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Posts: 573
Digital Voices.

on Monday, January, 31, 2011 1:52 PM
One of the little things I did notice about LEGACY was how they synthesised some of the actors voices.
In the first film, only voice that was synthesised was the MCP, presumably because (a) they didn’t want to add any kind of confusion to the story and (b) something to do with the production costs/schedule.
However, in LEGACY, I noticed that there are quite a few characters that had their voices enhanced like this-not just the Sirens & Clu’s servants/guards, but (in the best example) those four programs in the Lighcycle game has well (the blue ones).

Ironically, not every character has this treatment.

I can understand that Kevin & Sam don’t have it (because they’re USERS, and therefore HUMAN, not programs), and I can also understand why Clu doesn’t have it either (because he represents Flynn’s opposite, his alter ego has it were).
But the fact that neither Castor or Quorra have it either I curious.

Has a side rule, I actually liked the sound of the actors voices enhanced like this-it made the representation of them being programs even better, in my opinion (even if they did sound a bit like Transformers)order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 108
RE: Digital Voices.

on Monday, January, 31, 2011 3:02 PM
EXODUS Wrote:One of the little things I did notice about LEGACY was how they synthesised some of the actors voices.
In the first film, only voice that was synthesised was the MCP, presumably because (a) they didn’t want to add any kind of confusion to the story and (b) something to do with the production costs/schedule.
However, in LEGACY, I noticed that there are quite a few characters that had their voices enhanced like this-not just the Sirens & Clu’s servants/guards, but (in the best example) those four programs in the Lighcycle game has well (the blue ones).

Ironically, not every character has this treatment.

I can understand that Kevin & Sam don’t have it (because they’re USERS, and therefore HUMAN, not programs), and I can also understand why Clu doesn’t have it either (because he represents Flynn’s opposite, his alter ego has it were).
But the fact that neither Castor or Quorra have it either I curious.

Has a side rule, I actually liked the sound of the actors voices enhanced like this-it made the representation of them being programs even better, in my opinion (even if they did sound a bit like Transformers)

Well, Castor and Quorra are both ISOs, so...maybe that has something to do with it?abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 25
RE: Digital Voices.

on Monday, January, 31, 2011 3:43 PM
EXODUS Wrote:Ironically, not every character has this treatment.

I can understand that Kevin & Sam don’t have it (because they’re USERS, and therefore HUMAN, not programs), and I can also understand why Clu doesn’t have it either (because he represents Flynn’s opposite, his alter ego has it were).
But the fact that neither Castor or Quorra have it either I curious.

That's an excellent point! Quorra doesn't have that digital voice, because like DevourTheLiving said, she is an ISO. However, Castor is not an ISO so I'm not quite sure why he didn't have a digital voice. I completely overlooked this because Castor/Zuse is such a memorable character that I didn't realize that he didn't have a digivoice.

However, I need to play "Tron: Evolution" again because I'm pretty sure I heard the ISOs speak with digitized voices...
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chaos. good news.

Posts: 105
RE: Digital Voices.

on Monday, January, 31, 2011 3:57 PM
DevourTheLiving Wrote:Well, Castor and Quorra are both ISOs, so...maybe that has something to do with it?

Castor isn't an ISO, his club is just a haven to them. If he were an ISO, Quorra wouldn't have been treated the way she was in the script as literally being mentioned as "the last ISO".order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill

"You're messing with my zen thing, man!"

Posts: 108
RE: Digital Voices.

on Tuesday, February, 01, 2011 10:35 AM
Jalen Wrote:
DevourTheLiving Wrote:Well, Castor and Quorra are both ISOs, so...maybe that has something to do with it?

Castor isn't an ISO, his club is just a haven to them. If he were an ISO, Quorra wouldn't have been treated the way she was in the script as literally being mentioned as "the last ISO".

You're right. I don't know why I had that idea in my head.


Posts: 136
RE: Digital Voices.

on Tuesday, February, 01, 2011 10:58 AM
from what the sound design behind the scenes said, the amount of effect is tied to the program's higher functions.

so sentry's being essentially drones had the most, sirens having a bit of an active social life less, etc.

so it would explain clu, quorra, jarvis and so on.

so i think the only odd character out of that is Castor, but that might give a small hint as to his shadowy background.


Posts: 150
RE: Digital Voices.

on Tuesday, February, 01, 2011 11:17 AM
Just found the sfx behind-the-scenes vid, very cool stuff. For the synthesized voices, it's just what--a bit of reverb, varying levels of modulation (depending on character), and a hint of buzz?


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Posts: 382
RE: Digital Voices.

on Tuesday, February, 01, 2011 1:43 PM
ender9492 Wrote:
binaryzero Wrote:from what the sound design behind the scenes said, the amount of effect is tied to the program's higher functions.

so sentry's being essentially drones had the most, sirens having a bit of an active social life less, etc.

so it would explain clu, quorra, jarvis and so on.

so i think the only odd character out of that is Castor, but that might give a small hint as to his shadowy background.

I read that article too, and I was about to say just this!
I don't think I've seen that one. Does anyone have a link?

It's neat to hear that was the idea behind the various voices because that's what I imagined the reason to be. Makes me feel smart


Posts: 51
RE: Digital Voices.

on Wednesday, February, 02, 2011 2:56 PM
Oo very cool find on the explanation behind the digitized voices. I was kind of wondering if they did it on purpose. Neat to know they in-fact did. What a super creative way to show even further Program's functioning/level of complexity. Story wise, I wonder if that's something Flynn added himself, or if it was just one of those things that come about on its' own. There are just so many awesome layers of production to this movie. I love it!

I really liked Gem and the Siren's voices. Very surreal sounding since they're kind of mid level Programs and not totally digitized.

It also makes Quorra's speech pattern even cooler. Since she's very high level. How she spoke really clear.

~*Dreamer Girl*~

Posts: 573
RE: Digital Voices.

on Saturday, February, 26, 2011 7:06 AM
I tell you another thing I noticed-EYES!

I Noticed that some characters had very distinct eyes (because of the contact lenses the actors were wearing), and yet other characters had ‘normal’ eyes, which is curious….


Posts: 1,178
RE: Digital Voices.

on Saturday, February, 26, 2011 1:42 PM
The Art of Tron Legacy explains the levels of various programs, so they have a structured society. Maybe all these differences tie in with the classes of programs.

Forget it, Mr High and Mighty Master Control. You aren't making me talk.

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 Digital Voices.