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Posts: 4,450
Re: Greetings Programs! My Tron website...

on Friday, March, 24, 2006 3:15 PM
I had only noticed the error on the bottom of the IE browser itself when I had reloaded it back up on my windows machine over here. So It did not say specifically what the error was. So I can only assume that it was one of those mild ones that it ignored afterwards. Double check with windows o make user for the browsers. Also Just another kind note here. Sometimes I come in once in a while with my Ubuntu Linux box here. So I was using Firefox mainly for my web browsing. But I also have two other browsers that were installed by default as well during the installation. Which are Epiphany web browser and mozilla. (I think that Firefox uses art of mozilla or netscape does. But I don't have netscape installed on my ubuntu.

When ever I made web pages for my website. I try to be generic as possible for coding wise. So most all of todays browsers and some of the earlier ones can read it easily.. Again. I was doing this myself personally. since I am a stickler for old school coding from the early 90's when I was learning programming like C++, Turbo Pascal, Pascal for VMS for Dos and Vax VMS way back when. So its just a nice lil tip here and there. you know.

MCPcomputer Wrote:Well the scripts i removed where commands
and also meta tags..
that controled the alert windows..
and tansitions...

i just left one transition running
in the beggining..
and then i shortened the duraation time
for the transition effect.. so it wouldn;t be as slow
then I removed all the other scripts
from the other pages..

Ohh yeaa you have to be careful when taking stuff out..
but i wrote the whole website from scratch...
So I know which codes to take out or not...

But I may have made a mistake

I wrote these programs!
I can delete them as well! lol

just kidding
I will look into that error you're seeing..
I don';t use IE at all.. i should test it on IE.
I only use AOL and Firefox as my browser's...
I'll take a look at it in IE.

Well I checked the site on all 3 browsers...
AOL, Firefox, and IE.... i get no errors..
and every page , graphic and link and script
is working as it should...

What exactly are you seeing as the error?
is it a pic that is not loading.. or just an error message?
If you have full sercurity on ur IE setting...
it may just be blocking on of my scripts...
it's an invisible one that just makes sure everything runs
smoother for the users... I think that is it...

I just wish I could write video game programs...
I'm studying and leanring how to do this..
so hopefully I'd be able to write some tank games..
to destory those recognizers..!

Compucore... I think we have only known each other
from this website...
I was here a long time ago under the name
But I later lost my password.
So I made a new name and password...

And I haven't posted in a while...
But I plan to visist this website more.
I love being in the I/O forums....
There is always something interesting and exciting
going on with these programs...

End of LIne

2 Legit 2 quit

End of line



To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 0
Re: Greetings Programs! My Tron website...

on Tuesday, March, 28, 2006 8:14 AM
DaveTRON Wrote:
Kamui Wrote:It's a good start, but there are several things you might wanna consider:

- CSS is sexy and jazzes up any page! Maybe throw a little bit of that in there

- The password fields and things for the game grid seem kinda unessisiary. At first, I thought it was going to be a forum thing. But it was actually another page with info on it. So if I'm thinking that, other people might too! So that's definately something to be aware of.

- The blue "e-mail me" hyper text at the bottom blends in with your page way too much. You also might want to move that and other contact info (And potentially rules about contacts) in to it's own section and link that in to the side tool bar.

- Graphics are great, but it makes 56K cry. Consider that about half the Internet using population are still sitting on 56K... myself included. If I were to head home right now and tried to view your page, my poor 56k connection would be begging for mercy right about now. So if you have graphics and banners, make them smaller not just pixel wise, but compression wise too. You could use gif formats, but that generally works for pixel art over full scale banners. So try a smaller jpeg compression style if you can and gif if you really need to and can't avoid it.

- Javascript: great for somethings; bad for other stuff. Transitions are cool along with some of those pop-up dealies, but after a while, it gets old, annoying and slows everything down.... including my school's fiber optic connection. This is definately something to think about.

I hope this helps!


Wow, why didn't some of us say all that? Just teasing. The poor guy is having to hear the same mantra over an over at this point.

You forgot the "CSS is sexy" part.... ;_; (And you know.... because it is.... because I say so..... and because..... uh.... god also said so..... yup! )

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What should I put here today?

Posts: 1,945
Re: Greetings Programs! My Tron website...

on Wednesday, March, 29, 2006 3:57 AM

Yeah I will write a CSS file
to control the website later.

I will control it well with CSS.
Because after all...
I AM the Master Control Program!

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"I want him in the games until he dies playing" -MCP
The Grid a Physical Frontier funny Tron Video
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