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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 12:20 AM
Deadly Disks Wrote:Not as groundbreaking as it's predecessor, but still a good time regardless.

You know, I think the great thing about TRON is that it is

1) not our world
2) supposed to look somewhat computerish.

In the first movie CGI was used, and it looked somewhat cartoony, but that was fine because of number 2 above.

This go around the relatively new trick of making a younger Flynn was one that we got to try in the world of TRON, and sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't, but one thing is for sure, we will probably see the more refined process used in the future.

To me the trick seemed to fool me more often than not. True the last up close shot of Clu was a bit cartoony, but there were some times I was really amazed.
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Posts: 9
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 12:32 AM
Been here occasionally, first post.

Took the family to see the opening of Legacy tonight. 2 kids (8 and 15), grandparents, wife.

We left all grins. I am planning on returning a few more times. It's an epic film. Better than last year's Star Trek.

Seriously, it's a fantastic movie. All the pieces just fall into place. It's really, really, good.

I too wish we could have seen more of Tron. The helmet reveal would have been nice, but I'm actually quite happy with the way it all worked out. It's not perfect. That was the entire point.

Upon reflection on the car ride home, and the discussions we had before bedtime, we think the real "revelation" that Kevin was onto was the fact that our world and the Grid are interchangeable. Diagnosed with cancer? C'mon down, and experience a few decades of life in the real world timeframe of a few years. With the time that passes down there, Flynn could even tackle the world's problems (like cancer) with the power of the ISOs and their compressed time frame. If Flynn was down there for hundreds, or even thousands of years, imagine the progress that could be made.

Ignore the critics. They're mad they can't get into the Grid.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 1
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 12:33 AM
Hi I am new and I just wanted to let you all know that in my book it was amazing and I hope disney does a remake on the original Tron for I really think it is due. I enjoyed Tron Legacy and I have to say I really liked what they did with Trons World in Kingdom Hearts 2 and was hoping they would release another Tron and I wasn't let down on bit. I hope Tron has another Movie as in a Prequil to Tron Legacy covering the year Flynn disappeared.abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 111
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 1:05 AM
WilliamRahl Wrote:Hi I am new and I just wanted to let you all know that in my book it was amazing and I hope disney does a remake on the original Tron for I really think it is due. I enjoyed Tron Legacy and I have to say I really liked what they did with Trons World in Kingdom Hearts 2 and was hoping they would release another Tron and I wasn't let down on bit. I hope Tron has another Movie as in a Prequil to Tron Legacy covering the year Flynn disappeared.

Your stream of consciousness made little sense. Why would they remake the original TRON since they made a sequel, and then make a prequel? Are you a troll? It must kind of suck to have grown up with tons of remakes, prequels and horrible sequels. =) I can see they left their mark.
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"Now THAT is a big door."

Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 1:23 AM
Man, I was totally blown away but at the same time, I was left feeling depressed because of what happens near the ending.

Needs moar Tron D8

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 1,230
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 1:26 AM
Just got home from seeing it in IMAX 3D. LOVED IT!!!

To the critics the only moment that didn't feel right was the over weight security guard walking out on the boom past the edge of the Encom tower after Sam. I could NEVER see a security guard doing that. Even if he wasn't afraid of hights WHAT good could it possibly accomplish? Just wait on the roof for him to come down... or if he's going to jump with a parachute I think most would be more then willing to let him.

Very very minor point. But why oh why did Gem have to... I don't want to spoil it... but WHY??? She was SO nice on the eyes.



Posts: 241
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 2:40 AM
Saw it in imax 3d tonight. Loved every min of it. My only ended lol I wish the movie was even longer. I'll defiantly see it another time or two


Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 4:53 AM
A very well-deserved 9 out of 10!

I Really enjoyed it alot. I gain more appreciation for it with repeat viewings (seen it twice, so far.

IMO, This is a *great* sequel to the 1982 original. This movie is pretty dang awesome, a touch of a majestic vibe with a great aspect of techno-mysticism, and some touching emotional moments.

Tron Legacy has a lot of symbolism and alegory to be found beneath the glow of the amazing CG and VFX. There's some actual philosophical substance to be found if one has the wisdom and open mind to percieve it.

The one's that watch this movie and only focus on the CG and VFX and don't delve into the symbolism and alegory just really do not really "get it" at all in my view.

I do hope that a third Tron film is made, and that it goes into production sooner than later!

