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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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Posts: 73
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:12 PM
OK here are my thoughts, which are pretty much in line with Laserjock's post a page back or so. I saw it at midnight in a local theater, no IMAX but in 3D.

Let me preface my reviews with this: SPOILERS!

I really enjoyed the movie - it was entertaining which is important. The Disk Wars and light-cycle sequences were absolutely perfect. I liked it much more than AVATAR as it wasn't a condescending film and they had some good ideas. The movie didn't ignite my imagination as much as the original but I was a kid then so who knows.

Why don't people get the ISO's? They are a new form of life that sprung from code and that's why they were significant, as was the fact that the less advanced computer programs massacred them. In that sense it's a little aspect from Star Trek, seeking out new life(which is something they don't bother to usually do in Trek films). I thought it was pretty clear what they entailed but I guess it wasn't for most people.

I liked the references to TRON peppered throughout but you also have to be careful to not overdo it - they needed to focus a little more on creating some iconic dialogue of their own. It would have been nice if Bit(s) was in it - I imagine that Castor's character could have played well with a Bit by his side. Even if Flynn or Quorra had one, it could have been a nice touch and helped with the humor which was a little flat at times. No one really laughed at all in the theater I was at even at the parts which were humorous.

One thing I guess I also desired was to see some new, imaginative ideas tried out. The original gave us a lot to chew on with tanks, recognizers, carriers, bits, disk wars, light-cycles, the MCP, the solar sailor, etc. Sure TL did give us light jets and a light car but it seems to me that there is more they could have done.

I do think that they should have started showing Tron's face after it was "revealed" who Rinzler really was. I'm guessing the director was too afraid to try that out since the effect with Clu didn't work out exactly as planned. It would have been much better to show him anyways. I do like how Tron is a more advanced fighter than ever and I think that we will see him in the next one, if Disney decides to do another, which I hope they do. I also hope that Sam restores Flynn's and has that arcade rocking again.

I also was hoping for a big disc battle at the end. That was a letdown as well, I expected Rinzler/TRON vs Clu. The fact that they didn't do that doesn't really make sense - you could have had Tron defeat him but end up falling into the Sea of Simulation so we're not sure what happens to him and Kevin F. sacrificing himself to join up with a dying Clu anyways. That would have been better in the end, IMO.

Not been a fan of Daft Punk before but I am certainly a fan of their soundtrack. That really helped the movie in many ways.

I will go and see it again - it's fun and epic. I hope it does well enough for Disney to go ahead with a sequel and not shelve it for another 30 years. They could have done worse(much much worse in fact - as far as reboot films goes, TL is quite good) but they could have done better and honestly for being the first film that the director has done I think he did an amazing job with the lack of experience.

Games? You want games, I'll give you games...

Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:21 PM
Deadly Disks Wrote:
toasteroven Wrote:We left all grins. I am planning on returning a few more times. It's an epic film. Better than last year's Star Trek.

Take your mouth off of the bong and step away from the Marry Jane. I am a big Tron fan, but in a showdown between TL and the 2009 Trek, I'd give the gold to Trek in a heartbeat.

I think you might be comparing eye candy, and in that case, TL does stand to edge Trek out, but ONLY in that category alone.

LOL....That's Mary Jane dude.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 108
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:36 PM
flotilla Wrote:
Deadly Disks Wrote:
To each his own, my friend.

I liked Legacy, but I can see past the visuals, and think beyond knee-jerk "WOWIEE ZOWEE I LOVED IT" kinda of reactions. Legacy has strong visuals, excellent design, a blah main character (Sam), and a reasonably satisfying father/son vibe going that is no where as dynamic and entertaining as the Kirk/Spock/McCoy one. Clu is an interesting yet uninventive villain in the same vein as Trek's Nero--a simple foil to keep the plot moving along."

It's good to see that someone actually understands the bad points of Tron Legacy. Reading all the positive reviews here it almost feels like everyone is brainwashed or something. Yes, Tron Legacy has some great parts, but as a whole it is close to Fail.

Legacy has an amazing soundtrack and some very stunning visuals, but it does suffer from a very bad plot breakdown and is also very boring in many parts of the movie. I have seen the original Tron more than 300 times and I can honestly say I will not be watching Tron Legacy anywhere near that number, in fact, the number would be less than 3 or 4. I'm sure I'll watch it at least once or twice on bluray, but it just is not that great of a movie, and that is coming from someone who is an absolute fan of the original.

What you should understand is that it is all personal opinion. There is no brainwashing, nor is it definitively "close to Fail". Whether or not it's a great movie, again, is based on the individual viewer's perspective. This is your opinion, and because others aren't of the same mind it doesn't mean they're delusional. It's how they feel and I wouldn't slight them for that. Yeah, the negatives are there and I acknowledge them, but who's to say the negatives can ruin the positives?

