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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 8:53 PM
KiaPurity Wrote:
Murdock.dat Wrote:
Ah, F^*#!, I wish I hadn't read that. Thanks alot. The f'n post says impressions, not spoilers. Again, thanks alot.

( Even though I did make this prediction, I would have preferred to have come to that knowledge by actually watching the movie.)

I'm sorry? I thought I could post spoilers in this thread?? I didn't realize I needed a spoiler warning??

Either way, I may be wrong about what happened. I could have missed some dialogue about that since I can't hear...........

You know what, nevermind I even said anything. That was just an initial knee-jerk reaction, and I apologize. Some may have even mentioned it before you, but your post was the first I read of it. Now having watched the movie, any notion of being miffed is totally gone like it never was. And all I can say is, WOW, what a film.

To all the naysayers, pissers, and moaners of this movie - go kiss a duck. All of you who went to see this with ANY expectations of anything, of course you were going to be disappointed because you were expecting something that wasn't going to happen.

Where do I start?!?!?

A future post, man.... a little tired right now....

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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 8:56 PM
Gotcha! Understandable, really. I was just so confused that night because I was tired. X_x

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 11:25 PM
Murdock.dat Wrote:To all the naysayers, pissers, and moaners of this movie - go kiss a duck. All of you who went to see this with ANY expectations of anything, of course you were going to be disappointed because you were expecting something that wasn't going to happen.

While I don't presume to speak for all of the "naysayers, pissers, and moaners", I would venture a wild guess that we all expected TRON: Legacy to be a good movie. It's a shame that it was a matter of course that we'd all be disappointed.

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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Sunday, December, 19, 2010 11:44 PM
Euphemizm Wrote:From what I know... Tron is not dead. They tried to communicate that with the lights coming back on in the sea of sim.

Yes, Sam transferred the grid, programs, and world to his memory card. He shut down the main computer after this.

This was kind of hinted at in the script.

As far as what happened to Clu and Flynn,... no one knows. Nothing written yet.

The door was left open in case T:L does well.

That's kind of the impression that I got when watching the movie, Euphemizm. We didn't actually see TRON and Flynn/Clu "DIE" per se, so in my mind, I am thinking that they survived so that, as you said, the door can be kept open for a third film.

What I would have really liked to see is a short clip after the credits...maybe a low shot of the rocks right by the water of the Sea of Simulation and suddenly you see the lit hand of TRON come out of the water and grasp the rock....and then a quick fade to black. Just enough to be a teaser, ya know?

By the way, I absolutely loved this film! I thought it was phenomenal! The 28 years was worth the wait! I really hope it does well enough so that another film can be made. A big thank you to you, Euphemizm, and everyone at Digital Domain, for making my TRON: Legacy experience such a fun ride!


Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 2:15 AM
They were drinking liquid energy "pure source" like in the first movie, they were just drinking it from glasses instead of a free standing pool.

My only two disappointments in the movie are these:

1) The digitization should of been fully shown, with a first person perspective of going through a digital wormhole and fly through of animated digital, graphical forms... The digitization scene was way too brief.

2) there could of been a cameo of Lora bradley at the Encom meeting, just have her enter, sit down next to Alan and say "hi sweetheart." should of given Cindy Morgan at least that. IMO. but **please** Joseph Kosinki, give her a cameo in Tron 3?

I don't think Clu will be in Tron 3. To be honest. leave the CG to Tron's face but use improved CG tech to polish things up. Some scenes with Clu where actually excellent, some scenes, him speaking looked a bit "off". I think this can be improved. Tron having a full helmet (that he is/was SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:
)means they dont have to show his face in every scene he's in.

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 5
"Tron: Legacy", Not an epic fail, but IMHO, pretty darned close! [SPOILERS]

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 2:57 AM
Opinions are like a**holes, and I'm sure lots o' folks will think that I'm one after they read my review, but I hope that I can at least adequately explain my disappointment with this film.

After browsing all the responses here, I'm a little sadder than I was when I walked out of the theater because it seems lots of “Tron” fans enjoyed the movie much more than I did. While I didn't hate the film, I didn't really enjoy the experience much either. I probably won't watch it again until it comes to DVD, so if I make any errors in referencing the movie, forgive me.

First of all, I'm a 41-year-old hardcore fan of the original “Tron.” I have the film on DVD and watch it on average half a dozen times a year. I still have my original Lightcycle and Tron and Sark action figures. I’ve played Tron 2.0 on the PC many times and really enjoyed the fan-made Killer App Mod and User Error add-ons. In the build-up of press before “Tron: Legacy” I frequented this site a LOT (as well as until I decided that a blackout was needed so that I wouldn’t see too much of the film before its release. I also didn’t want my expectations too high. I’d heard both good and bad reviews about it right before I saw it, so I didn’t feel like it was going to be epic, but at least entertaining and hopefully provide some intriguing suggestions for further directions of the franchise.

The original "Tron" is not a great film by any stretch, but it's a simple story that is lots of fun and has a real strong sense of optimism, especially about humankinds’ future with technology, which is presented as a double-edged sword, one that has just as much potential to destroy our lives as enhance them. It can be used for good or evil, and that balance goes back and forth in the original film. I use the term “film” when I feel that the story has something to say about the human condition beyond: “Wasn’t that explosion/stunt/shot freakin’ AWESOME?!” Films entertain and enlighten. Movies just entertain. “Tron” has something to say about our future with technology, but balances that against some really exciting and entertaining action. The hero’s and villain’s motivations are simple and clear, and the forward movement of the plot is always organic. We always know where we are, why we’re there and what needs to be done in order to progress.

“Tron: Legacy” doesn’t have this simplicity, which is alarming since it’s almost the EXACT same story. It almost fails to qualify as a movie for me. Why? "Tron: Legacy" is too dark and depressingly moody, and the plot is made needlessly complicated by poor scene transitions and an attempt to visually and aurally browbeat the audience into accepting everything that happens without asking any pertinent questions. I was reminded of how I reacted to the differences between the two new James Bond films. “Casino Royale” was fun, fast-paced, had great quips from Bond, and had a plot that was easy to follow. “Quantum of Solace” tried to be so dark and gritty that it sucked out all the joy out of the film, and the whole affair comes across so grim and joyless that after about a half an hour you didn’t even care that you couldn’t follow the ridiculous plot. “Tron: Legacy” tries too hard to be intense and adult that it forgets to be fun and peppy, and instead becomes wearying and tiresome. It bogs down under the weight of its feigned seriousness.

When I saw one of the preview clips of Sam getting his suit and disc, I loved the crack he makes about how “there's a zipper for that!” I was quite happy because it suggested that there would be some snappy humor to balance out the obvious and foreboding grandiosity of the rest of the film. Given that Sam's character had been established as an outsider and prankster, his snarky comment expresses his character and reflects what certain audience members would likely be thinking. The original “Tron” had many dialogue exchanges like this, and they were a huge help in offsetting the sterile strangeness of the digital world with some warm, familiar human jests. The fact that Sam has no other scenes like this is one of the main reasons he fails to become interesting as a character. He handles his digitization with an aplomb that is simple unbelievable. Sam knows nothing about this digital world and has never seen it before, and yet he never reacts the way that you would expect a normal person would. His whole performance is soooo whatevery. Really, dude?! Seriously?! I’d be totally freaking out!! How is he not completely flabbergasted by what’s happening?!

The color palette of “Tron: Legacy” looks great initially, but the lack of variation becomes a huge detriment rather quickly. Everything everywhere is black and gray with a few blue or red pops. There’s very little color in the world. There were lots of blacks and grays in the original film, but they were tempered with blazing swatches of greens, yellows, tans and purples. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Clu’s been locking everybody up, making them play games, and being a big buzzkill by turning the whole grid into a gladiatorial prison, but even in the MCP-controlled world there were places of light and beauty that remained untouched. Even prisons have grass and sunlight. The overall grimness casts a pall over the entire film.

