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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

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Posts: 48
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 2:10 AM
The movie was simply brilliant! Tron through and through. I went in having totally read everything, spoiled everything and I was totally blown away by what I didn't expect (if that makes any sense). This movie ought to get really good grassroots word-of-mouth, do well and evolve into AT LEAST a couple of sequels (they'd be idiots not to).where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 235
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 2:28 AM
I just got home from the IMAX screening out in Buffalo. The show was sold out, and rightfully so. It was a fantastic film, and an excellent sequel to the original. I'm hoping to see it again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online



Posts: 580
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 2:35 AM
Just got back from seeing it Real3D. i see it in IMAX Saturday. The theater was about half full. It was a good audience. A lot of laughter in the right places and talk of "that was cool" afterward.

After seeing it... I just don't get the critic's hate for it. I know I'm biased, but after having to sit through awful blockbusters like Transformers, GI Joe and boring movies like Prince of Persia... this was nothing like those.

There is warmth. There is humor. There is actually a lot of funny little asides... so many in-jokes for Tron fans... the acting is uniformly excellent. I can't believe how much I liked Sam after all the negative reaction he's gotten. To me, he was a great mix of a hero with a slight bad-boy streak and a sense of humor. And yes, on top of that... it's visually spectacular. Just beautiful.

Now I have to get some sleep for work tomorrow... but it really is very good.

Discuss it on here.

Posts: 33
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 3:19 AM
I can say with complete sincerity that TRON Legacy was one of the most visually stunninng movies I've seen in recent years. It was thrill ride from start to finish, with a solid plot and characters that kept you engaged. I'm baffled by these critics that claim that the story is "incomprehensible". There's nothing about the story that someone with at least minimal comprehension couldn't figure out if they pay attention.

Jeff, man. It felt SO good to see him playing Kevin Flynn again, and his alter-ego, Clu, and he pulled both roles off excellently. Garrett Hedlund was better than I expected as his son, Sam. I wasn't quite sure about his screen presence in the preview footage I've seen, but when it all came together in the finished product, it worked perfectly. And Olivia Wilde....AMAZING. Everytime Quorra was on-screen, she captivated me, and not just for the obvious reasons.

I saw T:L at the Majestic Theatre in Brookfield, Wisconsin. It was a pretty packed house, and the audience seemed to enjoy it. I even saw two people in costume, though they showed up too late to get a good look at their attire.

I really want to see this movie do deserves to. I don't expect it to break any major box office records, but if it has a strong showing, we'll have a lot more TRON to look forward to.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 75
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 3:27 AM
Report Location: Kearney Nebraska
Report Time: Post "Midnight Showing"
Occupancy: Approximately 50% (This good for a small town at midnight.)
Response: The audience enjoyed it and so did myself and the MRS.
Future Plans: We will be taking my Father to see it this coming afternoon.
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Posts: 6
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 3:35 AM
I my self when to the midnight showing of it in my area with my dad we even pay the extra money to do the 3d glasses well worth both my time and money. It was awesome it had new feel but also a new look something not easily done lots fun references to the original and surprisingly not to far fetched of the new stuff and daft punk was excellent choice. though i did noticed that they completely left out the tron theme song. Oh well great movie I and look froward to squeals and maybe it wont be cult-classic but a offical classic.
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Posts: 4,349
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 3:51 AM
Full house at my local theater. Freaking loved the movie, though I'm still a bit iffy on the idea of programs entering the real world, probably because of that wonderful April Fool's joke from a few years ago.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

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Posts: 471
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 3:59 AM
Deadly Disks Wrote:
I hear Tron Guy wept when he saw it.

Make that two of us, mate.

From the first note of the music, from the first word Flynn says, from the first visual...

I was hooked. Start to finish. I laughed like hell. I cried like a baby. I almost threw my identity disk at Clu...
Chills, mate.

Bottom line? I absolutely LOVED it.


Posts: 206
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 4:10 AM
Just wrapped up a midnight showing in Cedar Hill in the southern part of Dallas.

It was reported that theaters in the Northern part of Dallas were sold out. The theater I was at was probably like 50-60%.

Daft Punk... nice nice choice. I want the soundtrack now. Wendy Carlos was great, but the sound track for this movie... nice!!!

I just feel like I visited a old friend I hadn't see in a while. I think that is how I felt. In a lot of ways I feel they revisited the old feel by using names, and even phrases from the old movie and used them in the new movie.

Think of all the lines said again in the new movie but under a different context:
"He save me, he really did"
"Finish the game!"
"End of line"
"Now that's a big door"
(The entire speech by Sark was reused in a female computer voice when Sam Flynn got his Disc).
"I fight for the users"

They didn't miss a trick really. There was light cycles, there was a solar sailor bit, more disc battles, and really more action. And I loved the aerial battle!! That was great!

(The TRON theme was featured by Jeff Bridges when he sings "Bum bum bum BUM.. TRON!" and hands the TRON action figure to Sam)

Yeh it was more TRON and really more fun. I was all for it. Probably see it another time or two.

Flynn as a character... likeable, believable, I could see a older Flynn.. the problem solver now a bit more wiser.

Clu... you know, when they introduce how the character started, he was ridged just like in the original movie. When you follow the progression of the character throughout the movie, it just made a lot of sense.

Not sure how much I can say, but being an old fan of Clu from the first movie, I did like this...

Flynn's place has a piece of art that is hand size that looks like a Bit that Flynn has on his fireplace mantle. I thought it was cute when Clu picked that up and looked at it for a little bit.

And the large "Dumont" on the side of a building was cute too.

But I was wowed in the disc scenes and the aerial battle.

Oh, and I like how the programs derezz now!

Ok, in summary, liked it, it was like visiting a old friend. Very happy with it!on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 47
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 4:16 AM
Holy Moly!

That is all I can say.

To give you some background, I have been a fan of the original Tron since it came out. Saw the original Tron in the theatre 5 times during opening week and played Tron in the arcades the same week when it was brand new. I was blown away by the original Tron.

I've been waiting for it to be released on bluray for a long time now (several years).

I have seen the original Tron on DVD over 300 times, know it line for line.

When I saw the concept trailer for Tron Legacy my jaw hit the floor.

I've been waiting over 2 and a half years to see it.

I was lucky enough to see it at the midnight showing on an Ultra Screen.

My impression:

Amazingly Horrible!

What a waste. When I left the theatre the thing I was thinking about the most was how I am not a professional writer, but I absolutely beyond a doubt know that I could have written a better script. No question about it. ANYONE, could have written a better script. To say I am disapointed with the movie would be the understatement of the year.

There were a few nice pieces of eye candy in the film but for the most part, it was a snoozefest. The plot was just horrible.

Will I even watch it a 2nd time? Probably not.

Anyway, basically what I wanted to say is that everyone who enjoyed the original as much as I did will owe it to yourself to see it in the theatre, that's a given. How could you not watch it? You will at least watch it once, but for many, I would imagine it will be only once, or maybe twice, but in all honestly, the movie just plain sucked, and the original Tron is and will always remain my favorite movie of all time.

If you want a comparison, just think Wargames 2: The Dead Code, and you will know what I am talking about. Oh, and remember CaddyShack 2? Yeah, I thought you did. Same thing. Think of the very worst sequels you have ever seen and put Tron Legacy right up there with them.

So now, I am just going to wait for the original Tron to be released on bluray and be happy with that.

Maybe if enough bad reviews get out, perhaps Disney will do something better with the next Tron movie, but after word gets out about how bad Tron Legacy is, I seriously doubt a 3rd movie will be green lit.

I had planned on purchasing the Tron Evolution PC game this weekend, but after seeing the movie, I think I'll probably pass on the pc game. Yes the movie was that bad, but, if you are reading about it here, you will at least have to see it once.


Posts: 106
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 4:39 AM
To each his own. I feel that unfortunately this is how people will take it....if you absolutely loved the first TRON and want something that feels exactly like that one than you will either love or hate Legacy, and quite possibly may lean toward hate. My co-worker was initially against a TRON sequel, saw the first couple of trailers and was slightly more interested, but has since taken a stand that Legacy will absolutely suck and said he probably won't see it because it isn't enough like the original........He's frickin' nuts in my opinion but is allowed his opinion as well.

Speaking of, I appreciate flotila's opinion, but one cannot overlook the fact that not only is this his first post, he also signed up and logged out within minuets of posting, which smells suspiciously like mole to me!

Please continue...


Posts: 155
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 4:47 AM

Total and complete bliss, man.

This is the greatest gift I could have ever been given as a Tron fan. Hell, just as a cinema-loving human. Understated, beautiful, thematically succinct, narratively balanced ... pure bliss. I need time to reflect on this. They layers of the story continue to unfold in my mind, and I know this is something I'm going to be able to experience continually ...

... I'm a happy man tonight.


Posts: 234
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:02 AM
Saw it at the IMAX 3D in downtown Salt Lake City.

Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. Ignore the critics. This movie is the real deal.

