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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, January, 09, 2011 4:44 PM
Well the TRON 2.0 story could still fit into the grand scheme of it all, but will it? Hard to say. I think they are like two ships passing, and really aside from having Alan in common, really have nothing in common. That said, both stories can exist.

(And as mentioned before, both stories happen on different computers.)

Soooo... need to see this again before it leaves the theaters....where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 1,667
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, January, 09, 2011 5:38 PM
doctorclu Wrote:Well the TRON 2.0 story could still fit into the grand scheme of it all, but will it? Hard to say. I think they are like two ships passing, and really aside from having Alan in common, really have nothing in common. That said, both stories can exist.

(And as mentioned before, both stories happen on different computers.)

Soooo... need to see this again before it leaves the theaters....

True, they can exist in the same timeline, just with a tiny bit of tweaking.

Only real problem is, Some company took control of Encom (I think FCom, not sure) so Encom no longer exists in Tron 2.0
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"Reveal your creation date or I will disassemble your code one operation at a time!"

Posts: 8
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 11:25 AM
Just came back from watching this (was just released today over here).

Theater was pretty empty (currently in China for Christmas), though that's probably because it's a Monday night and it was dinner time.

Anyways. AMAZING movie.

I was a little worried it wouldn't live up to my expectations after seeing how it wasn't well received by many critics, but it surpassed them all. I watched the original TRON a week earlier, and absolutely loved it... Legacy felt very similar to the original in many ways, which is a good thing: those snippets of dialogue, the way the story is presented, etc.

The screening didn't include the message that some scenes were not shot in 3D - at first I thought something was wrong with the glasses during the 'real-life' scenes... but that changed once Sam was transported to the Grid. The light cycle and dog fight scenes were spectacular, and completely immersive.

The soundtrack by Daft Punk is completely fitting. I had already been listening to the OST a lot before watching the movie... simply put the music is a million times better with the visual images to accompany it. 'End of Line', 'Derezzed', 'Solar Sailer', and 'End Titles' I've listened to countless times already. Terrific music.

I loved the characters too (Quorra~), and the story and themes were excellent as well (not going into this to avoid spoilers).

As for the critics... guess you really should take critic reviews with a grain of salt. E.g. I don't see how Avatar was received so well even though almost every review stated it had a bad story, bad characters and bad dialogue and was only visual effects (which I disagreed with). Everyone has their own opinions, including the reviewers. I've found you're better off finding and sticking with a single reviewer that shares similar taste in movies as you do - in my case it's Roger Ebert (though I expected him to give this film a full 4/4 stars like the original).

Definitely one of my favorite movies, and a must see for TRON fans. I'm surely going to be seeing it more than once in theaters. I can't wait for future releases as well... hopefully it won't take 28 years. (Also, MORE QUORRA).abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 803
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 12:01 PM
As I've already stated in regards to canon, Tron 2.0 can easily fit within the framework of the new film. An ability to keep the mythos fluid was one of the things we tried to establish when we created the follow-up comic, Tron: Ghost in the Machine.

In Ghost in the Machine, it is revealed that Jet Bradley is not really what he thinks he is. He's not a user, but instead a program that thinks it's a user as part of an experiment towards making it possible for a program to be removed from the computer world and placed into the real world. So for 2.0 to work in continuity, the story simply needs to be considered part of the simulated reality that the comic takes place on. A bit of a retcon, but better (in my opinion) than trying to say the stories are no longer canon.

In short: 2.0 happened as part of an artificial reality experiment on an entirely different system following entirely different rules without the obvious presence of any Users. Like I said, a bit of a retcon. I call it canon, though everyone is welcome to their own opinions.


Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 4:28 PM
It weird, I really enjoy the movie overall, but I get this heavy and sad feeling each time after seeing it. In part due to the unknown fate of Tron (I'm sure he still lives), and what happened to Flynn. The last little bit at the very end was sweet and poinaint... but the saga *must* continue.

