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 After Burner Climax

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Posts: 4,349
After Burner Climax

on Tuesday, December, 11, 2007 11:40 PM
So I recently went to a Chuck E Cheeses establishment (don't ask), and I now regret being the slightest bit reluctant to go. You see, they had this new game by SEGA called After Burner Climax, the third game in the After Burner series. After Burner Climax takes place shortly after the game "Ghost Squad", where you were an elite member of a tactical assault stealth team who's primary plan of attack was to barge in and open fire at anything in sight. The main character in that game has now been promoted to flight commander. After Burner Climax allows you to choose from two modes of play: Single and Co-op (if using a linked cabinet). After choosing your play mode, you then proceed to plane selection. You can choose from an F-14, F-15, or some other plane. Each plane has 4 different paint jobs. As an added bonus, after this screen, you can pull back the throttle all the way (to slow) and press the missile button on the joystick. This switches the music and the missile lock on effect to the ones used in After Burner 2, which I commonly did and throughly enjoyed. Gameplay is the same, incredibly addictive, fast, and fun, with new junctions where you can choose where to go (like in outrun). The game even has a bit of "Engrish" in it: "The enemy are up ahead!". There is also a new mechanic in gameplay, called "Climax". As you progress, your Climax meter will be filled up. When it's full, jam the throttle all the way forwards, which will cause the game to go into slow motion. Use this time to lock onto enemies. When you've used up the climax meter, you then press the missile button and fire an arsonal of missiles at every plane you locked onto. The actual storyline of the game is this:

"Organization Z is going to launch a nuclear missile. They will be in firing position in 48 hours. (camera switches to the Aircraft Carrier "Sega Enterprise" 1400 hours) Stall the launch as long as you can. GO!"

I honestly had a blast (Puns!). If you see it, jam your quarters into that machine as fast as possible. Now launch!

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 2,691
Re: After Burner Climax

on Wednesday, December, 12, 2007 2:07 AM
Chuck E Cheese still has video games? I was under the impression they switched to strictly ticket redemption games.

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