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 Check out my REZ Handler Program

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Wednesday, August, 03, 2005 2:45 AM

Well, I lied. I decided to continue developing REZ Handler.

Lots of bug fixes again, and some new features.

What's changed since the last version?

Checks to see if you have enough free hard disk space before using the Extract Map(s) or Combine .REZ features
Checks to see if you are using an older version of TRON 2.0 (v1.010 or v1.020), and will not run unless you update to at least v1.030
Added a prompt when you start REZ Handler, that reminds you of backups of Combined .rez files and gives you a chance to delete them
Added proper support for Win XP Visual Styles
REZ Handler now remembers the last directory you Installed Maps or Mods from
Changed Inactive and Active file box titles in the program window to make it clear they're referring to Map .rez files, not Mods
When Installing a Map, fixed a bug that would sometimes result in an existing Map .rez file not being replaced if you say Yes to replacing it
Fixed loopholes that would allow the .rez file counter to go beyond the maximum allowed
Fixed bugs that caused REZ Handler to crash if two Presets with similar names were created
Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent installing multiple .rez files contained in one archive
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on start-up, when the program disables .rez files in excess of the current limit
Fixed a bug that caused certain menu items to be enabled when they should not have been
No longer crashes if any .rez files are renamed, moved, or deleted in the background while the program is running
Additional crash-proofing
Added a check to see if REZ Handler is already running, only one instance of the program is allowed now
Installer creates a default Settings.ini file, to avoid problems if a previous version of REZ Handler wasn't uninstalled correctly
Some more minor optimization and improvements

I have plans to continue developing and improving it. If I do release another version in the future, you can expect it to be radically new.

BTW: Compucore, I took your suggestion and added a feature where the program remembers the last directory you installed a map from.

You can download v1.3 from:

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Saturday, April, 22, 2006 4:36 AM

I've been getting some reports from people saying Norton Anti-Virus is flagging the REZ Handler installer, as having a virus.


Read more about it HERE.

It's pretty aggravating to me - having spent many weeks of effort on a free program to benefit players of the game - to now potentially be accused of spreading a virus.


Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Saturday, April, 22, 2006 2:40 PM
redrain85 Wrote:It's pretty aggravating to me - having spent many weeks of effort on a free program to benefit players of the game - to now potentially be accused of spreading a virus.

Uh oh!

Well, that kind of sucks, doesn't it?

You did the right thing by posting about it here and on your TRON 2.0 website. For the most part, people who play TRON 2.0 and use your REZ Handler are aware of your TRON 2.0, these forums, and the others you post in.

Try not to take it personally. I'm sure people are just being cautious. Everyone knows you're the last person on the planet who would ever intentionally put a virus in the files you distribute. Viruses can quietly find their way in to things people make without the author knowing it though. And I'm sure that is what people are concerned about. Norton Anti-virus is a very popular and well-trusted anti-virus application. When it flags something, people listen because they know all too well what a virus can do to their system.

But your REZ Handler is not the source of any viruses and people know that (or are finding that out). They can tell Norton to ignore those particular files in the future.

Again - don't take it personally. People are just being cautious. I hope you're not taking too much flak over this. But if you are, take it in stride and try not to let it anger you.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Saturday, April, 22, 2006 4:25 PM

No, I don't blame people for being cautious.

I blame Symantec for screwing up their latest Anti-Virus definitions, which are mistakenly identifying any installer program created with Setup Factory 7 as a virus.

The problem is, it could take days or even weeks for Symantec to fix this problem. So I'll probably be hearing from a lot of people about this. (Already heard from three new users.)

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Monday, April, 24, 2006 5:45 PM

Symantec has just fixed the problem. If you use the LiveUpdate feature in Norton to get the latest Anti-Virus definitions, the REZ Handler and Capture the Bit Update installers will no longer mistakenly be identified as containing viruses.

That's a relief. I thought it was going to take much longer, for them to fix their mistake.

So if anyone deleted these programs after downloading them, download again and scan. You'll see that this time, Norton Anti-Virus won't complain.

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Posts: 0
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Monday, May, 01, 2006 11:11 PM
yah I work for a large company doing tech support and NAV is a huge pain in my side cause soooo many problems :Sabortion pills online cytotec abortion

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Sunday, June, 18, 2006 1:03 AM

I've been working on an entirely new 2.0 version of the program for the last few months. Progress has been pretty slow, in a lot of areas. Working on this thing sucks up most of my free time . . . what little I have.

I'm almost finished with one particular feature of the program. It's probably about 95% complete. So I thought I'd give you guys a little preview of what to expect from the new version. This is probably the coolest feature in the whole program.

