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 3 man light jet mod

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Posts: 92
3 man light jet mod

on Sunday, February, 06, 2011 10:34 PM
Wasnt sure where to post this so I posted it over in the Legacy toy area to.
So I know I am not the only one disapointed in the light feature of the three man light jet so I decided to mod mine. Now orginally I wanted to make the lights turn on when you placed figures into the seat. But trying to get the micro momentary switches I was using to cooperate was driving me nuts so for now I just wired them directly to the main switch. I just wanted to show off a couple of pictures. If anybody wants to know how I did it just send me a PM.
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Boba Fettuccini

Posts: 779
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Sunday, February, 06, 2011 11:37 PM
It's a neat idea, but I wouldn't take the time... there's so little light on it, it hardl seems worth the effort. Cool to see you did though... I like it when people have a DIY attitude.

-==[ ]==-


Posts: 92
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 9:17 AM
JediTray Wrote:I'd like to know how you did it. Can you just post the steps you took here instead of PM?
sure it was really really simple actually (if you wire them to the main switch) Once you open up the shell, you will see all of the wires connecting the main switch to the seperate missle buttons. All you have to do is just directly connect each red and black wire from the main switch to the red and black wire comming off of the missle switches. I dont have those pictures on my phone but when I get home tonight I will take a few of those and post them so you can see. I am a visual learner so I HAVE to have pictures.


Posts: 1,667
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 6:37 PM
W... was my previous post deleted? Aww. Dang it.

Oh well, guess I said something wrong. Maybe it was the "evil laughter" part, who knows.

However, you did do a good job with the mod, though. Kinda lame that something that costs as much it does, doesn't light up.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

"Reveal your creation date or I will disassemble your code one operation at a time!"
Boba Fettuccini

Posts: 779
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 6:41 PM
He posted the same topic in two different subforums. You commented on the other.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

-==[ ]==-


Posts: 1,667
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 6:46 PM
Boba Fettuccini Wrote:He posted the same topic in two different subforums. You commented on the other.

I..... knew that......

*runs into a suspiciously well timed fog and disappears, never to be seen again.*

"Reveal your creation date or I will disassemble your code one operation at a time!"

Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 9:00 PM
Boba Fettuccini Wrote:He posted the same topic in two different subforums. You commented on the other.

Deja vu.


Posts: 92
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Monday, February, 07, 2011 10:53 PM
wait I swear I have been here before...abortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Wednesday, February, 09, 2011 2:02 AM
I'd like to see someone do a folding wing mod.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 92
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Wednesday, February, 09, 2011 9:01 AM
JediTray Wrote:Any pics of the mod yet, SL-1599?
sorry bout that things have been a little busy at home I havent had time to sit down at my computer. I should get them posted tonight.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 41
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Thursday, February, 10, 2011 4:13 PM
Thats looks really cool!
Great work!


Posts: 251
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Thursday, February, 10, 2011 9:58 PM
Did you have to remove the gunners seat to seperate the shell ?


Posts: 177
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Friday, February, 11, 2011 3:01 AM
JediTray Wrote:That sounds great. Hopefully by the time the toy arrives from, I'll have enough know-how to do the mod. It just sucks that Spin Master went on the cheap so soon. That Jet should have the interactivity and electronics of the Cycles, Runner, and One Man version.

Does the Three Man at least have a switch like the other toys, so the mod could, I presume, toggle the lights on and off?

I don't mind if it doesn't have the interactivity as far as the electronics go. If anything I think that ultimately ends up hurting the toys. I can't get my Quorra to snap into the Light Runner so that it will stay lit for more than 2 seconds, nor can I get my Kevin Flynn in his Light Cycle in a way that pushes its button. It's pointless for them to not function properly unless a figure is inserted just right. If you're a kid and you're playing with them who wants to take the time to do that? You just want to throw the figure in real quick and have fun with it.

I don't think it would have cost any extra to be able to push one button and have both lights go on, and stay on for a good 20 seconds or so instead of having to hold down a button for each light. It's not a matter of cheapness in that regard, it's just a poor design choice. Same goes for the Identity Discs. They SHOULD have and could have had a constant on mode as far as the lights are concerned without needing to cost more, but they chose to give it brief flashing lights instead.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

End of line

Posts: 75
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Friday, February, 11, 2011 3:26 AM
CorrupTron Wrote:I'd like to see someone do a folding wing mod.
I think I may need to do a little shopping:

"People in this world look at things mistakenly,
and think that what they do not understand
must be the void.

This is not the true void. It is bewilderment...”

Niten Doraku / [ Miyamoto Musashi ]

Posts: 12
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Friday, February, 11, 2011 4:12 AM
I'd be more worried about cutting the plastic evenly on both sides, than choosing a hinge.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 106
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Friday, February, 11, 2011 5:38 AM
The perfect hinge mod would not alter the toy itself. Instead it would use an adapter to put a hinge between the snap on wings and their original point of attachment.


Posts: 609
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Wednesday, February, 16, 2011 5:53 PM
Seconded. I would like to see a step-by-step visual tutorial before I gut the wires on this baby.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 251
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Wednesday, February, 16, 2011 6:36 PM
I started taking my jet apart to modify the lights but the shell didnt seem to want to seperate to easily so Im holding off till I see some pics.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 163
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Thursday, February, 17, 2011 9:55 PM


Posts: 214
RE: 3 man light jet mod

on Thursday, February, 17, 2011 11:04 PM
JediTray Wrote:Anyone care to take a stab at it?

When I receive mine I'll certainly take a look at it, I like tinkering with electronics and taking things apart (I'm also pretty handy at putting them back together and they still work ).

I did notice that the deluxe identity disc was originally designed to have the two LEDs that light the C-ring, right at the ends of the C, the plastic is still moulded to have them there. I saw a pic of one online (prototype?) which had the LEDs there instead where they ended up.

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 3 man light jet mod