TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 1:26 PM

For those of you who have played the PC version of the game: is there anything about Tron 2.0 that bugs you? Either in Single Player or Multiplayer?
For example, in the Single Player game on the Alan's Desktop PC level, there are two I/O nodes on that level. At one point, you're asked by Ma3a to contact her through an I/O node to receive a message from her. If you go to the wrong node and miss the other one, you'll get stuck and won't be able to continue.
There's little annoying things like that, which pop up throughout the game. Can anyone add to the list?
EDIT: I'm mainly interested in hearing about bugs and glitches that you've discovered in the game. But discussing overall issues with the story and presentation of the game is also interesting to hear.
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 3:37 PM
An interesting topic. It's pretty fair to say we all loved the game, but we've also got our annoyances with it too.
There was a time I could rattle off several things in the game that annoyed me. Most of them were content related, and not technical or game bugs.
A few things that come to mind off the top of my head:
* I really didn't care for the story of TRON 2.0. I'll elaborate on this in following points.
* I didn't like that Alan was kind of a run down man with back problems who was so weak in the digital world that Jet had to protect him. In the digital world, Alan should have been comparable to TRON and not just a digital run down version of his real-world self.
* I really didn't care for the name "Jet" as the lead character. It seemed to be an obvious attempt at making him cooler or trendier or something like that. It didn't work for me. Not sure what I would have liked him named, but not Jet. I did get used to it, but never cared for it.
* I didn't care for Jet's look and design in the game. He should have looked closer to the original film program look, perhaps with some interesting upgraded-looking features. I got used to his look, but never cared for the fact it was so different from the other programs in the film and game.
* Bald programs? This totally looked more like a fashion statement than anything to me. Bald looks fine on the street - many fashions work in the real world. I didn't care for it as part of the look of some programs. It looked like something was missing... like their circuitry helmet! For the most part, programs would look funny to me having regular hair, but that is why there are the helmets. The helmet look worked very well for me in the film - it just made so much sense.
* The final boss was... well, lame. There were times I played through the entire game and completely lost interest in defeating the final boss because that part was not well done and very difficult - difficult to the extent it was not enjoyable. It conceptually interesting to an extent, but fighting such a damaging thing in such a restrictive space and relying on the quick-save repeatedly isn't enjoyable for me.
* Didn't care for the fact that Laura was killed off. Given that this was done, there was kind of a cool element that part of her was somehow fused in to MA3A, but I would have much rather Laura remained alive and well. It was not necessary to kill off Laura to create tension between Jet and Alan in my opinion.
* MA3A looked like an elaborate digital ring (like one might wear on a finger) with a face. I did not find her look appealing or cool or interesting - I just didn't like it.
* Who the hell designed the EN12-82 level? Is it just me or did it not, in the slightest, resemble the world of TRON we saw in the film? It was all amber/orange like. The world of TRON was more blue and red with a lot of prime colors - amber/orange not being something I saw much of aside from the yellow programs and a few lines (designs) here and there. That level should have felt like a trip back to the original film. It did not.
* The recognizers redesign was lame.
* The light cycles were noticeably incorrectly proportioned compared to the original film's light cycles. I believe DaveTRON said they were a last-minute addition. It showed. Too bad - light cycles were my favorite part of the film. Oh, and light cycles don't shine like polished marble either... why did they have a light-bouncing-off- fine polished shine in the game? Hated that.
* As much as I loved online multi player light cycles and played it frequently for a long time, there were many glitches that dampened game play. Not cool - especially since that was, for many original TRON fans, one of the most appealing part of the game after the single player adventure.
* I hated, with a passion, the platforming, elevator level race against time. I forget the name of the level... it may have be
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 4:37 PM

Wow, Todd, that was an amazing list!
I was actually thinking more of what glitches/bugs are in the game that annoyed people, when I wrote my post. But there's no reason not to discuss the overall problems in the game, too.
I agree with you on just about all of your points.
 The story was a bit weak, but it fit for the game.
 I didn't think that Alan being weary was a good direction for his character, either. I think I can understand the reason behind that decision, but I don't necessarily agree with it.