I will have to see this a few more times before I can write a good "exploration of" essay for this movie.

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"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 5:36 AM
This is my first post here and I can't seem to load the "Forum Rules" page so forgive me for any infractions!

I'm a big fan of the original Tron and I really enjoyed the new film. I think the filmmakers did a wonderful job of expanding the world and I look forward to seeing much more!

Here's a link to a brief review I wrote on my Tron blog:



Posts: 112
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 5:48 AM
Digital Domain had a private company screening on Thursday night in Westwood CA, at the Bruin Theatre.

It was screened imax 3d. Since it was a private screening we didn't have any trailers for other movies. The curtain went up and Tron Legacy began.

For me the next two hours sailed by. Nothing but solid fun and thrills.

Even though I had seen the movie multiple times in shredded up clips and edits and multiple "dailies" at Digital Domain. The movie surprised me as the final product had the final mixed Daft Punk score, the neat voice effects, and the edits were really tight as opposed to the full length "heads and tails" shots we saw regularly.

Though even I had critique of the script in certain parts throughout the movie's production it was really because I wanted certain things to be expanded on more instead of brushed over. The general consensus being that maybe getting too heavy on explaining the science would draw out even more exposition and even more stuff for people to try and connect logically.

I noticed a few scenes we had worked on with dialogue ended up on the cutting room floor. There is a scene when Quorra and Sam get on the elevator to go up to see Flynn from the light runner garage. In the final movie the platform raises and we are quickly in the safehouse. In the raw cut there is a conversation for a few moments before they reach the room level. Sam says something along the lines of "before the kidnap" and Quorra responds "You mean, rescue" then Sam says "I had it all under control".... Quorra just staring for a sec responds.. "...clearly"... in a disbelieving smile. Then they reach the safehouse room level where the final movie cut continued.

There was a little bit of a different ending in the early original script which I can not post here as it is covered in the NDA even post movie release and might be used in the next movie. Though if not I'll be happy to expand on it. Be here in a few years. Though the current ending is pretty nice. I do wish Tron and Clu would have faced off but... like I said... maybe they wanted to.... well... nevermind.

All in all in the Digital Domain screening there was lots of laughs and cheers.

My main problem with the current movie is that Clu doesn't get a chance to really deal out ruthlessness to any challenging characters. He is always killing helpless characters and in the end I think if we had seen Clu in the disc game with a one on one with a really bad @$$ challenger and easily dispatching him it may have helped. I just wanted to see him show the audience more of why we should fear him. There are small moments here and there that show ruthlessness but nothing on the level of the teaser trailer where the one on one with the other grid warrior on the light cycles gives us a glimpse of that dark side.

Yet, all in all what the movie does do is provide lots of laughs and thrills.

Quorra - "MADE IT"!
Flynn - 'You're messing with my zen thing man".
Sam - "Hey, its got a zipper"
Clu - "Game on old friend".
Castor - Pretty much every time the guy talks its a great quote.

I loved even the real world sequence. Some critics with thier own ADD syndrome can't stand a movie that doesn't "get right to it" and if it does then there "was little development". Can't please these @-holes.


The opening title narrative to the house in 1989.
The encom break in with the big door, the cute dog hack.
Sams killer apartment storage unit and the visit with Bradley.
The old arcade and the old 80s computer sounds in the hidden room with the hard drives chattering away.

Once in the grid is is just non-stop fun for me. I am sorry but the movie felt like it was 23 minutes long. It was over too fast for me. I was like.... jeez it just started... even though I knew all the scenes coming and in order... the movie just zips by for me.

Yes there are some fridge logic points in the science but with a little imagination you can figure it out on your own.

At lunch today we discussed some details

Whats up with the pig and vegetables at dinner on the grid? Well, I figured a few points for that.

Remember, that in the Grid, time is exponential. If you spend a day in the grid it will be seconds in the real world. The entire first movie of Tron goes by and only a few seconds had passed in the real world. Well, Flynn had been in the Grid for around 1000 grid years (20 real world years) by the time Sam shows up. This is why his personality is a little off. He used zen meditation to keep himself from going koo-koo. In the meantime you might miss certain things you did in the real world. So why couldn't he invent software that replicated the eating experience and possibly program the taste of certain foods in there. This is probably a more practical explanation of the dinner scene then any "why is there food in a computer" kind of question can answer.

