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 The last hope for TRON 2.0?

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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 04, 2005 11:39 PM
No hole poking from me!

Steve Wrote:I've been meaning to weigh in on this issue, mainly because I like the TRON v2.0 game too much to let it die a quiet, underrated death. It's STILL on my hard drive.

I feel terrible about it, since my name is in the box. My entire career in games was aimed at being involved in that project. I got to watch it die from the day it was released. I fought for it like you want to fight. I pushed as hard as I could and nothing came of it. I just lost my will to fight anymore.

My advice is this - Right now, Tron-Sector is the biggest TRON website. For someone new, there is Tron-Sector & then there is nothing else. They would have to have the motivation to look for another TRON website &, most likely, they would not. In short, if it's not on Tron-Sector & it concerns TRON then it doesn't exist.

Not entirely true, but mostly. Boxhat has a much more active TRON 2.0 forum that is mostly on topic too. The leaders at Boxhat were not very frieindly to having their materials on TRON Sector in the past, but perhaps it's time to look into it again. If I had more time to do so I would.

If the TRON community really wants to keep the TRON v2.0 game alive, they are simply going to have to build the community. Building that community will require time, effort & resources.

Agreed, but efforts were made in the past and came to naught.

-Step One-
Centralize all game-related materials under the Tron-Sector website. Yes, I understand there are other websites out there (Boxhat, Redrain's FAQ) that has TRON v2.0-related material. However, you do not want websites competing over a dwindling demand. You want to give people (especially new people) something easy to remember. "TRON v2.0 = Tron-Sector" & "Tron-Sector = TRON v2.0."

I'd be happy to work on this with the assistance of Redrain85. He might have to be the go between for us with Boxhat because I don't ever feel welcome there.

-Step Two-
People LOVE freebies. Nothing brings people in like pr0n & warez. Since Tron-Sector doesn't dabble in either (and shouldn't), they're going to have to draw new people in with freebies. Advertise give-away contests in places you would never advertise (gaming message boards, etc.). What to give away? I dunno. This is where the community's creativity comes in? Does anyone have an extra TRON v2.0 game that they really don't need? A pin? A poster?

I've done it. I've personally offered my own materials from the film and the games and gotten little response. I still have lots of TRON 2.0 promo cards and a few lanyards and mini posters to offer, but nobody seemed to care so I stopped offering. Nobody even asked if they could just have one. I will admit we rarely went outside the bounds of TRON Sector though. I'd be happy to contribute to this idea from my personal collection.

While new people are coming in, make the following as easy to access as possible - Playing online & building levels in the game. Are there existing tutorials on making levels in TRON v2.0? Make sure people know where they are. Include lots of pictures. Make it as low-tech as possible so people who are running "plain-jane" browsers can look at them, too.

I have an old copy of a tutuorial one of my Sr. Testers at Buena Vista Games did that might be good to revamp and post. I've always wanted to get into the level building aspect of the game. I have never ventured very far into it. No time.

-Step Three-
Output, even the illusion of output, is important. Show the new people that there is a constant stream of new material. Even if it is recycled old material, it will look new to them. Dole out the material at the rate that you feel that it will run dry just as genuine new material is finally being made available. The output could be new levels, new tutorials, new features ("Ask the Expert"), new game-plwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Friday, August, 05, 2005 1:37 AM

I'd be happy to work on this with the assistance of Redrain85. He might have to be the go between for us with Boxhat because I don't ever feel welcome there.
I'll do my best to help out in that regard DT, if you want to take another shot at it.

Though I don't see why more than one Tron-related site can't exist and have something to offer, Steve. Now, I'm not saying they should compete and keep the community fractured, as has been the case thus far . . . that's an area where things could clearly have gone better.

I've done it. I've personally offered my own materials from the film and the games and gotten little response. I still have lots of TRON 2.0 promo cards and a few lanyards and mini posters to offer, but nobody seemed to care so I stopped offering.
I'll take them all!

LOL, no. Kidding. It's better that they go to other people.

While new people are coming in, make the following as easy to access as possible - Playing online & building levels in the game. Are there existing tutorials on making levels in TRON v2.0? Make sure people know where they are. Include lots of pictures. Make it as low-tech as possible so people who are running "plain-jane" browsers can look at them, too.
Steve, I've already done that.

New TRON 2.0 Map-Making Video Tutorials
But I stopped making them, due to lack of interest. (At least, I never really heard from anyone who had watched them.)

