TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Tuesday, August, 31, 2004 9:59 PM
I just got off the game grid. I only had time for a few games.
Had the pleasure of meeting up with: Rogue Leader, Red 5 (yes - a little SW theme going on tonight  ), DJDEREZZ, a small rock, SpAwN43, and Wolf
I played pretty crappy, but it was fun anyway.
I think sometimes I just enjoy a little light cycle action and some cool folks to share the experience
I also heard that there's some cool new custom grids available at the all new (again) PatchGoneBad web site, so I'll have to get those. The PGBers are pretty slick with their custom grids!
See you all soon on a new custom game grid!
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 1:21 AM
Now that I have my new office set up and a vacation starting next week, you will have me to kick around on the grid next week!
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 2:17 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:Now that I have my new office set up and a vacation starting next week, you will have me to kick around on the grid next week! |
I'm usually on the game grid around 7ish (Eastern time) - I hope I can catch up with you there soon! 
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 4:25 PM
I just got off the game grid - was only there for a few rounds.
I would have stayed longer, but little-boy-hacker in all his 1337-ness (leetness) was back and up to his CHEATING damn tricks again.
1337-clippy is back... not that he ever left. I witnessed him flying around the game grid, far above the grid floor. He was using a different name of course - but it was him. I addressed him as "1337" and told him to "cut the crap". His response was "after they loose"
Once again, this kid CAN'T play by the rules, and chooses to CHEAT and wait until the other players loose before making his move.
This time, he was playing under the name recycleBIN\.
Here's a screen-cap of what his flying looks like. It's hard to tell how far up off the grid he really is in this still shot, but if you look at the back wall - you can see his orange trail at the height of the walls on this grid.
Remember - you probably won't see him when playing the game as he is racing above where the player-cam floats, and he can still cut you off and derezz you from this height.
I quickly exited the game grid after meeting up with 1337-boy again. I felt a stream of profanities coming on and figured I'd spare everyone my angry trash mouth (or trash-type if you will).
As before, I met up with this CHEATER while playing against people I don't often see. I was on the grid with: Sphyrna, MDK, Dutch Kim, Ghost, WingDemon_, and of course, CHEATER 1337-boy aka recycleBIM\
Sad when kids choose to CHEAT instead of improving upon their game skills.
dIrK User
 Posts: 35 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 7:56 PM
Ok, after I read your post Todd I got on the grid to see if I could find recycleBin there. And I did.
I didn't want to blow your cover, but were you Program in the blue slc? I was baTch fyle.
At first, recyclebin was trying to tell me that it was a glitch and it only happened at the beginning of a circuit. I was skeptical to say the least. And for the rest of the circuit, he didn't do it.
Then we get to LC_03S01 which has the big green sections on the outsides. Huge map. He didn't do it on the first race. Then the second race starts and I notice there is a blue guy floating! It was purge >>ditto>ditto
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 9:01 PM
Hey dIrK - thanks for the detective work! It sounds like you've got these kids' bag-o-tricks figured out.
I think it's sad when they have to come in and use crap like that to cheat or to just show-off as in "hey everybody - look at me! I'm FLOATING!". I'm NOT IMPRESSED at all. I'm impressed when I find cool personalities and skilled cyclists. I'm not impressed with kiddie-tricks, hacker-talk and "1337-ness".
I left you a PM.
I hope to see less kiddie-play on the game grid in the future, and more fun and great light cycle action - ON the game grid - NOT above it.  abortion pills online cytotec abortion
ShivaGoddess User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Wednesday, September, 01, 2004 11:33 PM
i haven't as yet caught up with the cheaters..have met purge, but not seen him floating, so must be a new thing he just found...glad you got the best of them d  maybe a few more of those and they'll go least now we know the disadvantage of being up there...thx for the heads up
as for tonight...ran into x-copy, harpo, crackho dropped in for a few, djderezz also only stayed for a few, layer, twistededge, cyber slave, and cybershaman....hope i didn't leave anyone out....and as always..great time on the grid  kid at heart..goddess by nature
">WHATEVER: It All Matters |
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Thursday, September, 02, 2004 8:03 PM
I just got off the game grid - HAD A BLAST!
