MutoidMan User
 Posts: 2,232 | ÆON FLUX on Tuesday, November, 22, 2005 1:01 AM
ÆON FLUX - The Complete Animated Collection is out today!
Anybody else going to pick it up?
I remember watching ÆON FLUX over my buddy's house before Headbanger's Ball would come on. Freakin' wierd, mind-twisting stuff, but very cool.
The DVD set also has shorts from MTV's Liquid Television, which I haven't seen since the mid-nineties, so including them is a nice bonus.
"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams "C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster "If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News
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Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Tuesday, November, 22, 2005 8:08 AM
It's sorta a shame that there's a remake of it. Really! Why remake a classic? Is this because the producers for the North American version of Aeon Flux couldn't think of any better story ideas? I'd have to wonder on that. ^^;;
~Kamui.EXEabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
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Tori User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Tuesday, November, 22, 2005 3:53 PM
That show is so cool....where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 7:49 PM
ÆON FLUX - the REAL one! Nothing cooler than that!
I LOVED the animated shorts of that on Liquid Television in the early 90's. That was, without a doubt, my favorite reoccurring segment on that show. The animated series a few years later was also very enjoyable. I watched it religiously... and haven't seen it since... what was it... 1995? It's been a while.
What a cool character. What a dark and interesting society. There were such strange, cool, and violent things going on in that show. I know some people don't care for violent shows, games, etc. - this show AND character were very violent, but to me it was all done so well. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. I just loved it for all that it was.
Unfortunately, some Hollywood idiots thought it would be cool to take that awesome character and society... and turn it in to some... jeez, I don't even know what to call it. From the commercials I've seen for the live action film, I can only wonder if the producers had ever even SEEN the animated shorts or the series? No? Oh, that explains a lot.
ÆON FLUX the animated shorts & short lived series - ROCKS!
ÆON FLUX the live action film... it may as well be called AEON SUX
Have you ever seen Hollywood butcher a great character so badly before? My best guess is that they thought they could rewrite and rehash this character and push it on a younger audience that is mostly unaware of the ORIGINAL, REAL and COOL ÆON FLUX character and premise.
Kamui Wrote:...Is this because the producers for the North American version of Aeon Flux couldn't think of any better story ideas? |
Oh come on, Kamui - Hollywood has been clean out of FRESH ideas for a long time now! This only solidifies that fact even more. Hollywood wouldn't have the balls to actually make a live action film that has the feel of the original ÆON FLUX. I don't know why they had to disrespect the character like that with this film... oh please let it BOMB to send Hollywood a message! Grrrr - it probably won't.
Is it any wonder that I only step foot in a movie theater maybe once or twice every 4 or 5 years? Put something out WORTH seeing, right? Ok, actually there have been some good releases in recent years, but not many.
Alright, enough of my movie rants.
But I just have to say this...
AEON FLUX - their live action film? WTF!!!
I don't need to see the whole thing to know it sucks like a 10 dollar prostitute!
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 8:29 PM
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DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 9:36 PM
Charlize Theron.....check.
Tight Clothes.....check.
DVD......sometime next year.
Volume Control Set To 0.....check.
OK, I am all set for one viewing on a DVD rental next year.  where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion DaveTRON
Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 10:49 PM
TheReelTodd Wrote:Kamui Wrote:...Is this because the producers for the North American version of Aeon Flux couldn't think of any better story ideas? |
Oh come on, Kamui - Hollywood has been clean out of FRESH ideas for a long time now! This only solidifies that fact even more. Hollywood wouldn't have the balls to actually make a live action film that has the feel of the original ÆON FLUX. I don't know why they had to disrespect the character like that with this film... oh please let it BOMB to send Hollywood a message! Grrrr - it probably won't.
Is it any wonder that I only step foot in a movie theater maybe once or twice every 4 or 5 years? Put something out WORTH seeing, right? Ok, actually there have been some good releases in recent years, but not many.
Then have you seen the trailer for Dead or Alive the movie? You just may wanna gouge your eyes out over that. Another fine piece of Hollywood stupidity. They need more creative people! (Or would they just waste them instead?)
