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 A dire prediction for a beloved character

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Posts: 80
A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Wednesday, September, 08, 2010 11:56 PM
DISCLAIMER: This is pure speculation.

Just in case:

SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:

It is my firm belief (if it isn't quite obvious to anyone else already) that Kevin Flynn is NOT going to make it out of this movie ALIVE.

A few things that lead me to believe this:

1. This whole 'Flynn Lives!' ARG. To me, it kind of parallels the 'Elvis Lives!' frenzy that society went through when he died. It seems that those behind this idea are just using that timeless literary device called irony, and building it up until the movie releases in theaters.

2. What use does Flynn even have for the 'real world' anyway? He is not even the same as other people anymore. The man is 20,000 years old. There is truly nothing that he hasn't experienced already, except for death itself. It would stand to reason that he WELCOMES death.

3. The realization that his actions have jeopardized Sam's life (if it wasn't for Flynn trying to play God by creating his own little utopia world, Sam wouldn't even be in this computer world). I believe the situation will come to a head at some point and Flynn will again 'sacrifice' himself so that others (the 'people' of the computer world, his son, whatever) can live or so that it will be possible that Sam can escape the computer world back into the real one. A subpoint to this would be the foreshadowing of Sam weaving in and out of traffic not only representing him riding lightcycles later on in the movie, but also of him 'weaving in and out' of the real world and the computer world.

4. The title of the movie itself. 20,000 years have gone by for Flynn. It's time to pass on the legacy not only of himself, but also that of TRON onto the next generation of 'users' (us).

You all might think I'm crazy. You might hate me for saying all this, but I'm just thinking of the 'reality' of the situation for what we know so far. I don't want to see Flynn die either, I just think that's whats' going to happen - how can it not? Let's not our love for this character blind us to this most likely outcome.

I had the same problem with Data when ST:NEMESIS came out. My friend who had not seen it before, warned me halfway through the movie that Data WAS going to die and I didn't believe him because I, like so many others, loved the character so much that I didn't think it was possible.

So by definition, LEGACY means "anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor." Also means "of or pertaining to old or outdated computer hardware, software, or data that, while still functional, does not work well with up-to-date systems."

This movie IS very much the passing of TRON from one generation to the next.

R.I.P. Kevin Flynn - you will be missed.

What do you think??
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"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 103
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 4:34 AM

Sounds like what happened in highlander; Ramirez to Connor, Connor to Duncan. So I can believe this speculation but i'd say this is more of a 60/40.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 1,468
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 7:53 AM
I have to admit I've often thought about the same thing. I sincerely hope he makes it out alive but at the same time i was thinking "What would they do if they made it out? what is there left to do?" and who knows maybe instead of that happening they may chose to stay in the Tron world. IDK. we'll just have to wait and see

"You know you don't look a thing like your pictures?"

Posts: 4,349
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 8:21 AM
bigbangbilly.exe Wrote:SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:
sounds a lot like wargames 2 you also forgot to add lawsuit IRL for disney [nl][nl] besides how many people can a if the computer is battery powered (who is paying the bills for electricity) being stuck somewhere between 1989-2010 would make you miss tiny computers that have the proccessing power of a super computer from the 70's i am sorry if i offended you

Are you saying there was a movie called "Wargames 2" or did you mean "Wargames, too"?

What does a real-life lawsuit against Disney have to do with anything?

Who said the computer in the film was battery powered? Certainly doesn't look like a laptop to me.

To address your continued concerns about the electricity bill for Flynn's Arcade and whatnot, take into consideration for a minute that this movie is sustaining a mild atmosphere of disbelief. Alan gets a page from the phone at Flynn's, which has been disconnected for 20 years being a prime example of this.

Not everything in this movie is going to have a realistic explanation. We are talking about a movie that focuses on people running around inside a computer.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

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Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 10:04 AM
I'll take a stab at trying to explain his power source.

As we can see, Sam flips on the breaker switch and the arcade machines all come on. However, he doesn't flip on the MAIN switch for the whole box, just that circuit - so if the main was already on (and always on the whole time for 20 yrs) that means there would still be electric service going to the building.

Perhaps Flynn figured a way to tap the service without it registering on the meter (possible to do for real, but it involves placing stuff directly on the meter so it doesn't spin as fast), so the electric company would never have had reason to come out and actually disconnect the service from the power grid.

As we know, current technology allows for transmission of ethernet signals over power lines, and its not inconceivable that Flynn (or whoever sent the page) would have managed to transmit a signal through the power lines, connect into some type of telephony service and get a page to Alan.

