PrinceAuron User
Posts: 0 | Energizer Bunny on Wednesday, April, 05, 2006 1:08 AM
I really can't believe
I've never had a video game (PC or otherwise) that I've played over and over and over. I mean literally, I can't believe the success of the game to me. In my opinion, the only reason why the game didn't do well was because it was not advertised. I never saw a commercial for it, and barely heard news about it. The only reason why I own the game was because I was in an EB Games and I saw the box
Anyone else feel this way about It really is amazing, huh?
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Energizer Bunny on Wednesday, April, 05, 2006 1:57 PM
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
Posts: 0 | Re: Energizer Bunny on Wednesday, April, 05, 2006 6:22 PM
Yep - me too!
This game has gotten more replay out of me than any other game I've ever owned, EVER!
Mostly because of the multiplayer online light cycles, but the single player adventure is great fun too, and I replay it through several few months or so. order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
NoExcuses User
Posts: 1,760 | Re: Energizer Bunny on Wednesday, April, 05, 2006 6:25 PM
I never really replay a game too much - I'll complete it once, then maybe go to a saved game I particularly like, and play that level. But Tron 2.0 is a definite exception, I've completed it countless times and play on Light cycle multiplayer whenever I get the chance. I always find myself shouting 'YES!' in the rare event of me winning a race order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill