flynn1978 User
Posts: 1,077 | Tron Record on Friday, April, 07, 2006 3:10 PM
"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: Tron Record on Friday, April, 07, 2006 4:17 PM
This item is quite halarious. The drawings and the record itself are very funny. Very campy.
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TimothyC User
Posts: 4 | Re: Tron Record on Friday, April, 07, 2006 11:12 PM
I bought a lot of 14 of those from a seller a year or so ago on eBay. I think I paid $.50 each for them or something like that.
The record definitely has a "cheezy" feel to it but I still love it. I've always been partial to records to start with though. Although this isn't a record, check out this gem:
Tron in auf Deutsch
There are actually two variations to the German cassette that I know of. I only have one of them but I've been spending quite a bit on non-Tron stuff lately so it this one will have to wait ;^).
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The PimpDragon User
Posts: 652 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 1:38 PM
I still have my Tron book & record set! I listened to the hell out of that thing and it STILL works!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 2:11 PM
Here's an example of the book. Sorry, I don't have a scanner. This is a digital pic :/
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
Posts: 0 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 6:34 PM
I had the tape version of this when I was a kid. It was indeed campy and kiddied down from the film version... it was flat out different in some ways if memory serves.
It was the only way I could experience TRON in the years before VCR's were affordable enough for our family and before TRON was even available on VHS anyway.
I was always kind of disappointed that they didn't use actual film images. The drawings were ok (for a kid), but film images would have been WAY cooler!
I lost track of that little gem years ago though.
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Tori User
Posts: 0 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 6:41 PM
I thought I had downloaded that tape thingy from this the file archives someplace.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
NoExcuses User
Posts: 1,760 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 6:49 PM
I seem to remember it being on the 3gcs Tron page, but I never downloaded it. Perhaps I should...?
*Checks file archives* Looks like it's there too.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
Qix77 User
Posts: 2,991 | Re: Tron Record on Saturday, April, 15, 2006 7:06 PM
I had owned one back in 1983 and lost it when we moved across town... It's really funny how I forget things and then remember them by just seeing a picture...
Does anyone remember the Grimelens records that they use to sell at Hardee's back in the mid-80's? Each week they would sell the records that came with a story book. I believe there was 8 and all together it told the whole story from the movie... For some odd reason, it popped in my head..