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Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:28 PM
KiaPurity Wrote:On a note, not to be a pervert, but I was kind of ... wtfing at Clu randomly playing with a pair of balls during the disc battle (Rinzler and Sam)

(And those balls were never shown again in the movie so I'm not sure if they were specifically for the disc arena or his method of controlling Rinzler o_O)

I have baoding balls at home and they're great exercise for blood circulation for hands and increasing finger strength. It helps with my fencing, typing and writing .

Moreover, I think it was used for control over Rinzler OR it was to show Clu making a meditative decision on what to judge on.

So you have Clu using meditation balls and Flynn using Buddhism. Clu using two balls for duality like a Chinese Emperor would.


Posts: 31
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:41 PM
I noticed on other sites, T:L seems to be getting slammed quite a bit, and I don't really understand it. Most everyone was all so gung ho about the flick and how they couldn't wait for and how much they loved the original. DId they forget the pacing and story of the original? TRON is in my top 5 fave movies ever, but even I will admit it's no profound, Oscar worthy experience. It [b[IS an excellent, exciting Saturday matinee flick that you can watch over and over again, and that, for me, is what T:L is, for the most part The story isn't any worse, action any less or acting any weaker than the original. There is no way any film could have met 28 years worth of imaginitive expectations. If people just relax and enjoy it for what it is, they'll come to appreciate it as they did the original.

A couple questions though:
1. Did anyone else notice a problem with the sound mix? There were times I couldn't hear dialogue over the LFE. During the light cycle start, one of the programs says something to the effect that 'Their bikes are faster. We need to use our" and I didn't hear what the hell he said. That happened more than a few times.
2. After Kevin had his disc taken, when they're watching CLU address his guards, he has an identity disc on his back. Where did that come from? Also when Sam battles Rinzler, when Sam throws his disc and Rinzler drops and holds onto the platform, I never saw the disc come back to Sam, yet he had both his and his dad's after the fight.
3. Was Castor/Zuse worthless as a character, or is it just me. I mean there could have been any number of other plot devices used to get Sam into the city, why use a guy for 5 minutes? And what is the history with him and Quorra? There seemed like a lot of information was trimmed for this theatrical cut. There has to be something missing.
4. Why pick lame instances to recycle TRON lines? 'Big door', "in the wrists', 'I fight for the users' were great for nostalgia, but seemed contrived. Although, instead of offering Alan a beer, Sam should have made him some popcorn.
5. Anyone want more motivation for what CLU was doing? More deleted scences, hopefully.
6. Why did the opening titles list the film (and the audio of many TV spots) as TRON (no Legacy)? Seems disrespectful to the original.
7. Did anyone else see the jet battle as a contrived rip-off of SW EP IV when Luke mans the turret?

I absolutely loved the decision to have Kevin, though physcailly aged, still have the mind, emotions and vocabulary of a 30 year old from the 80's. Maybe offputting to the younger generation, but highly effective. I also liked the Wizard of Oz'ish 2D-3D transition. Quorra was an excellent character. I think the score was more effective than on it's own, but it still felt repetative in parts. I did notice some music that was not included on the score release that was pretty good. Still, not as good as Carlos' work on the first film.

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Posts: 416
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:34 PM
i86time Wrote:
6. Why did the opening titles list the film (and the audio of many TV spots) as TRON (no Legacy)? Seems disrespectful to the original.

I thought I only saw just TRON in that sequence also, but I attributed it to not being able to see clearly because the 3d glasses kept slipping down over my regular glasses. So there wasn't Legacy under it after all.


Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:37 PM
Imbroglio Wrote:
i86time Wrote:
6. Why did the opening titles list the film (and the audio of many TV spots) as TRON (no Legacy)? Seems disrespectful to the original.

I thought I only saw just TRON in that sequence also, but I attributed it to not being able to see clearly because the 3d glasses kept slipping down over my regular glasses. So there wasn't Legacy under it after all.

I noticed that too, however it was listed in the credits as "Tron: Legacy".

