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 Meet me on the game grid!

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Posts: 2,232
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 11:50 PM
On now.

"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster
"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!

Posts: 2,232
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 11:58 PM
Nobody wants to play?

I'll wait a bit longer seeing as how turkey makes people sleepy; maybe you're just all a little slooooow right now.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster
"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!
Sector Admin

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Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Friday, November, 25, 2005 8:15 PM
redrain85 Wrote:

Sorry to take this a little off topic, but this is important to me.

There's someone going by the name of "FAH Q" on the game grid. I've seen him once, but didn't catch him online in time. (Sadly, I just haven't spent any time on the grid lately . . . must play Tron again soon.)

People are thinking that he's me, and he's not denying it. So I just wanted to say that this person is NOT me. If he says anything rude or stupid, let me know. If he does, I want to call him out online and tell him to knock it off.

I've played against FAH Q before - never thought it was you or anything. I'm not sure why people would think he is you because his name is very different than yours, other than the similarity in letters.

You know what his name sounds like when you say it out loud, right? It's phonetically VERY different than your name.

If he's been asked if he is you and didn't deny it though - that might be because it can be difficult to see everything that is being said during the game all the time. I know I miss a lot of chatter during the game when I'm playing. I know that if I read or respond during game play, there's a WALL with MY name on it just waiting for my head to slam in to it!

If he is deliberately not denying he's you though, that's a different thing. And you're doing the right thing by letting people know about it here.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Friday, November, 25, 2005 9:11 PM
TheReelTodd Wrote:You know what his name sounds like when you say it out loud, right? It's phonetically VERY different than your name.
LOL . . . yeah, say it fast enough and it takes on an . . . interesting meaning.

I know that if I read or respond during game play, there's a WALL with MY name on it just waiting for my head to slam in to it!
Definitely. Most times when I crash, it's because I was typing in chat and didn't finish fast enough before I needed to turn. Oh well, I'm not complaining . . . I'm there to have fun, not necessarily to win every time.

If he is deliberately not denying he's you though, that's a different thing. And you're doing the right thing by letting people know about it here.
I think this is a case of a new player not realizing someone has a similar nickname. But what's odd is that even if he mistakenly said "yeah" when asked: people have then started talking to him believing that he's me, and he never stops them or questions them as to what the heck they are talking about.

Even if it's meant as a joke, I want people to know that he's not me in case he starts being rude. I don't want people to start accusing me of things I haven't done.



Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 5:28 PM
Sry it's been so long since i've posted here...have been racing more lately, just forget to post it here

I wanted to address a certain topic that has been mentioned before...trash talk..only it involves one person...maybe you have raced with LEGACY before and maybe not. He was gone from the grid for about a year, and i have to say, none of us missed his mouth. Now he's back and worse than ever.

General trashing goes on at time, but he's attacking specific ppl and ones who don't know better are beliving him. I'd just like to set a few things straight for those of you who think anything that comes out of LEGACY's mouth is the truth....Neither Layer, Raven, nor Crackho is or has ever hacked into his computer. Who really cares what your ping is LEGACY...if the server is full, no one booted you...get over it....

And finally, there is not nor has there ever been anything going on between me and LEGACY...If you ask me, he's just jealous cause he doesn't like Layer, my hubby, so he gotta find something to rag about. It really concerns me that ppl who should know better really belive this smut. And without going into details, cause then i'm no better than he is....he is not to be believed. Ask anyone who has been around long enuff and ask if and of this trash is tru...o and btw..thanks to LEGACY slamming, all members now have to be approved by admin. Sorry if this makes any inconvenience, but the flaming that was going on was getting out of hand and something had to be done.

If you have any questions on where anything you hear from him is tru, ask around, you'll find the answer.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

kid at heart..goddess by nature
">WHATEVER: It All Matters
Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 5:33 PM
I was enjoying some quality game grid time recently, and found a new (or perhaps old, with new name) grid master!

Have you had the pleasure of playing against Ki||ian? This guy is amazing! He was tearing up the game grid in ways I've not seen in a long time... like since the days that the regulars... well, played regularly and dIrK was the best of the best.

So how good is Ki||ian? Well, let's put it this way, he was taking down Layer and LorDCrash with ease! Everyone has their moments, but this guy was just too much!

Well, if you're reading this, Ki||ian, I tip my light cycle helmet to you. I rather enjoyed trying to take you down... though I usually was eating your jet wall.

Man - there's just NOTHING like trying to take down someone who's that skilled out there. Now there are plenty of cyclists who are far better then I out there, but going after the guy who can bring down the guys who bring be down with ease, is a lot of fun to me!

I hope to meet up with you again.

Hmmm... should I hit the game grid right now?

I wonder if anyone is on...

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 5:43 PM
ShivaGoddess Wrote:Sry it's been so long since i've posted here...have been racing more lately, just forget to post it here


Is... is it really you?

Well, welcome back to The Sector!

Been a long time! You really need to stop by more often... AND hit the game grid!

I haven't seen you on the light cycle game grid in months! Layer said you've been all wrapped up in Guild Wars (I think it was that anyway). We miss ya on the game grid!

I'm sorry to hear about the trash talk out there. Honestly, I've played against the guy you speak of - several times in fact. Here's what I've discovered - not many people believe trash talkers on the game grid, regardless of who they are. Once someone starts talking smack, people either just throw it back at the smack-talker, leave, or just play the game and ignore the crap.

