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Posts: 4,349
Sim City 5

on Wednesday, March, 07, 2012 1:37 AM
FINALLY! Can't believe it's been almost 10 years since Sim City 4. First off, here's the trailer:

They're saying that this Sim City is going to be multiplayer. If you've played Spore, it's similar to how it handled its online stuff.

The trailer actually is supposed to present a multiplayer situation. The city on the left belongs to player A. It's a high-tech city that's selling power to player B's industrial city on the right. The bridge in the center allows the two players to share resources through road traffic, like with other Sim City games.

However, since player B's industrial city is causing a bunch of water pollution, the power plant in player A's city explodes, causing player A and player B to lose power. Riots start in both cities, forcing player A and player B to work together to build the fission power plant in the center, thus providing power to both players.

I've already got my splines reticulated and ready to go. Anyone else excited for this?

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 1,945
RE: Sim City 5

on Thursday, March, 08, 2012 3:26 AM

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