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 TRON Illuminated statue

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Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: TRON Illuminated statue

on Friday, October, 06, 2006 12:50 AM
Well, it came in the mail and I was so excited. That all ended when I opened it and both legs were broken behind the knee, and it doesn't light up, I got screwed. I sent several emails to the seller but she insists that it was the post offices fault and I should take it up with them. I already opened a dispute with Paypal so hopefully I can recover from this. Damn I really wanted this statue.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: TRON Illuminated statue

on Friday, October, 06, 2006 12:52 AM


Posts: 3,301
Re: TRON Illuminated statue

on Sunday, January, 07, 2007 4:05 AM
Oh wow, just read your posts. Sorry to hear that. I got mine from Disney, and it worked great at first. I only had it lit up for a total of about 2 or 3 hours, and then powered him off for a month or two. When I turned the statue back on, some of the lights are out??! And you can't seem to replace the lights on your own (poor design?). Yep, one of his arms is much dimmer than the other; one of his legs is much dimmer than the other. It was *not* like this when I got it... even took photos of it when I first got it that I can compare to.

I contacted Disney, and I might have to ship it back to them so they can fix it then send it back to me. I'm fearful of this. I don't want this thing damaged in shipping! And any time it goes through the mail it is prone to damage.


Kinda bummed.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: TRON Illuminated statue

on Thursday, January, 11, 2007 5:11 PM
I feel you dude, poor design indeed. I glued the legs on mine and touched up the paint in back where it was broke, so now it looks brand new, it just doesn't light up. If I were you I wouldn't ship it anywhere. I have talked with others who said that theirs broke in shipping too. Best of luck.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


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Re: TRON Illuminated statue

on Monday, January, 29, 2007 1:41 AM
I got mine about a while ago, its great. And I only paid $150 for it, brand new, off ebay!

I am thinking of modding the base and lighting up the darker blue areas.

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 TRON Illuminated statue