TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | The FCON camera on Wednesday, April, 16, 2008 6:04 PM
*******WARNING SPOILERZ*******
I think I may have finally figured out who's behind the camera in TRON 2.0. I mean the FCON camera that is seen in several cutscenes. Personally I think it's Dillinger from the original movie. Here's my theory:
I think that after the movie, Dillenger was scentenced to 15-17 years in prison. When he was finally released from prison, he founded Future Control Industries , and attempted to copy the digitizing technology that he had been taken away from at ENCOM so many years ago, just to get back at Flynn, who had caused his firing and replaced him.
What does this have to do with the camera? Hang on, I'm getting there. Now, In the GBA version TRON 2.0, several cutscenes show a figure typing on a computer. When he talks, he sounds very old and talks about getting back at ENCOM. TRON then says later that it would take someone with a lot of knowledge of the ENCOM system to be able to hack in the way "The Corruptor" did.
Now, in the cutscenes, this person is sitting in a small, dark office. Perhaps Dillinger sits in this office and monitors/communicates with employees from there?
Just a theory... where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
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Green Tank Commander User
Posts: 45 | Re: The FCON camera on Wednesday, April, 16, 2008 8:56 PM
Thats exactly what I think. I havan't playd the GBA version yet but your therory makes total sense. If only Disney would see what a great thing they have with and make a game sequel to continue the story, and not the same story as the next movie but something to complement it. -------------------------------------------------------
"Range 9. Mark, 45. 48 degrees...Hold it...Hold it. FIRE!"
Flynn should never have written all those tank programs. |
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Wednesday, April, 16, 2008 10:04 PM
A real good idea would be a new TRON movie that continues on the game. The video game adaptation could be based on the movie, and yet still fit into the same type of gameplay awesomeness that was TRON 2.0!
I know there was some game I played like that once...
Of course, then again, last time I checked (around September of '07), Nintendo owned 75% of Monolith's stock, so it's not too likely that Monolith will be developing any new TRON games.
Actually, that was also sorta the basis of my "TRON 2.0 Killer App for Wii" April Fools joke...
On a side note, Monolith (who I'm safely assuming is fully owned by Nintendo now) is currently developing some FPS game for the Wii that involves a terrorist group stealing North American nuclear weapons in the midst of a freak collection of simoltanious natrual disasters.
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
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death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 9:00 AM
How would Nintendo owning Monolith hold them back from making more games? ------------------------------------------------------
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 1:25 PM
If there were to be another TRON game, Disney would probably want it to be a multi-platform release. But, because Monolith is owned by Nintendo, they technically cannot develop for XBOX 360 or Playstation 3 unless an agreement is worked out. For example, former Nintendo-owned company Rareware (better known as just "Rare") was purchased from Nintendo by Microsoft. However, Microsoft worked out an agreement between Rare and Nintendo that allowed Rare to develop games for portable Nintendo platforms, such as the recently released "Diddy Kong Racing DS" for the DS.
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 5:09 PM
The "who's behind the camera" thing has been discussed before, and the GBA version does provide the clues needed to prove that it's Dillinger.
But to me, that was way too easy and obvious. I was hoping it would be somebody else . . . though NOT Flynn. (I wanted it to be the MCP.) Apparently at one point they were thinking about making the FCon CEO Flynn, as a "twist". Which I think was a pretty stupid idea, and I'm glad they didn't follow through.
Of course, then again, last time I checked (around September of '07), Nintendo owned 75% of Monolith's stock, so it's not too likely that Monolith will be developing any new TRON games. |
Wait . . . since when has Nintendo owned even a portion of Monolith? That's news to me. I thought (and still do think, actually) that Monolith is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Warner Brothers now.
Ah wait, I see where you're getting confused. Nintendo bought Monolith Soft. Which is not the same company as Monolith.
Monolith SoftMonolith Productions
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TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 6:00 PM
Ah wait, I see where you're getting confused. Nintendo bought Monolith Soft. Which is not the same company as Monolith. |
Whoops! Hehe, my bad.
Maybe a new TRON game by Monolith is still possible!
