Exciting news! I saw that. I'm trying to temper my expectations, though, considering there have been many false alarms about Tron sequels in the past. Both before Tron Legacy came out, and after.
I would give more weight to this news if there was an official announcement by Disney. However, whichever article I read the other day explicitly said something about Disney had no official comment on the news/rumor (I'm paraphrasing since I can't find the article at the moment)
I hope they disband the idea a direct sequel to Tron Legacy where a bunch of programs from inside the grid go into the real world and stay out there for probably 90% of the movie. I know that's likely where T:L was headed, but I far prefer keeping programs in

movies inside the computer. There are more than enough movies that take place in 'the real world'. Let's keep Tron ->
I wouldn't ask for the next Star Wars movies to take place inside a computer on the game grid. Or the next Lord of the Rings movie to take place on the moon. Nor would most people. Why shouldn't Tron's unique aesthetic and universe be equally embraced.
So, I'm hopeful, but cautiously optimistic. I'd appreciate a new Tron movie, but really hope they do it good justice visually. And by this, I mean remembering where Tron started (i.e., 1982) and embracing more of the visual cues, aesthetics, ideas, and laws of physics the 1982 original had