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 4,349
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:00 PM
i86time Wrote:A couple questions though:
1. Did anyone else notice a problem with the sound mix? There were times I couldn't hear dialogue over the LFE. During the light cycle start, one of the programs says something to the effect that 'Their bikes are faster. We need to use our" and I didn't hear what the hell he said. That happened more than a few times.

Yes, but it did not seem that bad to me.

2. After Kevin had his disc taken, when they're watching CLU address his guards, he has an identity disc on his back. Where did that come from? Also when Sam battles Rinzler, when Sam throws his disc and Rinzler drops and holds onto the platform, I never saw the disc come back to Sam, yet he had both his and his dad's after the fight.

His disc does come back, you can see it curving around in the blurred out background.

3. Was Castor/Zuse worthless as a character, or is it just me. I mean there could have been any number of other plot devices used to get Sam into the city, why use a guy for 5 minutes? And what is the history with him and Quorra? There seemed like a lot of information was trimmed for this theatrical cut. There has to be something missing.
4. Why pick lame instances to recycle TRON lines? 'Big door', "in the wrists', 'I fight for the users' were great for nostalgia, but seemed contrived. Although, instead of offering Alan a beer, Sam should have made him some popcorn.

Tron Evolution explains Quorra and Zuse's relationship. They just know each other.

5. Anyone want more motivation for what CLU was doing? More deleted scences, hopefully.

Tron Betrayal and Tron Evolution explain this in more detail. Kevin told Clu that he was to create the perfect system. However, since CLU is a programmed to be a direct clone of Kevin Flynn at the time Kevin Flynn created him. As such, CLU cannot have any personality changes or change his perspective on anything because he is programmed to be exactly like Flynn at the time he was created.

6. Why did the opening titles list the film (and the audio of many TV spots) as TRON (no Legacy)? Seems disrespectful to the original.

I don't think that (design-wise) Legacy could have fit under the TRON logo in the opening titles. Otherwise, it was probably just there to induce nostalgia.

7. Did anyone else see the jet battle as a contrived rip-off of SW EP IV when Luke mans the turret?


As far as gripes go for me, I honestly wish that the digitizing sequence was longer. That's about it, though.

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Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:04 PM
I agree with the longer digital sequence-- it'd make more sense for Sam to freak out. I thought it was a little too quick, more like "Huh? Did something bit me?" reaction would work for a quick digitalization. x_x

But yeah, i also agree about the "Tron" title trying to evoke that familiar feeling only when I saw it, it felt like I was being dragged through the O in the logo. x_Xwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:07 PM
Perhaps having only Tron in the title was a nod to Star Wars--in all Star Wars flicks, that's the main title (acknowledging, of course, that the secondary title appears as the episode heading of the scrawl).

Regarding the balls that Clu rolls during the disc battle--I think that was how he controlled the orientation and gravity of the arena. The camera focuses on him reversing direction when the orientation flip-flops.

Regarding comments about how certain scenes are "rip-offs" of other movies--I look at scenes like the lightjet fight (which I thought was spectacular) as being homages rather than ripoffs. If it were a ripoff, then all you would have seen would be a ship being chased and a gunner shooting at the enemy ships. This scene had dangerous light trails, treacherous terrain, cool maneuvers, and of course, amazing visuals. I wonder who also considers Flynn's safehouse a "rip-off" of 2001; Kosinski himself referred to it as an homage.

And I would say that the recycled lines from the original Tron are used much better than "I've got a bad feeling about this."


Posts: 31
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:27 PM
TRON.dll Wrote:Tron Evolution explains Quorra and Zuse's relationship. They just know each other.

Ahhh. I don't have a 360 or PS3. It seems weird that if they just knew each other, she would be willing to send Sam to him.

Tron Betrayal and Tron Evolution explain this in more detail. Kevin told Clu that he was to create the perfect system. However, since CLU is a programmed to be a direct clone of Kevin Flynn at the time Kevin Flynn created him. As such, CLU cannot have any personality changes or change his perspective on anything because he is programmed to be exactly like Flynn at the time he was created.

