Cliff Buena Vista Games
 Posts: 163 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Friday, January, 02, 2004 12:45 PM
actually it's Stevie Case  ck |
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Friday, January, 02, 2004 1:54 PM
I actually think it's Cliff Kamida!
KiaPurity User
 Posts: 3,488 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Saturday, January, 03, 2004 3:04 AM
*scratches her head*
... what if it was Sark?
*buried in calculators, mysteriously*
Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User. 
yojimbo User
 Posts: 10 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, January, 04, 2004 12:44 PM
I just figured it out...the CEO is Ram's user. The stress of having his actuarial program deleted and Alan not sharing his popcorn anymore finally got to him...he started his own business (fCom) and wants to bring Encom DOWN!!!order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, January, 04, 2004 2:17 PM
Walter Dizzly Strikes Back!  DaveTRON
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, January, 04, 2004 5:00 PM
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DJ Aussie E. User
 Posts: 359 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Thursday, January, 15, 2004 9:56 PM
It's Jean-Luc Picard.
Compucore User
 Posts: 4,450 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Thursday, January, 15, 2004 10:09 PM
OKay I'll admit it. Twas me hiding 20 years in the janitors office until the coast was clear and I could take over Encom.
2 Legit 2 quit
End of line
To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.
harpo989 User
![]() Posts: 0 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Friday, January, 16, 2004 1:09 AM
*rezzes in*
it seems obvious to me, i'm just surprised no one's figured it out yet!
the CEO of fCom is...
Flynn's evil twin!
you see, six hours after a person is un-digitized,  an evil clone appears and tries to take over the world!
this is naturally a setup for a sequel, as now there are evil clones for all the datawraiths AND Jet and Alan!
that means that the world is doomed.  ------------
Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!) |
harpo989 User
![]() Posts: 0 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Wednesday, January, 21, 2004 4:23 PM
No! No! after listening to the voice again, it's really...
really he's trying to capture encom to keep them from making a  sequel and making more money than his king kong movie!!!
and no, I DO like LOTR, just an idea...order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill ------------
Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!) |
Traahn User
 Posts: 3,301 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Saturday, February, 07, 2004 8:10 PM
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.  -----^ |
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Saturday, February, 07, 2004 8:20 PM
I think it's the blond teenage girl in the arcade that Flynn obviously has something going with but ignores to talk to Alan and Laura. She was pissed, and it's taken her all these years to get even!  order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion DaveTRON
Traahn User
 Posts: 3,301 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Saturday, February, 07, 2004 8:48 PM
Well, after further consideration, I just thought of something. Seriously. I haven't read what I'm about to say anywhere else before and I didn't have time to look through all of these posts to see what everyone else wrote. So if I'm restating something that's already been said, I apologize.
Okay, here goes...
You see, I've seen posts where people theorize the CEO is the MCP. And it seems those posts feel as though the MCP is acting as the CEO from the state he was in the movie -- that is, as he existed in the computer world. This explains for many why he's only seen as a voice behind a camera lense...
This "MCP as the CEO" theory has been tested by others in this posts by things like, "How realistic is it that the MCP kept an archive of itself? And how in the world would he manage to reactivate himself, after clearly being destroyed in the movie?"
Well, how about this theory:
I haven't seen anyone mention before that the CEO could actually be the MCP's original USER! A real person! You see, the MCP was a program, and he had a user in the real world, just like every other program!
The question now becomes, who wrote the original MCP??? I think this person is the CEO of fCom.
With this observation, that the MCP had a user, the MCP could very well return in a Tron 3.0!!! *woohoo!* For the MCP to return, all that needs to happen is that the "user" of the original MCP program (whoever that is) just needs to re-author, or re-activate the MCP code he or she originally wrote! And this could easily be done from scratch! I feel this is a much more plausible theory than the MCP program reactivating itself on its own from the computer world, to somehow become the CEO of a real world corporation.
How do we know the MCP is a program and has a user?
Well, Sark is quoted in the movie as saying, "Users wrote us! A user even wrote YOU!" (when talking with the MCP). The MCP responded with, "I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then." So the MCP is, indeed, a program.
(For those who might think Dillinger is the MCP's user, I would have to disagree with you. Sark is Dillinger's program -- not the MCP.)
So all that needs to happen to bring back the MCP "program" is that the "user" who originally wrote the MCP (whoever that is, and who could very well be the fCom CEO in Tron 2.0) just needs to re-author the code for the MCP. The MCP will then eventually become self aware again, leading to self education, leading to the MCP we had in the original movie, and possibly even smarter! =) Bring back the MCP!!! WOOHOOOO!!