I used to be bothered by trash talk on the game grid, but now I don't give a crap. I enjoy the game and when anyone starts in to talking trash, I just let the words scroll by and have me a good time anyway.

Again, I don't think there's anyone who really takes trash talking seriously out there - in terms of it being truthful or anything.

A little secret for people - ignore it, and it will eventually become less fun for the trash talker and they'll stop. Don't feed trolls, and they'll get bored and go away, or at least stop.

Ok, NOW I'm going to check for anyone on the game grid.

Meet me on the game grid!

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 6:31 PM

Ki||ian . . . now there's a name I haven't seen in ages. I think he briefly played way back near the original release of the game, then disappeared.

Interesting how all these old players have been coming back lately. Unfortunately, some are not welcome . . .

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Sector Admin

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Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 6:58 PM
I just got off the game grid - had a blast!

I had the pleasure of meeting up with Powder, sammycycle, Harpo989 (who played as Hrpao989 and then Har-pao chicken ), SPAM, Layer, and peon blanco.

It great to see you out there tonight, harpo989! Been some time since we met on the game grid!

And Layer - always a pleasure to meet up with you out there. I'm so glad you still make time for the light cycle game grid even though there are other games you enjoy these days too. If only you could get more of the original regulars to come back and enjoy the game with us again!

Tonight was kind of interesting. In addition to ramming in to many damn walls (yes, the wall magnets were definitely on for me tonight), I actually ran THROUGH a wall tonight! It was the weirdest thing and has never happened to me before. It was on the grid that is divided up in to 4 square like parts, with 4 speed zones connecting them (and 4 slow zones connecting them against the outer walls). Right near the red block on the speed zone, I went right through the wall facing the speed zone from the slow zone. I was close to the edge of the wall, but I went in one side, and emerged on the speed zone size. Was really weird - I thought I was dead and there I was STILL in the game. Well, I guess when you hit as many walls as I do, it was bound to happen - one wall wasn't paying attention to me!

Was a great time, everyone, even if my game was a bit off tonight. Still enjoyed every micro cycle of it!
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Posts: 70
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Monday, November, 28, 2005 12:44 AM
Funny you should mention both dIrK and Ki||ean in the same's dIrK...cough....ahem

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Monday, November, 28, 2005 1:59 AM

LOL, figures . . .

Did dIrK go by Ki||ian in the old demo days? I swear I remember a Ki||ian way back when, and I'm not just imagining it.

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Posts: 70
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Monday, November, 28, 2005 8:46 AM
He went by Killean off and on...from my's his dog's name...(sorry D..had to tell 'em )abortion pills online cytotec abortion

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Monday, November, 28, 2005 7:17 PM
Layer.dll Wrote:Funny you should mention both dIrK and Ki||ean in the same's dIrK...cough....ahem

Yeah - I kind of thought it was him. But there have been so many false dIrK sightings on the game grid, I didn't want to speculate too much or anything. Hell, even I have been mistaken for dIrK before! It's true! Under a name that no one was familiar with and a few particularly well-played rounds (and very lucky too), I've actually had people ask if I was dIrK! It's only happened a couple of times, but still. What's funny is when I'd tell people I wasn't dIrK, they'd ask if I was Layer or VMan or Crash! Sorry guys - just me and a few good and somewhat lucky rounds!

Well, it's good to know that it was actually dIrK out there though. I just LOVE trying to take that guy down! Hell, its even fun just watching him play in spectator cam mode when get derezzed myself - those amazing precision moves and all just make me grin ear to ear. I wish he'd hit the game grid more often... and the good old regulars from back in the day!


Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Tuesday, November, 29, 2005 9:57 PM

Is... is it really you?

Well, welcome back to The Sector!

Been a long time! You really need to stop by more often... AND hit the game grid!

i've actually been plyng more...does seem like whenever layer says ur on i'm either just getting back from work or going out...

as for the trash talk..i do ignore it...but there are ppl who actually belive this guy..which is why i made the post...course they're ones who don't know any better..thus the lil info segment

hope to catch u guys on soon

kid at heart..goddess by nature
">WHATEVER: It All Matters

Posts: 2,232
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Tuesday, November, 29, 2005 11:41 PM
On now.

"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster
"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!

Posts: 2,232
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Wednesday, November, 30, 2005 2:28 AM
Had a long string of great circuits competing with Layer.

Damn, he's good.

Thanks for the great games!

"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster
"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!

Posts: 70
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Wednesday, November, 30, 2005 2:48 AM
Any time...great gaming with you're a pretty good sport order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 0
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Wednesday, November, 30, 2005 7:15 AM
Hello,This is fojy1973 from Japan.
Just now I will connect TRON2.0 server.
(21:14 JST)
and I consider play about 1~2hours...

If you find me "Fojy.exe".
Let's play together




Posts: 2,232
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Thursday, December, 01, 2005 11:56 PM
On now.

"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster
"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!

Posts: 3,301
Re: Meet me on the game grid!

on Friday, December, 02, 2005 12:07 AM
Wow MutoidMan! Glad to see you're still gaming it up there on the grid. I've still been taking a break from Tron 2.0. I am boycotting it until Buena Vista releases a single-player expansion pack, or a game remake of the original movie (No, I'm not holding my breath...)abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
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  Tron 2.0: Multiplayer 
 Meet me on the game grid!