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 3 man light jet mod

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Posts: 214
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Saturday, March, 12, 2011 11:03 AM
How to make your 3 Man Light Jet stay lit without having to press the firing buttons.

All pictures are clickable for more detail.

1. Get a 3 Man Light Jet and rip it's wings off:

2. Take off the two rear silver pieces as pictured:

3. Undo all the screws on the underside, storing them in the same shape so you can put them back in their original holes easily:

4. Flip it right side up and let the rear gunner seat out, then flip the top forward, making sure not to break the wires:

7. Solder a small piece of wire across the buttons like so:

8. Test it by using the switch on the underside:

9. Put the top back on, the screws back in and then the rear silver pieces that hold the rear wings, and enjoy:

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Posts: 842
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Saturday, March, 12, 2011 12:57 PM
Awesome work Glitch, thanks for posting!


Posts: 842
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Tuesday, March, 15, 2011 5:00 PM
I finally saw my first three man light jets at a Target this week (previously seen at Toys R Us, and today at K Mart.) Sad that it took this long for this sweet toy to reach retail.

I ordered it online on Feb 9th at Toys R Us. I didn't see one at Toys R Us until the beginning of March (not that I looked every day cause it's pretty far away and I already had some.)

Point is, the movie was already winding down in theaters by Feb 9th, certainly was gone almost everywhere by March. Why did Spin Master not release this toy earlier, like, before Christmas with the rest of the stuff? Could have been a real merchandise mover imo. The two cycles came with their own figures, the one man light jet comes with it's own figure, and the Light Runner is honestly kinda boring.

The 3 Man Light Jet has a lot going for it, and if it had been properly wired from the get-go even, would have sold a lot of figures imo. I am buying extra figures just to keep my guys in the jet. That means I'll need more for the Light Runner, and that wasn't something I was planning on doing before I got the Jet. Of course, at $10 a pop I would probably hesitate more but luckily clearance should be pretty good for getting extra guys.


Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Tuesday, March, 15, 2011 5:11 PM
I'd like to figure out a mod to wire the seats to the batteries so that the figures stay lit while the jet is turned on. That would be sweet.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Tuesday, March, 15, 2011 5:18 PM
What I was thinking was you could run some wire leads through the chair and into the slit where the pull tab went. Since I bought a set to keep in the jet I wouldn't be removing them anyway. I'd also still like to find a way to illuminate the entire jet with EL wire or tape and add some landing skids from a Star Wars vehicle.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Tuesday, March, 15, 2011 5:41 PM
I'm thinking the landing skids from the Twin Pod Cloud Car might work.


Posts: 842
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Thursday, March, 17, 2011 1:34 AM
CorrupTron Wrote:What I was thinking was you could run some wire leads through the chair and into the slit where the pull tab went. Since I bought a set to keep in the jet I wouldn't be removing them anyway. I'd also still like to find a way to illuminate the entire jet with EL wire or tape and add some landing skids from a Star Wars vehicle.

At least making the figures themselves light up in-vehicle would be a cool mod. I'd be interested in doing that for all of the vehicles honestly, light cycles included. Replace the Sam and Clu bodies with light up bodies and keep the racing heads (add more detail to Sams.)

I think I'll definitely try to pick up some extra core figures to play around with.


Posts: 68
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Tuesday, April, 05, 2011 5:26 PM
Theoretically, wouldn't that same idea work for the Identity Discs and, by extention all the other vehicles?

I've been doing a little digging to do something like this with my discs because, although I actually like the sequences, I've discovered that it's really tricky for other people to take pictures while they're fully lit.

EDIT: Nobody knows? Anyone tried something like ths? I've been checking on TheRPF and the solution they've got for the discs is an 8 solder on the chip, but one person suggested something very much like how the 3-Man is modded.

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 3 man light jet mod