I havn't beaten the GBA version yet, so I don't know if they reveal who "The Curruptor" is or not. hehe.
If they can get Monolith on board for the movie game (if the movie actually is go, lets hope so!), then we know that they will (very likely) do it right!
Of course, so long as it's released for consoles, at least. Maybe I'll have a new PC by 2011.
I really liked the GBA version. It's probably one of the best GBA games out there. Only problems were some minor control issues and no voice in the "Disks of TRON" emulation.
Flynn being the FCON CEO would've been interesting, IMO. MCP would've been cool, too. Of course, when you think about it, Master Control was destroyed by TRON, so it would have to be a backup or something... I dunno.
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TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
Green Tank Commander User
Posts: 45 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 8:16 PM
TRON.dll Wrote:Of course, when you think about it, Master Control was destroyed by TRON, so it would have to be a backup or something... I dunno. |
Isn't that how the MCP came back in the "Ghost in the Machine" comic? That would kinda be cool thuogh, having the the big guy behind the curtain.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion -------------------------------------------------------
"Range 9. Mark, 45. 48 degrees...Hold it...Hold it. FIRE!"
Flynn should never have written all those tank programs. |
death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 8:39 PM
I do not think that the MCP would be the F-Con CEO. MCP hated Users, so why would he try to place the computer world in User control? (I'm talking about Datawraiths)
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 9:22 PM
Of course, the DataWraiths' goal was simply to allow FCON to take over the world. Very similar to the MCP's goals and ambitions.
I just realized why they're called Future Control Industries.
Of course, Dillenger, who may have come to a somewhat negative realization in prison, may have taken on the MCP's aspirations of world domination. That vaugley makes sense, right?
I never understood why the MCP hated users. He knows that users are like Gods in the digital realm. Maybe Master Control was supposed to be a Satanist and the programs were supposed to be Christans? (Makes me think of that old "Does TRON have a hidden meaning thread"..)
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 10:41 PM
TRON.dll Wrote:
I never understood why the MCP hated users. |
I think it might be because his inflated ego made him think that he could take on the Users, and probably would have been, if Flynn hadn't entered the system.
from IMDB:
And I was planning to hit the Pentagon
next week...
The Pentagon?
It shouldn't be any harder than General
Motors was. But now...this is what I get
for using humans.
Now, wait a minute -- I wrote you.
I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then.
What do you want with the Pentagon?
The same thing I want with the Kremlin.
I'm bored with corporations. With the
information I can access, I can run things
900 to 1200 times better than any human.
I rest my case. ------------------------------------------------------
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: The FCON camera on Thursday, April, 17, 2008 11:48 PM
I think I've always thought the eye behind the camera was Dillinger. Always hoped it was. I've never played the GBA version, but I'm glad it clears that up a bit.
I've also thought (hoped) Lora accidentally got beamed into the system to become MA3A and that Lora (Jet's mom; Alan's wife) is not really dead; she just needs to be transported back into "the real world." Was this also cleared up a bit in the GBA version, by any chance? If not, I wonder if DaveTRON can comment.
TronFAQ Wrote:
Of course, then again, last time I checked (around September of '07), Nintendo owned 75% of Monolith's stock, so it's not too likely that Monolith will be developing any new TRON games. |
Ah wait, I see where you're getting confused. Nintendo bought Monolith Soft. Which is not the same company as Monolith.
Monolith SoftMonolith Productions
Thank goodness. I can just imagine how Monolith would all the sudden be making games like F.E.A.R. Pokemon Edition, where cartoony bubbly figures are placed on Earth simply to annoy adult gamers with happy dancing, loving songs. *phew*
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^ |
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: The FCON camera on Friday, April, 18, 2008 2:19 AM
I've always thought that Ma3A is a part of Lora. Ma3A is suspiciously close to "Mama" after all.
I think Dave confirmed this at one point. Can't say for certain.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Friday, April, 18, 2008 6:50 AM
I think Lora was partially digitized and somehow merged with the code for Alan's Ma3a program.
That's what I heard.