I'm glad you enjoyed it (what little you did, it seems), but others love it. There's nothing wrong with that, just as much as there's nothing wrong with people who completely trash it.


Posts: 47
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:39 PM
Carcarius Wrote:
Mutant_Pie Wrote:The reviews are not positive. Several of the reviewers have tried to be positive, and are struggling. I wish they would have saved the money that they spent on the ARG and made a better movie.
Dude, watch the movie and form your own opinions. Most of the critics are jaded from watching 100's of movies a year.

No, the critics are actually getting it right for once. Tron Legacy is not a strong film and it has many issues and the critics are calling the issue out.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 324
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:52 PM
It would have been nice if Bit(s) was in it - I imagine that Castor's character could have played well with a Bit by his side.

The Bits were in it. In Kevin Flynn's layer, Clu picks one up and looks at it. It is a neutral bit.


Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:01 PM
c1 Wrote:
It would have been nice if Bit(s) was in it - I imagine that Castor's character could have played well with a Bit by his side.

The Bits were in it. In Kevin Flynn's layer, Clu picks one up and looks at it. It is a neutral bit.

What's more amusing is when Clu touches the bit as a throwback to the old days when Clu 1.0 and Bit used to be together, a loud crashing noise reveals Jarvis, the advanced Bit, knocking items off the table looking like a bumbling fool. It was picture perfect as I uttered "Jarvis, you idiot" shaking my head. LOL. Frain acted perfectly right there.

And Clu's probably thinking "I should've fired Jarvis for a better Bit".


Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:05 PM
FlynnsWrist Wrote:
Quicksort Wrote:So I saw this two days ago on opening day in Australia.

A little background about myself: I saw the trailer to Tron back in '82 and while the shot of the MCP freaked me out (I was four), the concept stayed with me. I saw the film in '85 and was programming on a TRS-80 CoCo2 by '86.

I'm now a computer science student doing research into data mining and evolutionary computation. In the last 12 months in particular, I've been fascinated by the ability to "evolve" solutions using natural selection, memetic algorithms, etc. Fascinating stuff.

To see Tron: Legacy and realise that, hey, they're talking about guys like me! Well, that was a pretty big buzz. The first film inspired me. The second film told me I'd arrived at my destination. Wow.

Now let me expound upon the idea of ISOs a little bit. I really need to see the film again, but my understanding is this: Everything from here on may be spoiler-ish.

ISOs are essentially new, totally conscious lifeforms spontaneously generated as an emergent property of the system. This runs in total opposition to both dualism and much of religious dogma, because it implies that consciousness emerges from the brain and is a totally natural phenomenon. It also shuts down creationism (as do genetic algorithms (GAs) in general) since it demonstrates the viability of natural selection. Finally, it demands a completely new way of thinking about our place in the universe, since conscious life can spring forth from any sufficiently complex system, even in cyberspace.

Now the thing about GAs is, they're stochastic. They're not deterministic like traditional algorithms, so each run will produce different results. But that's their beauty and also their source of power. Rather than building a system that searches a space very methodically, you're creating a population of candidate solutions that breed and mutate over generations, and you can't predict the pattern of evolution at all, except to say it moves towards optimisation over time.

CLU interprets this stochastic behaviour as chaos and an aesthetic blight. It's antithetical to the clean, sharply-defined lines of determinism. The ISOs are like weeds springing-up in a hedge-maze. Genocide is the answer to this problem.

But I can't recall whose disc CLU was after. Was it Flynn's? If so, presumably has the necessary code for program-to-human mapping, which he needed to become a Real Little Boy. Presumably he'd appear in the real world with some cronies before setting-up a larger facility for inter-world transport. I doubt he was planning on zapping the whole carrier through. Or did he actually say that?

you sir are genuinely up there with the ethos and mythos of the movie theme. Thanks for explaining, I am beginning to understand and appreciate the movie more and why the whole grid was more systematic and less vibrantly coloured than the encom one. It made sense now as CLU desired control, a corrupt part of flynns character? dualism?

Just got the sound track and it really grows on me. beautiful. To add, I notice the ISOs tattoo to be somehwat interesting. like an "OI-" a mutated binary code where the "I" had a middle dash "-" perhaps saying that electrical impulses have 3 directions than just a linear current stream. Ok, i flunked at electrical engineering but thats what gave me the impression.

No the ISO tatoo is a stylistic representation of the male and female symbols we have in our world. Males have a Hexagon with a cross and Females have a Hexagon with an arrow. Get it?

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:07 PM
c1 Wrote:I thought overall the film was excellent.

I appreciated the references to the first film, it was a great touch. I am not a fan at all of Daft Punk but I thought the soundtrack was extremely interesting and really helped pace the movie. I also enjoyed how the whole movie was not 3D, they used it where it was necessary and that was it. Also did anyone notice Lisberger as the bartender?

One thing that REALLY bothered me is this:Why does Sam and Bruce drink a beer and then he rides off on his motorcycle. Does anyone see who wrong this is? Is Coors the only product placement here? Why not drink a Coke Zero and take off? It is PG after all.

Battle scenes could be longer. And darn it I wanted to see more light tanks!

Also I think that Legacy was VERY similar to the first one. Some games and battle scenes in the beginning. Then middle part, and then finale they are on the Solar Sailer again and get back to the real world.

Also, when Sam gets into the Tron World, he is seen coming out of Flynn's Arcade. At the end to get back to the real world he takes the Solar Sailer. Why can't he go back the same way he came in?

I think Clu's forces were too numerous to patrol that city block with Flynn's arcade to really sneak back into. Besides, I don't think the Shiva laser was in there to return back. If I'm not mistake, the comic never explains how Flynn returns but shows an I/O Tower that he travels back and forth with.

I suspect Marvel is at fault for not communicating well with Disney on getting the details right. To be honest, Marvel's editing staff's ability to get things right is questionable. About 20 years ago, they were pretty 'iron clad' about it, but today, they got a bit lazy :/.


Posts: 416
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:21 PM
laserjock Wrote:
  • The idea of Clu "invading" the real world with an army of 10,000 armed with Bo staffs is ludicrous. I think the National Guard could handle that. It would have been better to use the Internet angle; they would somehow connect to the Internet and attack/invade cyberspace which would be far more effective/dangerous.

  • IIRC the Liseberger script for the Tron sequel was based upon the invasion and disruption of the internet by a malicious progam.


    Posts: 354
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:24 PM
    c1 Wrote:
    It would have been nice if Bit(s) was in it - I imagine that Castor's character could have played well with a Bit by his side.

    The Bits were in it. In Kevin Flynn's layer, Clu picks one up and looks at it. It is a neutral bit.

    Bit was also in the fireworks during the game scenes, in more then just bit's neutral state.

    And I finally saw the movie too, last night. I thought it was good, but would have been better in 3d instead of 2d the theatre I was at was showing it in. That is my main gripe, other ones are very minimal due to the fact I haven't read the comic or played the games yet.

    Also, to those complaining about how the movie was on the costume lighting, programs involvement and such, don't forget that this was on SEPRATE system that Kevin Himself made. It wasn't fully modeled after the Tron, Encom system we all had grown to love, but after what KEVIN thought the perfect system would look like to him.

    Just thought I would at least say that on that portion of the topic. where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


    Posts: 184
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 3:32 PM
    Saw it in IMAX 3D last night in a packed theatre in the mall....

    Obviously, there could have been more things include in the plot that could have made more reference to the original or other technical details.

    However, I was satisfied with what i saw. Maybe an extended edition DVD/Blu-Ray can come out of this? Please Disney on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online

    Kapa One-Eko

    Posts: 20
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 4:32 PM
    Euphemizm Wrote:Digital Domain had a private company screening on Thursday night in Westwood CA, at the Bruin Theatre.

    It was screened imax 3d. Since it was a private screening we didn't have any trailers for other movies. The curtain went up and Tron Legacy began.

    For me the next two hours sailed by. Nothing but solid fun and thrills.

    Even though I had seen the movie multiple times in shredded up clips and edits and multiple "dailies" at Digital Domain. The movie surprised me as the final product had the final mixed Daft Punk score, the neat voice effects, and the edits were really tight as opposed to the full length "heads and tails" shots we saw regularly.

    Though even I had critique of the script in certain parts throughout the movie's production it was really because I wanted certain things to be expanded on more instead of brushed over. The general consensus being that maybe getting too heavy on explaining the science would draw out even more exposition and even more stuff for people to try and connect logically.

    I noticed a few scenes we had worked on with dialogue ended up on the cutting room floor. There is a scene when Quorra and Sam get on the elevator to go up to see Flynn from the light runner garage. In the final movie the platform raises and we are quickly in the safehouse. In the raw cut there is a conversation for a few moments before they reach the room level. Sam says something along the lines of "before the kidnap" and Quorra responds "You mean, rescue" then Sam says "I had it all under control".... Quorra just staring for a sec responds.. "...clearly"... in a disbelieving smile. Then they reach the safehouse room level where the final movie cut continued.

    There was a little bit of a different ending in the early original script which I can not post here as it is covered in the NDA even post movie release and might be used in the next movie. Though if not I'll be happy to expand on it. Be here in a few years. Though the current ending is pretty nice. I do wish Tron and Clu would have faced off but... like I said... maybe they wanted to.... well... nevermind.

    All in all in the Digital Domain screening there was lots of laughs and cheers.