Sorry I didn't make a "meet me" post - but I found dIrK on there, and didn't want to chance missing the open slot in the game.
PLENTY of action tonight, and some new names I'm starting to see regularly. I don't always understand what they're saying (because its sometimes in German I think), but they're good competitors
Ok - here's the rundown:
Tonight I had the pleasure of competing with dIrK (who I did take down once tonight... just before slamming in to the nearest competitor's jetwall!), Dutch Kim, Sylwia (these two talk a lot in German I think, and also in English - and BOTH were amazed with dIrK's faster than lightening reflexes), ghost (also doing a great job cleaning up out there), Omega.User (who's gotten pretty damn good on the LC game grid!), MDK, bit (another slick one in his LC), Quixat, alpha.beta{DSO], cogman, U.F.O. (who was there and gone in just a game or two), DE-Rezzer.EXE, pringle_chip, Rogue Leader (who was only there for a few games - I think he got booted and then lost his slot - they were a good few games though), NicolA V3, Ender, InValiD SynTaX, and joining in just before I left, purge =ditto=.
As I said in the "roll call", some of the more recent LC players like Dutch Kim and Sylwia (at least they're newer to me) were chatting up a storm about dIrK's incredible moves. It was really funny to watch them in their amazement!  Anyone who has competed with dIrK knows what to expect - but it was obviously their first time watching him go at it. I don't often last too long when dIrK is on the grid, but I must say - it's always a great show watching him do his thing out there!
When dIrK left, ghost and Omega.User had some impressive head to head battles... each time after they DEREZZED ME! DOH!
I was on for about 2 hours tonight and it was just a great time for me.  There was PLENTY of action, a lot of fun chatting going on, and everyone stayed GROUNDED ON the game grid
But I've been wondering... where's Crash been?
It used to be you couldn't hit the game grid for more than an hour without coming across him and his high-speed, laser-presission moves. I guess he's been lost in another game laterly. We miss ya out there, Crash. Rez in sometime and say "hi"
We'll see you again soon back on the game grid my fellow TRON fans!
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Thursday, September, 02, 2004 11:03 PM
I've been following the cheating discussion in this thread, with much interest.
At first I thought the cheating was BS, just a glitch caused by high ping or something. Then thanks to bigred at Boxhat, I found it's not BS. (But I will NEVER tell anyone how it's done.)
Just a heads up: I thought purge and recyclebin might be the same person, but TheReelTodd says they were both playing at the same time. So it doesn't seem likely. However, I'm positive that recyclebin (aka 1337-clippy) is also mimic479. So keep your eyes out for mimic479 on the message boards.
I really hate it when people keep using different aliases . . .
  LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
dIrK User
 Posts: 35 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 1:37 AM
I really hate it when people keep using different aliases . . . |
Yea, don't ya just hate those people? :P
Of course, yes I am probably the king of using aliases, but I don't exactly fit in with everyone so my cloak usually gets lifted pretty damn quick. Also, I'm not really trying to hide from people when I do it. I just enjoy playing "not as dIrK" if that makes any sense. But it's also frustrating not being able to do so without any success. Unless I intentionally lose(even if I turn slow and win people still say, "that you dIrK?") I'm always found out rather quickly.
I know it bugs some people that I and others use aliases all the time, cough Layer cough, but I think as long as I'm not trying to keep my identity from people(I ALWAYS say yes it's me when someone calls me out...I don't think it's cool just denying it) then it shouldn't be a problem. Ain't that right, Rogue Leader?
Great games today Todd. I hope to see you on the grid more often. I have to give you props on something as not everyone does this.
I give ALOT of respect to certain racers. Now it's apparent that you have quite a bit of lc skills Todd, but what makes me respect you more than anything, is the fact that you are aggressive. You go for boxes aggressively, you push that extra bit to try to derez someone even if it compromises you chances of surviving the move.
I have to say without a doubt, and take this as constructive criticism, but you wouldn't hit walls or derez NEARLY as much if you played "safer", so to speak. But I can tell that aggression is your style, and I love and respect the hell out of that.
I wish everyone was like that.
Ok, you guys take care.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 2:52 AM
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 4:38 PM
redrain85 Wrote:
I've been following the cheating discussion in this thread, with much interest.