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The FCON camera on Friday, April, 18, 2008 1:34 PM
death-program Wrote:I do not think that the MCP would be the F-Con CEO. MCP hated Users, so why would he try to place the computer world in User control? (I'm talking about Datawraiths) |
Because the MCP would use them to do his dirty work, and then once he'd achieved what he wanted: he would discard the Users.
If I was the MCP, that's what I would do. Perfect way to get revenge on the Users. Duping them into doing all the work, and then not even realizing who they're working for (thinking that the CEO is a person, and not a program).
lurkinghorror Wrote:I've always thought that Ma3A is a part of Lora. Ma3A is suspiciously close to "Mama" after all. |
Even if it's not 100% official, I think that's the accepted theory now. Of course, your comic has only reinforced this theory and is as close to being an "official stamp of approval" that there is.
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lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: The FCON camera on Friday, April, 18, 2008 1:42 PM
So... did the MCP really hate the Users? It hated when people pushed it. It was quite clear on that. And it believed it could run things better, yes. But better for who? Itself, certainly. But also the Users, I would think.
Of course, "better" is subjective.
Cam_the_Man User
Posts: 1,747 | Re: The FCON camera on Friday, April, 18, 2008 5:29 PM
In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!" |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: The FCON camera on Saturday, April, 19, 2008 5:04 PM
lurkinghorror Wrote:So... did the MCP really hate the Users? |
I'd have to say that - based on the actions the MCP took against Users (Flynn and Dillinger) - yes, the MCP hated Users.
The MCP started treating Dillinger as an inferior and servant, whose life he was willing to destroy by threatening to send incriminating evidence to the media.
And the MCP tried to kill Flynn by bringing him into the electronic world and wanting to "blow him away" in the games.
If those aren't signs of hatred, then I don't know what they are.
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
Tim.H User
Posts: 0 | Re: The FCON camera on Sunday, October, 05, 2008 9:24 PM
I sincerely and deeply apologize for bringing this topic back to life, but I have to comment on something.
This is regarding whether or not Ma3a has something to do with Lora: I thought the e-mails that we read throughout Tron 2.0 clear this up quite well. It's not that there are many e-mails, but I'm having a hard time remembering the names of the worlds. I believe everything we read about Ma3a's history is on EN12-82 and the Internet City world coming straight from EN12-82.
I don't remember much, but I do remember that there was speculation that she was partially digitized and Alan used some of her DNA to make Ma2a. The other speculation was that perhaps Lora recorded her voice on her deathbed to be used for Ma2a. Based on my observations of Ma3a, I'd say that they're trying to say that some of Lora is actually in Ma3a. This makes sense considering everything about Ma3a (her personality). I remember reading these two e-mails just minutes before talking to the low-level compiler and then protecting the city from the Z-Lots.
Now, I remember reading on EN12-82 that the name started out as Math Assistant One Audio. So, it was Ma1a.
After typing all this up, I went and found this:
I also love the speculation that it's Dillinger behind the fCon camera. Given that he has that accent, I totally agree!
Thank you for letting me resurrect this.
Edit: I just reached the Internet City and I'm reading the e-mail next to the Low-Level Compiler. The e-mail is as follows:
Subject: Creepy!!!
Date: Jun-96
Creepy isn't the half of it!
When Mr. Bradley upgraded Ma1a to Ma2a, which was only about a year ago, many felt the AI exhibited personality traits of his dead wife.
Take the voice, for example. Some say it's simply a digital recreation of Mrs. Bradley's voice, others speculate she recorded a vast word library from her death bed. There's even a rumor that she was partially digitized during the laser accident and Alan managed to salvage the DNA and integrate it into the AI.
Real science fiction stuff if you ask me. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the rumors.
I like that they're trying to make us think. _____________________________________________________________________
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Monitor: Samsung 2253BW |
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: The FCON camera on Tuesday, November, 11, 2008 10:46 PM
Okay, I'm sure it's Dillinger now. SPOILERZ!:
From an email near the end of the game, from the FCon CEO to Tech shortly after Baza, Popoff, and the other guy that looks like Leonard Nemoy get digitized without the correction algorithms:
"I've been waiting 20 years for this! I don't want my company slipping through my fingers again!"
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TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |