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 TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 3:53 PM

All right, I wrote out a proper petition statement and posted it at the site If you folks out there want to see any future updates for the Tron 2.0 game, I urge you to sign the petition.

If there are enough signatures, we can contact BVG and get them to take a look at it. Maybe then they'll consider making an expansion pack, because I'm certain that right now they absolutely have no plans to do so.

The petition thread is at:
You have to be a member at Patchgonebad, in order to sign the petition. Yeah I know, what a bother. Well look at it this way, Patchgonebad is a fantastic site for Tron 2.0 fans that always has the latest custom maps, made by the community, for download. So you should already be a member there, anyway!


Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 6:07 PM
Last time a similar thread was made - I just kind of said something like "Well, I guess I'll be buying an XBox!" Of course, the thread was more about the upcoming XBox game, and not directly about an expansion for the PC version of the game.

But you know what - I WOULD like to see an expansion pack for the PC version of the game. I'd invest in it, without a second thought. I've greatly enjoyed the time I've spent in the game - both the single player adventure, and ESPECIALLY the on-line festivities! I enjoy my on-line light cycle time so much, I make it point to tell everyone about it and who I met up with EVERY time I get off the game grid! I'm SUCH a NERD!

Forgive my negativity - but I doubt this petition will be moving enough for BVG to put out an expansion pack.

I believe there would be GREAT interest in the expansion pack and it would INDEED be profitable for BVG to put one out.

The problem is that too many people just sit on their ass and think to themselves "yeah - an expansion pack would be cool"... yet they will not take two minutes to speak their mind to BVG about it.

As unlikely as it seems to succeed with this goal, I'm getting up off my ass and heading over to PGB right now. I'll add my name to this petition. I think an expansion/update of this fine game would be just great! If it fails to happen - it WON'T be because I didn't act.

So - you reading this? GET UP OFF YOUR ASS and add your name too Not a member of PGB? Sign up! It takes (literally) about TWO MINUTES! And it's free, and you will NOT get any spam as a result of becoming a member. You just MIGHT make a few new TRON-loving friends though

Let's make my prediction of failure, a very WRONG prediction

Thanks, and I'll see you on the game grid... perhaps a less buggy game grid soon

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 6:46 PM

TheReelTodd Wrote:Forgive my negativity - but I doubt this petition will be moving enough for BVG to put out an expansion pack.
I know, I feel the same way. But I wanted to do SOMETHING . . . anything. Maybe we can make a difference. If enough people sign it, I'll contact BVG and show them that there's interest in an expansion pack.

I believe there would be GREAT interest in the expansion pack and it would INDEED be profitable for BVG to put one out.
Indeed, that's why I went ahead with this . . . surely they realize an expansion pack with those additional multiplayer features would sell very nicely.

As unlikely as it seems to succeed with this goal, I'm getting up off my ass and heading over to PGB right now. I'll add my name to this petition. I think an expansion/update of this fine game would be just great! If it fails to happen - it WON'T be because I didn't act.
If only everyone had your enthusiasm.


Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 7:11 PM
Well, I added my name and brief TRON 2.0 story to the petition.

I'm petitioner #7.

I thought you did a great job on the petition - it was very well written!

I hope the list grows to a nice large number

The odds are against it succeeding.

But anything is possible.

Especially when enough TRON 2.0 fans MAKE it possible.

Time will tell.

If the petition leads nowhere - I'm still glad you at least put it out there. Even if it fails - you did NOT waste your time or effort. At least you invested your time and energy in something WORTH it. So many other games may be more popular - but very few are as enjoyable as this shining gem we call TRON 2.0. And few have such great replay and exciting multi-player value.

Win or loose this battle - you fought the fight, and along side you are those of us who added our name and story.

I'd rather fight a good fight and go down in a blaze of glory, than sit on my ass and do nothing at all.

Nope - no time wasted on this - no matter WHAT the outcome

Tron Fanatic

Posts: 1,461
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 11:18 PM
I'm all for an expansion too though I equally agree the odds aren't too great for it happening.

I shall put my name on the petition right after I get something answered (maybe there's a fix for this but I haven't found one yet). It seems there's a limit bug on the number of rez files I can have in the custom folder. If I have too many, when I get to the multiplayer screen, the game thinks there's a patch available (even though I'm on the latest version), and since it thinks I'm not using the latest version, it won't let me see any of the servers. Is there some way around this. Fortunately right now I've juggled them to use only the files I need to play LC, but the rate maps are coming out, I don't think that's gonna last.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Wednesday, September, 15, 2004 11:51 PM

Yup, that's a well known problem with the game. The .REZ file limit.

You have a couple of options. Download and install the Unofficial patch (which allows for more of them), or use a program I created called REZ Handler that lets you juggle the files more easily. Both can be found in Patchgonebad's download section.

That's something I'd like to see fixed in an update . . .

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Posts: 3,488
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 2:29 PM
I'll sign it!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 5:05 PM

Awesome, thanks Kia!