I too wonder if the Rectifier could be delivered through the portal. There never was an explanation for this even behind the scenes. There was a little explanation for how Quorra gets into the real world though. Normally people (users) need to have their particles suspended in the laser while they are in the grid. These particles would be reassembled when they leave the grid. Initially the reason why Clu wanted Flynns disc was not only because it was a power source and key for many of the execution codes for constructing things on the grid (buildings, programs, vehicles) but it had the key ID for allowing the particles suspended in the beam to be reassembled into the real world.

CLU wanted the disc because he could use Flynns particles to allow himself to be constructed in the real world from Flynn's particles in the beam, after all he is a clone of Flynn. The disc would see this ID and assemble him in the real world. Well, this is why Flynn asks Quorra in the lightjet to swap discs with him. He wants her to be assembled in the real world. The miracle. Genetic code that assembled itself and became self aware on the grid due to the complexity of what originally would be considered a software bug.. a virus. The computer holding data complex enough to replicate a thinking mind on the grid having these imprints on it then becoming self aware.

This explanation becomes super expositional to try and play out in dialogue.

In the end.... just leaving it to the imagination not only allows it to be mysterious but much more fun. Ultimately, no one is sure if CLU was then going to bring real people to the laser for conversion into grid warriors. The details weren't that fleshed out in the original script even.

None the less, I think its much better then top critics understand... again... just like the original Tron. They didn't get it then, and as the years went by many act like "oh yeah, no I was hip/cool too... I liked it." when it achieves cult status. Well, the more things change... etc etc. They are again panning Tron. Meanwhile the general populace will love it. Its better then Star Trek, Transformers, Narnia, and many other effects movies and even has a little soul..... a little... "Biodigital Jazz man".

A perfect movie? No.... "The thing about perfection is... its unknowable and yet its right in front of us..." But overall much more heart then critics have an eye or ear for.

Oh yeah, Tron Legacy's imperfection and its lesson on the subject is its best narrative and its heart.

I will return for many viewings over the holidays. Hope you will too. Tron 3 is in the talks if Legacy does well.

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Posts: 2,232
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:05 AM
I've got my tickets to see it in glorious IMAX 3D today!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

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Posts: 90
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 8:20 AM
I stayed too, but Sam powered the server down so something like that would have been a big plot hole. Being underwater may have protected him from that blast though. And if not, Users have the power to re-install.

I wonder if Alan updates the code if Tron will then look older, like Alan looks now (saving on the budget).order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

There are no problems, only solutions.

Posts: 1
Long time fan's feelings

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:03 AM
Great movie! Saw it at the IMAX theater last night. I have been looking forward to this for a long time, I was 7 when the first movie came out.

I want to put down what worked for me and what didn't work or what I felt could have used more work. Let me just say that what falls into the neutral category is the CGI-ness of Clu. I expected him to look fake but I don't think it's a big deal int he computer scenes.

What worked:
  • Awesome visual effects. Although the 3D wasn't as mind-blowing as we were led to believe. A few times I forgot I was watching it in 3D. But the neon-on-black styling worked perfectly. If, at the end of the movie indicates, it can now be sunny and more earth-like in the computer, that would kind of put a damper on the cool Tron style everyone's accustomed to.
  • [Great soundtrack, although in my opinion not as creative as Wendy Carlos' original score which had much more depth. /li]
  • Bridges' interpretation of Flynn's mindset/philosophy. He's been trapped for more than 1000 computer years and turns to new-age Bhuddism to stay sane, and yet there's still lots of "Radical" and "Man's" in the dialog. Cool.
  • Bruce Boxleitner is seriously underrated. Very cool that Tron saves Flynn
  • Journey and Eurythmics. Need I say more?

What didn't work
  • Too many obvious borrowings from other movies. Star Wars (Cloaked Jedi-like appearances, Tron being redeemed shortly before the end a la Darth Vader), Blade Runner (crowd scenes with transparent umbrellas), etc.
  • The fact that you don't know whether Alan Bradley knows anything whatsoever about the Grid. He's clueless throughout the movie.
  • Quorra's past with Castor? No elaboration. Quorra's "secret"? That she's an ISO? So what? That's it?
  • ISO's just seem sort of plot tool to move the story along and we have no idea what they really represent
  • The idea of Clu "invading" the real world with an army of 10,000 armed with Bo staffs is ludicrous. I think the National Guard could handle that. It would have been better to use the Internet angle; they would somehow connect to the Internet and attack/invade cyberspace which would be far more effective/dangerous.
  • Tron suddenly finding religion at the end after years of killing people. And then is he dead at the end? Seriously underused character.
  • The End - Why doesn't Sam go immediately back into the computer to check on his father? He downloads everything to some flash drive and wants to suddenly work for Encom? Hey, how about checking on your father who you thought was dying at the end. Kevin Flynn went in and out of that world every night, don't think it's a big deal to pop back in there and see what the hell happened.
  • Finally, they set up a lot of things for a sequal but I'm concerned Jeff Bridges would decline to participate or otherwise wouldn't be in it, so maybe they should have brought him back out at the end just in case.