There must be a sequel, there simply must be.... where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 8
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 4:55 PM
ShadowDragon1 Wrote:It weird, I really enjoy the movie overall, but I get this heavy and sad feeling each time after seeing it. In part due to the unknown fate of Tron (I'm sure he still lives), and what happened to Flynn. The last little bit at the very end was sweet and poinaint... but the saga *must* continue.

There must be a sequel, there simply must be....

A lot of people felt the same way after watching Avatar.

Disc Warrior

Posts: 659
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 9:14 PM
Well Avatar is getting a sequel. Avatar 2 is going to focus on the oceans of Pandora...maybe they'll find the Navian Titanic...

Tron: Legacy NEEDS a sequel! Maybe they could call it Tron: Resolution... or is that to similar to 'revolution'?

But if there is no sequel...I will be very mad


Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, January, 10, 2011 11:40 PM
ShadowDragon1 Wrote:It weird, I really enjoy the movie overall, but I get this heavy and sad feeling each time after seeing it. In part due to the unknown fate of Tron (I'm sure he still lives), and what happened to Flynn. The last little bit at the very end was sweet and poinaint... but the saga *must* continue.

There must be a sequel, there simply must be....

Same here, but I think I get kind of sad because I can empathize with Sam and how he feels at finding his father after all those years and then suddenly being wrenched away from him again. I also can empathize with Kevin, for his loss, missing all the important years with his son. The scene at the portal where Clu angrily queries Kevin and all Kevin can say is "He's my Son" hits pretty hard for me. I feel bad for TRON too, what will he be like when he realizes how he had been used by CLU and what will he think of the loss of Flynn? Plenty of answers for the sequels.

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine
Disc Warrior

Posts: 659
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 12:31 AM
^Oh don't feel down! I think that "Tron" still stands on its own. Tron: Legacy in my opinion doesn't eclipse or tarnish "Tron", it adds to it... Heck, without "Tron" we wouldn't have "Legacy"!


Posts: 39
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 12:42 AM
I think it's the fact that Tron had been an original for so long that it stands out better on it's own. If they had made a sequel a few years after the first Tron, then I could see how it would be overshadowed. But seeing how Legacy came decades lager, the original Tron still stands as a unique classic while Legacy is a masterpiece in it of itself.



Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 1:20 AM
Scottn Wrote:I think it's the fact that Tron had been an original for so long that it stands out better on it's own. If they had made a sequel a few years after the first Tron, then I could see how it would be overshadowed. But seeing how Legacy came decades lager, the original Tron still stands as a unique classic while Legacy is a masterpiece in it of itself.

I look at it this way. Better it be followed by a theatrical sequel than by a direct to video sequel. I bet Heinlein is rolling over in his grave on the Z axis over what Verhoeven and others did to Starship Troopers. Besides TRON is still an original as the methods to make the majority of the computer world visually appealing were unique and will never be done again.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 28
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 10:04 AM
I went the day after it came out with my boyfriend. I thought it was amazing! As much as people say there is not going to be another one, I'm still looking forward to them making another one. However I did not watch the 3D version the graphics were amazing and I still feel like they could of jumped out of the screen.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 32
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, January, 12, 2011 2:36 AM
I've seen it twice - IMAX 3D (real IMAX) and 3D with Dbox. I have to say, I preferred the Dbox experience better all around. It wasn't gimmicky at all, and how they used Dbox actually enhanced things when it was used. It could have been overdone, especially for some of the quieter scenes but it wasn't used at all for a lot of that stuff.

I also think the non-IMAX 3D was also better. IMAX wasn't bad, but I felt there was a better sense of depth in the scenes where 3D was used.


Posts: 66
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, January, 13, 2011 3:37 AM
Is there a rule against replying to one's own review post? Well I guess not so here goes.

Due to an unlikely planet alignment this week, I was able to watch Tron:Legacy in 3D on the world's biggest IMAX screen last Tuesday night (Sydney, Australia).

As such I'll update my original post (copy below) and lets see how it goes.