 Funny enough, I like how Jet turned out. Though I realize that outside of a game, his character is a bit of a cliché.
 Yeah, I'm not sure what was up with the bald-headed programs, either. I'm guessing it was because they made for good generic models, that could be used for a lot of NPCs?
 The entire ending was lame. From the final boss, to the end cutscene. This is the part that most disappointed me about Tron 2.0.
 Laura's death is handled a bit too off-handedly.
 I thought Ma3a was all right. Not spectacular, but something different.
 It's true that the EN12-82 levels didn't really resemble the film that much. That too, was a bit disappointing in that respect. However, as "ancient levels" they still look pretty cool with that amber motif (like from a monochrome monitor) that they've got going on.
 I agree that the Recognizer re-design was unnecessary. I'm sure they could have acted as tugs while keeping the original look, and nobody would have complained.
 Yeah, the inaccuracies in the Light Cycles do bug me. They're close, but not quite close enough to the originals.
If anyone would like to continue discussing overall design issues about the game that bug you, please do so. But what I'm really interested in hearing is bugs and glitches in the game that bother you. Like the one that I mentioned in my first post.
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Compucore User
 Posts: 4,450 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 7:14 PM
As for my rants on the game itself they could have added at least one other character like Flynn into it to make it more interesting in some way as for the linking of tron. Even including Tron being worked in as for helping out in some way when they tried to integrate the tron source code into Ma3a at the bar scene. Maybe even get it compiled to the extent that he would have been an extra character like Alan was within the electronic world. More interaction between the character from the old and the new school.
• They needed to work a lot on the characters being played or being used within the game itself. At least a little bit more of a background of the characters as tohow (IE Laura passing away due to a work related accident.) Why is Jet and Alan having so much conflict? Why did Kevin leave the company? So many question and very little answers.
• Make it more interesting as to doing stuff as opposed to get this or that permissions and add-ins along the way and find upgrades to your current software that you had brought throughout the previous levels. They could have made some sort of subplot within the game itself similar to like fantastic fours game on the Xbox where you can find other related things pertaining to the world of Tron. The emails never really helped out throughout the game itself. Which lead for me some kind of disappointment in the overall game play.
• The Old Encon mainframe could have been used more along the lines in the game more since it was there we found out more or less about the main characters from the film that the game is based on. For both the PC and Xbox version I am referring too.
• Plus they could have used some of the network area’s like the city as they called it where houses people from other areas of the network both locally and across the internet could have been used a little bit more or at least tried out the possibilities to make that more useful to the extent of transporting to an unknown network outside of Encom and come back. Bacause back then Neworking computers like the encome were done with older networking technologies or connected with external modems to transfer from place to another.
• I agree with Tod and TronFAQ about the lightcycles in the original movie they were more buffed up as to showing a shine in the bikes themselves. As well as the Recognizers being slightly out of kilter to what we had seen from the actual movie itself.
• The ending itself could have been better with the big boss and when jet arrives back at her fathers desk where he pulls the hard drive out of the computer itself. To at least give you some hope of a sequel or something else entirely. Which was a big bummer what they could have done there is do some things there like cut scenes like from a bugs life when credits are rolling and just have some of the characters screw up somewhere for the game itself.
But that is just me on this. What about the others. What do you think?
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flynn1978 User
 Posts: 1,077 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 9:00 PM
I liked the additions to Tron 2 on the Xbox, but I thought the new levels for the Xbox were designed a little poorly.
The colors were so haphazard, wildly thrown together and it was hard to see what you were doing.
Basically, the colors should have been more like the levels for the PC. They were more carefully chosen and went together more.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online
"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."

David1 User
 Posts: 147 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 9:24 PM
Greetings Programs,
I guess I thought the ending of Tron 2.0 sucked so much I started to write a fanfic to address it, without changing any of the original 2.0 material... I think some of you are still reading it as I update it. Anyway, that's in the fanfic section and OT for this thread. About 5 chapter are online at the moment and about the same still in various stages of editing.
