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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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Posts: 52
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, March, 16, 2011 10:50 PM

Greetings Programs

Just wanted to add that i was also thrilled with T:L and just saw it again this past weekend. If you live in the BOSTON area, get your digital self to The Simon IMAX Theatre ( next to The New England Aquarium) . 'Tron : Legacy' is playing there in glorious IMAX 3D on the largest screen in New England. This is also the ONLY theatre in the area ( perhaps the State) still playing it...which also makes it a must do.

It was FANTASTIC in 3D. This theatre is a great spot to see it! It is also playing up until it is released on Dvd/Blue Ray when last i checked the link to the theatres' times listing ( off of the main NE Aquarium website). Night showings only ( 6pm ish) from NOW until disc release.

Definately GO!!! I love this movie...have to see it AGAIN!!!


Posts: 1,178
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, March, 17, 2011 12:01 AM
My dollar theatre STILL has it, only one showing in 3-D, the rest in 2-D. I kind of wanted to see what it was like in regular 2-D, so may go next weekend.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

Forget it, Mr High and Mighty Master Control. You aren't making me talk.


Posts: 52
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, March, 17, 2011 6:03 PM

What i found interesting is 'Tron : Legacy' never hit the local discount movie houses in my area. I was fully expecting it too, as most films do after their 4/5 week run at the main houses...but not Tron. It dissapeared from everywhere here near in mid February or so, and then went to a exclusive showing only at the IMAX in Boston.

Totally worth seeing again on the big screen...this is a flick you just HAVE to see big!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 121
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, March, 17, 2011 8:18 PM
The first time I saw Leagcy, it was on December 27. I remember wanting to see it ever since I saw the Tron HISHE rap on youtube.(12-22~10) I remembered there was a sequel called Tr2n( when I first heard of it in about June, the other source still called it Tr2n) so I googled it. I have a tendency to get really into something after I google it a lot. I was also trying to find the dvd to no avail. (am I using the right word?) So I was left there really wanting to see the movie all through Christmas weekend. My mom said that I could see it on New Years...but I didn't listen and we saw it on the 27th.

Fast-forward to a week later. Yes, I'm that crazy. Anyway, we payed for a 3d version and the lady gave us the 2d room, so we payed 5 extra dollars for a 3d movie we didn't see.

I am not sure when this was, but the next time was weird also. We payed for Tron. They told us room7. We went to room 7. We were IN room7. The ticket said room 7. The stupid theater people played a Barbie movie for about 20 minutes and we were all confused. Finally, my mom told the people.

The final time we saw it, nothing special happened
In conclusion, 2 out of 3 times we saw the movie in theater 1, something weird happened. 2\4 times we saw it in total, something weird happened. Tron is the only movie where something weird has happened....
I think.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

<3 Re-Rez RAM! <3
The inner mechanisms of my brain are an enigma.
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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!