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.  -----^ |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Saturday, February, 07, 2004 9:27 PM

Traahn Wrote:
(For those who might think Dillinger is the MCP's user, I would have to disagree with you. Sark is Dillinger's program -- not the MCP.) |
The problem is, Dillinger himself states emphatically that he wrote the MCP. Unless he was lying, which I seriously doubt.
Remember? When the MCP threatened to reveal Dilliinger's wrong-doings to the press? He said . . .
"Now wait a minute! I WROTE YOU!"
Also, you could argue that the MCP has no one User that created him, any more. By integrating other programs into himself, he's taken on the attributes of many. He could be considered a gestalt entity, almost.
As for Sark, I think either he was an earlier or later program that Dillinger wrote, or the MCP re-wrote Sark to have Dillinger's appearance . . . as a way of spiting his creator. How amusing, to have a lackey in the image of your creator.
I wouldn't be surprised if the MCP had even gotten to the point that he could create programs himself from scratch, if he wanted to.
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Ghost Rider User
 Posts: 155 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, February, 08, 2004 1:01 AM
Well if memory serves when we briefly see the MCP's true face before it fades away after Tron's disc did it's thing, it looked like it was Walter, head scientist for the digitizing process and founder of ENCOM
Now we earlier had the MCP tell Sark that no ONE User wrote him
Then before that, Dillinger stated that he wrote the MCP.
FLynn had stated that Dillinger wasnt that bright but very sneaky.
So to me, Dillinger hasnt got the imagination that Flynn has for creating Games. BUT...Dillinger is not an idiot. afterall, though he stole Flynn's game ideas and used them to become what he was, he obviously knew how to run the company.
I suspect that the program that would become the MCP was written by many users INCLUDING: Walter who was the original creator, hence the MCP's appearance, Flynn also contributed since Flynn sparred with the MCP many times when it was apparently only a chess program. Then add in other users including Dillinger who was giving the MCP the ability and desire to accumulate knowledge and power.
Dillinger likely then wrote Sark up on his own as a Security/Assistant/Enforcer program for the MCP.
Dumont of course was written by Walter and Tron was written by Alan.
The strategy guide for the game states that DFillinger disappeared and was never caught......
I suspect he went overseas, worked behind the scenes through phones and agents and built up FCON. He monitored ENCOM progress for the digitizing tech since he knew what a powerful tool it could be.
It's Dillinger.
Traahn User
 Posts: 3,301 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, February, 08, 2004 12:01 PM
Doh! I got some movie quotes mixed up in my post yesterday. Yeah, I woke up this morning and was recalling movie situations in my head and remembered Dillinger did emphatically state he wrote the MCP. Arrrrgh.
Here's the corrected situations...
In the Real World:
Dilinger: “Now wait a minute! I wrote you!”
MCP: “I’ve gotten 2415 times smarter since then.”
In the Computer World:
Sark: "Users... well, I mean... users wrote us. A user even wrote you!"
MCP: "No one user wrote me! I'm worth millions of their man-years!"
Soooooo, I guess my theory gets blown out of the water, as far as the MCP's user being unknown ;-)
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I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.  -----^ |
KiaPurity User
 Posts: 3,488 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Sunday, February, 08, 2004 10:49 PM
I never got a good look at MCP's true form, so I have no idea.
But yes, this could be correct:
MCP was originally written by someone older at Encom (if the person was still there is unknown.) Dillinger found the chess program and modified it to the point where it started to resemble him now in the sense of ambition and greed.
However, Dillinger does have his limits, he was getting scared by what MCP was doing and fact that the program now had control over the user.
...I'll add more when I can think some more! x_xwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User. 
Lew User
 Posts: 597 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Thursday, March, 04, 2004 10:18 AM
Regarding the correction algorithms and the MCP having been able to successfully digitise a User into the digital world in the original film, it's interesting to note that Yori (who at the time was a captive of the MCP, later freed from his control) was involved in the digitisation process as can be seen in the 'orange' scene:
top-left of picture: "MCP CNTRL"
bottom-right of picture: "ROM YORI" "KEY YORI"
So maybe the MCP never actually had the knowledge himself, hence the requirement for the correction algorithms (does it state in the game who wrote the algorithms? If not then maybe they were written by Lora?)
Also, this brings to mind the thought that maybe Flynn was being a little prophetic when he told Yori "I need your help, come on"  where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online |
Lew User
 Posts: 597 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Thursday, March, 04, 2004 10:25 AM
*reads some of the comments about the fCon CEO having an English accent…*
I'm the CEO!  |
Trace User
 Posts: 1,530 | Re: The Identity of fCom's CEO (Spoilers Inside) on Thursday, March, 04, 2004 4:14 PM
I knew it!