What are the “wilds?” How is it that Clu cannot locate Flynn when he lives a brightly lit apartment on the tippy-top of a giant mountain from which he can see everything? I forget what the explanation was exactly, but the answer was so flippantly and quickly stated that clearly the screenwriters didn’t want to have explain it logically, and didn’t want us to care if it made sense. Why has Flynn not been able to apply his User powers to learn the ways of Clu’s grid and draw plans against him? What has Quorra been doing all this time? She’s clearly capable of traveling between both places. Hasn’t she been able to scope things out? Has Flynn just been sitting on his ass all this time, staring out into space? WTF is up with the roast pig dinner from a Hawaiian luau? Why are they eating food at all? Should they just be drinking from a “pure source?”

There were SO many other scenes that just didn’t make sense to me that after about an hour I just stopped bothering to try and follow what was happening because I stopped caring. The movie kept amping up the visual and musical bombast in what I feel was an attempt to make up for the lack of a coherent storyline. Even the notion of the ISO’s (which is a really interesting idea and reminded me immediately of “Ghost in the Shell”) is taken nowhere. It’s tossed out and ignored almost instantly, playing no further role in the film. Why is it even there?

The character of Tron/Rinzler was so useless that I felt like he was included only because his name’s in the title. Yet, he has absolutely no part to play other than as a faceless antagonist who has a sudden change of heart at the very end. I’ve heard people try to explain this and I understand why they might think that it works, but it doesn’t. It just doesn’t work at all, folks. Such a huge change of alignment absolutely requires MUCH more set-up and intimations about his conflicted nature than the few lines and scenes he is given. Tron was the hero of the grid. Wouldn’t he have fought tooth and nail against Clu’s rise to totalitarianism? How was Tron subdued and controlled? Why isn’t there some resistance movement attempting to free him and the rest of the programs from Clu’s control? We know that time in the grid passes faster than the real world, so it makes perfect sense that there would some underground group trying to fight for freedom. Also, WTF is Tron doing on Flynn's private server? Shouldn't he still be guarding the Encom server? If not, why not? Too many questions, and almost no answers.

The screenplay is mostly to blame for this. Even though the story is almost exactly the same as the first, there’s no strong sense of direction. Events unfold in spectacular fashion, but rarely do they feel like they are following a clear path from one scene to the next. The plot in “Tron” is quite simple, and the film makes no effort to disguise that. That simplicity is a big part of its charm. However, even though the plot of “Tron: Legacy” is no more complicated, it still manages to meander aimlessly while making references to the original film. This usually comes off as a sorry attempt to rekindle some warmth and feeling since the new film has none of its own. “Tron: Legacy”, much like “Inception”, has no heart. Their worlds are cold and calculating and sometimes clever, but they don’t evoke much real, earned emotion through the characters or the story they stumble though.

The main effect of the poor screenplay is the lackluster performances. Jeff Bridges cannot seem to decide if he’s supposed to a lonely, hazy-brained and eccentric yogi on a mountaintop or The Dude. Bridges displays two distinct personalities depending on the scene, and neither one seems to fit. When Flynn tries to be funny, it doesn’t work because the situation is too serious and the humor clashes. When he tries to be serious, he gives the impression of being adrift in a THC-induced daze.

The editing also showed the flaws in the screenplay in that I noticed a LOT of jarring transitions from scene to scene. The revelation of key bits of plot never took place where they made sense. Why does Flynn wait 20-30 minutes to tell Sam that he wasn’t the one who sent the page?! Who sent the page and why? I don’t even remember, and I should as this is the key element that begins the story!! Don’t try to say that the ARG or any of the other promo content explains this or any of the other gaping plot holes. Lots of Star Wars fans tried to in vain to defend script weaknesses in the prequels with this argument, but it has no merit. If the information isn’t in the movie, then 99% of the audience isn’t going to get it. More importantly, as a consequence they’re not going to care.