Question is, Alan has an actual pager from way back then, or is just that he got a page on his cellphone? If that's a pager in his hand, then he was quite diligent to keep it close and running, changing the battery, etc..

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 25
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 10:39 AM
In some professions, especially medical, people still use pagers. Perhaps he never ceased to use it...if he needed a pager and this one still worked AND it had sentimental value coming from the Flynn era of ENCOM, why should he change it?


Posts: 120
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 1:02 PM
SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:

2. What use does Flynn even have for the 'real world' anyway? He is not even the same as other people anymore. The man is 20,000 years old. There is truly nothing that he hasn't experienced already, except for death itself. It would stand to reason that he WELCOMES death.

4. The title of the movie itself. 20,000 years have gone by for Flynn. It's time to pass on the legacy not only of himself, but also that of TRON onto the next generation of 'users' (us).

SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:
Where are you getting 20,000 years? My understanding was that only 1,000 years had passed for Flynn. (That's not to say that 1,000 years isn't a really damn long time)


Posts: 117
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Thursday, September, 09, 2010 5:22 PM
Murdock.dat Wrote:I'll take a stab at trying to explain his power source.

As we can see, Sam flips on the breaker switch and the arcade machines all come on. However, he doesn't flip on the MAIN switch for the whole box, just that circuit - so if the main was already on (and always on the whole time for 20 yrs) that means there would still be electric service going to the building.

When I originally frame-by-framed the arcade machines powering up I noticed that the three overhead lights were already on. Did they just edit out(or not film/show) Sam flipping other breakers for the building lights? That's how the building would probably have been wired. The CRTs in all those machines are going to suck a lot more amps than those few lights.

Again, we have to suspend disbelief here, who paid the bill, Alan?. They didn't have auto bill-pay back in the late 80s for a small business like an arcade(Encom corporate HQ maybe). You were mailed a bill and you mailed a check.
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"Bring me two Piña for each hand" - Garth Brooks

Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Friday, September, 10, 2010 12:26 AM
20,000 years from the ARG:

If you log into Flynn's terminal at and punch in the code URTFOCD23JP6, you will see his notes on time theory. It says there that 1 year of our time is equal to 1,000 years of digital time. Flynn has been missing for 20 years, so that makes him 20,000 years old.

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."
Jeric Hikari

Posts: 127
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Tuesday, September, 14, 2010 1:52 PM
I like the idea of Flynn having monkied with the meter to keep the juice uninterrupted. Sure it's going to still suck power even on standby, but not nearly as much as... yea. Either it will be explained or (more likely) we'll just have to handwave it.

I do like the idea of Flynn biting it (or being something of a ghost of himself already.) He has nothing left and he's used up. That or Sam showing up might bring a little spark back into him. I'd prefer the former though. Flynn's legacy and all that, but then again this is Disney.

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Posts: 2,056
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Tuesday, September, 14, 2010 2:21 PM
It would be very in line with Greek lore if a major character dies... it adds even more pathos and may set certain characters to have even stronger emotional motivation to rise up and avenge the character's death along with making "the System" free from fascistic-authoritarian tyranny.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Tuesday, September, 14, 2010 6:47 PM
Jeric Hikari Wrote:I like the idea of Flynn having monkied with the meter to keep the juice uninterrupted. Sure it's going to still suck power even on standby, but not nearly as much as... yea. Either it will be explained or (more likely) we'll just have to handwave it.

I do like the idea of Flynn biting it (or being something of a ghost of himself already.) He has nothing left and he's used up. That or Sam showing up might bring a little spark back into him. I'd prefer the former though. Flynn's legacy and all that, but then again this is Disney.

Is it a bad thing I root for character death?

And I like that while dealing with scenarios in the real world, that particular point isnt that much of a stretch and we dont have to suspend disbelief too much for that one.

Agreed - a handwave I'm sure, but a quick 2 seconds to see his setup would be gratifying.

No, I don't think of it as rooting for Flynn to die. I just think that's the only logical conclusion. Another angle on it would be if I were Flynn, I would welcome death. I'm sure he does too, but he's not going to die in vain, just to have his creation overrun by a bunch of crazy programs.

And once he meets up with Sam, he'll realize just how he's gonna do it. I'm kind of leaning towards some kind of merging with the system so that he could in effect be a sort of Master Conrol Program, but one with a very human element. I dunno, it all seems that no matter what, whether it's Flynn controlling the system or a perfect replication of himself controlling it, the same thing happens either way.