My impressions below, with some spoilers.
The 3D and visuals on this were just... I know AVATAR was good, but TRON LEGACY was better. Mainly because TRON LEGACY is showing us things we have never, ever seen before. Nobody has ever seen anything like this, because nobody has ever imagined anything like this.

We waited 28 years, it was worth it!

Oh, and it was a PACKED HOUSE for the midnight show!

The crowd applauded at the end.

I didn't see any frowns. All smiles and excitement.

Best part was seeing my daughter love it. She's 7 years old, just 1 year younger than I was when I went to see the original. TRON officially runs the family -- and without my prompting I might add. She just grooves on it, both the original and now this new film.




Posts: 47
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:04 AM
Actually, not my first post, my original account is 4 years old, lost the pass and it was from an older e-mail account I no longer own.

To give you an idea of how psyched up I was for Legacy, I performed a Tron Legacy blackout for 2 years.

What that means is that I was so blown away by the Tron Legacy concept trailer, that I stopped visiting the Tron Sector website because of all the photos and spoilers on the site.

I didn't want to know anything else. The Tron Legacy concept trailer was so mind blowing, I knew I was going to have to see it in theatres on opening night and I am the type of person who prefers to be surprised when I watch movies in the theatre.

Unfortunately, my surprise with Legacy was how bad it was.

I truly was expecting something as good as the concept trailer and was let down tremendously.

I may rent it on bluray just to confirm my initial impressions, but I will not purchase it, or the game. I really hate to have to give Legacy a Wargames2 \ CaddyShack 2\ Lawnmower Man2 type of review, but that is how I feel about it.

I think the majority of good reviews for Legacy are going to come from people who are somehow able to look past the horrible plot and uncanny Jeff Bridges cgi Clu.

However, I could just not look past those items. Plot is very important to me and Legacy's plot is junk. Clu = uncanny valley and the acting performance for Sam Flynn's character = null. The redo's of the one-liners from the original were sad.

The costumes of most of the actors were a joke too, in some parts it was as if they were just wearing latex jackets with 1 glowing stripe on them, nothing as cool as the matte looks of the original Tron with the fading pulsing circuits, etc.

I found this review and I agree with it almost 100%:

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Posts: 206
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:14 AM
Man... I have to go to work in four hours... I actually took off so I could see the midnight showing and I am too excited to sleep after watching it. I mean, wow.

I am seeing honestly about 50/50 reviews. Half really love it, and half really hate it.

It seems the New TRON has that in common with the original too. :P

Strangely only makes me like this movie more.

Ok... going to TRY to sleep.


Posts: 416
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 5:41 AM
HB Bella Terra midnight showing in real 3d looked like a sell out, plus there were more people in the 2d auditorium. Saw a kid about 13 years old in all black with blue masking tape "circuitry" and an identitiy disc. I thought that was cool.

Since the last time I saw a movie in the theater was for 28 Weeks Later, I completely forgot that when a movie is listed to start at 12:01 it really means the 20 minutes of TRAILERS starts at 12:01. Green Hornet looks like dog doo doo. Green Lantern looks like horse doo doo. Thor looks like brontasaurus doo doo! Too many comic book adaptations and the 2 Green movies looked almost alike. The movie that did look interesting was Cowboys and Aliens with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig.

As for TL, unfortunately it isn't a perfect movie. With the reported reshoots it is alarming to think of what the film was like before help from Pixar with character development. There is very little character development of Quorra and what there is towards the last 1/3 of the movie seemed "inserted" as an afterthought. I could tell that Jeff Bridges was doing his darndest to flesh out Flynn and Clu and does a nominal job. The story tries to make Sam out to be Kevin Flynn 2.0, but again some of the character development felt "inserted".

This was the first time I have seen anything in 3d and was greatly impressed at how far the technology and use has come. No more blue/red lenses and crap being thrown into the audience. The depth effect became natural after about 10 minutes. The visuals were striking.

The DP soundtrack which I had reservations of before seeing the movie was ok. The main title and the comicon light cycle room music were catchy, but the rest wasn't very notable.

What I did like about the movie were the scenes of Flynn and his "helpers" creating the world on the server and then the subsequent betrayal. As for the gripes from the "critics" saying that there is hadly any Tron in the TL it is complete bs. Tron is there but not as a central character. Just hearing him say "I fight for the users" instantly sent me back to the old discount matinee back in july of 1982 and brought a big smile.