At first I thought the cheating was BS, just a glitch caused by high ping or something. Then thanks to bigred at Boxhat, I found it's not BS. (But I will NEVER tell anyone how it's done.) |
Nope - not a glitch. I knew that as soon as I got derezzed the 2nd time, while 1337--clippy was on. I didn't know what he had done at first, but I knew it was no glitch. And though he SWORE that the flying thing was "just a glitch" when I caught him flying later on, I also knew it was no glitch.
How can a NEW glitch emerge after several months of it NOT happening to ANYONE else? And how the hell would it ONLY happen to the SAME guy (and later the same TWO guys)? No - I was not fooled at all.
And your find on the Boxhat forum confirms it, I'm sure. And I'm glad you've opted to keep quiet on how it's done. We don't need anymore idiots trying to "show off" or use it as a cheat.
And yes, "purge" and "recycle" are two different people - a couple of kids who share a great affection for each other. It's kind of funny to watch them chat back and forth, with all their "hacker-talk". It's also annoying.
Actually, I don't mind if they want to LC with the rest of us. That's just fine. All I ask is that they STAY GROUNDED, don't employ any other kind of tricks or cheats, and don't pester people with a constant bombardment of "how do you do this..." and "do you make maps?" questions.
redrain85 Wrote:I really hate it when people keep using different aliases . . . |
I do as well, at least when it's done deceptively to "hide" or screw with people. As with some of the regulars, I also use other names sometimes though. Usually in the disc arena I use another name just because the people there tend to be a little more *cold* and not quite as friendly as the regular LC folks. I tend to use the *same* other name consistently though, and I've told some of the TRON-Sector folks what the other name is so they can identify me in the disc arena (which I only occasionally play). Well, I have used other names on the LC game grid too recently, because I was trying to quietly observe any cheating going on with certain said people. But that's a very different story.
What I hate the most, and I think people should be SHOT for this, is when someone else tries to hide behind another player's name out there. We've heard the stories of game trolls out there using other people's names for malicious purposes. I've got NO tolerance for that crap at all. I believe EVERYONE here shares in that sentiment. We should all be on the look out for that kind of crap and keep good communication about it so to put a quick end to it.
In terms of just name changing though - I do sometimes get confused when some of the LC regulars use other names. Hell - I just found out who Rogue Leader really is just a few days ago!  I had no idea until ShivaGoddess outted him during the game. That's cool though - no harm in doing that because he's not doing it maliciously or to hide from anyone for questionable reasons. Sometimes people just want to be a different "on-line" name I guess, perhaps for other "on-line" moods
And I can understand why dIrK would want to play under different names too. Some people are intimidated by the highly skilled moves he puts out and may either shy away from the game, or just say things like "well, I'll just have to wait until dIrK leaves before I start winning again, blah, blah, blah..." And I think that can be kind of discouraging to dIrK at times.
As for me, I LOVE the opportunity to play against someone I can identify as that good of a player! Every time I see dIrK out there, that's just more of an incentive for me to hit the grid! Sure - I'm going to eat a lot more jetwalls than usuorder abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
dIrK User
 Posts: 35 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 5:54 PM
That piqued my interest when you said you have to anticipate key press misses because they happen to you quite often.
I've tried explaining this to alot of people because it seems to help, but usually the latter suggestion needs a pretty solid system for it to have any positive effect.
There are a couple of things you can do to try and get better key response out of your keyboard. And believe me this has haunted me forEVER it seemed since the faster you try and press keys, the harder generally it will be for the keyboard to keep up.
First thing to try....use the arrow keys to turn instead of wasd if you use those. I've found with almost certainty(just about everyone I've asked to try this said they get better response from the arrows, but some still switched back because it didn't feel right) that you will get better response. I don't know if it will be too akward, but definately give it a try. To tell you the truth, I don't get you people who use wasd in first person shooters. I could never do it. I always use arrows so it was a good thing in this game that it's how I started.
More importantly, and this helped me out TREMENDOUSLY, is with a performance option in Tron. Most of you probably have Syncronization turned on. You can find this option where you change resolutions and gamma I think.