I have Betrayal, but purposefully did not crack it open before seeing the film. I'll read it this weekend. What you said was made fairly clear in the film. I'm just wondering why CLU thought ISO's were imperfect and needed to be removed and why certain programs were repurposed and others were allowed to continue unaltered.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 241
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:32 PM
i86time Wrote:

I have Betrayal, but purposefully did not crack it open before seeing the film. I'll read it this weekend. What you said was made fairly clear in the film. I'm just wondering why CLU thought ISO's were imperfect and needed to be removed and why certain programs were repurposed and others were allowed to continue unaltered.

tron betrayal also explains that there were grid bugs tearing the grid apart and that clu said they are from the isos appearance on the grid so that he wanted to remove the isos to remove the grid bugs, flynn tells him no because of his interest in the miracle of the isos, this further pushes clu to the edge


Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:34 PM
BigbadMCP Wrote:Regarding comments about how certain scenes are "rip-offs" of other movies--I look at scenes like the lightjet fight (which I thought was spectacular) as being homages rather than ripoffs. If it were a ripoff, then all you would have seen would be a ship being chased and a gunner shooting at the enemy ships. This scene had dangerous light trails, treacherous terrain, cool maneuvers, and of course, amazing visuals. I wonder who also considers Flynn's safehouse a "rip-off" of 2001; Kosinski himself referred to it as an homage.

The light jet seqence reminded me of the many "flight combat simulators" I have played or perhaps the arcade game "Red Baron".

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 10:44 PM
BigbadMCP Wrote:
Regarding the balls that Clu rolls during the disc battle--I think that was how he controlled the orientation and gravity of the arena. The camera focuses on him reversing direction when the orientation flip-flops.

That makes a lot of sense, but I think he used them as meditation in contrast to Flynn's Buddhist practice of meditation as well.


Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 11:45 PM
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:
BigbadMCP Wrote:
Regarding the balls that Clu rolls during the disc battle--I think that was how he controlled the orientation and gravity of the arena. The camera focuses on him reversing direction when the orientation flip-flops.

That makes a lot of sense, but I think he used them as meditation in contrast to Flynn's Buddhist practice of meditation as well.

Interesting point. The whole theme of parallels is a favorite of the TV series Lost, which is also evident in TL, given the pedigree of the writers.


Posts: 80
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 12:46 AM
KiaPurity Wrote:
My problem is that the way they ended things in the movie-- it feels like it was an excuse to kill Kevin Flynn off so they don't have to bother with him in a sequel.

Ah, F^*#!, I wish I hadn't read that. Thanks alot. The f'n post says impressions, not spoilers. Again, thanks alot.

( Even though I did make this prediction, I would have preferred to have come to that knowledge by actually watching the movie.)

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 1:11 AM
Murdock.dat Wrote:
KiaPurity Wrote:
My problem is that the way they ended things in the movie-- it feels like it was an excuse to kill Kevin Flynn off so they don't have to bother with him in a sequel.

Ah, F^*#!, I wish I hadn't read that. Thanks alot. The f'n post says impressions, not spoilers. Again, thanks alot.

( Even though I did make this prediction, I would have preferred to have come to that knowledge by actually watching the movie.)

C'mon, man! Even just casually checking out a fan forum for a movie is asking to get spoiled! But even if you know one of the outcomes of the movie, the ride is well worth it!


Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 1:15 AM
Murdock.dat Wrote:
KiaPurity Wrote:
My problem is that the way they ended things in the movie-- it feels like it was an excuse to kill Kevin Flynn off so they don't have to bother with him in a sequel.

Ah, F^*#!, I wish I hadn't read that. Thanks alot. The f'n post says impressions, not spoilers. Again, thanks alot.

( Even though I did make this prediction, I would have preferred to have come to that knowledge by actually watching the movie.)

Dude.....C'mon....Admit it, you had a feeling this would happen and though upsetting, you will still shell out money to see the film because you still dont know how "it" happens. order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 4,349
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 3:19 AM
Tron Unit Wrote:Flynn Lives. Sam uploaded him to that flash drive hanging around his neck.

