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  TRON: Evolution 
 3.0 vs Evolution

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Posts: 1,667
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Thursday, March, 31, 2011 5:38 PM
CorrupTron Wrote:3.0 looks too Star Warsy and by that I mean Prequel Star Warsy.

Couldn't agree with you more, but I'll try.

*agrees more*...... hmmmm I feel weird....

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"Reveal your creation date or I will disassemble your code one operation at a time!"

Posts: 1,468
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Sunday, June, 19, 2011 8:26 PM
Ram64 Wrote:Tron..... 3.0? why couldn't I see that? I watched Tron Legacy, when I could've played ANOTHER game? rip. off.

but TRON LEGACY was epicorder abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

"You know you don't look a thing like your pictures?"

Posts: 415
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Wednesday, July, 20, 2011 12:13 AM
The images are broken for some reason, no matter what computer or browser I use... weird...


Posts: 2,440
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Wednesday, July, 20, 2011 3:53 AM
There was a 3.0?

Thanks to FlynnOne for the signature!

Save Tron 3!

Posts: 36
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Friday, July, 22, 2011 5:50 PM
...I would rather see another TRON .0 game than another TRON: Evolution. I'm not judging TRON Evolution, but just based off of reviews, and the gameplay of TRON Evolution (from the looks), just sounds worst than TRON 2.0. I prefer FPS's not because I think they're better, but because it puts a player in a world better, rather than letting them feel like they're witnessing it.


Posts: 134
RE: 3.0 vs Evolution

on Friday, August, 11, 2017 11:15 PM
If anyone out there still has these images archived somewhere, I would love to see them.

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  TRON: Evolution 
 3.0 vs Evolution