Firstly, what a difference! T:L is ooh s much more worthy in this format than standard cinema RealD. It would be fair to say that I believe T:L was essentilly made for this format and it will be it's ultimate success. The theatre was packed last Tuesday, pretty unusual for an IMAX film on a weeknight costing well over twice the cost of a screening in a standard cinema.

T:L represents the first truly worthy fantasy / scifi film created for IMAX. Until now we've had to put up with the endless flow of documentaries of nature, space and all that other stuff on out IMAX screens which lets face it, really stand as not much more than a demo of the format's capabilities, not really an imaginative use of the format for something completely new.

T:L crosses that boundary. You've all been looking for something new in T:L (i.e. something to compare with the original's landmark computer graphics or even Avatar's landmark use of 3D). Well for T:L, it's IMAX.

I'm pretty sure the IMAX version of T:L will live on in IMAX cinemas worldwide for months and even years to come, well after the theatrical release and Blu Ray are forgotten. If you haven't had the chance yet you should catch an IMAX screening of T:L. Especially if you are a bitter sweet critic of T:L like myself.

You will see a lot that you otherwise cannot see in any other format. The film works with IMAX on so many levels. While the shortcomings are still there, I must admit I was much more likely to ignore them when watching in IMAX because you can always turn your head to one side and see something new in the frame that you would otherwise not have seen before.

The sound was infinitely better too (probably says alot about the cinema where I originally saw it, where the sound was so painfully loud I had to keep my fingers in my ears for a good portion of it, it was kind of like sitting in front of the screen having someone constantly fire cannons into your ears). The IMAX cinema had proper sound, loud and full but not painful and especially delightful when pumped with the Daft Punk soundtrack.

All that talk of the lack of production design?.. I'll take some of that back, because in IMAX you can actually SEE the designs and there really is alot more to see than I though possible before. Even the awful costume design seemed suddenly more interesting because you could now see different shades of black instead of just black on black!

To summarise, I think that alot of the shortcomings of T:L in a regular format, tend to work in it's favour in the IMAX format. If they are planning to continue the franchise then concentrating on the IMAX release would be a good idea. It's a far less crowded market (for movies, anyway) and while it has much fewer screens, the yields are much higher.

I very much enjoyed the IMAX version and felt myself drifting off into it, much like I did all those years ago watching the original. This "immersion" was something sadly lacking when I watched it for the first time on a standard screen.

My hope is that the next production team take stock of T:L's shortcomings and move on to wow us all with a continuation of the property appealing to a wider market and taking the best from both films to create something bigger than either.

1+2 = 3?

We'll see.

(p.s. it was worthy to note that I went to see it with a 17 y.o tag along. He hadn't seen the original and we had it lying around so he commenced to watch it before we left to see T:L. Our "viewing" of the original ended just as we left for the IMAX cinema, meaning that unlike before, I had effectively watched #1 and #2 within 30 minutes of each other. Neat.


zordmaker Wrote:Tron Legacy

Well I just got back from watching this landmark.

Let me say this first. At 43 I am just glad that I lived long enough to see a sequel to the original TRON film. I saw the first one in the cinema when I was 15 and ever since, it has remained my overall favourite film of all time (and that’s saying something, given the fact that I spent about 8 years working in the big budget film sector here in Sydney in the ‘90s and so I’m well versed on what it takes to bring a film such as “TRON” to the screen). That any sequel was made at all was a miracle. But I must say that some aspects of “Tron Legacy” were an absolute delight while others were annoying and fell expectedly well short.

Despite what many other reviews have stated I must strongly disagree that this film is short on story. Quite the opposite is true. It’s rare nowadays to find a film of this genre with such a strong and complex plot line - one which kind of keeps you watching because you just have to know what’s going to happen next. The only thing I have in agreement with the critics was that there was definitely far to little “tron” in TRON:LEGACY. Oh well. A little bit is better than none at all I guess.