If this option is turned on, what it does is locks your FPS(frames per second) to what your refresh rate is set to(hopefully at least 75mhz, mines at 85mhz). This is also called V-Sync in most games and what it does is help to smooth out gameplay. Since your monitor can't register more than a certain amount of frames per second, v-sync sets a limit or ceiling on the fps which helps a lot to reduce tearing in games.
So for most games, it's good to have this option on. For lightcycles? Not so much.
It was driving me insane for the longest time that a bunch of my keypresses weren't registering. So I tried turning off vsync, because I knew it would give me higher fps' and faster performance, maybe this would help.
Well, before I was getting a constant 85fps, after turning sync off I was averaging 150-350fps. And I noticed IMMEDIATELY that my turns were not only quicker, but I wasn't having ANY key press misses. It was GREAT!
Now you will notice what I'm talking about with it not being as smooth(you will see tearing in the grid lines mostly), but it doesn't really hurt your gameplay and you definately get used to this.
Now for best results you would want to have a pretty powerful computer. In order to get the highest fps possible. The higher, the more responsive. So what I suggest is to go to and download the free version.
When you turn it on it will be in the bottom right corner in your task bar. Then just start any game and you will see a yellow number in the top left corner. This is your fps counter. It's a perfect indicator if you have vsync on as it will usually stay constant at 60, 75, 85 etc. When you take it off(assuming you have enough power to go beyond fps lock) you will immediately see your fps jump. Especially in your menu system since there isn't much textures etc. for your graphics card to process. And the fps will always be changing while playing.
Anyways, try these things out(arrow keys and turning off syncronization) and it should give better key response.
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 6:46 PM
That's a GREAT tip!
It does seem to work nicely... for the keyboard. When using the keyboard I wasn't missing a single move.
I just spent a few moments on PGB server on a custom map - to my luck it was one that ALWAYS dogged my system... forget the name of it, but it's got the see-through floor, and yellow speed strips, and a flying carrier.
Anyway - my KEYS worked flawlessly with the synch turned off... there's only one hitch to that.
I don't use my keys to turn...
I use my mouse buttons to turn.
** pauses to wait for laughter to stop **
It's true - I heard someone say they used the mouse buttons to turn, back when I FIRST started playing on-line. It seemed odd, but I tried it. And in just a short time, I improved upon my game reaction ability by utilizing the switch! I'm much better turning with my right hand using the mouse buttons than I was with the keys. And since I use the free-cam and my mouse to alter the camera angle - it was a perfect fit. My left hand controls the speed and power-up usage, and my right hand steers and controls camera view.
But turning synch off does nothing for the mouse clicks. I wish there were an easy way to compensate for the missed clicks. I was getting HEAVY missed clicks (turns) on the yellow speed zones in the said map. Perfect with the keys, but no good on the mouse - no good at all.
Well, either I'll have to find a way to set my mouse at a higher priority level... or have to adjust the keys I use. I've gotten so used to turning with my mouse keys - it's so natural. Too bad the computer just DROPS mouse clicks when they don't fall within the right interrupt timing... or whatever.
Thanks for the tip though.  One of the MOST annoying parts of playing on-line LC experience has got to be the missed keystrokes (or in my case the missed clicks). There's nothing worse than KNOWING you just turned, but the game did not register the turn and so you just got DEREZZED instead.
EDIT: Before anyone asks - I have a USB mouse.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 9:13 PM
Ok - the mouse buttons ARE working better like this.
Anyway - don't know how long I'll be on but meet me on the game grid!  abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Friday, September, 03, 2004 10:57 PM
I just got off the game grid.
Had a great time tonight!
I played my share of good games, and not so good games. There was a lot of great competitors out there and we all had our moments on the grid tonight!
I had the pleasure of competing with: Ghost, xcopy, L-Tron, DJDEREZZ, Kiel, CyberShaman, Techromancer, System32.dll, Mach.sys, ryu.gif, th1rt3en, Sphyrna, Ender, and RJ Driver.
And I'll give some credit to RJ Driver for staying ON the grid and not trying to hover ABOVE it. That's MUCH better  For those confused by that statement - that was recycleBIN\'s other name until JUST after I got off the game grid. No need to hide recycleBIN\ - you're good as long as you play by the rules and don't try any of that floating crap
Of course, I have no idea if he started his high-flying act after I got off. I'll give him the benefit though. Maybe he got the message people didn't care for that.
