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 Small Details from TRON (1982)

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Posts: 218
Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Friday, September, 21, 2012 3:02 PM
Just a few things I noticed on my most recent viewing:

The program derezzed by Sark at the beginning in the light cycle game reappears as one of the blue bike pilots during the light cycle match with Tron, Ram, and Flynn. He is the first to be derezzed, when Tron runs him into the wall of the arena creating the fissure through which the three heroes eventually escape.

Identity discs do not necessarily fly directly at a target and back to the thrower when thrown. They might make several different attacks if blocked, and Tron's even makes a feint before derezzing one opponent. (This was sadly omitted from Legacy, IMHO.)

Regarding the notorious escape from the holding cell aboard Sark's carrier: Sark delivers Flynn and Yori to the holding cell through a derezzed, triangular section of the cell wall. (Possibly it's not actually a wall, but a force field.) Sark removes Dumont via the same opening. Later, while the carrier is derezzing, Flynn is clearly feeling around this same section of wall, now rezzed up (or with the force field active), when he says "Yori, the wall!" (or words to that effect.) The wall or force field disappears completely at the same moment that Yori succumbs to the process of deresolution that the carrier is undergoing. After Flynn restores her, they escape through the "door".

The "OLIVER" nameplate is clearly visible on the side of the MCP's keyboard as the MCP is derezzing.


Posts: 1,945
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Friday, September, 21, 2012 9:27 PM

WOw very cool man!

I never knew about the Oliver writing next to the MCP's keyboard.
as he is derezzing..
very interesting indeed! InkyBlinkySueinky:acman:abortion pills online cytotec abortion

"I want him in the games until he dies playing" -MCP
The Grid a Physical Frontier funny Tron Video

Posts: 573
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 22, 2012 5:14 AM
At the start of the movie, we see Flynn sitting at his terminal in his arcade trying to use the Clu program to hack into the Encom system ("Come on you scuzzy data..").

By the looks of it, I'd say that this is the same room/set where we see Flynn, Alan & Lora walk up the stairs to his apartment later on in the film.


Posts: 2,394
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 22, 2012 11:25 AM
EXODUS Wrote:At the start of the movie, we see Flynn sitting at his terminal in his arcade trying to use the Clu program to hack into the Encom system ("Come on you scuzzy data..").

By the looks of it, I'd say that this is the same room/set where we see Flynn, Alan & Lora walk up the stairs to his apartment later on in the film.
I'd assume so, yes. I always thought he was hacking from home-- where else would he be?

(I always did wonder, though, in that scene-- why does he look like he either just went for a swim or desperately needs to wash his hair?)on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 1,945
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 22, 2012 2:19 PM

During the scene where he was trying to hack into Encom...
I wonder where he got that cool looking black shirt with some kind of
Japanese symbol stiched on it..

"I want him in the games until he dies playing" -MCP
The Grid a Physical Frontier funny Tron Video

Posts: 606
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 22, 2012 3:26 PM
Kat Wrote:
EXODUS Wrote:At the start of the movie, we see Flynn sitting at his terminal in his arcade trying to use the Clu program to hack into the Encom system ("Come on you scuzzy data..").

By the looks of it, I'd say that this is the same room/set where we see Flynn, Alan & Lora walk up the stairs to his apartment later on in the film.
I'd assume so, yes. I always thought he was hacking from home-- where else would he be?

(I always did wonder, though, in that scene-- why does he look like he either just went for a swim or desperately needs to wash his hair?)

My understanding is that Flynn lived in the arcade upstairs and then when he became CEO, he got himself a house. I think the computer he used was probably in another room upstairs at the time. I have to look at the DVD again to make sure, although it's got to be coming from his apartment. order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 218
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 22, 2012 3:55 PM
Kat Wrote:
(I always did wonder, though, in that scene-- why does he look like he either just went for a swim or desperately needs to wash his hair?)

I assume he just got out of the shower.

MCPcomputer Wrote:
During the scene where he was trying to hack into Encom...
I wonder where he got that cool looking black shirt with some kind of
Japanese symbol stiched on it..

It's a called a happi. You can buy them online or in shops that carry Japanese merchandise, if you're in a big enough city in the US. (They're really easy to find in Japan.) I've tried to figure out which kanji that is on the back, but it's beyond my very basic knowledge.

