tronprogram Sector Admin
Posts: 413 | New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 4:55 PM
What does everything think of the art?
I really, really like it. Kernal looks so cool, and just like he does in the game. It looks like it's going to be a great title.
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Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 5:03 PM
It looks fantastic. I don't know if I can wait until January 2006 for it though where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online |
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 5:30 PM
Kind of weak if you ask me. Just rehashes of art that already exists. Nothing as stylized as what 88 MPH was planning. If this is what we waited for, I am personally dissapointed.
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lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 5:49 PM
1: All these images are meant to be are samples of the characters provided by the artist when submitting for the job. These images are not indicative of the final material in any way. Simply a, "here I can draw a basic Tron figure". Disney requires such samples, as you should probably know from your time with Disney. Besides which, If I recall correctly, 88 Mph submitted something similar when "applying" for the job.
2: These are not stylized in the super heroic manner of what 88mph was planning because this is an entirely different book approaching the world of Tron in an entirely different manner. There is nothing remotley super heroic about this story. The same visual approach would make no sense and trying to emulate what 88mph was shooting for does not appeal to me and would be unprofessional.
3: Sebastien and his team are not coming back. What SLG publishes is what you will get. But try to be patient and realize that all you are seeing is the earliest bits of information well before any official announcement had been intended. You may like it, you may hate it. But at least give it time to breath before you publicly cheer for the return of a team that will not come back.
I'm very glad you like the images. As I said to Dave, I don't think they're really indicitive of what the final art will be. I do think the artist is on the right track though, as I like his "leaner" approach to the form. Also, you may have to wait a bit longer than January. I'm not certain how accurate that release date is at that stage. More official information will be available soon.
Clavet User
Posts: 0 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 5:50 PM
Thanks for the support DaveTron
I like what they did, however I have the feeling it will be heavily influenced by the look of the game, which is the point after all.
I will most certainly buy a copy of it for sure, plus this is only a one shot as they never mentionned the word mini-series. Maybe I should have planned a one shot myself...its' not a bad idea actually.
In the end, even the little we did was not entirely what I wanted to do. For as much as I love Tron 2.0 the game I had an entirely different idea for the comic...and more.
Looking forward to this one shot ... and Gargoyles
Scuzzy User
Posts: 1,608 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 6:02 PM
I don't know about anything else, but I've got a new walpaper of Jet on his super-lightcycle.
Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 6:08 PM
Actually, it's just a series. No specific number of issues. Could be ongoing, could be 5 issues. The story Eric and myself are writing is probably in the five to six issue range. It contains a fairly specific ending and I don't know if I would continue beyond that point myself. Our evolution with the property was similar (if I recall correctly) to yours as we did not approach the property with Tron 2.0 in mind. In fact, when we first started talking to Disney (informally) about the property there was no Tron 2.0. We had always planned a prequel to the film (I've been writing it in my head since about 1983, I think). However, after we submitted this formally (about a year ago, I think), Disney asked us to direct our approach towards Tron 2.0. Something you can probably relate to. This troubled me until something clicked, and now I'm crazy for the storyline we're working on.
Which I know is probably exactly what anyone hyping a new project in any manner is expected to say. But honestly, I would simply walk rather than work on something I'm not into. I'm not doing this comic for the money, that will be obvious to anyone who has worked in the industry, and my career is already comfortable enough that I don't need this project. I simply have found a story I want to tell. Hopefully, it comes together and doesn't suck too terribly. And if it does, well, I expect I know which group of people will arrange the lynching.
Tori User
Posts: 0 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 6:12 PM
Yet another comic I will have to read regularly...
The art is neat! I wish I could draw that well.... ==
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 6:18 PM
Tori Wrote:The art is neat! I wish I could draw that well.... |
Me too. That's why I started writing. In the world of art, there are always options.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 7:46 PM
lurkinghorror Wroteave:
1: All these images are meant to be are samples of the characters provided by the artist when submitting for the job. These images are not indicative of the final material in any way. Simply a, "here I can draw a basic Tron figure". Disney requires such samples, as you should probably know from your time with Disney. Besides which, If I recall correctly, 88 Mph submitted something similar when "applying" for the job. |
No need to be so defensive. I was merely expressing an opinion. Others seem to like it. I think they are nice, but what I saw of the early art from 88 MPH was cooler in my opinion.
2: These are not stylized in the super heroic manner of what 88mph was planning because this is an entirely different book approaching the world of Tron in an entirely different manner. There is nothing remotley super heroic about this story. The same visual approach would make no sense and trying to emulate what 88mph was shooting for does not appeal to me and would be unprofessional. |
I am not asking you to. You do what you do and they do what they do. I just prefer what they were doing. No big deal, again, it's my opinion. I know how 88 MPH was approaching it and I liked what I was seeing. Perhaps as I see more of what you are doing my opinions will change.
I liken this to seeing a very early 1 sheet for a movie. If the image doesn't grab me, I will not be excited. These images don't grab me, so I am not excited. Maybe later I will see something new and better to change that, but based on first impressions I am not a 'Yea' vote.
3: Sebastien and his team are not coming back. What SLG publishes is what you will get. But try to be patient and realize that all you are seeing is the earliest bits of information well before any official announcement had been intended. You may like it, you may hate it. But at least give it time to breath before you publicly cheer for the return of a team that will not come back. |
Saying things like this in public add to my bad impression. I just expressed my opinion. I liked where Sebastien and team were going with their comic and I'd like to see it completed. I think the art presented by SLG, while limited, is fairly weak compared to the first images from 88 MPH which I have copies of.
I am curious about what SLG is doing, but after this little exchange I might not buy it, despite being a completist in my TRON collecting.
First impressions are key, and this is not a good one is it? Critics must fear you guys if a fan's comments get you all bent!
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Clavet User
Posts: 0 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 8:32 PM
I too wanted to work on Tron in any way shape or form, not Tron 2.0. Let me explain.
Tron 2.0 as a game is great, it won awards and all and anyone can feel that game was made by people who cared a great deal for the franchise.
However I did not want to expand its story in comic book form. I think, imo, that the best way to expand Tron 2.0's story is to do a sequel to the game. That would have been perfect.
Now I think its possible to do a great Tron 2.0 story in comic book format and Im sure you guys will give your 110% on it.
I am not quite sure why Disney is so adamant to push Tron 2.0 in comic book format. Because in all fairness, and no offense to anyone, the sales of SLG Tron 2.0 comic series is not going to significally help sales on the game. I would be surprised, not because SLG is not good, not at all, just because there are less readers than gamers. Period.
It's a question of trends in relation to marketing strategies. In my own little and unimportant opinion, people want another game, and comics based on the original movie. That's how I see it. And I totally think the two can co-exist and help each other.
I am not trying to bash Disney here, I think its great that they released the original movie on UMD but at the same time they could have used the to push it and use the PSP movie format to advertize the game for maybe .... a PSP version of it ? or maybe a small new Tron 20 type game?
Imagine playing lightcycle via Wi-Fi on the beauty that is PSP?
There is a milion questions and few answers, we can blame this, that, him, her, but in the end we all know we care about the franchise. But because Disney is a huge corporation we can not fully comprehend how and why this and that are done.
We, as fans, think we have great ideas on this and that, but there exists legalities that surpases human imagination that can prohibit many concepts and ideas.
I for one wish you and SLG success on this new project, I will admit that I am not as excited as a new game or movie would make me, but I am nonetheless curious to see what you guys have in mind.
Man that was a long post, it almost seems like I know what I'm talking about Oh well take all of this with a grain of salt.
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 8:43 PM
No need to be so defensive. I was merely expressing an opinion. Others seem to like it. I think they are nice, but what I saw of the early art from 88 MPH was cooler in my opinion. |
Um... We seem to have a misunderstanding here because this is not me being defensive (tired yes, Comic Con just ended yesterday after all ). This is me explaining the basis of the artwork you are seeing. Your reaction (the assessment that the artwork is comprised of "rehashes"), is accurate to a degree. I'm agreeing with you. And I'm explaining why this is so (as the artwork is comprised of samples). If it seemed defensive, I apologize. If you look back with this clarification in mind, I hope you can see another way to interpret my intial response.
