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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 3:56 PM
Greetings, Programs! A couple things:
1)@skywarp91 - Welcome! May you enjoy your time here in the Sector;
2)My review - please see below - apologies in advance for the long entry:

(by Renegade Program)

The Place: Greenville Grande Cinemas, Greenville, NC
The Time: Saw a 6:40pm feature in 3D
The Date: Wed, Dec 22, 2010
People who saw it with me: Brother-In-Law, and his 9-yr old Son

*Cinematography - LOVED the sweeping camera move in the opening
*Editing - Loved how Young Sam started off on his bike and then the film cuts to Sam as a young man on his motorcycle
*Acting - Strong performances from Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia (LOVE me some Quorra), and Bruce. Also liked the intro of the Ed Dillinger Jr. character;
*Concepts and metaphors - the gene/programming code scene where Quorra's arm is restored; the Buddhism elements and other similar things
*Light cycle race and disc games - WOW!!!!!
*Light Jets
*All the references to the first film
*Sam's prank at the ENCOM Board Meeting
Daft Punk score - I gotta admit, Daft Punk has really grown on me - the beat was THUMPIN' in the theater I saw it in, especially the scene where they show the End of Line Club; the score fit the film perfectly
*The scene where Sam and Quorra are on the motorcycle as the sun is rising - the way this was shot and edited very closely reminded me of the "Take Me With U" sequence in Purple Rain where Prince and Appollonia were on the bike - LOVE this scene; was almost expecting "Take Me With U" to play, LOL!!!!!!

*Flynn's explanation about the portal and his absence in Sam's life - If I wrote this, I would have enabled Flynn to create a backup portal in his safehouse;
*The events between 1982 and 1989 - would have liked to have seen a little more on this - the TV report montage was cool, but I felt it was rushed;
*FLYNN LIVES - would have liked to have seen them in the film, even if it was in a newsclip
*Fight sequences - Were cool, but wished they were a little longer (i.e., Disc Battles)
*Quorra passing over to the real world - I guess I would have liked just a little more on this, i.e., if Quorra's code had been changed to the point where she was actually human;
Sam returning to the real world - Maybe this is just me, but it seemed like the way they edited it was a jump cut: I mean, one second Sam and Quorra are standing in the portal beam, and then the next second, Sam is shown completing an upload of "the grid" to his SD card in his phone;
The game grid escape - This is nostalgic, but would have loved to hear the notice about the illegal exit as well as making the ride to Flynn's safehouse a little perilous, i.e., have Recognizers shooting, as well as Light Tanks - would have added an interesting dynamic to the game grid escape
*I remember seeing a pic on two years ago of a guy in a blue program suit standing at a coffee stand with his back to the camera - what happened to this scene? Was this something that was cut out?

I'll be going to see this again, soon. End of Line.

Fighting for TRON, The USERS, Both Flynns, Independents, and the mighty ISOs since '82.

Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 6:37 PM
Just saw it a second time, and the movie remains quite triumphant in my mind! Same AMC theater in Cupertino, IMAX 3D, at 1PM on a Wed--not a full house, but wouldn't expect it to be at this showing. Still, was a respectable sized-audience, with some good-natured laughter at the right times, and some smatterings of applause at the end. Overall a positive vibe, didn't hear anyone scoffing or complaining afterwards.

On my second viewing, caught a few things:

1. Zuse's reaction when he hears about Quorra--clearly, a lot of history between the two, but it made me wonder, could Zuse also be an ISO?

2. The stylized "89" symbol on the back of Sam's motorcycle helmet really does look like a Mickey head.

3. Heard the old Discs of Tron arcade game sound when the platforms rez up during the disc war.

4. Was able to follow a bit more closely who had their identity disc on at what time, and if it was in fact theirs. I remember thinking that there was a continuity error when I saw Flynn with a disc on after his was stolen, but then I realized he was actually just wearing Quorra's (after she let herself be caught by Rinzler).