I hope more Tron-Sector members follow Todd's and your initiative.

When I get enough signatures, I will contact BVG and ask them to look at the petition thread. And then I hope they will consider granting our wish.


Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 7:13 PM
Might I suggest one additional option, redrain85?

Just for those TRON 2.0 lovers who for whatever reason don't feel like signing up as a member of PGB just for the sake of signing the petition, but who would like to add their name and thoughts to the cause... perhaps you should also post the official petition here - in this thread.

Allow those TRON-Sector members who want to participate and for whatever reason would rather do it here at The Sector, the opportunity to do so.

Of course, we want to gather all the names (or as many as possible) in one, centralized location (which has already been established at PGB), but people do like options.

Perhaps we'll pick up another few names.

It sure couldn't hurt

Just a thought.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 8:16 PM

I thought about that, TheReelTodd . . . but there are a few reasons I decided not to do it.

Part of the reason I posted the petition at PGB is because I've been given admin privileges there, so I have control over it. I was able to pin it so it won't scroll off the front page of the forum it's in, and I can keep out any stupid posts purposely done to mess things up.

I also don't want to do more than one petition post because, whether the petition gets supported or not depends entirely on the attitude of the community. If they can't be bothered to get off their butts and take a few minutes to register and post, then they probably don't care to see any future updates for the game. The way it is now, we clearly know that these people genuinely care about the future of on the PC if they made the effort.

And finally, I don't think BVG will be too impressed if I say "Hey, check out the support for my petition here . . . and here . . . and here . . . oh, and here too . . . and . . .". If we can't all unite and post in one place, then that does not bode well for the level of support for an expansion, after all. This goes back to my last point. Having multiple petitions comes across as our community being fragmented and not really caring one way or the other, if we're obviously too lazy to make the effort to post in one place.

Did any of that make sense? Maybe I think about this stuff too deeply. I only do it because I genuinely care about the future of this game. Why, I don't know . . . I guess I'm a little bit crazy.

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Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 8:29 PM
All good points you bring up, redrain85.

And no - you're not sounding "crazy" at all. We ALL care about the future of this game. Unfortunately, not everyone cares enough to participate in the petition...

I guess we'll just have to try that much harder to get the word out and get people to spend those extra two minutes it takes to become a PGB member and SIGN THE OFFICIAL TRON 2.0 EXPANSION PETITION!

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Tuesday, September, 21, 2004 7:06 PM

Well, it's been about a week. And out of all the Tron-Sector members here, I think two have signed the petition. Rather disappointing.

I'm not expecting miracles here, but I thought I'd get a bit of a better turnout than that.

I guess you don't want to see any further updates to the PC version? If becoming a member at PGB is too much effort, and signing the petition with your real name scares you . . . then so be it. If using your real name really bothers you that much, then sign without it. But BVG won't take anonymous signatures as seriously. (Before you say it Riley . . . don't.)

This isn't some secret agenda to add to the membership of PGB . . . I did it there because I have the admin privileges necessary to execute it properly. But having said that, PGB is a great site and you should be a member there anyway.



Posts: 3,488
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Tuesday, September, 21, 2004 7:11 PM
There's more than just two.

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Tuesday, September, 21, 2004 7:34 PM
*walks along whistling*

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 23, 2004 7:23 PM

I just want to thank everyone, here on Tron-Sector and from everywhere else, for their support so far. But it's not looking too good right now.

I need to at least triple the amount of current signatures, before I think it would be worth contacting BVG. Some people are criticizing my efforts and methods as to how I went about creating this petition, and the wording of it. You'd think people would be able to rise above petty squabbling and come together on this one thing. Unite in a show of support for the future of .

I will remain cautiously optimistic, but in the meantime I wanted to thank those who have already given their support. Thank you so much for showing you care.


Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 23, 2004 8:23 PM
redrain85 Wrote:...You'd think people would be able to rise above petty squabbling and come together on this one thing. Unite in a show of support for the future of .

I think it's unfortunate that some people bickered about having to become a member of PGB just to sign the petition (if that is what you mean). I think some may have gotten caught up too much in "why do I have to register just to..." and lost sight of the intention of the whole thing. And then there was some idiotic trash talk that seemed to ensue for reasons I really don't understand. Did I miss something? Actually - never mind, not the point.

I'll tip my circuitry helmet to you, redrain85

I am impressed with your devotion to this cause, and your love of the game.

In fact.... you deserve some BUILD POINTS!

I wish I could give the petition drive some build points and energize the efforts of people!

As I said before, and you already knew yourself - this will probably not go anywhere (in terms of accomplishing the goal of the petition). You knew it was a long shot to begin with. But I want to congratulate you on this fine and well-deserved effort to this GREAT game - . You did well, and the petition you wrote up was well thought out and tactfully worded. If this ends up nowhere - at least know you did what you could, and put in a fine effort.

If only I had followed through with the project I was working on late last year... it proved to be a little more than I could pull off at the time. I would have had a great motivational tool to get people pumped about all of this had I completed it...