Lastly, 3D is a gimmick that needs to die. The non-3D IMAX scenes in "The Dark Knight" were FAR more effective because of the depth of field. Any film, properly shot with a DP who knows what they’re doing can accomplish a far more immersive scene without 3D. I went to the 15 minute 3D preview for "Avatar", and was totally under whelmed. The only time the 3D seemed to work well was when there was one object in focus in the foreground and everything else was flying by in a blur. I had the same feeling here. Most of the time, the 3D was an annoying distraction, and I found my eyes constantly searching the frame for something that was in focus. I got used to it, but it never stopped distracting me. But then, since the movie wasn’t very engrossing, it wasn’t a big deal.

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Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 3:14 AM
.... um.. I disagree on all your points.

I enjoyed it, and gain new appreciation for the film with repeat viewings. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 64
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 4:01 AM
I can understand xenobuzz frustrations and irks as he has explained them well in details. I for one agree with some of his points esp the colour palette part as Ive mentioned in my post earlier, but more on tht later.

I am some what undecided on the disappointment to the dialogues and story line as I am well aware that Tron although an electronics reality-based logic story, the moment the flynns got zapped by that laser, the movie becomes FICTION because it aint real dudes. Its kind of asking too much for a bunch of arts based (i am assuming so) scriptwriters to cook up some really science facts believability.

But for the "cautious" colour scheme disguised as CLU's control moodiness, is something that I feel is truly wasted. I dont blame daniel simon cos he's doing what he's good at - futurististic machinations. But Tron is a digital fantasy world, circuitry and vibrant RGB induced pixels are a must to manifest. The producers should have addressed this issue by getting color experts. A good example is the mark 2 Kevin flynn lightcycle with metal parts. Whats thats for in a digital world, heat control? see the logic. Also the leather clothes are just stupid and not logical. Instead it could have been much more fantastic if they used so dazzling pixel movement. Something that syd started and this generation should have inteprete on their own.

Those "realism" materials takes us back to grittiness and less artistic escapism which is what the whole Tron Utopia is about.

If I wanted leather suits and metal parts I would've watch Days of Thunder.

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RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 4:39 AM
I strongly disagree.

The "realism" in the digital world is superfluous IMO. It's FLYNN's own design and vision for "The Grid" not anyone elses.

The visual design of everything looked great and fits together very well in my view. There were enough touches of surrealism and techno-mystical elements in the film in my opinion that blended well with the quasi-real aspects of the visual designs.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 234
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 5:24 AM
Deadly Disks Wrote:They have to make back roughly $300m ($170 to make the film and $120 in marketing) before they even smell a single nickel worth of profit.

I just don't see it. Again, I liked Legacy (7/10), but I think the Tron universe is going to continue to exist in the domain of fanboy love and cult classic status (us, and sites like this).

I think TRON Legacy easily cracks $300M when you factor in overseas ticket sales. I have predicted this several times here, but I think TL is going to have very big legs in the overseas markets. Usually what happens with sci-fi spectacle films like this is that while the domestic run caps out pretty quickly, that overseas market becomes a very long, long tail. In two or three months the overseas sales will likely eclipse the domestic by as much as 2-1.
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Posts: 73
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 3:54 PM
I just spoke with a friend of mine who didn't like the first one at all but loved this one. He's an indie filmmaker and one of the strong points for him - the story. He thought that TL being more character driven than the first made it a better film and he also liked the concepts such as a new lifeform springing up out of the static code.

Also in response to something about bits a few pages back - I know that those bits were in there but what I meant was Bit or bits as characters, not as static objects.

I plan on seeing this again with my dad this weekend.

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Posts: 22
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 7:52 PM
Finally saw this today, actually a day earlier than I planned.

I was 9 in 1982, and classic Tron has stuck with me. Though people who have read my previous posts on this forum, I could have easily ended up on the negative/nostalgic/old school purist side of this fandom; it happened to me before, especially in Doctor Who and DC Comics.

