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 A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

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Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Sunday, August, 31, 2003 10:34 PM
Cliff Wrote:I think as long as we don't degenerate into 'Who do you think would win in a fight - Jet or Tron?", we're all ok.
Tron and Jet would spar but wouldn't really fight. If anything they would join forces against wahtever Evil Virus was attempting to ruin their server.
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Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.


Posts: 2,991
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Tuesday, October, 25, 2005 5:28 AM
What I thought would have rocked for a level in the old mainframe was the Light-Cyce chase by Recognizers and Tanks like in the movie.

I really like the PDA level... That was really cool.

I wished the Light-Cycle races in first person view showed inside the cockpit and you could span left and right using the mouse. Playing it in FP mode is hard... but really cool... I love the feeling of really being there.


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Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Tuesday, October, 25, 2005 7:41 PM
I know that if you type "mpasscam" in light cycle mode, you can actually see your hands because you were already in third person, so it switches to first. When you're on a Super Cycle, it makes it look like you're riding it. I don't know if it lets you look around, though.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

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Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Tuesday, October, 25, 2005 8:17 PM
As far as the appearance of the servers is's been 20 years! That's like decades, even centuries, for the programs. Does our world look the same as it did last century? No! Should theirs? No!

Just my two cents.


Posts: 0
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Tuesday, October, 25, 2005 9:22 PM
But it's been in sleep mode, hasn't it? Anyway, what we saw was all in the main MCP server, in the game, isn't it just Flynn and Alan's project server? The emails all talked about storing their programs in there.

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Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Tuesday, October, 25, 2005 9:29 PM
I guess it was powered down if anything else. Meaning it would had tohave been turned off via power switch. The only thing that had me concerned was when you went into it. If the machine has been powered down without any power running in the IC it would be hard moving around. Granted its a game and some how the IC came back to life here. We're not going to statranting and raving abot the quantum physics about this. When we played the game and overclocked the CPU in there. Besides its jut a good game to play.

Tabulator Wrote:But it's been in sleep mode, hasn't it? Anyway, what we saw was all in the main MCP server, in the game, isn't it just Flynn and Alan's project server? The emails all talked about storing their programs in there.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 112
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 1:17 AM
Well, if I can get the map making and mod making tools I'd make a simple square lightcycle arena that looked just like the original tron arena.

Black and white with a few purple numbers. Then have the computer spawn 3 lightcycles against 1. That would be classic.

But it all depends on how easy it is to make. I made quake 1,2 and 3 leels before and did some levels for Kingpin (based on q2 engine).

When I have time I'll have to see if I can get it going. ANy tutorials on Tron map making or modding out there?

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Posts: 4,467
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 2:26 AM

Euphemizm Wrote:ANy tutorials on Tron map making or modding out there?



Posts: 0
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 3:55 PM
Hey Redrain... I had a question or two about the textures-
Namely how I could texture something to glow (or make certain parts of a texture glow). Just wondering how the game handles that feature...

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)
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Posts: 4,467
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 5:28 PM

harpo989 Wrote:Hey Redrain... I had a question or two about the textures-
Namely how I could texture something to glow (or make certain parts of a texture glow). Just wondering how the game handles that feature...
Hmm, how can I explain the "short" version?

There are two aspects to making a texture glow. First, each brush's lighting properties can be individually adjusted. That way, you can make one brush "reflect" the light differently than the rest, and make it stand out. (i.e. Make it brighter.) You click on the LightControl button in a brush's properties, and mess around with those settings.

But the other part of it, is the properties of the texture itself. If you right click on any texture in DEdit and choose Texture Properties, you'll see a box called Full Brights that you can check on. If you check that box, the texture will look really bright in the game.

So a combination of those two, is what makes a texture look like it's glowing.

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Posts: 0
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 6:05 PM
Okay, cool, thanks. the other thing I wondered was about making/importing my own user-created textures. Is this really complicated or no? If it is, then it's fine if you'd rather not go into it (I imagine it is...) So anyway, thanks again!

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Wednesday, October, 26, 2005 10:24 PM

Hmm, talk about totally changing the direction of a dredged up old thread . . . one that brings back some bad memories. Heh. Anyway.

harpo989 Wrote:Okay, cool, thanks. the other thing I wondered was about making/importing my own user-created textures. Is this really complicated or no?
Importing a texture is easy, but using it in your finished map is a bit more tricky.

Just convert the texture you want to use, to an Uncompressed Targa file (.TGA), then right click any texture in the left pane in DEdit and choose Import TGA Files. DEdit will convert the .TGA to the .DTX format that the game uses. Now you can apply that texture to brushes. I won't get into Alpha Masks and stuff like that, though.

The tricky part is later, when you want to distribute your map. You have to include your custom texture(s), and you have to recreate the proper folder structure inside the .REZ file. I'd suggest getting WinRez LT and opening the custom maps that people have made. Especially the DSO maps from Xistence. He used a very organized, smart folder structure for his maps' textures and such. I've done the same with my maps. That way when maps get merged into "map packs", you don't end up getting confused about what textures belong to which maps. That's the headache I ran into when I made map packs for Boxhat and PGB. Once they got mashed together, trying to separate them again is almost impossible.



Posts: 0
Re: A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)

on Thursday, October, 27, 2005 6:38 PM
Thanks, Redrain. I appreciate the help.

Unfortunately, I'm currently having video card problems, so I have to get that fixed up (or at worst, replace it) before I can do much of anything.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)
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  Tron 2.0 
 A problem with the game's story (SPOILERS)