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 former test - Flynn helmet

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former test - Flynn helmet

on Monday, February, 15, 2021 1:22 PM
Greetings programs!

Following my previous post on 2/10/2021, for those who may be interested, I posted (link below), a few shots of a former test. These are painting tests on a polyester resin and fiberglass helmet, also built from scratch, using movie and production photos of Flynn helmet as reference. It served as a base to validate the technique for the final project. 
After these tests, I decided to redesign the shape (to a certain extent) and use white fluorescent vinylic paint instead of a mix yellow/white to get a more blueish tone.
This helmet was the first piece which convinced me the final project could be done. Unfortunately, due to improper stowing conditions it sustained some damage. Nevertheless I found quite interesting to keep it.

End Of Line

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 Fan Fiction & Art 
 former test - Flynn helmet