So with no disrespect to the critics, Tron: Legacy is a smarter story than Tron was. A better story, a more cerebral story. As a result of that, until the very end when Sam and Quorra are riding into the sunrise, it's a less emotionally satisfying film. It's like Harry Knowles said, it's about an artist playing God and screwing it all up. That lack of emotional punch is, I think, a stumbling block for some.

Castor and Clu's toady were annoying, yes, but they were supposed to be. That was how you were supposed to react to them.

Garret acted fine, and was convincing as Flynn's son. The young Flynn/Clu face worked for most of the film. I knew the flaws were there, but truth told I didn't even really see them until "Where are you now?!?" And for that scene, it worked. Maybe it was the 3D glasses.

I understood Tron's corruption immediately, it happened while he was fighting the red programs to save Flynn; their red was rubbing off on his discs, kind of like when Flynn absorbed the red program colors in the first film, only because Tron was not a user he couldn't shake it off until he interacted with Flynn again.

Quorra healed herself as an ISO, and the reason Flynn couldn't heal her like he did Yori is because it was Clu's system by then, not his own. Clu could match him in combat, and beat him in defining the "perfect system" he was mandated to "write"....until and unless Flynn reintegrated him. And sorry to say it, Flynn is dead. He and Clu exploded, and they're both gone. Tron, on the other hand, is clearly alive and available for sequels.

And I think there may very well be one, if not quite as soon as the moviemakers would like. Say five or six years.

I give the film 8.5 out of 10. The only real downer being Flynn's death, which was inevitable the way the story was written. And i was a little annoyed they tried to leave "Legacy" out of the title. But I pin that on somebody in marketing.

Also IMAX is getting ridiculously expensive. I will see the movie in theatres again.....but I'll do it in 2D.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlinewhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 7:56 PM
psst, he only had one disc-- he got the second disc from a derezzed program.

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 22
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 7:57 PM
Then the corruption came from using that disc. You noticed I'm sure that it was both red AND white in that flashback sequence.abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:02 PM
Well, no, actually, what really happened was that CLU rectified Tron. I don't think the red disc had anything to do with it--

Which would bring up an interesting question-- what the hell happens to the disc if a program has been derezzed?

Also,when Rinzler lost his discs, shouldn't he have reverted? (Not really, he only did when he saw Flynn -- and his circuity colors returned in the sea of simulation)

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 22
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:04 PM
I mean no disrespect to you, Kia--you are a mythological perfect user Blinky , but it was clear to me that disc was having some kind of effect on him, he even looked down at the discs and the camera focused on them, calling attention to it.


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:07 PM

I'm still not sure what to make of that scene-- I interpreted it as him going "Heeeey, maybe I can fight with two discs!"where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 1,468
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:10 PM
Arcalian Wrote:I mean no disrespect to you, Kia--you are a mythological perfect user Blinky , but it was clear to me that disc was having some kind of effect on him, he even looked down at the discs and the camera focused on them, calling attention to it.

i think they did that to try and make it plain to ppl in the audience who otherwise would not have known, that tron is "hey rinzler has 2 discs!!! TRON just grabbed a second disc!!"

"You know you don't look a thing like your pictures?"

Posts: 22
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:12 PM
I would buy that argument, Captain--if not for the fact that one of the discs had been both red and white in that scene. Not one red disk and one white disk, but a disc that had both colors, and of course anyone paying attention knew by then that Tron was Rinzler due to the same chest logo.

But enough. I didn't post my mostly positive review here to argue with other fans about minutae.


Posts: 3,488
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Monday, December, 20, 2010 8:39 PM
Seriously, I need to rewatch that scene. I think I was just kind of really crazy on Friday because I had rushed in trying to complete my Tron Legacy-esque jacket and actually watching Tron in the line (RIGHT BEFORE) the movie.

I am seriously a *nerd* :P

I also really hope the movie gets Open Captioned so I can watch it and make sure I actually understood everything (forget trying to read lips, the action was so FAST)

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!