Anyway - don't take people's response to this (or lack of response I should say) too hard. Another opportunity may present itself in the future. You never know


Posts: 4,450
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 23, 2004 8:35 PM
Redrain. I would love to sign it. But the reason that some of us are still using older technology that isn't suited for both the tron 2.0 and any future updates like the expansion pack that you end everyone else would love to have.

I'm just getting by as it is with some of my sysytems hooked up here together for what I need to do.

redrain85 Wrote:

Well, it's been about a week. And out of all the Tron-Sector members here, I think two have signed the petition. Rather disappointing.

I'm not expecting miracles here, but I thought I'd get a bit of a better turnout than that.

I guess you don't want to see any further updates to the PC version? If becoming a member at PGB is too much effort, and signing the petition with your real name scares you . . . then so be it. If using your real name really bothers you that much, then sign without it. But BVG won't take anonymous signatures as seriously. (Before you say it Riley . . . don't.)

This isn't some secret agenda to add to the membership of PGB . . . I did it there because I have the admin privileges necessary to execute it properly. But having said that, PGB is a great site and you should be a member there anyway.

2 Legit 2 quit

End of line



To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Thursday, September, 23, 2004 11:14 PM

TheReelTodd Wrote:I think it's unfortunate that some people bickered about having to become a member of PGB just to sign the petition (if that is what you mean). I think some may have gotten caught up too much in "why do I have to register just to..." and lost sight of the intention of the whole thing. And then there was some idiotic trash talk that seemed to ensue for reasons I really don't understand. Did I miss something? Actually - never mind, not the point.
That's it exactly . . . you see things the same way I do. In fact, I think certain people are just searching for excuses to trash me and the whole idea.

I am impressed with your devotion to this cause, and your love of the game.

In fact.... you deserve some BUILD POINTS!

Thank you! Always looking to improve my score in the game.

As I said before, and you already knew yourself - this will probably not go anywhere (in terms of accomplishing the goal of the petition). You knew it was a long shot to begin with. But I want to congratulate you on this fine and well-deserved effort to this GREAT game - . You did well, and the petition you wrote up was well thought out and tactfully worded. If this ends up nowhere - at least know you did what you could, and put in a fine effort.
Thanks so much. Those words mean a lot to me.

If only I had followed through with the project I was working on late last year... it proved to be a little more than I could pull off at the time. I would have had a great motivational tool to get people pumped about all of this had I completed it...
I wonder what that might have been?

Compucore Wrote:Redrain. I would love to sign it. But the reason that some of us are still using older technology that isn't suited for both the tron 2.0 and any future updates like the expansion pack that you end everyone else would love to have.
I understand, Compucore. No biggie. But think about it, by the time the next game comes out, you might have a nice new system to run it. So why not help nudge it along, anyway?


Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Friday, September, 24, 2004 12:02 AM

Here are some additional thoughts on the petition (whether you want them or not ).

First, it's too early to give up on it. Last time I checked it had thirty-something signatures which is not bad given the short time it has been up and the detractions to signing it, i.e. PGB registration, your statement not to sign it without posting of signer's real name and location, and restrictions on expansion pack which some people find objectionable. If you only have the same thirty something signatures after a month, then you should give up on it.

Second, if you want people to do something to support a cause you have to make both the cause and the thing to do to support it as visible, accessible, and as easy to do as possible. Although you stated your reasons for limiting the petition to PGB and the other restrictions on signing it, the fact is you are limiting its visibility and appeal by doing these things. You should make the petition as simple as possible, e.g. "make an expansion pack for the Tron 2.0 that incorporates the XBOX version enhancements." You should not make registration or identification a requirement for signing/supporting it. Finally, you should repeatedly advertise the hell out of the petition including on other general gaming websites and forums. If people want to further identify themselves and post some comments on the petition that is fine. But, you shouldn't make it a requirement to sign it. I think a forum poll would be a better way to handle the petition than just counting posts since some people will vote even though they don't want to post since that further identifies them.

Regading the viability of the expansion pack, I think one of two things is going to happen when the XBOX version of the game is released. Either the Tron PC community will stage a revolt when they see what the XBOX players have gotten and demand an upgrade for the PC version, or they will simply buy an XBOX and the XBOX version and abandon the PC game. I would rather see the former than the latter of course, and if it happens, I hope that BVG gives us what we want.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 512
Re: TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition

on Friday, September, 24, 2004 12:11 AM
I can't believe people wouldn't just rally behind this petition, regardless of the out come.

I have fallen out of the TRON 2.0 loop again, for several months now, but still register and signed as soon as I found out about it.

For fans of the game, this may be our only and / or last chance to show that there is an interest in this game being kept alive! For goodness sake, get over your self and your "I already know it won't work" attitude and go sign the d@mn petition.

Or would you be happy knowing you might well be part of the reason the game failed?


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 TRON 2.0 PC Expansion Petition