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Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 9:13 PM
KiaPurity Wrote:Well, no, actually, what really happened was that CLU rectified Tron. I don't think the red disc had anything to do with it--

Which would bring up an interesting question-- what the hell happens to the disc if a program has been derezzed?

Also,when Rinzler lost his discs, shouldn't he have reverted? (Not really, he only did when he saw Flynn -- and his circuity colors returned in the sea of simulation)


I'm wondering if the flashback showed Tron's disc being sliced in half by one of the guards somehow and this is probably why they showed a different color. The only other explanation is Clu probably arranged to have one of his discs corrupted to slow him down.


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 9:39 PM
Huh. I didn't see that the disc broke?

Now I'm confused. :P

Christmas can't come faster. x_x

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 126
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 11:36 PM
Saw it in 3D on Saturday. The nit-picker in me certainly had some quibbles. I felt as though the plot could have used a bit more oomph; the fact that it had to explain half the plot in flashback felt very awkward to me in particular, and I found writing dialogue from the previous film into this one tended to jolt me out of it (except for the identity disc instruction - that just worked).

Still, I didn't expect any more than an exciting and entertaining film, and that was what I got. It hit pretty much every note I wanted it to. One thing I liked about it was that it not only managed to nail the sense-of-wonder in the Grid, but right there at the very end, a sense of wonder at our own everyday world, thanks to Olivia Wilde's fantastic, wordless, thoroughly-in-character performance. It tends to be the small moments that sick with me and that, and (for some reason) the "Your/My name is Clu" bit, are the ones Tron: Legacy gave me.

I'm getting a bunch of lads together to go see it again (well, again for me) after Christmas.

Oh, yeah: Was very sorry about Castor. I knew he was going to do what he did from the trailers, but I was really, really hoping it wouldn't work out like that. He was a breath of fresh air!order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Fortune Favour You,


Posts: 100
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 12:06 AM
I finally saw the movie in IMAX 3D and was blown away by the action and special effects.
It was visually something spectacular.
I tried not to put to much emphasis on the story since there wasn't a complete story. Maybe when I see it again I'll get more of it.
Either way, I was not disappointed.

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 215
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 2:50 AM
KiaPurity Wrote:Hm.

I'm still not sure what to make of that scene-- I interpreted it as him going "Heeeey, maybe I can fight with two discs!"
Same. I HIGHLY doubt picking up some other programs disc is what made him Rinzler. Clu OBVIOUSLY repurposed him. I really just think it was to make it abundantly obvious that he is Rinzler. In case somebody missed that...order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 580
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 3:06 AM
IMAGinES Wrote: One thing I liked about it was that it not only managed to nail the sense-of-wonder in the Grid, but right there at the very end, a sense of wonder at our own everyday world, thanks to Olivia Wilde's fantastic, wordless, thoroughly-in-character performance.

I really loved the end for that moment too. There was something really amazing about it. Rather than the end goal being living in the computer, it's about taking what we learn there and going out into the real world and enjoying it. It's a lovely moment.

NickScratch Wrote:
KiaPurity Wrote:Hm.

I'm still not sure what to make of that scene-- I interpreted it as him going "Heeeey, maybe I can fight with two discs!"
Same. I HIGHLY doubt picking up some other programs disc is what made him Rinzler. Clu OBVIOUSLY repurposed him. I really just think it was to make it abundantly obvious that he is Rinzler. In case somebody missed that...

It seems heavily implied to me that Rinzler was probably a very early attempt at Rectification. That would explain why it wasn't as total and complete as the Sentry's... that, or Clu wanted him to be more like him old self so he could be A.) a trophy and B.) an effective puppet-warrior in the games for him.

Discuss it on here.

Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 7:37 AM
Hi there, first timer here. Joined after being smitten by Legacy.

I've seen the movie 4 times in cinemas now since its release date, intend to return for a 5th time later this week. (once in 3d, 3 times in 2d, i prefer 2d as i have prescription glasses and no contact lenses and 3d movie experiences are always horrid for me)

I absolutely loved this film, though many of my close friends don't like it compared to the first because they thought it was too dramatic, didn't make enough sense and tried to be too real even though it shouldn't have liked the original. Although I can understand where they are coming from, I personally love this movie because I love movies that emphasize the use of dramatic music and visuals and is able to establish such a unique universe that is so inspiring that you'd want to be a apart of it in your dreams.