As with many modern films it took a long time to get where it wanted to go and this was probably mostly no thanks to repeated use of modern “Matrix style” slow motion beats to help remind us of when something historically significant was supposed to be happening. The film was enjoyable, the soundtrack refreshing (if not a little loud in the cinema we saw it in) and from the first frame it differentiated itself as unmistakedly TRON. The most reassuring thing (to me) about the film was that the producers resisted the urge to create the film entirely in CGI (a-la “Avatar” style) and that the film was largely still deliberately driven by live performances, some of which were clearly on par with or even better than the original. The shortcomings of CLU were virtually invisible and more than appropriate since he was supposed to be a computer generated entity anyway.

Now the brickbats. As I suspected well before I went to watch it, the serious downfall with “TRON:LEGACY” is the almost non existent art direction and seriously deficient production design. The first TRON will always stand as an artistic masterpiece – and art was sadly the most lacking component in this almost annoyingly dark and monocromatic film which seems to have been shot entirely using black, blue and orange and just about nothing else.

All the “Disney Hallmark” awe, wonder and “otherworldliness” of the original TRON is completely absent from this film. The mastery of Syd Mead and the many other designers who set the artistic foundation for the original TRON was either completely ignored or it looked like someone had run the design through a 20 year old photocopier about 100 times. The costume design was atrocious. You may as well have fired the entire wardrobe department and just done your shopping at the local motorcycle clothing shop. Perhaps they did? The “Black on Black” colour scheme made movement hard to watch and I simetimes found myself wishing that they HAD instead used CGI characters – at least we would have been able to see all of them!

Most of the ground rules set by the original TRON were well and truly broken, leaving me somewhat feeling betrayed and confused. Other critics have focused on Sam’s arrival in the TRON world in his regular street clothes as the best example of this (and I agree) however in short the TRON world didn’t look anything like ”another world” at all.

The complicated procedure of transferring a human between worlds - done so elegantly in the first fiilm – was completely ignored in “TRON – LEGACY”. Just about everything (including all the vehicles, clothing and especially Flynn’s Pad) worked towards trying to convince us that “the grid” was a REAL place where the laws of physics and matter apply just the same way as they do here on mother Earth.

This (in my opinion) was a drastic mistake and centres on the biggest shortcoming of this film especially when compared with the original and particularly given the fact that the storyline so closely references that original in almost every line spoken in the film. With the link between worlds being such a pivotal plot tool in the storyline it is amazing that Sam’s transfer into the computer world made it look more like he had just walked into the next room rather than been transferred into an alien, incredible and frightening alternate reality.

To summarise. Hmm. Both the original TRON and the very appropriately named TRON:LEGACY stand alone as good films worthy of viewing in their own right. Fans of the original (like me) will find themselves feeling shortchanged on some aspects but very satisfied with others. Audiences who have not seen the original are likely to now want to seek out same and watch it. This will in turn rejuvinate interest in what I still feel stands as the most artistically significant film of the 20th Century, even if it fell short in other areas. It seems natural that within a few months we will see a re-released Blu Ray Hi definition release of the original to satisfy the hunger of many to experience just what the “Legacy” was all about.

I can’t but help thinking that TRON:LEGACY would have worked out far better (and more profitable) on a much smaller budget. Same excellent story line - but with a bit more emphasis on content and a lot less on the need to “keep up with the Joneses”. As I suspected, the 3D works very well with this property The fact that it took this long to realise, TRON:LEGACY is testament to the fact that it was probably worth the wait.

Given the 27 years we had to wait for TRON:LEGACY, no sequel could ever have lived up to the expectations left behind by the original. However the name now leaves us all in search of the truth – a “legacy” between the two now truly exists – and it will be a brave director indeed who agrees to take the property to it’s next level. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another 27 years for that to happen.

Paul Matthews
Sydney Australia
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Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, January, 13, 2011 7:33 AM
Like I said many standard movie theatres showing RealD do *not* increase the luminocity of the projected picture, so with the glasses on it looks way to dark. When luminocity should be like 7, but many theaters have it at 2 or 3.