~Kamui.EXE ===========================
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 11:06 PM
Kamui Wrote:Then have you seen the trailer for Dead or Alive the movie? You just may wanna gouge your eyes out over that. Another fine piece of Hollywood stupidity. They need more creative people! (Or would they just waste them instead?)
~Kamui.EXE |
No, I haven't seen the trailer for that yet... at least I don't think I have.
In regards to creative people in Hollywood, I think there are PLENTY of creative people there. I believe Hollywood has a great concentration of the best of the best (not meaning the best, period though). BUT with all that creativity they've got at their disposal, it is generally the fault of those in charge. The management and decision makers and the ones calling the shots - they are the problem. They are why we are not seeing any real innovation or new ideas.
Hollywood wants to play the safe card. If they know a formula that has worked in the past - they'll keep pressing that cookie cutter to the sheet over and over until people are so sick of it they puke. Then they find another (once) great idea and clone the hell out of that too. That is just one of many problems though.
It has been said that there are more politics in Hollywood than in Washington DC. That is, in large part, how great ideas turn in to regurgitated crap.
I believe AEON FLUX started out as a cool film idea... and then the Hollywood machine kept chiseling away at it until they've F--K'd it up enough to not even be AEON FLUX anymore. Take a great idea - then change it all around and pat each other on the back for the idiotic crap you end up with. That is also, in large part, how the Hollywood machine works.
Why do I bother ranting about this. Nothing will change anytime soon. Nor will I drop a dime to see anything in a theatre until it does.
In the meantime... that ÆON FLUX Animated Collection does look appealing!  Might have to get me one.
Boingo_Buzzard User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Wednesday, November, 23, 2005 11:24 PM
TheReelTodd Wrote:
Why do I bother ranting about this. Nothing will change anytime soon. Nor will I drop a dime to see anything in a theatre until it does. |
Jeff Skoll, who was eBay's first president and co-founder got fed up with Hollywood bullsh** has started a film company that is turning out social commentary type pictures. "Good Night And Good Luck" was one, along with "Syriana" and "North Country".
I have seen "Good Night And Good Luck" and it was great. Makes you think instead of numbing your mind.
I suggest seeing some of these films instead, and you may feel better about movies
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Friday, November, 25, 2005 7:50 PM
Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:TheReelTodd Wrote:
Why do I bother ranting about this. Nothing will change anytime soon. Nor will I drop a dime to see anything in a theatre until it does. |
Jeff Skoll, who was eBay's first president and co-founder got fed up with Hollywood bullsh** has started a film company that is turning out social commentary type pictures. "Good Night And Good Luck" was one, along with "Syriana" and "North Country".
I have seen "Good Night And Good Luck" and it was great. Makes you think instead of numbing your mind.
I suggest seeing some of these films instead, and you may feel better about movies  |
I'm not much in to social commentary personally, but you're right, Boingo_Buzzard - there are some good films out there. Many independent films get overlooked because they don't have the budget for the advertising bombardment that the big "blockbuster" (note the quotes) films have. The independent film artists are generally out there to put forth a good show too, and not just some fancy light show with a rehashed and been-there-done-that plot (or lack there of). As with any film, the bottom like is turning a profit. But at least many independent filmmakers try and turn a profit with their creativity and art, instead of trying to just make another cookie-cutter action-film that is bound to attract a young audience with a disposal income.
It's sad that the independent films don't get much attention.
That's a very positive way of looking at things though. Thanks!
KiaPurity User
 Posts: 3,488 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Friday, November, 25, 2005 11:41 PM
Saw DOA trailer and I just want to rip out my eyeballs slowly and painfully. ;_;abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User. 
Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Saturday, November, 26, 2005 7:58 PM
Ready.... set.... GOUGE:
WTF..... Thoses bras looked CG'd. It's gotten to the point where we have to CG bras in to a scene! And all the chest shots and half naked woman? Talk about Fanboy fodder! MAtter of fact, it's so bad, I'd think even they would gouge their own eyes out (Either that or die from copious nose bleeds if they really ARE that pathetic.)
Yeah.... sorry I had to subject you to that. Plus side is that I now have something we can "Disect" in our Psychology class.....