Bugs: There's a few nasty bugs. The Shift/Run bug, which toggles the operation is a pain. Save and restart to fix. You know when you have it - you go slow unless you hit shift.
Then there's the bug that stops the LOL from zooming and screws things up. And if you save game, the bug stays, so you need to find a part before that occurs and restore. Usually occurs on Thorne's perimeter partition level.
You can fall through the floor when it's setting up just before you get onto the first transport level. Then you drop onto the door and get stuck there.
Also, if you're on a level with wraiths (eg, Wraiths and Seeker engine) and you die and you've been saving as you go along, the wraiths just dissappear at some point when you reload.
As for the plot - re: Laura. Jet was about 10 years old when it happened, so I can understand it's well behind them.
I like the Jet appearance update, but the name sounds wrong. I think your guess about it supposed to sound "cool" is right. His full name is Jethro Eugene Bradley.
I'm also suprised there is no mention about the EN511 computer... (That's the MCP home system).
BTW, What about the final comments from the F-Con CEO? I wonder if it's supposed to be Dillinger or the MCP reborn?
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Compucore User
 Posts: 4,450 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 10:45 PM
Or the one that I had found when going through the light cycles on the encon server I was able to squeeze between the wall and the forcefield between arena's. I don't know many who did that a couple of times.
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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.
Jademz User
 Posts: 0 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Sunday, November, 04, 2007 10:51 PM
I agree that I like the game, and the dislikes listed above, I'd also add the misuse of almost all of the characters.
For instance, Mercury only hears about Jet helping Ma3a, and we assume she's got to help, or is she just taking over? noone knows how much power she(Guest) has in the computer, in the scene after she frees Jet, he fly's off the fallen tower, (she knocked over) and lands next to her, where she teleports them, but how, where, and why? then it just started to get lame. I just felt the structure of anything in the plot was retarded, and bits voice sounds like he's got a speech impediment, and they used a fan to make the sound FX.
That was the first part, I'll continue later.  |
Mr. Sinistar Sector Admin
 Posts: 1,642 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 12:07 AM
They shouldn't have used so much "vocoded" effect for Ma3a's voice. I mean, who knows if that was really Cindy Morgan doing the voice? Her voice was unrecognizable.
The lightcycle and recognizer changes are disappointing for me as well. I wish they had more time to make it look more like 1982.
Yup, that screensaver line at the end is very stupid.
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Traahn User
 Posts: 3,301 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 1:36 AM
Wow, I think that is the most negative I have ever seen TheReelTodd!!! hehehe, kinda funny. I know you have a zillion good things to say about the game and only a few bad things, but it's just so funny to see so many negative things by you in one post! Normally there are like 4 or 5 things spread out over an entire year. Here we get that many, plus more, in one post!!
I've posted my gripes about the game a 2 or 3 times already; I think I'll pass on this opportunity for now. As for bugs ... I really didn't experience very many bugs that I remember. I actually can't think of one!
TheReelTodd wrote:* Didn't care for the fact that Laura was killed off. Given that this was done, there was kind of a cool element that part of her was somehow fused in to Ma3a, but I would have much rather Laura remained alive and well. It was not necessary to kill off Laura to create tension between Jet and Alan in my opinion. |
I agree. But, I actually think Laura is still alive. I can't remember my exact reasoning for this off-hand. I think part of my theory was that Laura got beamed into the system to become MA3A and she's still alive; people in ther real world just don't know it because she's trapped in the game world. I'm pretty sure this was part of my theory. It makes sense, too, because Ma3a is so 'motherly' to Jet and Ma3a is Cindy Morgan's voice. Oh, and to further support this theory, someone here pointed out that Ma3a is "MaMa" if you rotate the "3" 90-degrees.
TheReelTodd wrote:* Who the hell designed the EN12-82 level? Is it just me or did it not, in the slightest, resemble the world of TRON we saw in the film? It was all amber/orange like. The world of TRON was more blue and red with a lot of prime colors - amber/orange not being something I saw much of aside from the yellow programs and a few lines (designs) here and there. That level should have felt like a trip back to the original film. It did not. |
I kinda liked this level!  The little horizontal teleport vacuu-tubes and everything. Pretty cool, I thought  Not my favorite, by any means, but it was a nice break from the reds and blues. If you use this for your reasoning, then why don't you similarly bash the purple and green levels, too?? 