    My main problem with the current movie is that Clu doesn't get a chance to really deal out ruthlessness to any challenging characters. He is always killing helpless characters and in the end I think if we had seen Clu in the disc game with a one on one with a really bad @$$ challenger and easily dispatching him it may have helped. I just wanted to see him show the audience more of why we should fear him. There are small moments here and there that show ruthlessness but nothing on the level of the teaser trailer where the one on one with the other grid warrior on the light cycles gives us a glimpse of that dark side.

    Yet, all in all what the movie does do is provide lots of laughs and thrills.

    Quorra - "MADE IT"!
    Flynn - 'You're messing with my zen thing man".
    Sam - "Hey, its got a zipper"
    Clu - "Game on old friend".
    Castor - Pretty much every time the guy talks its a great quote.

    I loved even the real world sequence. Some critics with thier own ADD syndrome can't stand a movie that doesn't "get right to it" and if it does then there "was little development". Can't please these @-holes.


    The opening title narrative to the house in 1989.
    The encom break in with the big door, the cute dog hack.
    Sams killer apartment storage unit and the visit with Bradley.
    The old arcade and the old 80s computer sounds in the hidden room with the hard drives chattering away.

    Once in the grid is is just non-stop fun for me. I am sorry but the movie felt like it was 23 minutes long. It was over too fast for me. I was like.... jeez it just started... even though I knew all the scenes coming and in order... the movie just zips by for me.

    Yes there are some fridge logic points in the science but with a little imagination you can figure it out on your own.

    At lunch today we discussed some details

    Whats up with the pig and vegetables at dinner on the grid? Well, I figured a few points for that.

    Remember, that in the Grid, time is exponential. If you spend a day in the grid it will be seconds in the real world. The entire first movie of Tron goes by and only a few seconds had passed in the real world. Well, Flynn had been in the Grid for around 1000 grid years (20 real world years) by the time Sam shows up. This is why his personality is a little off. He used zen meditation to keep himself from going koo-koo. In the meantime you might miss certain things you did in the real world. So why couldn't he invent software that replicated the eating experience and possibly program the taste of certain foods in there. This is probably a more practical explanation of the dinner scene then any "why is there food in a computer" kind of question can answer.

    I too wonder if the Rectifier could be delivered through the portal. There never was an explanation for this even behind the scenes. There was a little explanation for how Quorra gets into the real world though. Normally people (users) need to have their particles suspended in the laser while they are in the grid. These particles would be reassembled when they leave the grid. Initially the reason why Clu wanted Flynns disc was not only because it was a power source and key for many of the execution codes for constructing things on the grid (buildings, programs, vehicles) but it had the key ID for allowing the particles suspended in the beam to be reassembled into the real world.

    CLU wanted the disc because he could use Flynns particles to allow himself to be constructed in the real world from Flynn's particles in the beam, after all he is a clone of Flynn. The disc would see this ID and assemble him in the real world. Well, this is why Flynn asks Quorra in the lightjet to swap discs with him. He wants her to be assembled in the real world. The miracle. Genetic code that assembled itself and became self aware on the grid due to the complexity of what originally would be considered a software bug.. a virus. The computer holding data complex enough to replicate a thinking mind on the grid having these imprints on it then becoming self aware.

    This explanation becomes super expositional to try and play out in dialogue.

    In the end.... just leaving it to the imagination not only allows it to be mysterious but much more fun. Ultimately, no one is sure if CLU was then going to bring real people to the laser for conversion into grid warriors. The details weren't that fleshed out in the original script even.

    None the less, I think its much better then top critics understand... again... just like the original Tron. They didn't get it then, and as the years went by many act like "oh yeah, no I was hip/cool too... I liked it." when it achieves cult status. Well, the more things change... etc etc. They are again panning Tron. Meanwhile the general populace will love it. Its better then Star Trek, Transformers, Narnia, and many other effects movies and even has a little soul..... a little... "Biodigital Jazz man".

    A perfect movie? No.... "The thing about perfection is... its unknowable and yet its right in front of us..." But overall much more heart then critics have an eye or ear for.

    Oh yeah, Tron Legacy's imperfection and its lesson on the subject is its best narrative and its heart.

    I will return for many viewings over the holidays. Hope you will too. Tron 3 is in the talks if Legacy does well.

    Oh cool, I wasn't the only one from Tron-Sector that was there.
    Yeah heres the writs bands they were giving at the entrance.


    Posts: 108
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 4:34 PM
    As much of a TRON (1982) fan as I am, I must say I'm completely and utterly thankful that I was graced with not seeing the original film until sometime around mid-2008. From the moment the film started, I was blown away by the innovative animation and CGI used to produce a computer-esque world. It was beautiful and by far still one of the best visually unique films ever conceived. While that was a major draw to the original, the acting was occasionally rather hokey, but what I didn't expect were the layers to the story most seemed to gloss over. The religious and oppressive government allegories were spot on and were conveyed in a way that hadn't been seen at the time. Many say that a film is boring when it uses an age-old plot or premise, but it isn't always what the storyline is, but how you choose to make it stand out above the crowd.

