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 Theoretical origin to the ISO's personality

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Posts: 34
Theoretical origin to the ISO's personality

on Thursday, June, 19, 2014 2:26 PM
The first Tron movie hints that the program consciousness is imprinted on by the programmer.

But I was thinking how ISO's on the new Grid might be manifested by all the youth/teenagers playing in the arcade upstairs. Just the Grid gave them a body. Was watching Tron Uprising and noticed that all the ISO's seemed to be about the same age. So when the arcade was closed, new ISO's stopped appearing. But that I believe was explained by CLU poisoning the sea of simulation.

This theory would make it where Quora has a human doppelganger in the real world, even if she's 20 years older than Quorra.

By this you would think all the programs Flynn created in the new grid would have his own face/personality on them. Unless Flynn didn't setup his basement by himself, or maybe he had written programs with borrowed code.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 77
RE: Theoretical origin to the ISO's personality

on Thursday, June, 19, 2014 7:24 PM
I can support this line of code.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

/ / S C A N N I N G
/ / Incompatable Program detected
/ / Initiate Yggdrassil Conscription Potocol
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 Theoretical origin to the ISO's personality