RenegadeProgram User
Posts: 593 | THE 80s Style "Space Paranoids" commercial on the Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray on Friday, April, 29, 2011 6:36 PM
Greetings Programs:
I recently got the Tron Legacy Blu-Ray and watched it on my PS3. I thought the extra features were pretty cool, but I thought the "Space Paranoids" commercial was cheesy and factually inaccurate (I know, I know, it's not a real game). In other words, I don't think that an Atari 2600 would have been able to play a home version of Space Paranoids, but maybe a ColecoVision or Intellivision would have. I have a ColecoVision in my basement that's boxed up - last time I plugged it in, it still works, and I found a guy on youtube who actually makes Coleco Vision games himself. What are your thoughts on this little detail? I thought it was funny, and I also thought that maybe ENCOM should have come out with their own home video game console system - thought it was odd they didn't.
Fighting for TRON, The USERS, Both Flynns, Independents, and the mighty ISOs since '82. |
Fygee User
Posts: 88 | RE: THE 80s Style "Space Paranoids" commercial on the Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray on Friday, April, 29, 2011 7:14 PM
The funny thing is it's not even as extreme and cheesy as actual 80's video game commercials were. Look up the Atari Joust commercial on Youtube to see what I mean.
It was a nice little funny nod though, and it amused me.
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | RE: THE 80s Style "Space Paranoids" commercial on the Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray on Friday, April, 29, 2011 9:14 PM
Encom is so good at making games that they were able to optimize Space Paranoids to run on an Atari 2600 while maintaining all of the visuals of the original arcade game.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
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MCPcomputer User
Posts: 1,945 | RE: THE 80s Style "Space Paranoids" commercial on the Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray on Saturday, April, 30, 2011 3:25 PM
They should make a Space Parnoids version
for the Wii.. and sell it in the Wii Shop!
Also Tron Arcade!!
WHY have they not done this?
do they know how many dollars
the kids will put into the Paranoids downloads?
I don't see a dime.. expect for what I can squeeze out of here! lolwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
"I want him in the games until he dies playing" -MCP
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Boba Fettuccini User
Posts: 779 | RE: THE 80s Style "Space Paranoids" commercial on the Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray on Saturday, April, 30, 2011 5:57 PM
It would be cool, but honestly, we hardcore nerdfans would be the only people buying it. No kid is going to waste their time on 2D lines racing around when they could be playing Call Of Duty or something. I played the online Space Paranoids and honestly, it's best left in the world of the movie. The controls are wonky and it got boring really fast. Just sayin.
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