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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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Posts: 111
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:34 PM
Just got home from seeing it in 3D at Hazard Center (Mission Valley). I thought it was awesome, the 3D didn't do much for me, but I thought it was great. Yeah it could have been tuned up a bit in parts, but so could the first. The critics hate the first movie as well, so F#%K them. I have to say that I am a big Star Wars and Indiana Jones fan as well, and I will call a stinker a stinker - the SW prequels and Indy sequels are huge piles of crap.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

"Now THAT is a big door."

Posts: 334
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:46 PM
reptilerobots Wrote:Just got home from seeing it in 3D at Hazard Center (Mission Valley). I thought it was awesome, the 3D didn't do much for me, but I thought it was great. Yeah it could have been tuned up a bit in parts, but so could the first. The critics hate the first movie as well, so F#%K them. I have to say that I am a big Star Wars and Indiana Jones fan as well, and I will call a stinker a stinker - the SW prequels and Indy sequels are huge piles of crap.

I will have to check there next time. I saw it on a real 3D screen on monday for 91X, and it was alright. 2nd time(Wed) was in irvine, which was really amazing. I saw it again at midnight back at Edwards IMAX 3D... and it rocked as well. I will have to check Hazard soon, I havent seen a movie there since 300

"Like the man says, there's no problems, only solutions. " ~ Kevin Flynn

Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:20 PM
Daft Tron Wrote:]I guess you Missed the point of "End of Line"

Ah...But if you take into account Tron Evolution Daft.....End of Line is not always End Of Line.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 206
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:26 PM
Seen the movie again. Wow the movie is growing on me more and more. I think what I really like about this movie is the pace, and the soundtrack. Love the soundtrack. I'm glad they kept it computer like, and retro in a lot of ways. And Daft Punk can both give it that classical organ feel or the techno beat. Nice.

Let's see, reading the reviews here, let's talk about the ending...

So Quorra makes it to the outside world. Basically in TRON there is a law in the physics of that universe that says "Matter is Matter". In the original TRON Flynn uses matter from one place to keep Yori from derezzing. In this movie they play along with that with Clu realizing that if Flynn could be in the computer, someone in the computer can be in the real world. Again, it is only matter. A laser that can destruct something and bring it back again can take matter from something else and from a map make a program matter.

Of course, technically you would need to take nearby matter to transform it into that shape. So where did Quorra's matter come from?

Where would the matter come from for Clu's army? I think this is where the nearby city block would have vanished to make a carrier ship and the large army.

And you know, I really could see that Clu really was the reflection of Flynn. You hear Flynn's speech in the earlier part of the movie "In there is our DESTINY!" And later in the movie you hear Clu saying "Out there is our DESTINY" Fun.

Flynn wanted to make it where people would learn from the Isos, and Clu wanted to give his fellow programs a chance to leave in the real world. Granted as his helpers to make a more perfect existance elsewhere... but then again, Flynn had his help at Encom making a better world of computing.

The difference between Clu and Flynn are only slight. Basically Flynn had the upper hand in that he was from the other world. He got to travel between the two worlds. He was the creator.

Clu was every bit as creative as cognitive as Flynn, only he was at a disadvantage. He was was the created. He was confined to one world. Would Flynn have let the fact that he was confined to one world stop him? Apparently not. And Clu in his thinking realized how he could be more and beat the ods... just like his user likes to do all the time.

Clu made for a fun antagonist for this reason.

So programs in the real world? Yeh in the universe of TRON I think it would have worked, but just glad only Quorra got out.