    It's easy to say that TRON is one of my favorite films and a costly obsession of mine. Not seeing it earlier than 2008 became a welcomed "miss out" of sorts due to the fact that my hunger for a sequel was immediate. The fact that most fans, many of which were children when the first film debuted, had to wait 28 years for a sequel is incredible and torturous in equal measure. Two years really is incomparable, but from my standpoint it was a long ways away.

    The original "teaser" trailer was made just to interest the studios in a possible sequel. It was successful and audiences given the chance to see it were ecstatic beyond description...and so the film was soon underway, with Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner on board, along with Steven Lisberger (the director of the original) as a producer.

    Admittedly, I've been a bit foolish, thanks in no small part to my fanboyism and my overzealous nature. As the ACTUAL film trailers began to show up on the internet, my interest piqued and I was hooked. As soon as I saw the action figures and weapon replicas and diecast vehicles...I felt this innate need to have them. And so began what could have gone one of two ways: my ascent into the eventual enjoyment of the film and the preemptive shopping spree that came along with it, or my descent into a hole that I've dug for a movie I could possibly downright hate. Option B wasn't ever in the forefront of my mind. Posters, exclusive (and expensive) statues/figures, etc. all filtered into my daily life and anticipation was certainly high. Counting down the months, then days, then hours, then minutes...

    ...until I was sitting in the theater at 11:59 PM, waiting for the long-awaited show to begin.

    I had read reviews of it, and they had chipped away at my usually impenetrable indifference to critics. This is where the doubt had set in and I felt it seep in deep. What IF the movie was awful and I had spent all this time and effort towards something I hate/dislike? It was disheartening, but I just forged through my doubts and sat down in my seat, TRON clad (shirt and hoodie, not the actual suit...which would have been awesome, though) and ready to go.

    So, what did I think? I loved it.

    It was a pay-off I was relieved to have. Was it perfect? Absolutely not. But it was great regardless. I haven't had so much fun at the movies in years. All this being sad, let's break it down:


    -Visuals/Special Effects: Might as well get the obvious out of the way. If you were blown away by "Avatar", there's no reason this won't give you the same feeling. It is unlike anything you've seen, a definite evolution of the original TRON universe. The darkness of The Grid really gives you the sense that this otherwise gorgeous digital world is undergoing dark times. The contrast of the orange, blue, and white colors of the Programs between the landscape which is mostly black (highlighted by the colors of light) makes it feel like the isolation of space. It's mysterious and alluring.

    -Score: Daft Punk has never been one of my favorite groups, but I've never disliked anything I've heard of their work. The somewhat lukewarm reception to the score may stem from the fact that it is neither very close to Wendy Carlos' TRON score, or Daft Punk's typical electronic/house-electro offerings. This score is a combination of their expected work, as well as a beautiful composed orchestral sound. The two marry together and create what is entirely appropriate for this film. There isn't a track I particularly dislike (I have the soundtrack in my car and I've been listening to it a lot lately), but some higlights are, "Adagio for Tron", "The Grid", "Son of Flynn", and "Derezzed" (which is the most reminiscent of Daft Punk's music).

    -Disc War and Light Cycles: Among some of the most visually astounding moments I've seen in recent memory. The first Program derezzed (killed) in the games is a beautiful sight to behold. He falls to the floor and his body disintegrates into a sea of pixels. It's an interesting and fitting concept. The best part is Sam's battle with one of the main villains, and starting out in the enlarged arena, and eventually fighting upside down.

    The light cycles were amazing to see realized. The original light cycle scene is probably one of my favorite moments in the film, and this one doesn't disappoint. Sam sees his team of Programs go up against Clu and his team. Seeing as how he rides a motorcycle in the real world, he states, "Now this is something I can do." This leads into a beautiful slow motion shot from Sam's side, he ignites the baton given to him which holds the information for the light cycle. It forms around him, showing the inner workings before hitting the Grid floor and zooming off, a bright blue ribbon of light (or jetwall) trailing behind it. It's all a spectacle for even the most jaded of souls.

    -Characters: Kevin Flynn steals the show thanks to Jeff Bridges' usual infallible acting ability. His character has been trapped in The Grid for 20 years, which is the equivalent of 1000 years inside the computer. Having no way to return home, and having to only interact with Programs and no real humans, meditation has become his outlet for warding off insanity. His character, still stuck in the 80's, spits out dialogue from the time and it seems natural. In addition, his character seems to have taken a few notes from The Dude (The Big Lebowski), but it works as it seems like a sort of natural progression for young Kevin Flynn to grow into. He is a goof and a visionary, and he takes hold of every scene he's in. NOT TO MENTION he (Bridges) also plays his digital counterpart, Clu, who appears as a younger Kevin Flynn. The duality of the actor, ultimately each other's foil, is quite an interesting thing to behold.

    Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), while not quite up to par with Bridges, holds his own well enough as the films main protagonist. He enters The Grid and adapts with what seems to be practiced bravado. He is likely the least interesting character, but he and his father are also the core of the heart that the film possesses.

    Quorra and Castor both are quirky and delightful to watch, especially with Castor's effeminate and flamboyant charm. Rinzler, Clu's right hand man, is silent but a force to be reckoned with.

    Tron, who the film is named after, surprisingly has very little screen time (sort of...Spoiler? ;D). He is shown in the form of his User, Alan Bradley in the real world, however the actual security program is shown only in flashbacks. Regardless, when you see him, you know it's Tron and he's here to kick some ass.

    -Story: The storyline itself is disappointing in that it doesn't have much to offer. However, the ideas (which aren't necessarily well fleshed out or explained for a non-Tron fanboy audience) are really quite thought provoking. I don't want to go into detail to ruin it, but it is deeper than most give it credit (though I won't boast it having an immense depth, surely). The religious allegory returns and is easily applied.

    -Father/Son Relationship: When Kevin first sees Sam again, you can see in his eyes a spark of disbelief and joy which he hadn't felt in what was, to him, an eternity. The resonance cannot be overstated and it is touching when they reunite. What goes from here is a tumultuous journey through not only The Grid, but through their personal pasts. They argue, they laugh, and you know that Kevin and Sam love each other more than anything else, and you get a sense of how much they've missed and needed the other. Many have claimed this to be weak in execution, but I feel like it was done just right. It wasn't over the top, nor was it incredibly subtle...just right.


    -Story: The Isomorphic Algorithms, the so-called "miracles" of The Grid and never quite expanded upon by Kevin Flynn, despite his claims that they are the key to changing human perception of the real world. Also, Kevin greatly stresses the importance of a certain object, but seems almost nonchalant about it when it's lost. The others are concerned with retrieving it, but he seems almost at ease with it being missing. Perhaps he had confidence in their escape from The Grid so it wouldn't be a problem, but it seems a little illogical on his part.

    In all honesty, that's my main gripe. The story has a few logical gaps and doesn't give much needed elaboration on some of the more important plot points. Also, the painful lack of Tron, who is quite the valiant, strong character type I'd at least would have enjoyed seeing have a showdown with Clu at some point.

    So, it seems rather obvious the film wasn't perfect, but it's also apparent that I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was pleasantly not let down by it and I'm already anticipating further viewings before it is out of theaters. This will definitely be a first day buy for me on blu-ray.

    As a TRON fan, I love this film. All the references to the original (replicated lines of dialogue, characters, etc.) were wonderfully done and a nice nod to the long-time fans. I'm looking forward to a possible third installment, as well as the already planned animated mini-series and full-fledged series coming out sometime next year. For your average movie-goer, go for the visuals and the action...but for a Tron fan, go for that, but also for the characters you know and love, and some new ones for you to enjoy.


    A worthy sequel to the 1982 cult classic. While it's not quite as good, it also isn't far behind it. To me, the critics were a bit off base on this. They weren't wrong in many aspects, but I feel as though they missed out or downplayed the strong-suits and transformed them into negatives.

    Some of my favorite quotes:

    "You're ruining my zen thing, man."

    "What's Wi-Fi?"

    "Wireless interlinking."

    "Wi-Fi? I thought of that in '85."

    "I fight for the Users!"


    "Long time."

    "You have no idea...You're here. You're here!"

    "...I'm here..."

    "The thing about perfection is... its unknowable and yet its right in front of us..."


    Posts: 92
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 5:21 PM
    I've been following this site for a little while, and after having seen TL yesterday morning and having read many of the various posts here, I felt compelled to register and put my own post up.

    First off, let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. The reviews in the press and on the blogs have been pretty mixed, so I was a little apprehensive at first, but after seeing it, I have to say that I was pretty baffled by a lot of the criticisms. But more on that later.

    I was 12 when I saw the original Tron in the great old theater in Westwood, NJ (not CA), and I just loved it. At the time, I realized that the acting and dialogue were pretty stilted in parts, and the story didn't entirely make sense, but who gave a damn? It was fun, dazzling, and visionary. Reviewers have always given it a bad rap, but it truly was the first of its kind--no other movie had dared to imagine what goes on in the digital world.

    When I first saw the grainy test footage on YouTube for a possible sequel, I literally got goosebumps, and proceeded to watch it several times in a row. That's when I started to check out this great site more frequently, interested in reading the tantalizing bits of information that people came up with. After the movie got greenlit and more and more images and footage became available, I really got excited.