Flynn took on himself a role that was not his to have - that of being Creator. We see the result of this in his utopia gone awry. In effect, he was playing God, and for this his life must be given so that other(s) will not suffer the result of his endeavors - namely Sam.

@ShadowDragon1 - thank you for that. I love philosophizing about this movie.

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 39
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Tuesday, September, 14, 2010 8:07 PM
What if somehow the survivors of legacy end up back in the real world, including programs (I'm thinking Quorra survives). Far fetched, but it would "change everything", as Flynn stated (through Alan).


Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Tuesday, September, 14, 2010 9:20 PM
Goat! Wrote:What if somehow the survivors of legacy end up back in the real world, including programs (I'm thinking Quorra survives). Far fetched, but it would "change everything", as Flynn stated (through Alan).

That would be a fantastic 'what if,' but most unlikely. I can see how you might think it would happen because in the world of Tron 'everybody' looks the same, i.e. human. The difference is that programs are a 'physical' representation of their digital selves whereas users are a digital representation of their physical selves. A user's matter is converted into energy by the digitizing beam and stored in the computer system as energy, but programs are simply avatars of [intelligent?] programs.

So in other words, you can't make something out of nothing, to use a phrase. It would be akin to Redblock and Mr. Leech walking out of the holodeck in Star Trek TNG: The Big Goodbye. They walked out into the real world, and promptly disintegrated into nothing. Professor Moriarty had the same problem - exhibiting signs of actual sentience but was simply not able to exist in the real world. He only ever continued to exist in a simulation.

[EDIT]I guess the same principle would apply to Mercury in TRON 2.0. Jet wanted to get her as a screensaver, but no way was she able to exist in the real world.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 39
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2010 5:52 AM
Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but if you think about it, the main theme for all of the changes in the tron universe is that technology has advanced exponentially since 1982. I guess the thought is that maybe clu (as AI) had actually developed some technology of his own. I am under the impression that clu controls glenda ability to get back to the real world, but I think there must be more significance to it than that. . I get that the tron universe could be more of an allegory, I'm just working under the premise that it is more similar than we thought.


Posts: 117
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2010 10:07 AM
Goat! Wrote:What if somehow the survivors of legacy end up back in the real world, including programs (I'm thinking Quorra survives). Far fetched, but it would "change everything", as Flynn stated (through Alan).

That would be very similar to the movie Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. The program Russell played(an amalgam AI of a bunch of criminals) was able to come out of the computer through some means of integrating the processor core with glass crystals and cause havoc.

I think there was also some straight to video movie that had the same concept.


"Bring me two Piña for each hand" - Garth Brooks

Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2010 11:33 AM
NickScalan Wrote:
That would be very similar to the movie Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. The program Russell played(an amalgam AI of a bunch of criminals) was able to come out of the computer through some means of integrating the processor core with glass crystals and cause havoc.

I think there was also some straight to video movie that had the same concept.

Ah yes, as long as the program is able to utilize a PHYSICAL medium, such as in virtuosity, it would work. Agent smith was able to take over Bane in Matrix 2, and when Bane unplugged from the matrix, his body retained Agent Smith's consciousness. I think that other movie was The 13thFloor, where basically the same thing happened as one of the 'people' took over the mind of the technician who jacked into the system, and when the tech unplugged, his body also retained the consciousness of that other character.

That's just to say it would be plausible, movie-wise.
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"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."

Posts: 215
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2010 5:02 PM
I love how deeply rooted TRON is with religious mythology, past and present. It's like Star Wars and how the original film was basically every epic story ever told rolled into one.

"Tron is for NERDS!"

Yea, well, that's just like, your opinion, man...


Posts: 416
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Friday, September, 17, 2010 3:53 AM
SPOILER... Mouse Over To Read:
Flynn found out he was dying of a terminal illness and the only way to stay alive was to go back onto the game grid.

He cannot leave because the "cure" he came up with in the virtual world will become undone when returned to the real world.

That is why he has been gone for so many years.

This is probably a nod to the false rumor of Walt Disney's wish to be put in cryogenic suspension upon death and then at a future point in time when technology has advanced enough, revived and cured.


Posts: 80
Re: A dire prediction for a beloved character

on Monday, September, 20, 2010 8:52 AM
I just wonder......

If Flynn WERE to go from Tronworld to the real world, how would he materialize?? As his former self ~40 yrs old, or as he would have normally aged physically ~60 yrs old ?? In the computer, it is simply his consciousness that has aged...abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."
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 A dire prediction for a beloved character