Now I'm off to the mall to see if I can find a copy of the TRON:Legacy soundtrack.
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Posts: 339
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:29 PM
Wow, just wow. My room mate and I saw it today in Real 3D and were blown away. While watching it, I felt something deep inside, both familiar and new. I'm sure most of us Tron fans felt the same way. Just seeing all the familiar shapes and colors, and hearing all the familiar sounds was just an awesome thing. I think this may be my new favorite movie of all time. I think its interesting that they used 2D for scenes in the real world and 3D for the scenes in the computer. The 3D was done perfectly and its something this sort of movie was made for. However, unlike Avatar, I think this movie is good with or without 3D. I made sure to avoid reviews until after seeing the movie. I never really trust reviews anyway. Anyone who says this movie isn't good is a corrupt program. :P

If there is anything that could have been done better, it would be the battle scenes. They could have been longer and more thrilling. That isn't to say they weren't thrilling at all, because they were. I like all the nods to the original and new versions of things. The virtual face of Jeff Bridges was very well done. I went into the movie having read the comics and played the game, so I knew some of the missing details. It ended pretty much the way I expected it to as well. I never got to see the original in theaters, so seeing this one in a theater with 3D was just an awesome experience overall. When Kevin Flynn showed his son the Tron and Clu toys, I thought it was so awesome. I hope they make similar toys IRL soon. There were only a few people in the theater with us, but we went at an early time when not many were there period. There were two guys waiting outside of the theater doors and they asked us if the movie was good. We both said "Yeah, its awesome!" and one of the guys nudged the other and said "See? I told you you shouldn't believe what critics say." That makes me worry. Are a lot of critics really saying bad things about this movie? That doesn't bode well if so. I really want this movie to do good, so Tron will continue on. All in all I was very pleased with the movie. I will probably go and see it again if time and money allow. I can't wait for the Blu-Ray release.

"The dark can embrace the light, but never eclipse it."

Posts: 108
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:40 PM
I'd have to say that, by far, my favorite scene was when Sam and Kevin reunite, which leads into the discussion over dinner and the flashback scene.

However, I'm curious as to how the ISOs could change the real world? I believe someone earlier mentioned that we could learn from them, but what exactly would that be?

That's one of my only gripes is that Flynn made such a big deal about them and never really elaborated on the subject.


Posts: 89
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:40 PM
i couldn't stop grinning during the entire movie. I'm definitely seeing this movie multiple times while it's still in theaters.


Posts: 1
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:50 PM
Went to the midnight showing at El Capitan in Hollywood, and i gata say i was absolutely astounded at how good the movie was. I was worried that it might be a bit watered-down by Disney, but it really did turn out to be a very worthy sequel to the original. And i think i might just have a new favorite movie of all time.


Posts: 39
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 8:12 PM
I was lucky enough to convince my wife to see this one with me. SHE LOVED IT! I think that says a lot about a movie, is it's likability to the non-target audience.

Job well done. I really dug the open ending. Leaves a lot of room for writing another sequel.

I hope they decide to do another one.


Posts: 416
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 8:37 PM
TriggerEXE Wrote:
If there is anything that could have been done better, it would be the battle scenes. They could have been longer and more thrilling. That isn't to say they weren't thrilling at all, because they were.

It would have been really cool if , as a symbol of returning to his original programming, Tron's helmet would have come off during the fight with Clu. I would have also liked to see a large scale battle of the Iso rebels against Clu's forces.


Posts: 70
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 8:44 PM
So I saw this two days ago on opening day in Australia.

A little background about myself: I saw the trailer to Tron back in '82 and while the shot of the MCP freaked me out (I was four), the concept stayed with me. I saw the film in '85 and was programming on a TRS-80 CoCo2 by '86.

I'm now a computer science student doing research into data mining and evolutionary computation. In the last 12 months in particular, I've been fascinated by the ability to "evolve" solutions using natural selection, memetic algorithms, etc. Fascinating stuff.

To see Tron: Legacy and realise that, hey, they're talking about guys like me! Well, that was a pretty big buzz. The first film inspired me. The second film told me I'd arrived at my destination. Wow.

Now let me expound upon the idea of ISOs a little bit. I really need to see the film again, but my understanding is this: Everything from here on may be spoiler-ish.

