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 [Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks

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Posts: 116
[Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks

on Tuesday, June, 29, 2010 3:14 PM
I am in need of a list of all the Fake Daft Punk tracks from the Fake Tron Legacy Soundtrack (A.K.A Tron Legacy Theme (Reworked By Cryda Luv); Fragile). Please help. Thanks.

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Posts: 4,349
Re: [Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks

on Tuesday, June, 29, 2010 5:31 PM
Tron Legacy Theme (rework by whoever) is a remix of a song for the movie that was legitimately composed by Daft Punk.

Re-work = remix. Not really a fake track.

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Mr. Sinistar
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Re: [Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks

on Tuesday, June, 29, 2010 6:38 PM
RustyMuffler Wrote:I don't ever remember hearing any solid, official confirmation that the music played at the Light Cycle unveiling was, in fact, Daft Punk. And even if it is DP, is that track going to be used in the flick? Or was it a specially orchestrated track to be used simply for promotion? Tonally, that track doesn't sound like it would fit the Universe as shown thus far.

It was confirmed by Joe Kosinski at last year's ComicCon panel that that track (which was also played at the slide show where we first saw the new recognizers) is a DP track.

Here's a couple of tracks that I did (including a song from Flynn Lives that maybe a real DP track)
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Posts: 235
Re: [Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks

on Tuesday, June, 29, 2010 7:19 PM
Mr. Sinistar Wrote:

And just for good measure:

Something tells me Mr. Oizo would approve of that.abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


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 [Wanted] List of Fake Daft Punk Tracks