True 15/70 size screen Imax theaters typically have the proper luminocity set at 6 or 7. So of course TL is going to look vastly better than some standard theater with the frakkin' luminocity at 2 or 3! where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 10
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, January, 14, 2011 5:59 PM
The first time I watched TL, I was absolutely deconstructed by it. It was such an intensely visceral experience, a treat for the eyes, ears and heart. Later on my head continued to buzz about with the thematic intricacies of this amazing film.

The second time around I found many more insights and deeper meaning to the driving characters, opening up the already vast universe Kosinski and co have created.

The third time, I just went for the enthralling soundtrack. Listening to it on its own is almost just an emotive experience as the film was the first time around.

Where the film hooked my be the chest and tugged me unrelentingly along was Flynn's televised speech about his "digital frontier to reshape the human condition." This resonates with me on so many levels that his heartfelt and shaking prophecy of humanity's destiny being held inside the digital realm set me on a journey that still has me buzzing.



Posts: 1,025
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, January, 15, 2011 1:36 PM
Well just got back from my 3rd time seeing it. This time in 3D (Real3D). Overall it was worth it to see in 3D and as I have only done one other movie this way (Toy Story 3(3D) I can say it was well worth the price. Story still compelled me and I found myself still moved by the melancholy of the relationship between Sam and Kevin and Kevin and Clu.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine

Posts: 6
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, January, 25, 2011 10:37 AM
I just got back from seeing it AGAIN, this time in IMAX.

I've been waiting for this movie to come out for so long. I'm blown away with it. I think they did an icredible job. It's simply beautiful.
I have made Quorra, Sam, and Gems suits, using silicones, foam latexes, EL wire, etc, and will be premiering them at Megacon in March. I also added another tattoo to my collection after seeing the film, Quorra's ISO mark. I got it done in UV ink with light blue on top.

I couldn't be happier with the movie and can't wait for the sequel. I love how the movie flows. It's calm, yet very engaging. order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 54
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, February, 22, 2011 1:14 PM
Finally got to watch the movie after many delays thanks to weekend activities keeping me away.

Took my daughter with me as she was a fan of the first one which we saw a little while back in preparation.

Acting wasn't bad. The actor for Sam did a decent job. Not great, but decent.

The plot was pretty good but it needed fleshing out and went in some odd directions. Clu as a bad guy was odd, given the first movie, but worked out. They needed to flesh out the points between Clu and Kevin better, however. A couple of flashbacks and bits of discussion here and there weren't enough. The escape plot worked out. Get to the portal before it closes.

Now to the details...

First, Sam. Downloading using the method he did... seriously? I realize Hollywood is technologically inept but at least try. Of course, they repeat this same idea at the end. At least have him connect via some rigged-together cable or something.

Encom OS 12? Hmmmm. They've got Encom all over the damn place now, don't they? It was odd enough that you had a science/engineering company putting out video games but now they've got their own line of hardware and software as well?

Almost forgot... the initial scene where the Flynn's see each other for the first time since Kevin was locked in. It starts off fine with the initial shock from both, the hug, etc. Then Kevin walks off and says they'll talk more at dinner? Uhhh. Yeah. I can see why this one's getting more discussion as it's a poor writing moment.

Dillinger Jr. Snotty little punk, isn't he? He'll be back on Tron 3, most likely, to seek revenge with his father.

The revolution? Kevin talks about the fact that it's slowly starting to happen and is basically waiting for it. We see a few programs trying to talk to Zeus about the revolution. I'm not sure if that's to show how much of a real lack of revolution there is, if the writers lacked in ability to flesh it out, or some other explanation. It almost seems like the revolution was more of an inside joke. Perhaps a script was put out with a revolution and shot down in favor of this so the few little blips of revolution we have are the result? It's a thought. Honestly, they could have included a few rebels to help out along the way.

The fights. The disc battles were, honestly, not all that interesting. Wow, I can watch Rinzer dodge things in amazing and cool, yet superfluous ways. Haven't we had enough of the Chinese flying martial arts? I'd like some fight scenes that flowed a bit better.