    I saw the first morning show on the day it opened (not the midnight show, though), at the AMC in Cupertino, CA. It wasn't sold out, but I would say it was about 3/4 full, which is pretty good for 10 AM on a Friday. I'm guessing that a lot of the people were playing hooky from their jobs at nearby Apple and Symantec, among others. People seemed to be really into it. Although there wasn't applause at the end, I did hear a lot of people afterwards saying that it was cool--and, to counter the expectations that the movie would only be appreciated by male high school and college nerds, a good number of those were women.

    As for the movie itself, I'll say that I really loved it. The visuals were clearly awesome,especially in 3D. I read some reviewer (I think NY Times) complain that everything looked dark and dingy, which only revealed how clueless she was about modern design--rather than dark and dingy, I thought everything looked sleek and sinister. I loved every design, especially the lightcycles and lightjets.

    I thought the story was good. I mean, what were people expecting, War and Peace? Does anyone remember how basic Star Wars's story was? TL's story moved things along but took enough breaks to shed light on backstory and relationships as well as to tantalize viewers with some mysteries and what if's, and in my book, that's good for a holiday escapist movie. It this were some Merchant-Ivory picture set in Victorian England starring Anthony Hopkins and Cate Blanchett, then yes, I'd expect more, but it isn't. Take it for what it is, not what hoity-toity critics expect all movies to be.

    Performances were all quite good in my opinion. Jeff Bridges really seemed like he was having the time of his life. I liked Garrett Hedlund--he was the right combination of cocky and heroic (to those of you who didn't like him, perhaps you should be glad he wasn't Hayden Christensen). Michael Sheen was hilarious. Bruce Boxleitner had a nice gravitas that has developed with age--he seemed too boy-scoutish in the original. Olivia Wilde was ok as an actress, but she was sufficiently badass in the fight scenes. One other thing I'd like to say about acting--you don't need Oscar-worthy performances to make a good action movie. Remember Speed? Whoa.

    Music was perfect, of course. I hope Daft Punk does more soundtracks--I'm getting tired of hearing the same musical motifs from Hans Zimmer.

    Loved the references to the original, and I didn't think they were strained at all. The ones I can remember (many of which have probably already been posted--I'll omit the dialogue lines from the original):
    1. Flynn humming the original Tron theme to Sam.
    2. Journey playing in Flynn's (although a different song than the original).
    3. The Coleco electronic football game (I had the same one!).

    BTW, did anyone notice the poster for The Black Hole in Sam's bedroom at the beginning? That's what Kosinski is doing next for Disney.

    I have to finish this post for now, but I'll have more to add later. Before I sign off, I thought people might like to note the following from Entertainment Weekly (boldface is mine):

    "TRON: Legacy, the reboot of the 1982 cult classic, opened strong on Friday with an $18 million haul, according to early estimates. The Disney sequel, which was made for a whopping $170 million, pulled in an average of $5216 per its 3,400-some theaters. (A dollar number amped by casting a wide 3D net to 70% of those theaters.) And considering its A- score from CinemaScore audiences (A, interestingly, from the female participants), TRON: Legacy seems to have shed the mostly beloved stench of the original."

    Some people thought the opening was below expectations, but EW apparently thinks it's strong. And look at the Cinemascore rating so far--clearly, a lot of people like the movie!

    No problems, only solutions baby!


    Posts: 416
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 5:35 PM
    Why do the critics keep bashing Tron with words like stench, flop, and failure? If it weren't for so many people still enthusiastically liking the movie for almost 30 years, TL would have never been made. Not many other movies can stake that same claim.

    Tron is the George Bailey of the movie world.


    Posts: 593
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 5:48 PM

    Thanks for your comments and Welcome to the Sector, Program! I may possible see TL tomorrow and I like how a lot of Women are digging Tron Legacy. I love the Quorra character. Can't wait to see it. End of Line.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online

    Fighting for TRON, The USERS, Both Flynns, Independents, and the mighty ISOs since '82.

    Posts: 3,488
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 6:51 PM
    Still digesting on my thoughts about Tron Legacy.

    I can't say I really loved it-- but I'm kind of somewhere around on 8.0 out of 10-- (I can't score the movie accurately)

    SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:
    My problem is that the way they ended things in the movie-- it feels like it was an excuse to kill Kevin Flynn off so they don't have to bother with him in a sequel.

    The other problem. TRON. DEAR GOD. SHOW ME MORE OF TRON. Quite plenty of Rinzler but Tron? Flashbacks and that bit in the sea of simulation where he just falls in. Even Silver was like "Why didn't they show us his face again?" (And he liked the movie!)

    My impressions are colored by the fact that I had to do with a junior novelization (without that last chapter: Disney = Troll) so I got pretty much screwed with the dialogue. (Protip: If anyone isn't aware of this, I'm deaf.) I had to literally guess some lines (my lip reading skills aren't perfect) while some lines I did know from people having commented on them from trailers/tv clips.

    I just hope this gets open captioned! (There's a thing that my home city does-- random movie open captioned on Sundays...) I do plan on seeing the movie again because I feel that just watching it once doesn't do it justice.