Geez. Dude, I worked side by side with the numbskulls at BVG and they don't/won't/can't listen. I was actually there. My name is in the freaking credits of the game. I know BVG is a hopeless case. however, if you feel like trying again, knock yourself out.
DT knows better than anyone what we're up against . . . I only have a vague idea of what the climate is like at BVG. But I'll say one thing: I don't have any illusions about them caring one bit about us, unless we can prove there are big numbers (dollar signs) waiting for them, if they pick up on Tron again.

And so far, it's not really happening. But I haven't given up yet. Getting the word out to a significant audience is proving very difficult.

Because I can't believe there aren't thousands of Tron fans out there, that wouldn't kill to have more Tron games. Be it an expansion for Tron 2.0, or something new. I remember during the demo days for Tron 2.0, the servers were absolutely jam-packed!

Disney doesn't get TRON, and they don't know what to do with TRON, but they will never let anyone else take it away from them. It's locked up and unavailable even to Steven. He's frustrated that he can't take the story to the next level like he wants to. We've sat over many lunches and discussed his story ideas and it's a crime these aren't on a movie screen yet.
That's what's so insane about it. They don't know what to do with Tron, yet they cling to the property like their life depends on it. WTF? Do something with it! And make an effort next time!

Eventually, of course, this model will have to change. Specialized websites will emerge & the whatnot.

It will take a lot of time, effort, organization & resources. It's by no means foolproof. No one person will be able to do this but a community of like-minded people will. In the end, it's up to us if we want to keep TRON v2.0 alive because, right now, we're the only ones who care about it.

I'm game to try, but we'll need more than two of us.
DT is right . . . it will take more than just a few of us. I've been trying to motivate people to join the cause, but most just don't seem to care any more. (Present company in this thread excepted.) I see people who regularly play the game, that have yet to sign the petition. Probably because they think it's silly, or won't work. And that's precisely the attitude that BVG



Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Tuesday, August, 09, 2005 9:18 PM
It feels like there are only a few of us!



Posts: 3,301
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Tuesday, August, 09, 2005 11:04 PM
TheReelTodd wrote: Signature 216 - confirmed, Alan 1!
This cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh.

PS: I think I already signed the petition and other email chains; long ago. UPDATE: I see it's a new one now. I'll take a look.

PPS: What about sending the petition over to the guy for him to post a link to? He's a TRON fan and seems to get a lot of visitors. Maybe he could run a quick blurb on how he's frustrated Disney's not doing anything with Tron (still) and that Tron 2.0 was a cool game and that people should sign the petition; and that this might drum up support for a movie sequel Just a thought.

BTW, Xistence is still working on a project for the game after all this time . . . that I know will knock everyone's socks off. Just wait. If this project isn't news-worthy, then I don't know what is. It will still be a while before it comes out, though.
Music to my ears. I remember Xistence being totally into making Tron 2.0 MP levels. I wonder if he's doing a SP expansion? Well, whatever he's working on, it'll be great to see what he comes up with. He always did a great job. Unfortunately, I only had 56k modem at the time, so I never really got to do much more than see his maps.

I tried creating a couple maps... it was hard work. I would love to see the videos, DaveTRON, in case I get inspired to go back in and do more editing. I was trying to create a single-player level.

Doing a light cycle grid was much easier. I even made one that was just wide open, like the movie. Heh, I remember putting a little pixelated dude in the middle of the grid. Cracked myself up Ahh, good times. (I think it was the pixelated character you see in the game when Alan is talking to his son through the arcade game.)

PPPS: I should reinstall dEdit on my since-formatted hard drive and take a FRAPS video of the small room I made... or at least some screenshots. Really, it wasn't much; but when you make it yourself, it sure is neat to walk around in your own TRON room!

PPPPS: Signature #318. Confirm Alan-1!!!!

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 3,488
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 10, 2005 12:05 AM
I have no idea why but the petition will NOT LET me sign it! ARGH!

It says 319 signatures then leads me back to its page where it shows 318 signatures. I don't know why it's been doing that to me.

Edit-- Apparently it won't let me sign my real name on it but only my handle alias.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 3,301
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 10, 2005 12:51 AM
LOL, weird! Yeah, I just put Traahn for my name

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 10, 2005 3:37 AM

Traahn Wrote:PPS: What about sending the petition over to the guy for him to post a link to? He's a TRON fan and seems to get a lot of visitors. Maybe he could run a quick blurb on how he's frustrated Disney's not doing anything with Tron (still) and that Tron 2.0 was a cool game and that people should sign the petition; and that this might drum up support for a movie sequel Just a thought.
I've thought about that. I really don't know if a site like Ain't it Cool would care. But I guess there's no harm in trying.

I'd also like to get in touch (either indirectly or directly) with folks on the team at Monolith who worked on Tron 2.0, to see what they think of all this. There might be the possibility of that . . . we'll see I guess. Not that I expect much to come out of it. But it would be interesting to hear from the people who brought us the game.

Doing a light cycle grid was much easier. I even made one that was just wide open, like the movie. Heh, I remember putting a little pixelated dude in the middle of the grid. Cracked myself up Ahh, good times. (I think it was the pixelated character you see in the game when Alan is talking to his son through the arcade game.)

PPPS: I should reinstall dEdit on my since-formatted hard drive and take a FRAPS video of the small room I made... or at least some screenshots. Really, it wasn't much; but when you make it yourself, it sure is neat to walk around in your own TRON room!
Yeah, Light Cycle maps are the easiest. That's what you should start with, to become familiar with DEdit and the Lithtech engine.

I hope you do make a video or take some screenshots. I'd like to see that.

KiaPurity Wrote:Edit-- Apparently it won't let me sign my real name on it but only my handle alias.
That's strange.

But thank you for signing.



Posts: 1,230
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 11, 2005 8:12 PM


Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 11, 2005 8:26 PM
wwwmwww Wrote:Here is one way to get a video game some new news coverage.,0,5845845.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

I passed that around at work as a reason to cut down on overtime!



Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 11, 2005 9:15 PM
Oh that's mean DaveTron. I just checked my Email from two weeks to present, and saw this.

Vicente @BVG wrote:
Thank you for writing.

As of July 8, 2005; Tron ( was taken
down. The site is now being redirected to the Buena Vista Games product page for Tron 2.0

We are sad about this but have left you all in very good hands: Fan sites such as (TRON 2.0 FAQ: or (TRON SECTOR: have an excellent
fan base that bring you a vast array of tools (Mods, Maps and Skins), information that cannot be
found anywhere else on the web. We thank all of you who monitored, participated and provided
feedback to those that were in need.

The official Tron 2.0 cumulative update patch can be found here: Click on Updates & Downloads. The
unofficial update patch can be found through various fan sites.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

I tried the link above, and it was blank.
But it was one step....

Maybe they have a postive response to me asking for the cumulative update again...

More importantly, they recognized LDSO's website. So there must have been some recognition. Good job Tronfaq, and DaveTron. Dont let up on the petition, I believe it will work.

If you need to play a game for 50 some, nearly consecutive hours, you might feel like you were going to have a heart attack anyway, isn't that news? To my recollection, these people all dring caffiene in dangerous dosages to stay alert enough to play. So, since caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, he may have had it coming.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 11, 2005 10:36 PM

wwwmwww Wrote:Here is one way to get a video game some new news coverage.,0,5845845.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines
I'd heard about that. That's insane. I think the most I've ever played a game is around 8 hours straight, when I was younger and had lots of free time to goof around.

Jademz Wrote:I just checked my Email from two weeks to present, and saw this.

Vicente @BVG wrote:
Thank you for writing.

As of July 8, 2005; Tron ( was taken
down. The site is now being redirected to the Buena Vista Games product page for Tron 2.0

We are sad about this but have left you all in very good hands: Fan sites such as (TRON 2.0 FAQ: or (TRON SECTOR: have an excellent
fan base that bring you a vast array of tools (Mods, Maps and Skins), information that cannot be
found anywhere else on the web. We thank all of you who monitored, participated and provided
feedback to those that were in need.

The official Tron 2.0 cumulative update patch can be found here: Click on Updates & Downloads. The
unofficial update patch can be found through various fan sites.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

I tried the link above, and it was blank.
But it was one step....

Maybe they have a postive response to me asking for the cumulative update again...

More importantly, they recognized LDSO's website. So there must have been some recognition. Good job Tronfaq, and DaveTron. Dont let up on the petition, I believe it will work.
That's the same thing they posted on the site's message boards before they shut it down. We're sorry . . . now get lost . . . go use the fan sites for support . . . we haven't got the time to waste on you . . . blahblahblah.

Just a boilerplate response. Which is why I haven't bothered e-mailing them, because I'll get the same word-for-word message.

If the game was older or discontinued, I wouldn't care as much. But while they still sell it: this behavior of theirs is shameful.



Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Thursday, August, 11, 2005 11:52 PM
Let's start a BVG sucks campaign! Oh, wait, I'm already on that one.

OK, then let's go for the positive approach, RESURRECT TRON 2.0!!!

C'mon, show of posts, who's with us? Really, c'mon people, let's try to do this.



Posts: 2,691
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Friday, August, 12, 2005 12:46 AM
I still have not played 2.0 (my comp can't handle it), but I hate it when a good game goes down the shitter because of stupid crap.

In a perfect world, everyone would by games like Tron 2.0 and Arcanum and the studios that crank out the flavor of the week clones would go out of business due to lack of interest.