An early indicator of his interest in eastern philosophy, maybe?


Posts: 573
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Saturday, September, 29, 2012 7:26 AM
One of the more interesting stories about the film's production was that the reason why Flynn wore a toga over his costume was because the producers thought that his (ahem) 'package' was a bit too 'noticeable' for a family movie, so they gave him the toga to cover it up.

Yet when I watched it the last time, when he was playing Clu at the start, he didn't cover 'it' up then. (not that it was noticeable then....).order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 573
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Wednesday, October, 03, 2012 2:59 PM
Here’s a thought that occurred to me the other day:

At the start of the movie we see an (unknown) User playing Lightcycles at the arcade. The camera zooms in and we see Sark and an unidentified program playing Lightcycles on the Gaming Grid, where Sark defeats the other program (“Dam!”) and rides away.

What I want to know is-whose controlling that bike?

Is the User controlling the actions of the Program himself, thus making any thoughts/free will of the program redundant (like a form of ‘possession’ has it were).


Is the program riding the bike doing all the actions himself, and using his own skill, instincts and initiative instead of the User playing the arcade game (thus rendering the Users involvement totally unnecessary).

Another option is that the User creates a Program every time he starts playing-he puts money into the machine, and a Program pops up from nowhere and starts riding.
(This, however, is unlikely. Programs only take on the Users appearance/voice/personality when they are CREATED, and this doesn’t apply every time someone puts money in the slot-they don’t write the games programs, just use them).
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Posts: 2,394
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Thursday, October, 04, 2012 4:53 PM
EXODUS Wrote:Here’s a thought that occurred to me the other day:

At the start of the movie we see an (unknown) User playing Lightcycles at the arcade. The camera zooms in and we see Sark and an unidentified program playing Lightcycles on the Gaming Grid, where Sark defeats the other program (“Dam!”) and rides away.

What I want to know is-whose controlling that bike?

Is the User controlling the actions of the Program himself, thus making any thoughts/free will of the program redundant (like a form of ‘possession’ has it were).


Is the program riding the bike doing all the actions himself, and using his own skill, instincts and initiative instead of the User playing the arcade game (thus rendering the Users involvement totally unnecessary).

Another option is that the User creates a Program every time he starts playing-he puts money into the machine, and a Program pops up from nowhere and starts riding.
(This, however, is unlikely. Programs only take on the Users appearance/voice/personality when they are CREATED, and this doesn’t apply every time someone puts money in the slot-they don’t write the games programs, just use them).

That's one of the difficult parts of the movie. As well as-- why is Sark somehow connected to a game at Flynn's Arcade? Now, we don't know what sort of program Sark is, so maybe he's a "game opponent" utility that exists in each game, and he's what you're going up against when you play "the computer." But still-- what has each instance of the Sark program got to do with "THE" Sark at Encom?

but you're right, I always wondered too-- pretty cruel to subject a poor program to an arcade gamer's skill (or lack thereof).

It makes little sense, though. The arcade game is running a game program. Each player isn't a separate program, right? I get that they meant it to be illustrative... it's just hard to wrap your mind around when you really think of it.
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What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 218
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Thursday, October, 04, 2012 5:19 PM
What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, who was controlling Flynn during the team light cycle match with Flynn and Ram and did that poor gamer get his/her quarter back?


Posts: 597
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Friday, October, 05, 2012 7:05 PM
Flynn's race could have just been the attract mode.


Posts: 2,394
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Friday, October, 05, 2012 8:09 PM
Flynn wasn't actually in an arcade console, as far as I can tell, but just within the Encom system, so I assume the MCP's matches were running independently...

Not from the film, but unpacking books and looked inside my Marvel graphic novel of the original film, which came out in 2010. The editor is listed as Ralph Macchio. Do you think it's THAT Ralph Macchio???

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 443
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Friday, October, 05, 2012 8:52 PM
Paint the Recognizer, Sand the Grid, Wash the Tank


Posts: 90
RE: Small Details from TRON (1982)

on Thursday, September, 14, 2023 12:23 PM
Excellent observations! In my VR TRON game, I've tried to replicate what I'll call "smart disc" stuff when you throw at the gridbugs. Have a look here (, and you'll see my identity disc take out 2 or 3 gridbugs in a row sometimes.

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 Small Details from TRON (1982)