ISOs are essentially new, totally conscious lifeforms spontaneously generated as an emergent property of the system. This runs in total opposition to both dualism and much of religious dogma, because it implies that consciousness emerges from the brain and is a totally natural phenomenon. It also shuts down creationism (as do genetic algorithms (GAs) in general) since it demonstrates the viability of natural selection. Finally, it demands a completely new way of thinking about our place in the universe, since conscious life can spring forth from any sufficiently complex system, even in cyberspace.

Now the thing about GAs is, they're stochastic. They're not deterministic like traditional algorithms, so each run will produce different results. But that's their beauty and also their source of power. Rather than building a system that searches a space very methodically, you're creating a population of candidate solutions that breed and mutate over generations, and you can't predict the pattern of evolution at all, except to say it moves towards optimisation over time.

CLU interprets this stochastic behaviour as chaos and an aesthetic blight. It's antithetical to the clean, sharply-defined lines of determinism. The ISOs are like weeds springing-up in a hedge-maze. Genocide is the answer to this problem.

But I can't recall whose disc CLU was after. Was it Flynn's? If so, presumably has the necessary code for program-to-human mapping, which he needed to become a Real Little Boy. Presumably he'd appear in the real world with some cronies before setting-up a larger facility for inter-world transport. I doubt he was planning on zapping the whole carrier through. Or did he actually say that?


Posts: 259
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 8:44 PM



"How many times have I died now?"

Posts: 64
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 9:31 PM
Quicksort Wrote:So I saw this two days ago on opening day in Australia.

A little background about myself: I saw the trailer to Tron back in '82 and while the shot of the MCP freaked me out (I was four), the concept stayed with me. I saw the film in '85 and was programming on a TRS-80 CoCo2 by '86.

I'm now a computer science student doing research into data mining and evolutionary computation. In the last 12 months in particular, I've been fascinated by the ability to "evolve" solutions using natural selection, memetic algorithms, etc. Fascinating stuff.

To see Tron: Legacy and realise that, hey, they're talking about guys like me! Well, that was a pretty big buzz. The first film inspired me. The second film told me I'd arrived at my destination. Wow.

Now let me expound upon the idea of ISOs a little bit. I really need to see the film again, but my understanding is this: Everything from here on may be spoiler-ish.

ISOs are essentially new, totally conscious lifeforms spontaneously generated as an emergent property of the system. This runs in total opposition to both dualism and much of religious dogma, because it implies that consciousness emerges from the brain and is a totally natural phenomenon. It also shuts down creationism (as do genetic algorithms (GAs) in general) since it demonstrates the viability of natural selection. Finally, it demands a completely new way of thinking about our place in the universe, since conscious life can spring forth from any sufficiently complex system, even in cyberspace.

Now the thing about GAs is, they're stochastic. They're not deterministic like traditional algorithms, so each run will produce different results. But that's their beauty and also their source of power. Rather than building a system that searches a space very methodically, you're creating a population of candidate solutions that breed and mutate over generations, and you can't predict the pattern of evolution at all, except to say it moves towards optimisation over time.

CLU interprets this stochastic behaviour as chaos and an aesthetic blight. It's antithetical to the clean, sharply-defined lines of determinism. The ISOs are like weeds springing-up in a hedge-maze. Genocide is the answer to this problem.

But I can't recall whose disc CLU was after. Was it Flynn's? If so, presumably has the necessary code for program-to-human mapping, which he needed to become a Real Little Boy. Presumably he'd appear in the real world with some cronies before setting-up a larger facility for inter-world transport. I doubt he was planning on zapping the whole carrier through. Or did he actually say that?

you sir are genuinely up there with the ethos and mythos of the movie theme. Thanks for explaining, I am beginning to understand and appreciate the movie more and why the whole grid was more systematic and less vibrantly coloured than the encom one. It made sense now as CLU desired control, a corrupt part of flynns character? dualism?