I also have a little video clip of it in action, so you can see it actually works and this particular feature isn't just a mock-up. (The rest of the program is in various states of disarray, though.)

Demo video clip - 3MB .WMV

I hope to have this thing completely done before the end of the year, worst case scenario. Preferably sooner, though!



Posts: 5,314
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Sunday, June, 18, 2006 1:44 AM
Looking good!


Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Monday, June, 19, 2006 6:27 PM

Well, I guess not many people are interested. Judging by the response (or lack thereof) so far.

Would it help if I mentioned that I was planning to release a preview version: so that people could take advantage of the Server List feature now, until the rest of the program was fully completed?

Anyway, I'll keep working on it.

Thanks for the kudos Dave, I appreciate it.

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Posts: 131
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Tuesday, June, 20, 2006 9:31 AM
This program has been very handy for me..
bit late for the kodos, but better late then never!

keep up the good work, the new version features sounds interesting!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"So, You are a user, Facinating." "Yes" "No"
"Hah, ICP should stand for Incompetant Confused Programs."

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Tuesday, June, 20, 2006 6:10 PM

That's looking sweet, redrain85!

I can tell you're putting a lot of effort in to this project.

Encom should have never fired you... er, I mean - that just came out. It felt right, so I went with it.

Keep plugging away. I know these things take time and you'll encounter hurdles along the way, but the end result will be something you can be proud of and I'm sure people will enjoy using.


Posts: 278
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Tuesday, June, 20, 2006 6:40 PM
TheReelTodd Wrote:Haaaaaa!

That's looking sweet, redrain85!

I can tell you're putting a lot of effort in to this project.

Encom should have never fired you... er, I mean - that just came out. It felt right, so I went with it.

Keep plugging away. I know these things take time and you'll encounter hurdles along the way, but the end result will be something you can be proud of and I'm sure people will enjoy using.

For sure, your new REZ Handler looks like it going to be a better user experience.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 0
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Wednesday, June, 21, 2006 12:59 AM
Nice! When the next update is released, maybe people will want to play multiplayer again!abortion pills online cytotec abortion

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Wednesday, June, 21, 2006 9:35 AM

Thanks guys. And thanks to Dave for mentioning it on the front page. Very kind of you.

I'm going to release the preview either today or tomorrow. So that people can use the server browser already. That way you don't have to load the game first in order to see if anybody is playing online. I know Xfire has a similar feature, but the last time I checked: a friend of yours had to be on a server in order to see anything.

Which then made Xfire pretty useless for server browsing, in my opinion. Your friends aren't always going to be playing the game. So then what? You'll need to load the game anyway, to see what's going on. Kind of defeats the purpose of the program. I dunno, maybe that's changed now in a newer version.

And there's Gamespy Arcade for server browsing, but it's full of advertising and therefore annoying to use.

This is also a good way to test the program on other people's machines, and see if it works well on other setups.

Eventually, when it's finished, the other main feature is going to be automatic downloading and installation of files. That means the patch, maps, mods, etc. This is in addition to everything that the previous version of the program did.

I'll post a link here, when the preview is ready for download.

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Thursday, June, 22, 2006 3:22 PM

I've made the preview version available for downloading HERE.

I tried my best to squash gridbugs . . . I think I got most of them.

Please feel free to post feeback in this thread.



Posts: 2,991
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Thursday, June, 22, 2006 8:28 PM
See? We need more front ends like this...

Great Job, Redrain...


Posts: 112
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Monday, June, 26, 2006 7:38 PM
Oh man, I want this.

I never use gamespy much and I can't seem to configure tron to work with All seeing Eye.

p p p please gimme

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Tuesday, June, 27, 2006 11:44 AM

Euphemizm Wrote p p please gimme
Well, the download link to it is in my previous post. But I think you already found it.

Just remember that it's a preview version . . . I intend to improve the server browser a little, and I still have to finish all the other features of the program.

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Posts: 278
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Wednesday, June, 28, 2006 3:55 PM
I checked it out, it looks cool, I like the cursor icons

one question. How do you close the program? are you not supposed to? Ever? Once you start it, its all tron all the time...

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Check out my REZ Handler Program

on Wednesday, June, 28, 2006 4:56 PM

Curses! You discovered my secret plan, Zook! To keep people playing all the time!

There are two ways to quit. They both depend on you clicking that little checkbox called "Play" under the Play button. Once you remove the "X" in the checkbox, Play will change to Quit.

Also, if you move the mouse to the top of the program window: a menu will appear and you can use the close button.

In the future, the program will remember the way everything was set the last time. So if you uncheck the box, it will stay that way.

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 Check out my REZ Handler Program