Alejandroid Wrote:Hello everyone,
I am new to this site and I'm trying to see if anyone has gone through this. I have 4 vintage Tron figures which I won on EBAY. The figures look in great condirion, but they are sticky to the touch. I attempted to clean one with warm water and a little soap, and it barley removed the stickyness. The ebay auction stated that the plastic was in "bloom" and some figures were sticky to the touch (I don't know what in "bloom" means). The seller told me it could be resolved with a damp cloth. So far that has not worked either. Does anyone know what is going on with my tron figures and what I can do to get the stickyness off?
They will probably be going into a display case, but I dont want dirt and other stuff to start sticking to these figures.
Is there a wise collector out there that can help a brother out? |
Greetings, Alejandroid and welcome to TRON-Sector!
Sticky TRON action figures... there are SO many possible off-color (or off-colour to my friends on the other side of the pond) jokes I can make about why they're sticky... but it would be inappropriate to talk about them here. So instead, I'll SING about them!
Naa, just kidding.
I think the stickiness is caused by changes in the plastic as their chemical make up breaks down over time. Kind of like why SNES consoles turn colors or Apple //c's (like mine did - weird!). Because the TRON figures are made out of a relatively soft, translucent plastic, they don't change color so much as loose their outer layer. Or so I theorize.
I'd try soaking them in a soap and water solution at room temperature for a while, and then gently scrub them with a non-abrasive rag. Be careful not to rub off what's left of their detailing paint.
I hope this helps a little. Good luck with it.
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