Just got the sound track and it really grows on me. beautiful. To add, I notice the ISOs tattoo to be somehwat interesting. like an "OI-" a mutated binary code where the "I" had a middle dash "-" perhaps saying that electrical impulses have 3 directions than just a linear current stream. Ok, i flunked at electrical engineering but thats what gave me the impression.


Posts: 11
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 9:46 PM
Just got back from my nearest theater that played the movie in 3D.
May I say, it was AWESOME, as expected. The 3D played quite a role with the effect of the movie, and the acting? Great! (I don't take what those pesky critics say about the film's acting, it was great no matter what they say. -_-)
Still, there was a LOT to the movie, and nothing that I could really want to change except for more Lightdisc action. But hey, the entire film's Grid experience was GRAND.
Need I say I was the only one in my theater among the people who yelled "WHOOOO!!" when Daft Punk showed themselves? Like twice!

Meanwhile, I wore my black jeans, TRON t-shirt, and a kinda static-like jacet, in conjunction with my fedora and jetwall bracelets (clear blue bracelets I just call jetwall bracelets) to the film. My friends and I had a few air hockey matches, TRON lingo was thrown, and overall, the entire experience MADE the movie worth the hype, in my eyes. ^_^order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

-Also known as TheDarkOfNight - D and other abbreviations of said name on other websites (Skype included)-

Posts: 85
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 11:16 PM
Just got back from a 630 showing here. Could not be happier with this movie! Will be going to see it again! My favorite part was the quick shot of the handheld football game caked with dust in the basement. Great attention to detail!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 17
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 11:26 PM
movie was amazing, visually some parts of the film slowed it down but overall I liked it

Riddle Me This

Posts: 80
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 11:26 PM
Greetings, programs!

Been a while since I've been in this part of the grid. Glad to see it still looks so nice. I imagine that with 'recent news', you've all been part of the hustle and bustle.

Just got out of the theater, settling in to maybe watch the first one. My detailed opinions will come later, as it's my bed time but I can definitely say this: at no point in this movie was I ever bored or disappointed. I do have questions and comments and oh boy, will you guys here them.



Posts: 1,201
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 11:32 PM
Greetings, Programs! Shadow_user making his first post in a very long time.

I'm going to see TRON Legacy today. Knowing the people in my town, it's not going to be sold out. I have my TRON shirt all clean and ready. The rest of this post is reserved for review.

Just got back from seeing TRON: Legacy.
Plot: 9/10. Oh, who am I kidding? 10/10.
Visuals: 10+/10
Music: 10+/10
Merchandise Bonus: +5
Trippiness multiplier: x4
Overall Score: 140+/30
Rating: If you say that this movie is below excellent in any way, I will find you and gut you.

First of all, the look of the movie was awesome, in the original "Pamela Anderson at my door with a note from my wife saying 'have fun'" sense. The contrast between the circuitry and the black base was just... Mesmerizing. The combination of virtual/futuristic and modern/realistic was practically seamless. All of the vehicles and weapons were very, very cool. You are not going to want to not see this in 3D. And think the aesthetics end at the credits? Oh, ho no.
Choosing Daft Punk to create the music was a fantastic choice. The sounds fit the scenes incredibly well. The programs also had this crazy sorta autotune thing going on when they spoke, which was excellent.
The plot was just brilliant. Making Qorra a love interest without making her a "Love Interest" was a smart idea. That's all I'm going to say, though, since I don't want to give away any spoilers, besides the fact that TRON wasn't completely absent from the current timeline.

In short, when this comes out on DVD- Hell, maybe even on Blu-Ray- I am going to buy it.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

Mental Sector

Posts: 44
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 11:53 PM
when Rinzler shot that grenade'ish looking thing right towards the screen, who else JUMPED.
I saw it for the 2nd time and completely forgot about that part, freaks me out lol


Posts: 393
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 18, 2010 12:00 AM

Saw it in Digital 3D and DDSS in a nice theater.

Definitely one of the best movies, ever! Exceptionally well done.

Plan on seeing it about 9 more times in 3D... order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!