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Not the games, the games, not the games...

on Wednesday, December, 17, 2014 9:46 AM
Can't really figure out where to post this so I just came back here.

I found a cool site of workouts based on movies, video games, shows, etc characters
Its helpful because as a nerd its fun and engaging

Anyways I didn't see a TRON one so I made my own & did it this past weekend.  It was fun because I also did it at night...felt eerie like the Grid.  The warmup is done once and the rest of the circuit can be repeated as many times as one desires.

Guess I am curious what others would do if they made up their own body circuit TRON inspired workout too. Otherwise enjoy the one below if interested

W) 10mins Free Run/Parkour
30sec Bear Crawl (Challenge: Alligator Walk)
10 Lunges
30sec Bicycle
15 Triangle Pushups
10 Throws/Shotput, Each Arm, an object (I use a brick)
10 Burpees
20sec Side Plank, Each Side
10 Sit Ups (not crunches)
Carry heavy object around house x2

All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible.
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 Other Games 
 Not the games, the games, not the games...