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.  -----^ |
David1 User
 Posts: 147 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 5:41 AM
I don't recall them redesigning the recognizers at all.
The recognizers were the same as always from what I saw, but I only remember seeing them in one scene - That's the one where you recover your disk. (Run to the control area over the game grid and look down through the floor. Two normal recognizers fly by).
I assumed that the recognizers in the transport was an example of code-reuse... (ie, whoever designed the packet transport reused recognizer code.)
Also, Jet didn't transport anywhere when he escaped the game arena. If you noticed, he fought his way to the control tower where his disc was being kept - this was directly above the game grid... I assumed Jet blacked out and woke up with Mercury nearby... Maybe she moved him while he was unconcious, but in any event, it wasn't far.
Actually, there's a lot of "Easter Eggs" hidden within the game. The "Fishlike" creature near the start with smaller "babies" was a nice touch. THe recognizers when you pick up your disk. The Spam in the city...
I'm actually impressed with how well some of the levels fit in with each other.
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DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 11:08 AM
While I don't disagree with many of the points made, I am really annoyed by the tone of this thread.
I guess it's a good example of "too-much-time-on-your-hands".
Really dissapointing how this was approached.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 12:43 PM

Dave, you don't understand my motive for creating this thread. So let me explain.
I have a mod coming up for Tron 2.0, which I've worked on with a team of friends. In the mod, I've fixed as many bugs/issues as I could without the source code.
I wanted to get feedback from people about what bugs/glitches they've encountered, in case there's something I missed that still might be possible to fix.
I didn't really intend for this thread to become a "what I don't like about Tron 2.0" discussion. I should have made myself more clear from the start. My mistake. But now that the genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting him back. If people want to discuss what they don't like about the game, then I'm not going to stop them. Nor should I. I think we all know that deep down, despite the flaws, we all love the game.
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MutoidMan User
 Posts: 2,232 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 2:07 PM
I want a Mercury screensaver. I am therefore cool with Jet wanting one.
My only real beef with the game was that I wish there was more variety in the program models. Otherwise, me likey.
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lurkinghorror User
 Posts: 803 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 4:13 PM
Mostly what TheReelTodd said.
Bugs and glitches? I really never encountered any.
That screen saver line was a problem for me. With that one bit of dialog, Jet dismissed any notion that the programs were worth emotional attachment.
I also did not like the clear answer of time running at the same rate in the computer as it does in the real world. Again, from a storytelling perspective this really limits you.
Visually amazing, great gameplay and generally good casting, direction and acting. The music and the atmosphere was very well done.
I know that discussing the negatives of this game may set some people on edge. But no creative endeavor is so perfect that it should not be held up for examination. Critical analyisis is one of the best ways to understand a body of work. I think it's a given that most of us enjoyed the game. So discussion of where we felt it fell short should always be considered within that context. Whether negative or positive in our reply, we're all discussing something we liked.
Boingo_Buzzard User
 Posts: 0 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 4:27 PM
lurkinghorror Wrote:
That screen saver line was a problem for me. With that one bit of dialog, Jet dismissed any notion that the programs were worth emotional attachment. |
I don't really remember it verbatim, except that I took it as kind of a playful banter with Mercury herself (although she wasn't there to enjoy it) about the screen saver.
However, I just was kinda like "That's it?" at the end of the game. It seems like it was setting itself up for a sequel, but that not forthcoming simply left it as loose ends (like Twin Peaks being canceled).
I would rather have had a more concrete ending... or a guaranteed sequel. One of the two.
wwwmwww User
 Posts: 1,230 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 4:35 PM
David1 Wrote:I don't recall them redesigning the recognizers at all.
Could someone post a screen capture of the recognizers from TRON 2.0? I think I've seen one pictured before but for the life of me I can't find it now.
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Cam_the_Man User
 Posts: 1,747 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 4:51 PM
In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!" |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 5:33 PM

wwwmwww Wrote:Could someone post a screen capture of the recognizers from TRON 2.0? |
This is the best I could come up with on short notice. I'll try to find a better one later. Notice that the "face" is no longer there.
lurkinghorror Wrote:Bugs and glitches? I really never encountered any. |
There are a few. But they're mostly little things in the PC version, nothing that will stop you from enjoying the game. The Xbox version is much worse. At least, in the Single Player part.
I fixed some of these issues, and was looking for feedback to see if there were any I'd missed that might be possible to fix. I can't work miracles, though. Not without the source code.
Critical analyisis is one of the best ways to understand a body of work. I think it's a given that most of us enjoyed the game. So discussion of where we felt it fell short should always be considered within that context. Whether negative or positive in our reply, we're all discussing something we liked. |
Agreed. Again, I didn't mean to create a "what I don't like" thread. But I think we can still be critical of something we like, without diminishing it. As long as it's constructive criticism.
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: What bugs you about Tron 2.0? on Monday, November, 05, 2007 5:55 PM
Traahn Wrote:Wow, I think that is the most negative I have ever seen TheReelTodd!!! hehehe, kinda funny. |
Doh!  You know - I really didn't mean my points to be so harsh or negative, but in looking back upon them, they do come off that way. I really should have accented the positives of the game (which are plentiful) more while pointing out my annoyances (which are few in comparison).
I know you have a zillion good things to say about the game and only a few bad things, but it's just so funny to see so many negative things by you in one post! |
YES! I've had... STILL have a zillion good things to say about the game. I've talked so many times and in so many threads about my love of this game. I've also talked about what I didn't love so much, but I think I balanced it better before.
Simply put, I was COMPLETELY hooked on the single player adventure of this game for about two weeks while I played it for the first time through. All annoyances taken in to consideration, I totally loved the experience of playing through this game. Many times my wife had to practically pry me away from it as I never wanted to stop playing - always wanted to get to the next part and see what was around the next digital corner!
As soon as I completed the game, I immediately started playing through it again, though at a slightly less intense pace (given my limited time to play anything).
Normally there are like 4 or 5 things spread out over an entire year. Here we get that many, plus more, in one post!! |
Yeah - didn't mean to sound all negative. Like I said - I am not at all negative about this game. Didn't balance the good with the not-good though, and so it looks like I'm bashing the game - which I am not, or at least that was not the sentiment behind my initial posting here. I approached it from the we all loved the game but... kind of POV, where the love for the game was already a known.
I agree. But, I actually think Laura is still alive. I can't remember my exact reasoning for this off-hand. I think part of my theory was that Laura got beamed into the system to become MA3A and she's still alive; people in ther real world just don't know it because she's trapped in the game world... |
I like that methodology. Given the direction of the story in the game, I think your take on it is really very cool. I like it a lot more than just believing Laura is dead and gone, except for a tad of her that remains in Ma3a as a result of the accident.
I kinda liked this level! The little horizontal teleport vacuu-tubes and everything. Pretty cool, I thought Not my favorite, by any means, but it was a nice break from the reds and blues. |
You're right - the design of this level was very cool. In fact, pretty much all of the level design and look of the digital world in the game was very well done and really brought forth the feeling of playing in the digital world of TRON that I had longed for since 1982. What I didn't like about the level is that it was supposed to be a trip back to the original world of TRON, or so that's how it seemed to be laid out in the story and physical location of it. As cool as the level was, it didn't resemble the original world of TRON very much to me at all. I was looking and hoping for some of the original look and even perhaps some of the original locations in the film, but they were not there. The only real tie-in were the tanks. Apart from it not resembling the original world of TRON (to me), the level design was very cool and a pleasure to play through.
If you use this for your reasoning, then why don't you similarly bash the purple and green levels, too??  |
I think I explained that in the previous blurb - it wasn't the color scheme so much as it was the fact that the level didn't resemble the original world of TRON, which I woulwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online