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 24, 2010 8:21 AM
BigbadMCP Wrote:Just saw it a second time, and the movie remains quite triumphant in my mind! Same AMC theater in Cupertino, IMAX 3D, at 1PM on a Wed--not a full house, but wouldn't expect it to be at this showing. Still, was a respectable sized-audience, with some good-natured laughter at the right times, and some smatterings of applause at the end. Overall a positive vibe, didn't hear anyone scoffing or complaining afterwards.

On my second viewing, caught a few things:

1. Zuse's reaction when he hears about Quorra--clearly, a lot of history between the two, but it made me wonder, could Zuse also be an ISO?

2. The stylized "89" symbol on the back of Sam's motorcycle helmet really does look like a Mickey head.

3. Heard the old Discs of Tron arcade game sound when the platforms rez up during the disc war.

4. Was able to follow a bit more closely who had their identity disc on at what time, and if it was in fact theirs. I remember thinking that there was a continuity error when I saw Flynn with a disc on after his was stolen, but then I realized he was actually just wearing Quorra's (after she let herself be caught by Rinzler).

I thought Zuse was an ISO, but he had redecorated himself after the purge to look like a regular program.

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Posts: 116
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 24, 2010 10:04 AM
I got the same impression about Zuse, especially after his line about needing to 're-invent' himself, and the way he got suddenly nervous when Sam told him who had sent him. I strongly believe Zuse was also an ISO.

Btw, long-time, no-see guys!

Had to throw up my thoughts now that I've seen it... Sorry nay-sayers, but chalk up another long-term die-hard fan on the side that loved it. TL blew me away even more than I thought it would! The visuals, the dialog, the drama, action... All of it...

I would have to say my only real complaint was the same as many of you: Lack of screen time for Tron himself. If they make a 3rd, I'm hoping they "rectify" this oversight. LOL

Now I just need to find a good 3D theater nearby so I can see it that way... only 2D's here in my town.

Edit: Oh, and also, on the note about the flashback with Tron... I also noticed the white/red disc thing immediately during the fight, and the fact Tron's attention was drawn to it, (and there-by ours as well), gave me the impression that it was 'infected', or at least affecting him somehow by holding it. But I suppose it could've also just been the 2-disc hint towards Rinzler that others have mentioned. Hard to say for sure, I guess.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 24, 2010 5:30 PM
Chikan Wrote:I got the same impression about Zuse, especially after his line about needing to 're-invent' himself, and the way he got suddenly nervous when Sam told him who had sent him. I strongly believe Zuse was also an ISO.

Btw, long-time, no-see guys!

Had to throw up my thoughts now that I've seen it... Sorry nay-sayers, but chalk up another long-term die-hard fan on the side that loved it. TL blew me away even more than I thought it would! The visuals, the dialog, the drama, action... All of it...

I would have to say my only real complaint was the same as many of you: Lack of screen time for Tron himself. If they make a 3rd, I'm hoping they "rectify" this oversight. LOL

Now I just need to find a good 3D theater nearby so I can see it that way... only 2D's here in my town.

Edit: Oh, and also, on the note about the flashback with Tron... I also noticed the white/red disc thing immediately during the fight, and the fact Tron's attention was drawn to it, (and there-by ours as well), gave me the impression that it was 'infected', or at least affecting him somehow by holding it. But I suppose it could've also just been the 2-disc hint towards Rinzler that others have mentioned. Hard to say for sure, I guess.

Regarding Tron's disc being 'infected', that's exactly what I was thinking because it got corrupted to slow him down. Clu knows this and if they were'nt corrupted, Tron would've kicked his ass. But Clu, the clever devil that he is, pulled it off. where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 25, 2010 2:50 AM
Just found this fansite tonight because I saw Tron for the second time and I wanted to share my opinions after a second viewing.