That's it. The movie left me a little dissatisfied from a script/plot perspective, but I did like it overall.

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Posts: 89
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:18 AM
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Posts: 89
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:18 AM
Tron made 18 million on Opening day. Idiot bloggers aside, i think that Tron will have a lasting appeal and will definitely have staying power at the box office. abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 382
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:35 AM
Deadly Disks Wrote:
toasteroven Wrote:We left all grins. I am planning on returning a few more times. It's an epic film. Better than last year's Star Trek.

Take your mouth off of the bong and step away from the Marry Jane. I am a big Tron fan, but in a showdown between TL and the 2009 Trek, I'd give the gold to Trek in a heartbeat.

I think you might be comparing eye candy, and in that case, TL does stand to edge Trek out, but ONLY in that category alone.

Absolutely disagree with this idea. 2009 Trek was fun...and forgettable. I'm curious about what they'll do next, but I have no sense of anticipation, nothing like how I'm desperately hoping for more Tron. I certainly didn't have trouble sleeping after seeing Star Trek because my mind was buzzing so much trying to digest everything, like last night after seeing TL.


Posts: 44
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 9:49 AM
ream Wrote:when Rinzler shot that grenade'ish looking thing right towards the screen, who else JUMPED.

Haha I did!
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"It wasn't meant for them." ~ Clu

Posts: 47
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 11:14 AM
Deadly Disks Wrote:
To each his own, my friend.

I liked Legacy, but I can see past the visuals, and think beyond knee-jerk "WOWIEE ZOWEE I LOVED IT" kinda of reactions. Legacy has strong visuals, excellent design, a blah main character (Sam), and a reasonably satisfying father/son vibe going that is no where as dynamic and entertaining as the Kirk/Spock/McCoy one. Clu is an interesting yet uninventive villain in the same vein as Trek's Nero--a simple foil to keep the plot moving along."

It's good to see that someone actually understands the bad points of Tron Legacy. Reading all the positive reviews here it almost feels like everyone is brainwashed or something. Yes, Tron Legacy has some great parts, but as a whole it is close to Fail.

Legacy has an amazing soundtrack and some very stunning visuals, but it does suffer from a very bad plot breakdown and is also very boring in many parts of the movie. I have seen the original Tron more than 300 times and I can honestly say I will not be watching Tron Legacy anywhere near that number, in fact, the number would be less than 3 or 4. I'm sure I'll watch it at least once or twice on bluray, but it just is not that great of a movie, and that is coming from someone who is an absolute fan of the original.


Posts: 580
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 12:46 PM
TRON Legacy will be in Mexico this December 25th.

All Mexico city have TRON´s publicity everywhere...
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Posts: 324
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 1:48 PM
I thought overall the film was excellent.

I appreciated the references to the first film, it was a great touch. I am not a fan at all of Daft Punk but I thought the soundtrack was extremely interesting and really helped pace the movie. I also enjoyed how the whole movie was not 3D, they used it where it was necessary and that was it. Also did anyone notice Lisberger as the bartender?

One thing that REALLY bothered me is this:Why does Sam and Bruce drink a beer and then he rides off on his motorcycle. Does anyone see who wrong this is? Is Coors the only product placement here? Why not drink a Coke Zero and take off? It is PG after all.

Battle scenes could be longer. And darn it I wanted to see more light tanks!

Also I think that Legacy was VERY similar to the first one. Some games and battle scenes in the beginning. Then middle part, and then finale they are on the Solar Sailer again and get back to the real world.

Also, when Sam gets into the Tron World, he is seen coming out of Flynn's Arcade. At the end to get back to the real world he takes the Solar Sailer. Why can't he go back the same way he came in?

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!