get the maps that had the files screwed up beyond belief. Boxhat was not frieindly to the concept of the maps they had there being placed over here. I know, I was part of the conversations at the time. Perhaps things have changed?
I personally posted a News Article on the Petition the first time it existed on this site. If Redrain chooses not to remember it, that's not my problem, but it was advertised here at TS. Perhaps he's wanting a permanent banner on the main screen or something? Considering the huge sig banner on his notes, you'd think more people might have discovered it by now and signed?
Where there has been TRON 2.0 news, we have posted it. This isn't Reuters, it's a bunch of fans doing their damndest to keep fans informed of what little they know. We don't have reporters in the field. There isn't much news lately, so the lack of posts is fairly self explainatory.
I worked at BVG the first time his petition came to light. I took a copy to the heads of Marketing and PD and I got laughed out of the room. I tried to show people how passionate the TRON community, however small, was. Redrain seems to forget about all of that too. Nobody gave a damn at BVG outside of me and 1 or two others.
The fact is, TRON 2.0, the game, is DEAD. I spent a year working on the PC version making it the best game I could help it to be, and despite it's flaws and some poor choices at BVG I am proud of it. then BVG fucked up the Xbox version and the GBA did OK, but not great. Even the cel phone games did badly.
Unfortunately, it didn't get a long life in any form, and no amount of petitioning is going to give it one.
That's the fact of the gaming business that I work in. TRON 2.0 did not sell in any form, so it's dead.
Redrain. Normally I like you a lot, I really don't want this to change that, but you have got to face the facts. Unless you can muster thousands of signatures and get sales to increase for a title not even in stores in great number, your hopes are dead.
I really wish it were otherwise, but TRON 2.0, the game, is 2 years old and drawing it's final breaths. Maybe someday we'll get luck and get a TRON 3.0? I have some artwork for one design that was underway. I know the producer left BVG shortly after I did, so my guess is the title died.
We'd have better luck chanelling our efforts into getting a movie out of them, and that's a crap shoot at best.
Just to show you I'm not working against you, I just think you are tilting at windmills, I think you will notice something different on the news page.
As for your personal theories about me....byte me! DaveTRON
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:12 PM
Jademz Wrote: Is this a WB affiliate? (glam) jk. ok. I have many thanks to Redrain for his efforts.
He is passionate about the Tron community, as they are. The thing to do is encourage his hard work, because we have to support the community. I see no reason for your complaints Dave. I share some common goals with many people, and it's a shame to see your lack of generosity to something so quickly. |
Considering this is your first post EVER here on TS, perhaps you'd like to read back through some of the threads to consider how passionate I am about TRON. Redrain85 knows what I've done, but seems to choose to ignore it and act like he's the only living person who wasnts to see TRON live on. Horse hockey! perhaps before you pass your judgement on me you take a look at the history here on TS for some facts. My 'lack of generosity' is something you should come to see as an abundance of generosity over the past three years.
123. Jadem Sean Coxon January 15th, 2004 I bought this game, I quickly updated it, and have so far, given it approximately 3000 hours of play. Many here have put twice that, because it has unusual qualities. Since then, I have bought three other games, and dont desire to play them, and have instead bought 5 more Tron 2.0. The people here, are figures in a community who feel the good practices of business, are consummative to this game. The intentions among us is that you construe the aptitude of the Tron Community Developers Group. We use this game as a brown study, It has brought much delight, and has occupied much consideration among us. We are asking for the same quality. |
Huh? Great, you bought and played the game for 3,000 hours. That's excellent. Did you convince anyone else to buy it?
I worked on that game for over a year of my life only to watch it get bootlegged the day it was released. To see more people on the servers than had actually bought copies of the game. To see Marketing dollars get wasted on stupid things. To see opportunities to do add-ons passed over. I was there.
You don't know me, so I suggest that before you decide what I am all about with your very first post on TS, I suggest you get clear on whom you are talking to. I have done more than most people on this site to make TRON 2.0 work.
I am sorry I don't think the petition will work, but I really do hope Redrain85 proves me wrong. It would be nice to hear his say 'I told ya so.' Time will tell.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion DaveTRON
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:14 PM
redrain85 Wrote:
DaveTRON Wrote:Could it have anything to do with the apathetic response to the news items posted the first time you did this? I posted it myself, so I know it took place. | EDIT: Never mind. I figured out what you meant. I thought you were saying this had shown up on the news page at one time.
You meant Tron 2.0 Killer App related news received an apathetic response. Unfortunately, yes it seemed that way.
No, I meant the first time we posted something about your petition here at TS on the NEWS page, there was minimal response at best.
Sadly, your misinterpretation is also correct. People have never seemed to care much about the news, instead preferring to talk about anything but TRON, but that's another subject.
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0? on Thursday, July, 21, 2005 12:15 PM
The funny thing is even good sales doesn't gaurantee a sequel. Duke Nukem 3D did FANTASTIC... and where's the sequel to that?
The video game business is an interesting one, from what I can tell. I haven't worked in the industry but it seems to me that studios come and go in the blink of an eye, and developers rarely stay in one place for any length of time.
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