~Kamui.EXEorder abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill ===========================
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DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Saturday, November, 26, 2005 8:35 PM
FreedomForever User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Saturday, November, 26, 2005 8:40 PM
That movie looks superbly stupid...
Boingo_Buzzard User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 12:42 PM
I have to say I was a little dissapointed to see Jaime Pressly is in that movie. She's a much better actess than that.
She's currently on TV in "My Name Is Earl" as Earl's ex-wife.
Of course, some of her other choices up to date haven't been all that great either.
Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 7:08 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:Kamui Wrote:Ready.... set.... GOUGE:
WTF..... Thoses bras looked CG'd. It's gotten to the point where we have to CG bras in to a scene! And all the chest shots and half naked woman? Talk about Fanboy fodder! MAtter of fact, it's so bad, I'd think even they would gouge their own eyes out (Either that or die from copious nose bleeds if they really ARE that pathetic.)
Yeah.... sorry I had to subject you to that. Plus side is that I now have something we can "Disect" in our Psychology class.....
~Kamui.EXE |
I enjoyed it with the sound off! What does that say about me?
Mind if I abduct you for my psycology class? I might need you for my scrapbook project. I hope you don't mind the blue/red pens.  *Evil grin*
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MutoidMan User
 Posts: 2,232 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Sunday, November, 27, 2005 11:30 PM
Damn, you people are freakin' tight-asses!
Two movies filled with hot women in tight clothes kicking ass.
I mean really, when you consider the source material, what did you expect from the movies?
True, it would be nice if ÆON FLUX turns out to have a decent story but I'm not really expecting it.
And though I've never played DOA, the movie looks like it might be a good time.
I'll enjoy them just as long as they aren't too far-fetched.
"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams "C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster "If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News
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TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Monday, November, 28, 2005 1:18 AM
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Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Monday, November, 28, 2005 9:49 AM
MutoidMan Wrote amn, you people are freakin' tight-asses!
Two movies filled with hot women in tight clothes kicking ass.
I mean really, when you consider the source material, what did you expect from the movies?
True, it would be nice if ÆON FLUX turns out to have a decent story but I'm not really expecting it.
And though I've never played DOA, the movie looks like it might be a good time.
I'll enjoy them just as long as they aren't too far-fetched. |
Er.... yeah.... DOA is going to be perfect crap. I mean, they gutted the origional characters personalities for the most part, one of them looks like she's wearing a purple wig rather than having actual purple hair, and the DOA fans are right pissed. I mean it seems like that the purpose of the entire movie is just how much fanservice (Are they really doing the fans any service by adding fanservice?) they can cram in x amount of time so they can get people to come in. I mean, if you wanted women kicking ass, go watch "Kill Bill." If you want crap loads of fanservice with a movie that's NOT TRUE to the origional game, watch DOA.
I mean if you really wanted to see a pair of bras, I invite all of those that do to look down at your arms and stare really REALLY closely. I mean so closely that you can actually see the fine details of your skin for about 10 seconds. Do you know what you're looking at? (Scroll down a little bit)
"Bras!" (Heh! Bras = Arms (in French) Wow! My French humor is bad today.)
But really, DOA looks horrible. It's scary-bad.
~Kamui.EXE ===========================
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MutoidMan User
 Posts: 2,232 | Re: ÆON FLUX on Monday, November, 28, 2005 12:02 PM
I don't know how they planned on making a movie out of an animated series in which the titular character dies or is permanently incapacitated in the pilot, the shorts, and almost every episode, but they did it so I'm curious to see what happens.
Does Aeon die at the end? If she does, that would certainly be true to the series.
If you watch the trailer, Sithandra has hands instead of feet just like in the cartoon, so that's true to the series.
Personally, I just haven't yet heard enough about the movie to make a decision. I may even just go see it without reading any reviews just for fun.
As for DOA, being that I've never played it I wasn't aware that it had any kind of plot to be followed.
They way they advertise it, you'd think all it was about was hot girls in bikinis beating the tar out of each other. So if I go to see it, that's all I'm going to expect so if I get a little story and humor too, its all good.
"We are, after all, not God." - Cmdr. J. J. Adams "C is for cookie. That's good enough for me." - Cookie Monster "If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News
Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!  |