Anyway - I had a good time out there. Plenty of action and I pulled off some great moves tonight. I also was the victim of a lot of great moves tonight as well. As I said - everyone seemed to have some great moments out there.
A new thing I tried tonight was watching the game from another player's cockpit view when I got derezzed. It was really cool to watch from the cockpit view, with the free cam (mouse controlled cam). You really don't know how fast these things are moving until you watch it from the cockpit. It gets really cool looking when there's a dual going on - you can see the other guy just a few grid blocks away, racing head to head with the player you're in the cockpit view of. I took some screen caps, but they didn't really do the experience justice.
So I'll just say try that sometime. Switch to cockpit view when you derezz, and watch through another player's cockpit view, using the free cam. You need to have it on free cam so that you can look around and find the other cycle when they go head to head. Many times - it looks a lot like the film, when Flynn had to go through the maze and they showed it first person. It can take a while to find another cycle that's going to compete with the one you're cockpit viewing, but it can be really neat to watch
Well, we'll see you again soon - on the game grid!
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Saturday, September, 04, 2004 12:06 AM
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Saturday, September, 04, 2004 8:55 PM
redrain85 Wrote:The offenders have gotten a thorough thrashing on Boxhat. Hopefully they will clean up their act.
I'm sorry about the alias comment . . . I didn't mean to make it sound like I was generalizing. Sometimes using an alias doesn't serve a nefarious purpose, and I don't mind people who do that.
It's the people that change their name constantly, and use it as a cover for their bad behavior, that makes me angry.
I checked out the Boxhat forum, but couldn't access the threads that (I think) the "thrashing" was in. I'm sure you guys set them straight though - THANK YOU for that!
Hopefully, they've got that crap out of their system, and will play normally and fairly on the grid from now on. It's a good thing this issue was addressed before it got too out of hand
And no reason to apologize for the alias comment. I don't think anyone took it negatively or anything. Since it was brought up, I felt like commenting on a few aspects of it myself
And I do agree completely with the "It's the people that change their name constantly, and use it as a cover for their bad behavior, that makes me angry." statement. It sucks when people behave badly, and then try hiding.
But I must say - for the most part, I am impressed with the general crowd that we get on the LC game grid. For the most part - they're cool people, with great attitudes, and the experience is usually a very good one because of that.
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Sunday, September, 05, 2004 1:29 PM
I'll be on for a little while, so...
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Meet me on the game grid! on Sunday, September, 05, 2004 4:19 PM
I just got off the game grid.
Had me a BLAST!
I was on for almost 3 hours. I had the pleasure of meeting up with several different people along the way too
I started out on the server and met up with HappyKat and Giger v 6.6.6. We went a few rounds and had some fun. Then Giger v 6.6.6 dropped out for a while and me and HappyKat went head to head for a couple of circuits. Soon, Giger v 6.6.6 found his way back and then HappyKat dropped out of the game, so me and Giger v 6.6.6 went head to head for several games. purge =ditto= joined us out there for for a few games. Soon, Layer joined us and we got to play on his new grid - "PORT 27888" - a cool looking grid with alternating speed zones and a cool shield in the middle that turns on and off - with a shild break up for grabs inside of it. Good job on the grid, Layer - great fun to compete on!  After Layer dropped out, Giger v 6.6.6 and I competed against each other again for a while. We shared some great moves out there, until... Giger v 6.6.6 seemed to loose his game mojo. It happens to us all - usually a good sign that you've been playing too long  We both had a great time out there though - PLENTY of great moves and fierce battles (before mojo loss  ).
After that, I headed over to the Dayentech default server and had the pleasure of competing with: MCP, Milkman172, TheGiftedOne, Ghost, TiffanySlave|BT, bit, Scarecrow, VIRUS21, TyRONe (who I've heard of, but never competed with - an EXCELLENT competitor out there and great fun to go up against! He bested me several times and is a tough one to take down), [ND]Fighter, -I- Isaac [DR], papa smurf, Krot, and L.e.g.a.c.y..
Ok - some new names out there - always good to see new names on the game grid.
I started loosing my game mojo out there myself in my last several games, and so I knew it was time to give it a break.
Had a great time today
See you back on the game grid soon!
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