I assumed he downloaded Tron to it..

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

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XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 3:23 AM
I think pretty much all the remaining files, programs and such from "the grid" was transfered to Sam's memory card.

Hopefully in the sequel (which I pray one is made) that Sam will upload all the data to a secure, modern server at Encom. Perhaps find a way to re-compile all the code that makes up Flynn. maybe the sequel can be titled " Tron: Rebirth "...where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 241
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 3:45 AM
I think its the whole grid he downloaded. If u notice when he leaves he kills the power switch on the breaker box but all the games and sign outside still are on. So I think he downloaded the grid and then just killed the power to flynns computer in his office since there is no use for it now and if we see a third movie he will have just uploaded the files to a new system


Posts: 88
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 3:58 AM
My impressions. Bare in mind that like many others here I've been a Tron fan for as long as I can remember and have been dying for a sequel for 20+ years.

The Good:

1. The visuals completely blew me away. I think it's far to say that will be the opinion of everyone who sees it, hate it or love it. They did a superlative job, especially with the action scenes, and I tip my hat to them.

2. The story was great. At first I thought that it would be better to expand into a modern computer system networked or on the internet, but the fact that it was done on Flynn's own server as his "playground" was an excellent idea. I love the way that the villain was fleshed out, and I enjoyed the father/son bits.

3. The nods. There were so many great nods to the original movie, and it was done in a way that fully satisfied our inner fan without seeming like it was there "just because". I love the fact that the Tron movie and arcade games were made because of Flynn, as if it had actually happened. My inner nerd loved "That's a big door" a lot, and my friends, who hadn't seen the movie in a long time, looked at me like I was some weirdo, but that's perfectly fine.

4. Olivia Wilde, Jeff Bridges, and Michael Sheen. They all knocked their performances out of the park, especially Jeff Bridges. Old Flynn acted and sounded just like one would expect him to after being stuck in a computer for 200+ of our years (according to the director in an interview anyway), CLU was voiced very well and it sounds to me like Jeff really did his best to sound younger when playing him and young Flynn. Castor/Zuse was also very interesting, though it's a shame he didn't get much screen time. I would've loved to get some more backstory on him. Quorra was always interesting to see on screen, and not just because she was smoking hot. Her curious, innocent nature was nice.

5. The Grid. Heavily detailed, and phenomenally done. The whole time I was watching, I kept thinking about all of the interesting things this digital world has that would be interesting to discover. There's so much potential to be had, not just in future movies, but in video games as well, to see what else The Grid has to offer.

6. The music. Daft Punk absolutely nailed it. I enjoyed the soundtrack on its own, but as I expected, watching the movie with it made it make perfect sense, and much more enjoyable. Easily the best soundtrack for a movie in a very long time. It's even better in IMAX surround. I picked up lots of other little details listening to it this way that you can't pick up on the CD, especially the intro and end credits. This music demands to be released in a high resolution format in surround! Crappy ol' CD stereo/mp3s just doesn't cut it.

The Okay:

1. CGI Bridges. I can't fault the filmmakers too much just because the technology just isn't there yet. They gave it their best effort, and it didn't detract from the movie too much, but the de-aged Bridges just wasn't convincing for me. The biggest issue is with his mouth. The way that it moves is just too smooth and perfect, not like it does with real people with our subtle, somewhat jerky muscle movements. His skin also had a somewhat waxy tone to it.

2. The camera. There were times in the movie where I really wished the camera would just zoom out a bit and slow down so I could take in the scenery and the action better. Sometimes there's so much going on in such a narrow view that I felt like I was missing a lot, especially during the End of Line Club fight and the first Disc Battle.

It reminded me a bit of some of the fighting from Batman Begins where all you can see is a flurry of action but you have no clue what's going on (though it's not as bad in Tron: Legacy).

3. The costumes. I'm one of those who wished they had stayed with a more detailed look like in the first movie, but after seeing Sam, Quorra, and especially CLU in action, it wasn't too bad. It seemed to fit the look of the movie well. However, there were others that just seemed too real and "human" for the Grid. Gem wearing a regular see through rain coat? Random programs wearing stuff from The Matrix but with a glowy line or two? It took me out of the feel of the movie a bit. One could say that The Grid evolved enough that programs developed some fashion sense, but why would they need or want to?

4. The lack of color variety. The first movie, both in the characters and in the world, had a lot of color in it, even if it was heavily dominated by certain ones. There were blue, red, yellow, and green programs (though most were blue and red), and the world had a lot of shaded color to go along with the glowing outlines (as you can see right here on this site). The Grid in TL and the programs inside it consisted of only two colors: very light blue and yellowish orange. The lack of color variety gave me some level of "Grid fatigue" as the movie progressed and I was hoping to see some more variety to spice things up.

5. Not enough Tron: In a sense you do get plenty of him as Rinzler, but not as his true self. It was nice to see him in the flashback, but at the end of the movie where he regains himself and stops CLU, you're left wondering why the filmmakers saw fit to just let him sink in digital water and just end it there. It didn't seem fair to the character, who the movie is named after, to do something like that. Its like he's an afterthought.

6. Flynn getting killed off (maybe). It sure looked like it, but they may pull off some sort of twist in a sequel. Anyways, I'm torn on the idea. It definitely made for a less predictable ending, but I would've preferred seeing him brought back to the real world to take back Encom and blow everyone's minds. I think that it's just a shame to kill the character off when much more could've been done with him in future sequels, should they ever come to pass.

7. The pacing. There were times in the film where I felt it should've taken more time for a scene, and others where it took too much, making the film's ebb and flow feel awkward.

The Bad:

1. Garrett Hedlund. I was very disappointed by his acting as the lead as it seemed to borrow the same wooden, stilted, awkward "Mannequin Skywalker" method of acting for this role. His character lacked personality (even though there looked to be some shades of it in the beginning before he gets sucked in), and by the middle of the movie it's like he was on auto pilot. Not only was it not entertaining to watch, but it seemed totally out of place for a guy who just got sucked into a computer world, found his dad after not seeing him for 20 years, and has a younger digital version of his dad looking to derez the hell out of him. It's like he just ho-hummed through it all, even in the end when he should've emoted like hell.

2. The ending: I'm not so much troubled by how it ended as to how short the ending was. They did the same thing in the first one and to this day it's bothered me. Just showing a very brief chat with Alan and some motorcycle riding was not at all adequate.

3. No "digital transition" animation: This one is obviously minor in the whole scope of the movie, but what's one of the most memorable moments in the first movie? The animation as Flynn is being digitized, and his journey through the system before he becomes a program. In Legacy, Sam is just zapped, and it's over in the blink of an eye. Not only was that very disappointing, but the fact that a recent South Park episode put more effort into it than they did was just sad.

Anyways, overall, I really liked the movie, though I feel it could've been better. It definitely fufilled it's role in "scratching the itch" for the sequel we've all been waiting forever for, and I the good stuff is so good that, if you're open and willing enough, you can look past the mediocre to bad stuff and enjoy it.

Here's hoping the sequel improves on the imperfections of this one.

ed keefe

Posts: 143
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 4:23 AM
So very disappointed, maybe I just expected too much after seeing the initial teaser back in 2008, the lightcycle sequence was much better and the environment had much more atmosphere. The final part with the solar sail ship was dull as was much of the movie. As the credits rolled the only word that came to mind was 'Lame'. .... Life forms that exist in the 'real world' what were they thinking of?? The vehicles are also disappointing, Syd Mead's still rule for me and whilst the original Recognizer was never brilliant, it is in comparison to the new one.

As for the night club scene.....agggghhhhhhhhh cringe .... and what was with the lift..... it's the digital world with gravity defying vehicles..........

So thank you Hollywood for another kung fu action movie, only this time it has some glowing lights....... Oh I want to cry!

I'll still bye the DVD when it comes out and maybe I'll change my mind, but I doubt it.
Anyway I'm going to watch TRON, with the real ground breaking environments, vehicles and sound effects.

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!