You wouldn't believe this. I was having lunch this afternoon at work where I was on my computer at work. Doing some quick roaming on a website called freecycle. Where you can pick up some things here and there depending on what your looking for. Picked up my digitizing tablette through this place. Anyways. A guy had posted abot a unsed MAc IISI that he wanted to get rid of. And I was looking for a computer for my parnets to use and foolaround with. So I thought in the back of my head Yeah sure why not. See what happens.
Anyways teh guy responded back to me that it was mine. I just had to pass by his place and pick it up from his place. Came with everything on it. Printer, keyboard, 2 hard disk, and monitor. The only thing is that I need to download the software applications for it to have some kind of functionality to it. The os is working fine as far as I can tell. I just need to hook it up to my network and do a bulk download of some back up disk for the OS and then get some small applications for it like open office or something like that. Its a equvilant to Miccrosoft office. Anyways that was th big event over here for me.