First let me share the actual moving going experience. The first viewing was on an IMAX in Austin, TX. The movie looked great, and the sound was awesome, but there were times that I saw double images even while wearing my 3D glasses. The second time was still in 3D but at a normal theater. I didn't have the problem with the double images but I could tell that the sound system wasn't nearly as good as the IMAX theater.

My biggest complaint, however, is that the 3D just didn't stand out enough for me. It really just felt like I was watching a normal movie, but I had to wear glasses to avoid a blurry image. A friend told me that he doesn't like when things reallly pop out at you and that TRON did a very good job with 3D in his opinion, but I just didn't really like the end product for this movie. I have a feeling I'll enjoy it more when I get to watch it in 2D at home on DVD.

As for the movie, I really enjoyed it. It felt a lot like the first one (which I watched endlessly on VHS as a kid), had similar pacing, and lots of fan service. I also really liked the duality of Flynn and CLU. There were a few plot elements I didn't really understand/didn't like though, and I was wondering what others thought.

1. Flynn mentioned he wanted to create a free and open system, why did he start by making a game grid again where programs can be destroyed? In the first one, I imagine the game grid only came about because the MCP appropriated Flynn's Space Paranoid game and other games being worked on by Encom. Or was the game grid something that CLU brought about?

2. I didn't really dig the new and improved, martial artist TRON with the small stature. When they had him in the flashback, they made him the right height, but in current time, when he had his mask on, he was way shorter than CLU. Was that Ray Park? All the flipping and jumping was silly to me considering that in the first film, he was just a in your face tough guy grid warrior ("I'm also better than you!"). They could have left him that way physically (even wtih the mask) and it would have been much better IMO.

3. How is it that CLU punks TRON so easily? Both when he first turned on Flynn, and when they were falling near the end. Doesn't make sense to me.

4. While I'm on the TRON kick, I don't like how easily TRON changed sides at the end. Was it just the facial recognition of Flynn? Surely the name Sam Flynn in the beginning and seeing a user on the grid had to hit home. I just wish there was more of a progression. I know they were trying to keep his identity a quasi secret for most of the film but sheesh.

5. Identity disks don't travel through the portal back to the real world, what made CLU think that all the weapons and vehicles he made for his army would come through? There basically would have been an arcade full of "human" programs in street clothes. Best they could do is go rob the nearest quickie mart. I suppose they could infect computer systems on the net and create their own little Skynet, but that's a different movie.

6. It seemed like there was just one city with tons of wasteland surrounding it. Was it unused disk space? Unused system memory? And why didn't Flynn use that buggy to drive around the city and to the portal long ago?

7. Programs work 9-5 shifts? Seems weird that Gem was pinned to the wall between suiting up grid combatants, but then was roaming the street at night.

8. What was CLU's issue with ISOs? They didn't fall under the title of "perfection"? Or was it that Flynn liked them more than CLU (btw, I love the part where CLU is trying to be serious and asking Flynn if he is still to create the perfect system and Flynn's like, yeah whatever)?order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 25, 2010 8:56 AM
AKIN Wrote:Just found this fansite tonight because I saw Tron for the second time and I wanted to share my opinions after a second viewing.

First let me share the actual moving going experience. The first viewing was on an IMAX in Austin, TX. The movie looked great, and the sound was awesome, but there were times that I saw double images even while wearing my 3D glasses. The second time was still in 3D but at a normal theater. I didn't have the problem with the double images but I could tell that the sound system wasn't nearly as good as the IMAX theater.

My biggest complaint, however, is that the 3D just didn't stand out enough for me. It really just felt like I was watching a normal movie, but I had to wear glasses to avoid a blurry image. A friend told me that he doesn't like when things reallly pop out at you and that TRON did a very good job with 3D in his opinion, but I just didn't really like the end product for this movie. I have a feeling I'll enjoy it more when I get to watch it in 2D at home on DVD.

As for the movie, I really enjoyed it. It felt a lot like the first one (which I watched endlessly on VHS as a kid), had similar pacing, and lots of fan service. I also really liked the duality of Flynn and CLU. There were a few plot elements I didn't really understand/didn't like though, and I was wondering what others thought.

1. Flynn mentioned he wanted to create a free and open system, why did he start by making a game grid again where programs can be destroyed? In the first one, I imagine the game grid only came about because the MCP appropriated Flynn's Space Paranoid game and other games being worked on by Encom. Or was the game grid something that CLU brought about?

2. I didn't really dig the new and improved, martial artist TRON with the small stature. When they had him in the flashback, they made him the right height, but in current time, when he had his mask on, he was way shorter than CLU. Was that Ray Park? All the flipping and jumping was silly to me considering that in the first film, he was just a in your face tough guy grid warrior ("I'm also better than you!"). They could have left him that way physically (even wtih the mask) and it would have been much better IMO.

3. How is it that CLU punks TRON so easily? Both when he first turned on Flynn, and when they were falling near the end. Doesn't make sense to me.

4. While I'm on the TRON kick, I don't like how easily TRON changed sides at the end. Was it just the facial recognition of Flynn? Surely the name Sam Flynn in the beginning and seeing a user on the grid had to hit home. I just wish there was more of a progression. I know they were trying to keep his identity a quasi secret for most of the film but sheesh.

5. Identity disks don't travel through the portal back to the real world, what made CLU think that all the weapons and vehicles he made for his army would come through? There basically would have been an arcade full of "human" programs in street clothes. Best they could do is go rob the nearest quickie mart. I suppose they could infect computer systems on the net and create their own little Skynet, but that's a different movie.

6. It seemed like there was just one city with tons of wasteland surrounding it. Was it unused disk space? Unused system memory? And why didn't Flynn use that buggy to drive around the city and to the portal long ago?

7. Programs work 9-5 shifts? Seems weird that Gem was pinned to the wall between suiting up grid combatants, but then was roaming the street at night.

8. What was CLU's issue with ISOs? They didn't fall under the title of "perfection"? Or was it that Flynn liked them more than CLU (btw, I love the part where CLU is trying to be serious and asking Flynn if he is still to create the perfect system and Flynn's like, yeah whatever)?


Welcome to the Grid!

The stunt actor that played Rinzler/TRON is Anis Chuerfa (look him up). He's a well known Parkour expert and I think he did some Capoiera. That wasn't Ray Park but the moves are similar, but Anis does a much better job, I think. Also, I think the reason they didn't unmask Rinzler was that they didn't have time to CGI Boxleitner's face throughout the movie and probably keep the identity a secret from other programs who might recognize his face.

As for CLU's views on ISOs, it is explained on the Tron: Betrayal graphic novel in greater detail.

I think CLU took care of Tron because he was able to 'infect' or corrupt one of his discs which slowed him down. It was a mere distraction and a method to weaken his weapons so Clu could have a chance to take him down. Clu may be a nasty dude but he isn't a fool .


Posts: 606
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 25, 2010 9:03 AM
Oh, AKIN, be very glad they didn't pull a "Masters of the Universe" thing with Tron: Legacy with Clu coming through the portal.

One thing I want to address to everyone here is that I noticed the Bits from the first film and second are like a digital version of a Will O Wisp which can be found at:'-the-wisp

Also, we all know Flynn lost track of time during Betrayal which led to Legacy. If he had been traveling so much back and forth prior to his captivity, then being the brilliant designer he is, why the hell did he NOT think of building a chrono-meter watch or digital chrono watch to keep track of time between the digital and real world?

Anyone travelling to other countries would have to keep track of time zones, even astronauts orbiting this planet. The more I think about it, I think the writers (NOT Kosinski) screwed up in not thinking of that aspect. Their interview was great but I get the feeling it was to let them BS their way out of the 'hot seat' by explaining away things and their writing process. This PR stunt is NOT new and I've seen this many times in the comics industry with interviews when writers or editors attempt to whitewash certain things. That's all I'm saying.