I am not asking you to. You do what you do and they do what they do. I just prefer what they were doing. No big deal, again, it's my opinion. I know how 88 MPH was approaching it and I liked what I was seeing. Perhaps as I see more of what you are doing my opinions will change.
I liken this to seeing a very early 1 sheet for a movie. If the image doesn't grab me, I will not be excited. These images don't grab me, so I am not excited. Maybe later I will see something new and better to change that, but based on first impressions I am not a 'Yea' vote. |
Again, you don't seem to understand. You make the statement "if this is what we waited for...". It isn't. These are samples. That's all. Not the book. You say you preffered the other style. But the other style would not work here for reasons that you could not have known at the time of your comment. Subsequently, I was explaining why the style is different. You don't have the script in front of you and you do not know what the differences between the two projects would be other than this brief glimpse in visual. This is understandable. I'm not meaning to criticize your opinion, I'm clarifying why the look may not have the same feel.
Saying things like this in public add to my bad impression. I just expressed my opinion. I liked where Sebastien and team were going with their comic and I'd like to see it completed. |
If it contributes to your bad opinion I apologize. But it is a blatant truth. I'm not telling it to you to upset you, but to inform you. The 88Mph Tron book is not coming out. Not under the SLG license anyway. You expressed you opinion to bring them back. It's simply not going to happen. There is now way for it to happen. And while I certainly cannot speak for any of the parties involved in the 88Mph book, I have seen no clear indication that they are even interested in making it happen. I would love to have the book in my hands myself (and I assume you have had opportunity to see more of it than most). But I cannot make their book a reality any more than you can. I lack that ability. All I can do is try to bring this version of Tron to print. If you know how to bring the 88 Mph book into the hands of the public than I encourage you to do so. If you know how to bring back Sebastien and his team then feel free. I would love to see the final result. Andrew Dabb is now working on Vaistron over at SLG. Gabe Bridwell is working on other projects as well. I check their sites as often as I can remember for news. The wall paper on my computer is from Gabes art. I am a fan as well. I am not dismissing your liking for their work. I am asking you to withhold negative comparison between the two projects until you see more. So why does my stating a simple truth add to your bad opinion? It's just the reality of the industry. It's certainly not my doing any more than it is yours.
In short, I was not attacking you. I was asking you to give this project a chance. You seem to be under the impression that this constitutes an attack. If I communicated unclearly I apologize, and hopefully this more detailed explanation clarifies my intent.
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lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 8:57 PM
Gyahh!!! The response come to quickly!!!
No disagreement with anything you're saying. I really wanted to get some Tron comics into Disney Adventures Magazine. Which is the part of Disney I am most accustomed to working with. The Comic Zone issues sell hundreds of thousands of copies per issue. And I'm certain you know what a challenge those figures are in this day an age. And Slg book will sell...
...Well, not hundreds of thousands.
But as you say, Disney is such a big company. And intercommunication is a nightmare. As I sure Dave could attest to. I find myself dealing with one branch that is hesitant to make a major change on a particular issue as the rights to do so sit with another branch. But then after the fact the other branch looks at things and wonders why we didn't make the major change from the get go. It's no fault of Disney really. the company is just massive. All the people I have worked with have been great. They just have so many other people they have to answer to (and on and on) that it slows everything down. And this goes beyond the obvious and into the seemingly simple. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Really, if we're ever in the same city I'll buy you a cup of coffee. There's many things that would be entertaining to discuss.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Monday, July, 18, 2005 11:36 PM
Lurking H,
I understand, but you have to stop writing like I am a total moron. I get that this isn't the book. You need to read my post again. I said 'If this is what we waited for' not 'This is it!?!?!'
The first 88 MPH image I saw got me excited. The first impression was strong. This isn't a strong first impression with me and I said that.
You also write as though I expect you to publish Sebastien's comic instead. Again, I am not some idiot, I know it's dead and will never see the light of day. I am merely lamenting it's loss.
I apologize if my dissapointment and desire to see the first plan complete was offensive, but it was just an opinion, that's all.
Honestly, I'd love to see both comics get done in a perfect world.
I wish you luck in the Disney machine, and I hope your second impression will be far superior to your first. I'd be interested in knowing how Comicon went for your company.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 12:22 AM
You also write as though I expect you to publish Sebastien's comic instead. Again, I am not some idiot, I know it's dead and will never see the light of day. I am merely lamenting it's loss. |
I really don't think you're an idiot, but please bear in mind that I don't know exactly what you did at Disney and I don't know what you're level of understanding with the comic industry (specifically) is. I cannot assume that when you say "Bring back Sebastien and his team!", you don't mean that literally. We have already fielded the question a dozen times (from people of all walks of life) if this is exactly what we are doing. It's going to continue to be a very common question. So, I literally HAVE to answer this directly. If you see my meaning. Again, I'm sorry if this came off defensively. I really didn't mean it that way and I'm sure I could have phrased my response in a friendlier fashion. I'm just tired right now. I think we're really on the same page about alot of things here and I would like to simply have us both start fresh. The more we talk, the more I see that all that lies between us here is a misunderstanding, very likely brought on by my own exhaustion from the evils of the Comic Con that leaves me to witless to type.
That said, check your private message thing again.
Anyway, I did not even think to mention this, but the Tron news was very big for Slave Labor Graphics at Comic Con. I asked many many many people of various ages if they were familiar with Tron and received an overwhelming response. As a matter of fact, my standard question was "are you familiar with Tron?" and I would be greeted in response as if I had asked the most idiotic question on the planet. People would get visibly excited when I gave them a little promotional postcard that SLG printed up and told them that we were working on a comic. The prevailing question was always in regards to what version we would be following. And the preference generally leaned towards the film. It was very exciting. I've worked on (my own) creator owned projects with Disney for years, but the reaction with a known property like this is huge. And the way the comics market is shifting away from superheroes, I think that a Tron comic could do very well.
Has anyone here been to the show before?
On the subject of Comiccon, I picked up a stack of the Tron postcards and brought them home with me. If anyone wants one, send me a private message with info and I'll mail it off. The publisher might send them to comic stores too. I really don't know. But I figured this way I would have them on hand if anyone was interested. It's a synthesis of the three images on the site here, so it's not anything anyone here hasn't already seen. But it's on heavy card stock and you can hurl them at people like deadly ninja stars. That's what I did with mine anyway.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 1:02 AM
Yea, as I said privately, I guess my first impession wasn't so good either.
I'll try to have an open mind going forward.
I really do want you to succeed.
See my PM for other info.
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 2:48 AM
I really appreciate that Dave. And despite my touchiness, I am looking forward to all the criticisms that I can get from the folks at Tron-Sector. Both positive and negative. (Sometimes I just have to brace myself for the negative though )
Tron doesn't belong to me after all. This is just my interpretation of it. And luck has put me in a position to have, what is essentially my fan fiction, published. It's a dream opportunity, no doubt. Hopefully, the process will go smoothly and successfully for all parties, and we can push the series past my initial ideas and onto the creative spark of the fan community itself.
At the very least, I hope to work in some cameos. That reminds me, what happened to your icon with the head color changing Dave? I liked that one. Or am I misremembering.
Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 3:44 AM
Looks like it's off to a good start! Good luck!!
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^ |
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 10:18 AM
lurkinghorror Wrote:I really appreciate that Dave. And despite my touchiness, I am looking forward to all the criticisms that I can get from the folks at Tron-Sector. Both positive and negative. (Sometimes I just have to brace myself for the negative though ) |
Especially here. We are not shy.
At the very least, I hope to work in some cameos. That reminds me, what happened to your icon with the head color changing Dave? I liked that one. Or am I misremembering. |
I was actually just thinking about that myself. I am noticing everyone going to these other icons and all the Sketchicons seem to be going away. I am going to switch back tonight! The return of DaveTRON! DaveTRON
lurkinghorror User
Posts: 803 | Re: New 2.0 Comic Images on Tuesday, July, 19, 2005 5:16 PM
I look forward to the return!
And I dug up an icon of my own. It's a doodle by comics artist Ben Towle I found online. I love the sheer cartooniness of it. Still, I hope someday to beg an avatar off of Sketch.
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