The outfits. They seemed a bit lacking in comparison to the originals. Programs shattering rather than the old school de-rez seemed odd as well.

Points for some actual Unix commands with the Encom OS, which appears to be either Unix-based or Unix-like.

My biggest problem. ISO's. Who's the one that came up with this? ISO's? Really? Programs that just came into being? We're already going into suspension of disbelief with the laser that takes you into the computer. But at least with that we're still dealing with some basic realities such as programs being written by programmers (users) and functioning as they were written to. Even in other films where programs adapt, like... oh... the MCP? They're typically AI programs created by humans but grow beyond that. I think this goes beyond stretching the boundaries of reality and goes into just giving up on reality for the sake of an additional yet unnecessary plot point.

Really, the ISO story wasn't needed. There's a few reasons for being put in.

First was for Kevin Flynn to have some reason to be really excited about The Grid and what it could offer. Well, he already had that in his original idea and could simply continue working on that. His ideas were already pretty incredible, allowing people to do large sums of work easily and more rapidly.

Next was as a point where Clue and Kevin differed, creating the rift between them. Kevin sees the ISOs as a gift to the world. Clu sees them as aberrations to be removed from the system while also seeming like the older kid, unhappy that the new baby is getting all of mommy and daddy's attention. No need for this. Clu's programming flaw of a perfect system is enough. It's simply a matter of Clu and Kevin beginning to have differences on how The Grid should be designed with Clu determining that Kevin is one of the imperfections with the system.

Last was as a scientific marvel. This point seems superfluous, a necessity thrown in to cause Kevin to give them more attention and make the rift more obvious and quick. The writers had to come up with a reason why Kevin was so interested in these programs. Just being created without users wasn't enough. They had to be some cure-all for everything.

The ending leaves the movie very open to Tron 3. Sam can now go about running Encom, probably eliminating Dillinger Jr. in the process. He'll also begin work on rebuilding his father. I'd also like to see Laura and Yori back in action, possibly helping to get Flynn back. The movie could either end up a Star Trek 3, bringing Flynn back at the end. It could end up Matrix style, with Kevin Flynn actually coming through things quite easily. It depends on what they want to do with the franchise. For going the 4 movie route, 3 would probably focus on getting Kevin back and 4 could be Flynns vs. Dillingers. They could probably condense it into a single movie with either Kevin coming back early for a movie's worth of Dillingers vs. Flynns or have Sam hold them off with the help of Alan (and possibly others... Lora?) while also trying to rebuild Kevin and get Kevin back for a Flynns vs. Dillingers final confrontation, perhaps with the Dillingers expecting a trapped Sam.

All in all, the movie wasn't bad. Remove the ISOs and make some slight plot point adjustments and the movie holds up better while eliminating the ridiculous nature of the ISOs. If you take the time spent on the ISOs to further the Kevin vs. Clu points, you've got an even better movie. Add in some more details on Clu building up anti-user sentiment as well. As for the revolution, it doesn't work very well with the existing movie except to describe Kevin Flynn's energetic acts of doing nothing. If we're going to include them, then do like the original and have a few programs along the way help the group with their escape. Of course, then the parallels to the original become greater.

In the end, my daughter and I both liked it. I'll likely be picking up one of the combo packs that includes the original and Legacy.


Posts: 123
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, March, 07, 2011 12:36 PM
Flew back from seeing Tron L at san jose imax dome (2d) INCREDIBLE can see so much detail in scenes i couldn't see in repeated viewings ,.. even better than 3d .... inside rectifier you feel like your right their..... exclusive merchandise had not arrived at there gift shop yet but worth the playing right up to dvd relese ....also attended toy show on saturday morning and found a sdcc light cycle for 15 bucks ... now i see why its going for bucks on ebay with its chrome foil package and super glossy finish ( on bike ).... also picked up a few pop up shop items at affordable one had the target 2 paks / castor / siren / arcade at all...VERY scarce at this time....order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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