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 In The Flesh - Tron Inspired Icebreakers & Gym Games

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In The Flesh - Tron Inspired Icebreakers & Gym Games

on Wednesday, December, 17, 2014 9:19 AM
Greetings Programs!

For several years at different times I have tried to make the games of Tron real games kids or other users could actually play.  I recently watched both Tron and Tron:Legacy again and the brainstorming resurfaced.  For Tron's event of 4 of Sark's programs/sentries against Tron I have thought about using gator balls...however each player would need another person to be the "natural return of the disc" to themselves.  Then for the jai-alai/pong game Flynn and Crom play I have imagined getting those plastic crescent-shaped throwers and large tarps w/ ducktape circles of the round platforms.  Only problem is room, retrieval, and making the rings that get hit more apparent they had been derezzed. 

Any ideas?
Any sources to already existing games?

All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible.
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 In The Flesh - Tron Inspired Icebreakers & Gym Games