TL seems to have fallen into the same trap that all big budget action movies have been in the past 10 years. Directors and writers come up with special effect sequences and then try to cram the characters into the situations, instead of the other way around. What I think is also missing from TL is the lack of seeing new and intriguing things. Like Dillingers desk and lit up helicopter, the laser lab, the acres of cubicles, the BIG door, i.e. things out of the ordinary. All that being said TL is an ok movie, I give it a 7 out of 10.

I just wanted to add something about the uncanny valley in TL. There were a few scenes of young Flynn and Clu that had the UC effect, but overall it was done very well. In many of the shots Clu looked completely natural even on a huge screen. It looks like they almost have the uncanny valley solved.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 12
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 6:19 AM
Just back from a sold out IMAX screening in Irvine CA. We got there at about 6pm, wich I thought would be plenty early but there was a decent line already built up. I was shaking with excitement just standing in line, or maybe that was the cold weather... Anyways, I freakin love this film! It was so visually and audibly arresting. I think everyone involved did an exceptional job.

Ok, me go to bed now, me tired.


Posts: 450
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 7:18 AM
Saw it at the Broadway 16 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Theater was only about 1/4 full but this is a tourist town and is a ghost town in winter. Not sure how the other theaters in town fared.

LOVED. IT. The visuals, of course, are amazing; I do want to see it in 2D though, as I did get a bit of cross-image with the RealD (and the home video version will be in 2D as well).

Loved all the little references to the original film...and one to WarGames! And the ending opens a lot of doors if they make a third.

I hope it does well, there's been too many good movies that didn't survive in theaters this year.

The Clu abides, man...


Posts: 7
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 7:42 AM
Caught the midnight 3D show in Binghamton NY, definitely phenomenal movie it was totally worth the wait.
I left the theatre last night wishing I had the blu-ray.
There were a few continuity errors, but who really cares anyway.
If you love the original Tron you wont be disappointed.


Posts: 90
RE: TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!

on Friday, December, 17, 2010 7:45 AM
I was at the midnight showing in Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa has a big high-tech sector, but that is mainly in the west end and I'm in the east end. The theater was still packed. I wore my Encom ID with all the pins I got stuck in the lanyard. As soon as I walked in somebody spotted it and yelled 'Flynn Lives!'. I saw a couple people with Tron T-Shirts and somebody had that Tron hoodie. The theatre staff had these identity disk things that hung from their neck, I couldn't get one of them to sell me theirs.

The movie was awesome, not even the slightest bitter aftertaste, and like has been already said, it felt like visiting an old friend. I'm glad they squeezed in a reference to Wendy Carols' soundtrack, even if it was just Kevin Flynn vocalizing it.

The acting was great, the script was great, they filmed the action in ways that you could easily follow what was happening as opposed to the cut, zoom, blur, pan repeat stuff some movies do that make action a meaningless frenzy.

I wondered how they would handle the religious angle of the first movie. I would have been disappointed if they swept it under the rug. The first movie was partly about religious repression. The masses had faith in the users and were being punished for it, or coerced to deny it. Flynn came and restored freedom. In this movie they went with the Book of Revelation, society knows there are users, but are in full rebellion against them. This results in Armageddon with the salvation of the faithful ones (or one in this case) being brought into 'heaven'. There's going to be a third movie, but where do you go after that?

One thing I note with sadness is that this movie is not going to have nearly the impact on people's lives that the the original had. Back in 1982 computers were science fiction made real, a wondrous mystery that was new to us, within our reach, exciting and scary at the same time. It was the key to the future and we were just trying to figure out how to turn it. More than a few IT professionals today can point to TRON as something that shaped their path in life. This movie won't do that, and it isn't anybody's fault. Computers have just become so common that it wouldn't be possible for this movie to have the same kind of effect.

Favourite line:
You're really messing with my Zen, man!

Great moments/touches
Thumpin' Journey music in the arcade
The big door
Quora's freaking out Sam with her driving, and her laugh
Sam's reunion with his Dad
The lightcycle fight
Disc War
Aerial battle

Very minor quibles:
- Makes no sense to Alan to suggest giving away the OS for free, Encom has to pay it's employees somehow. Would have been better if Alan pitched something like getting a bigger market share by not charging so much for it.

- Expected more of a transition from the real to the digital world as in the first movie, was kind of looking forward to seeing how they were going to do that

- Would have liked to have seen more aftermath, they seemed to rush to the credits once back in the real world

One thing you guys can help me with, I missed what it was that got Rinzler to revert back to Tron. Can somebody clarify?

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 TRON: LEGACY -- Now In Movie Theatres...! - Share your movie going experience here..!