This movie is my all-time favourite movie - I have never seen a movie more than twice in the cinemas apart from this. Though people that have enjoyed this movie have been labeled by critics as shallow just because they care about the visuals only, the awe-inspiring score and not the supposedly nonsensical storyline - I believe differently - that there's much more than meets the eye with the plot to Tron:Legacy. I thought the lesson taught about perfection fitted very well with this movie - though it's a lesson that's been demonstrated in many movies before, this movie I felt conveyed the lesson brilliantly because I can relate to Kevin in how he's always wanted to make the world the perfect system (in his own eyes) but forgets that we don't need perfection and that we should appreciate what we have right in front of us. The father-son story of Sam and Kevin I thought was inspiring too - it was beautiful to see how in such a short amount of time Kevin had become inspired by his son to be hopeful again to seek salvation, but the cost of that salvation had to mean his own sacrifice but it was all worth it just to see his son again and that sacrifice gave Sam concrete knowledge that after all those years his father had always loved him. I actually, for the first time in years shed a tear watching that scene at the end :')

Another thing I loved about T:L was the character of Quorra, I loved the fact that her character wasn't the obligatory badass female that has this intense hatred of men and has to boast about how she is stronger than men and that she is anti-sexist. She is a badass girl for sure, but at the same time she is a caring person that like real heroes that are so lacking today believes in selflessness, to remove one's self from the equation. These days there are too many protagonists that are admittedly self-centered and are just bitter about life in general - it's so refreshing to see a positive character in such a depressing time for heroes.

Whoa, this is a big post - but I'm glad as a first post it's a written record of why I love T:L and am so inspired by it.



Posts: 5
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 10:07 AM
I agree skywark 91. This is my all time favorite sci-fi movie ever. It was awesome!!!!
I will see it multiple times in the theater. The actors and actresses were great! The music was perfect!! I've been waiting for another TRON movie since the first one. Now we have it, and it has exceeded my expectations. The only problem I had was the meditating FLYNN
stuff. I think you should stay away from religion in a fun movie series like TRON especially at CHRISTMAS, but besides that it was GREAT!abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 3,301
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 11:11 AM
Happy to hear the positive reception.

Asking for no religion in Tron, though... Have you seen the original? You might change your tune. And if it wasn't for the original, T:L wouldn't be here.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 5
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 1:10 PM
Yes I have seen the 1st. Tron movie and You're right Traahn, and after all it's SCI-FI


Posts: 33
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 4:47 PM
xenobuzz, while I find myself disagreeing with at least 80% of your review, I want to give you props for presenting a very well-thought-out, logical, and constructive viewpoint. It seems that much of the negativity towards T:L is nothing but hate for the sake of hate, employed only to shake the cages of the people who loved it, which makes any shred of validity toward their hatred completely invalid, as far as I'm concerned.


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 10:47 PM
I didn't see it as a religious thing.

Flynn at one point referred to it as his "Zen thing". In that context i understood it as being calm, balanced, focused. As for "knocking on the sky" that could be interpreted as him sitting in deep thought to plan their next move.abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 11:04 PM
Arcalian Wrote:Quorra healed herself as an ISO, and the reason Flynn couldn't heal her like he did Yori is because it was Clu's system by then, not his own.

As for the the time he saved the program in the original movie, i understood his ability to do that because he understood how it was written. As for Quorra, recall him saying that much of her code was beyond him, as in beyond even his comprehension, so it wasn't familiar or intuitive (or even understandable). order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 234
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 11:30 PM
Just saw the movie for the SECOND TIME!

Same location: IMAX 3D, downtown Salt Lake City.

Just... wow. It was even **BETTER** the second time through.

I always know I am hooked on a movie when it wows me more on the second pass, than the first.

More comments eventually, but right now I am still glowing a bit.

I am so pleased with this film!order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 1:24 AM
FlynnsWrist Wrote:

Those "realism" materials takes us back to grittiness and less artistic escapism which is what the whole Tron Utopia is about.

That's not leather that they're wearing and that's not metal that the bikes are made out of. I'd venture to say that's just how we would interpret these materials as we encounter them in their native environment.


Posts: 126
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 1:26 AM
well, i went to the first showing on monday, so there weren't a lot of people :/ just mostly older men and teenage boys. i felt kind of weird because me and my two friends were the only girls in the theater.

but everyone was so quiet and i was the only one really got into the movie and made weird sounds. where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 2:34 AM
I don't understand how some people could dismiss or not find interesting a story about a guy whose not seen his father for 20 yrs is finally is reunited with him, and is able to reconscile with him to be something to "not care about",

How could one find any of the underlying themes to not be interesting?Maybe they're just not seeing it?
The theme of the importance of real human relationships and regaining connection to one's father and gaining emotional connections "boring"?
Maybe if a person never grew up with a father that one could look up to, or a person that has grown up apathetic and excessively jaded, then I guess then a person would not care for those aspects of the story...

This movie is an action-adventure drama, not a pure action film, maybe some people expected every minute to be filled with just over-the-top action or something.

In my view it's strange that when there's exposition in a film some people complain, and yet when there's little or no exposition people complain still!

The main character in Tron Legacy actually learns and overcomes emotional obstacles rather maturely, and becomes a better person in the end (which is actual character development IMO) and people say "oh it didnt have any character development". Flynn realizes that not only is "perfection" unknowable, but having some time to spend with Sam was more important than "The Grid" (if a person has a son, this really hits home for them), that protecting his son and self-sacrifice was far more noble that anything else.
Quorra learns that human world isn't a fantasy, and gets to experience real life outside of The Grid, and develops a connection with Sam.
IMO that all IS *character development*!

It's silly; Inception had mostly 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional characters and it's premise in part was derived from the old 80's movie "Dreamscape", spy thiller novels, and elements from Philip K. Dick science fiction stories. Yet I almost never hear or read people saying "Inception had boring dialogue, an uninteresting story, and lacked character development". Inception was a fairly good film, but it too had it's weaknesses, like little to no charater development, an derivative story (like many contemporary movies), and simple dialogue as well IMO.

The story of Tron Legacy in my view had actual development, when a person devles into it and looks beneath the surface of the CG and VFX, it's right there. order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 5
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 1:05 PM
Well said Shadowdragon1. I thought the balance was perfect!!.......not too much over the top action scenes and just enough character/story scenes. I loved the Daft Punk music in the movie. It fit perfect. I'm driving an hour out of the way tomorrow to watch it for the second time at a movie theater that has the best sound in the southeast. CC5 cinemas in TROY, AL
This theater only has 5 screens, but they put all their money into the equipment, which makes for an incredible movie watching experience. If it's too loud, you're too old


Posts: 87
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 5:07 PM
Little late to the party in here, but the Missus and I just got back from seeing this in IMAX 3D and despite my reservations going in... THIS FILM KICKED MY ASS. I've got a special love for the original, and had read many negative reviews about Legacy but decided I owed it to the franchise to show some support, and I'm so very glad I did. Legacy is not a perfect film, but it's easy to overlook it's flaws and appreciate just how much they got right, both artistically and from a fanboi point of view. I knew it was gonna be an eye candy extravaganza (and it was truly a wonder to behold) but what I wasn't prepared for were the emotional kicks that the film had, as well as just how those kicks would affect me. This I owe to the triumphant storytelling at play here, despite it's shortcomings, of which there were far fewer than I'd been led to believe. To my humble eyes and heart, Tron Legacy was a solid success and a reinvigorating breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale state of cinema these days.

I think the highest praise I can give Legacy is that it went over so well with my wife (who only has fleeting memories of the original) that she wants to watch the original right away so she can get the full effect. Bravo indeed. And hopefully we won't have to wait another 28 years for the next installment.

[ there is no spoon ]

Posts: 9
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 1:16 AM
Well, after a few more runs through the film, I have some further thoughts.

First off, I will have to buy at least 2 copies of the DVD / BluRay when released, because unlike my family's copies of Star Trek (what were watched maybe 4 times total, and have been shelved for a long time), we'll likely burn the Tron discs out from rewatching it. I am a die-hard trekker. And Star Trek 2009 is a good movie, but not rewatchable over and over again like Legacy is. or Wrath of Khan. Or Ghostbusters. Or Back to the Future. It's been a long time since a movie like this came along.

It's my opinion, either agree or disagree. But you're as entitled to yours as I am to mine.

Secondly, I'm surprised how many lines of dialog they had that are direct lifts from the first film. In addition to the big door and so on, Sam says "This is it, come on!" right before Clu knocks him off his cycle. Flynn says the same thing before leaving the original grid in 1982. These lines didn't take me out of the film, and they fit the tone quite well. I think that the purpose of this is to say, "like father... like son". Both are users - they don't follow a plan, they "improvise". I have a lot of my father's mannerisms, his walk, etc. That's the way we are - we emulate those around us.

Clu is the exact opposite - he's a snapshot of Flynn with no growth, no flexibility outside his programming. He acts within his parameters, and is downright shocked that Flynn isn't satisfied with his success at fulfilling his programming. He created the perfect system! As instructed! That's what made the ISOs even more revolutionary - no code boundaries. No design. Pure manifest, pure life.

I think anyone harping on Garrett are looking too deep here. He's been without his father since he was 8, and has abandonment issues. Personally, I think he did a very subdued and at times perfect job of emoting the "I'm a cool dude but HOLY CRAP THAT GUY'S FACE IS MISSING PIECES". I don't think there was a single bad performance or character placement in the film.

The religious aspects are also much more present and sublime than the original. Flynn's "breath of life" to reshape Quorra's code. "Head towards the light". The program genuflecting as Flynn walks past in the End of Line club. And so on. Lots of discussion around the water cooler at work (xmas week... it's awfully slow in the cube farms) on this topic.

I did want to see more of younger Bruce as Tron... but leaving Tron in the shadows - it really left me wanting for a lot more. The "white noise" burbling from Rinzler starts right at the end of the betrayal scene when Flynn thinks Clu kills Tron. White noise is used as a suppressor. I think this is the reference they were shooting for, and a couple other folks I know picked up on that too. It's "suppressing" Tron's programming, which broke through starting with his discovery of Sam.

And lastly, this is Flynn's world. He's a god in it. He's very much into the "zen thing", so why not emulate the Jedi? Flynn would have seen the original Star Wars trilogy, and likely been influenced by them. If I was to program the perfect system on the grid, you're darned rights it would have awesome references to stuff like that.

What surprised me about most of the negative reviews I've read is that the reviewer usually hasn't seen the original Tron. I'm sure they'd be just as confused if they skipped Back to the Future 1 and 2, and started right at 3.

This movie is as complex or as simple as you allow it to be. I'm interested in the layers I keep finding and then peeling back.

Here's to Tron 3.

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!