"The flippity on the google loads the Flynn to the disc battles the guy bad. Day wins. Said nuff!" - DaveTRON

Jack Thompson is to attorneys what Fred Phelps is to organized religion - Me


Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Sunday, August, 14, 2005 2:36 AM
their we go i signed it i am some where in the 300s

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Sunday, August, 14, 2005 6:52 PM

Thanks endeavour3128. I was hoping to reach at least 1000 in the near future, and we're about 1/3 of the way there now.


Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 17, 2005 12:50 AM
Traahn Wrote:I remember Xistence being totally into making Tron 2.0 MP levels. I wonder if he's doing a SP expansion? Well, whatever he's working on, it'll be great to see what he comes up with. He always did a great job. Unfortunately, I only had 56k modem at the time, so I never really got to do much more than see his maps.
Since Xistence recently announced his project publically, I thought I'd plug it for him here.
It is, indeed, a full Single Player expansion consisting of many levels. He's posted screenshots in that thread on Boxhat.

Now, it's not exactly a Tron-themed expansion. More like Tron-inspired. It doesn't feature any Tron characters or artwork. But just the same, there's no mistaking that it's clearly Tron-like.

I'm really looking forward to the finished product, and hoping I can maybe help him out a bit with the text translations to English.

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Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 17, 2005 8:38 AM
DaveTRON Wrote:Bob Picunko, one of the Marketing genius' behind the 'cute girls in baby doll t-shirts' campaign to promote TRON 2.0 actually said to me 'We don't make this for the fans.' (Or something to that effect). He honestly figured we were a sure buy and that they needed to focus on the non-TRON fans.
Bob had the right idea, but it was executed poorly. Hot chicks aggressively hawking the game at retail outlets across the U.S. could have sold a lot of copies but probably not enough to justify the cost. However, what would have sold even more copies and ultimately been more profitable would have been a much lower price at release like $19.99 or less. You and I may like Tron, but Tron 2.0 is not Doom, Halo, Half-Life, or one of the immensly popular World War II themed first-person shooters. The vast majority of the primary market for FPS games was born after the release of the Tron movie. To them Tron is either something they know nothing about, or it's just some outdated movie that their parents either didn't like or never saw. So, as much as BVG and Monolith would like to think their game was worth $50, to the very crowded marketplace, it just wasn't and pricing it as such doomed the game to poor sales before it even hit the shelf.

Wouldn't it have been smarter to rally the community that loves the property to help get the word out?
No. The community can rally the faithful, but using the Tron 2.0 fan community to try to entice a broader audience to buy the game (which is essential for it to be financially successful) is like asking Trekkies to promote a Star Trek game. The mainstream public doesn't understand that kind of fan devotion, and as such typically doesn't think highly of those who have it.

Since Tron is not inherently appealing to most people, you either have to sell it with sex or sell it on price (but not both as no one likes a cheap hooker ).


Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 17, 2005 10:32 AM
Yeah, but cheap hookers were probably involved at some point.

I see your point, but I think the community could have helped in a small way.

I agree on the price point too.

I still think if we'd gone with the original idea of creating a world you could live in and add games to that world every 6 months to a year that TRON would have found it's feet.

TRON is perfect for the concept of a perisistent world where games are only a part of it. I think people would have found it interesting if it were a bit more like EverQuest and less like a shooter.


Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 17, 2005 10:55 AM
DaveTRON Wrote:Yeah, but cheap hookers were probably involved at some point.

TRON is perfect for the concept of a perisistent world where games are only a part of it. I think people would have found it interesting if it were a bit more like EverQuest and less like a shooter.
I think a really great thing about the Tron universe is that it opens itself up to many great game ideas. Yours is certainly one. I personally prefer FPS-type games along with vehicular and aircraft combat and racing, and I would love to see a Tron-themed game or games which encompasses at least some of those elements. To me Tron 2.0 is a good game, but it falls short in a number of areas like the multiplayer component. Although Tron 2.0 does the traditional disc combat and lightcycles fairly well, multiplayer gameplay has evolved too much for me to still find that appealing. However without more time, money, and talent, I don't think the Tron games I want to see will ever be made because BVG isn't going to make them.
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Posts: 5,314
Re: The last hope for TRON 2.0?

on Wednesday, August, 17, 2005 12:52 PM
Imagine though if the persistent world around the games allowed for you to choose what you wanted to play. A TRON Educational game, go to that sector. A TRON FPS, there's an arena for that. TRON RPG, it's there too. I think it could have been really cool to go that route.

Unfortunately, the powers that be wanted something else. Oh well.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


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 The last hope for TRON 2.0?