Otherwise, Tron: Legacy is a good film but with some flaws and I really believe Joe did shoot some of the intended sequences but never made the cut. A Director's Cut would be very cool to include more of the story elements, especially the scene with various program factions scheming inside Castor's nightclub while Sam observes. That would have been fascinating to see.


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Saturday, December, 25, 2010 4:27 PM
*wooshes in*

Saw the movie again with my family, they all enjoyed it!

However, I was paying close attention to the bit with Tron and the two discs. I just remembered something from the first movie: Who was it that got Flynn's circuits to revert back to blue?

It was Tron, wasn't he? When he pulled Flynn up to the Solar Sailer, Flynn's circuits turned back to blue at that time. @_@

The disc had stayed red until Tron picked it up and it turned white (on the outside ring, the inner ring was still red)

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 580
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 1:15 PM
Report from Mexico City:

This december 25th was TRON Legacy at the theaters..
I was 2 hours before the function, at the V.I.P. 3D Mega IMAX theater..
I bought my ticket 3 days before of the function.

I can to say that I saw many many may people at "The Revenge of the Sith"
but this time I´m sure that I saw MUCH MORE PEOPLE for TRON Legacy.

Ok...When I was at my seat, I saw a couple they was talking with his family about TRON was the first movie that saw after they was married and other guy had the TRON adidas shooes..

The movie started, and I just can to say that I was crying when I saw how Sam did the classic TRON´s pose..

I´m not sure what to say, an bad or good opinion, only I wanted share my feeling for this movie that I was waiting per many years and I hope you feel that with me...

That was just fantastic to be an kid again.


Posts: 3
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 2:30 PM
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:AKIN,

Welcome to the Grid!

The stunt actor that played Rinzler/TRON is Anis Chuerfa (look him up). He's a well known Parkour expert and I think he did some Capoiera. That wasn't Ray Park but the moves are similar, but Anis does a much better job, I think. Also, I think the reason they didn't unmask Rinzler was that they didn't have time to CGI Boxleitner's face throughout the movie and probably keep the identity a secret from other programs who might recognize his face.

As for CLU's views on ISOs, it is explained on the Tron: Betrayal graphic novel in greater detail.

I think CLU took care of Tron because he was able to 'infect' or corrupt one of his discs which slowed him down. It was a mere distraction and a method to weaken his weapons so Clu could have a chance to take him down. Clu may be a nasty dude but he isn't a fool .

Thanks for the warm welcome and thanks for the info, I'll definitely have to look Anis Chuerfa up.

I too am glad they didn't pull a masters of the universe lol.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 28
. L

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 6:10 PM
Greetings Programs!
I saw it for the second time today. First time, in Imax 3D. Today in regular 2D. And I must say, the only reason to see it in Imax is the sound. I mean the 3D is pretty and all, but it was made in 2D and that's how it's supposed to be viewed.
On to the content. I thought that the story overall was great. It built on what the original gave to us, and then it added more of its own on. When I first heard about the Lightrunner and Lightjets, I was skeptical. But I am glad to say that I have been proven wrong. They are cool and pretty dang awesome if I do say so myself. If there was one thing that I think they could have done better was Tron himself. I'm sure that I wasn't the only Tron fan to realize within a few minutes that Rinzler was Tron (Tron's "T" on Rinzler's chest didn't help hide his identity to well). I wish that they had done more with Tron. They had him and barely used him! Like when he captured Quorra, he could have seen Flynn and realized who he really was and started to help them. That would have been awesome. I'm not saying the ramming of his Lightjet into CLU's was bad, just that Tron could have been featured more. BUT I'm nitpicking at the one tiny detail that I didn't like from a movie that has quickly joined its predecessor as one of my favorite movies of all time.
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Posts: 28
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 6:25 PM
Really? The movie I went to when I saw it in 3D said it was filmed in 2D and meant to be seen in 2D. I guess I misinterpreted. Thanks anyway


Posts: 580
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 6:45 PM
You know,I enjoyed the 3D enough but found it fairly uneccesary.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

Discuss it on here.

