The inconsistency of titles/support for the PS3/Xbox360 is what has kept me away from them.
My #2 child process recently decided he had to play assassin's creed, even if it meant buying his own 360...
Anyway, since his last academic test results were frequently off the scale, my wife and I agreed to get him what he wanted for Christmas, except I kept on saying that we're not buying anything until the last week to see how things pan out.
So along comes Crysis and Bioshock, and #2 realises that whatever the consoles are doing, the PC is now a generation ahead and still going further.
By Christmas, he decided he wanted a PC upgrade (he recently got the hand-me-downs from my #1 child process when he got a job and bought a game PC, but although the 3D card was decent, he really needed a high-end model to play the latest games well. )...
By this time, he had worked out that whatever is on the console, is going to be much nicer looking and playing on the PC... ( No Mouse/Keyboard on console
The result is that rather than the Xbox360 and Assassin's Creed game, he decided he wanted to go for the PC and wait for the PC release of the game.
So for christmas, we upgraded his PC with a new AGP card, and it almost plays as well as his brother's new PCI-E model.
The downside is that some games are console exclusive (eg, Heavenly sword) but he can get many of the new console released games for PC, play all of his old PC games at full graphics settings and now doesn't talk about the Xbox 360 at all.
After that, and having seen how different the PC versions of games are to the "Next-Gen" consoles, I'm starting to wonder if the most recent trends on the PC ( A whole new way of doing graphics acceleration, physics processors and multi-core CPUs.) are going to kill off the consoles entirely three years from now.
p.s. Yes, #1 and #2 both played orange box, and I can't use my steam accound now, because #2 keeps using it to play TF2, and now #1 wants his own TOB, so it's not without it's complications