thanks my firend, i now working in the game an the third maze will be the infected sector of the system that apears in TRON 2.0 when jet goes to the sector where Tyrone is and the avatar is my character G-Blast Man is a Semi digital being, is a Manga history is most like a fusion to TRON and Dragon Ball Z but is not an a replica of Dragon Ball Z is more Tron, late i post the original image of the avatar and in deviant art i have two images of me in a tron suit and my exgirlfirend in tron suit plus two fusion bikes that i make
here is the link to my galery in deviant art
this is the link for the image of me in tron suit
and this is the another image
and this link and the last one
D is the image of my character G-Blast Man
see ya programs n_n