davidmarchfleming User
Posts: 90 | TRON Flynn replica prop helmet Mark II complete! on Tuesday, July, 20, 2021 4:30 PM
Greetings! I am pleased to announce my latest revisiting of the Kevin Flynn replica prop helmet from TRON (1982). My first one was in 2017 for SDCC, and I hand-masked all the lines; very painstaking. I just completed my Mark II using digital airbrush masks I created and cut with a Cricut vinyl cutter. The result is stunning.
Boxleitnerfan1689 User
Posts: 97 | RE: TRON Flynn replica prop helmet Mark II complete! on Tuesday, July, 20, 2021 5:18 PM
Wow, that's amazing!
davidmarchfleming User
Posts: 90 | RE: TRON Flynn replica prop helmet Mark II complete! on Tuesday, July, 20, 2021 7:14 PM
Thank you Boxleitnerfan1689!
KellyP User
Posts: 3 | RE: TRON Flynn replica prop helmet Mark II complete! on Wednesday, October, 26, 2022 4:37 PM
tombuckins User
Posts: 1 | RE: TRON Flynn replica prop helmet Mark II complete! on Thursday, November, 03, 2022 4:23 PM
davidmarchfleming Wrote:Greetings! I am pleased to announce my latest revisiting of the Kevin Flynn replica prop helmet from TRON (1982). My first one was in 2017 for SDCC, and I hand-masked all the lines; very painstaking. I just completed my Mark II using digital airbrush masks I created and cut with a Cricut vinyl cutter. The result is stunning. |
Ermagersh... THAT'S AMAZING. Great work!