Posts: 382
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 6:56 PM
Tron Unit Wrote:
KiaPurity Wrote:*wooshes in*

Saw the movie again with my family, they all enjoyed it!

However, I was paying close attention to the bit with Tron and the two discs. I just remembered something from the first movie: Who was it that got Flynn's circuits to revert back to blue?

It was Tron, wasn't he? When he pulled Flynn up to the Solar Sailer, Flynn's circuits turned back to blue at that time. @_@

The disc had stayed red until Tron picked it up and it turned white (on the outside ring, the inner ring was still red)

That's why I'm convinced Tron got corrupted by the disc. When he falls into the Sea of Simulation he is cleansed of the corruption.

I don't think the disc had anything to do with that. We see users and programs picking up and using discs that are not their own all through the movie and nothing unusual happens. It's certainly implied in the dialogue about Clu being able to repurpose Programs that he is the one who did it, and it's further confirmed by interviews with the screen writers (I don't have the link with me at the moment, it's on my home computer. I can look it up later if anyone wants me too).

Also Tron turned against Clu before he went into the Sea. It was encountering Flyyn again that 'fixed' him. I imagine the color changed happened because his 'system rebooted' similarly to how Quorra took some time to wake up after her arm started coming back.


Posts: 13
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 9:28 PM
My brother and I saw the original Tron in the theater with our dad. For Tron Legacy, my brother flew out to San Francisco so we could see it together. We opted to see the non-3D version and I'm happy we did. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. I was afraid it might be an orgy of special effects as so many movies have become these days....I was pleasantly surprised. I think it looked and sounded amazing. LOVE the Daft Punk soundtrack.

My brother and I bought these t-shirts to wear to the movie:
Going to see it again this week. This time with my wife who also love the original.
Can't wait.

Also bought "The Art of Tron Legacy" book....really awesome concept drawings and renders in it. Highly recommend it for the price.

Daft Tron

Posts: 230
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 9:35 PM
Tron Unit Wrote:You are talking about the text that said some scenes were filmed in 2D and intended to be seen in 2D, that is all of the Real World scenes. I've been watching it for days on a 2D bootleg and trust me, it just isn't the same experience unless you see it in 3D. I'm about to leave to go see it in Imax again tonight. Another $17 well spent.

Oh and, looks like I'll be buying a new 3D TV for the bluray.

"I've been watching it for days on a 2D bootleg and trust me, it just isn't the same experience unless you see it in 3D."

Wow. you're just looking for trouble. Sad


Posts: 3,301
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 10:04 PM
tshetz Wrote:We opted to see the non-3D version and I'm happy we did. We both thoroughly enjoyed it.
Why non-3D?

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 10:48 PM
tshetz Wrote:My brother and I saw the original Tron in the theater with our dad. For Tron Legacy, my brother flew out to San Francisco so we could see it together. We opted to see the non-3D version and I'm happy we did. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. I was afraid it might be an orgy of special effects as so many movies have become these days....I was pleasantly surprised. I think it looked and sounded amazing. LOVE the Daft Punk soundtrack.

My brother and I bought these t-shirts to wear to the movie:
Going to see it again this week. This time with my wife who also love the original.
Can't wait.

Also bought "The Art of Tron Legacy" book....really awesome concept drawings and renders in it. Highly recommend it for the price.

Cool shirt! Although to be faithful, the disc should be on the back, shouldn't it?


Posts: 92
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 10:51 PM
Carader Wrote:Really? The movie I went to when I saw it in 3D said it was filmed in 2D and meant to be seen in 2D. I guess I misinterpreted. Thanks anyway

The opening message to the audience says that only some of the scenes (namely, the "real world") are in 2D, just so that people didn't start thinking they got ripped off. Of the first 20 or so minutes before Sam gets digitized, only the opening "TRON" credit and the multiple TV flashback exposition are in 3D.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!