    The movie definitely hit the emotion notes for me, alright. I cried at Kevin and Sam's reunion (but I was left with a very sinking feeling of despair when Kevin sacrificed himself to wipe the game grid clean.)

    The IMAX theatre in WIchita, KS was jampacked! And as far as I know, the tickets have been sold out for the weekend showings for that theatre alone o_O (I also got a lot of complements on my costume, hee hee)

    Here, have a funny quote from Silver;

    ETA-- edited my post because I got yelled at. -_-;

    Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


    Posts: 606
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 7:06 PM
    KiaPurity Wrote:Still digesting on my thoughts about Tron Legacy.

    I can't say I really loved it-- but I'm kind of somewhere around on 8.0 out of 10-- (I can't score the movie accurately)

    My problem is that the way they ended things in the movie-- it feels like it was an excuse to kill Kevin Flynn off so they don't have to bother with him in a sequel.

    The other problem. TRON. DEAR GOD. SHOW ME MORE OF TRON. Quite plenty of Rinzler but Tron? Flashbacks and that bit in the sea of simulation where he just falls in. Even Silver was like "Why didn't they show us his face again?" (And he liked the movie!)

    My impressions are colored by the fact that I had to do with a junior novelization (without that last chapter: Disney = Troll) so I got pretty much screwed with the dialogue. (Protip: If anyone isn't aware of this, I'm deaf.) I had to literally guess some lines (my lip reading skills aren't perfect) while some lines I did know from people having commented on them from trailers/tv clips.

    I just hope this gets open captioned! (There's a thing that my home city does-- random movie open captioned on Sundays...) I do plan on seeing the movie again because I feel that just watching it once doesn't do it justice.

    The movie definitely hit the emotion notes for me, alright. I cried at Kevin and Sam's reunion (but I was left with a very sinking feeling of despair when Kevin sacrificed himself to wipe the game grid clean.)

    The IMAX theatre in WIchita, KS was jampacked! And as far as I know, the tickets have been sold out for the weekend showings for that theatre alone o_O (I also got a lot of complements on my costume, hee hee)

    Here, have a funny quote from Silver;

    I had a hard time trying to hear the dialogue too, but I could get most of the lines down.

    As for Kevin's sacrifice, I don't think he's dead. If you recall on the ARG, in one of his novel excerpts on the Digital Frontier, it mentions how to deal with a rogue program and how the solution was to re-boot the system clean. That is, start over with a clean slate.

    THIS is exactly what he just did. Except that he merged back with Clu (de-cloning, that is) and probably fused with him similar to what they did to Dragonball Z. I would like to see Flynn back wearing Clu's yellow or white circuitry but with his actual beard in his true age and long garb. THAT would be godly cool. Or they'll split in half again and Clu would be 'rectified' back to normal in spite of what he did to Tron turning him into THAT Enforcer with a new name.

    I called this a LONG time ago. Some of us saw this coming and knew we were right on the money about Rinzler .

    And yes, the reunion scene was touching. My problem now is the pacing and editing of this film and I think forced some of us to figure out the blanks in between the takes or shots. Like Sam taking the 786 bike to downtown shot, but we don't SEE him taking it but I can understand the intent of suspense that Kosinski or the writers tried to convey.

    So anyway, Flynn is probably still alive in suspended digital animation within Sam's chip necklace and I think if the writers are smart, they should have Sam take all of his father's servers or destroy them to build a new one at a new secret lab. OR have Sam buy the arcade out and own it as a front to protect his father's work which is probably the BEST approach to take. Sam should not be portrayed as DUMB enough to leave the servers there underground. Especially Dillinger's desk.

    Boy, if his son ever sees that, he'll go: Uhh. Sam. Is'nt THAT my father's desk!??!?? What in hell was your father using MY father's desk?! So my dad took his files and yet, he stole his beloved desk! Dammit!

    Sam: So? Okay, so what? So they're both hacking thieves. What'd you expect me to do?

    Dillinger Jr: Give me your girlfriend.

    Sam: HELL NO!!

    (to Disney and the writers. Please for the love of the Users and God, don't try the 'kidnapped damsel' plot).

    I'm hoping to get Apple TV that when I have Netflix, they better close caption Tron: Legacy.

    EDIT: I'm surprised Sam did'nt puke from the beer he drank after being digitized.


    Posts: 90
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:01 PM
    The desk would belong to Encom, not the CEO personally.

    There are no problems, only solutions.

    Posts: 3,488
    RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

    on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:23 PM
    On a note, not to be a pervert, but I was kind of ... wtfing at Clu randomly playing with a pair of balls during the disc battle (Rinzler and Sam)

    (And those balls were never shown again in the movie so I'm not sure if they were specifically for the disc arena or his method of controlling Rinzler o_O)

    Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.

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