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 Tron: Legacy Tower Defense Game

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Tron: Legacy Tower Defense Game
on Friday, March, 07, 2014 7:38 PM
So I am working on a game called Tower Defense Adventures, and one of the tracks in it is Tron: Legacy themed. I need something. Does anyone have any way of obtaining the distinctive Recognizer engine sound effect? The Recognizers are moving terrain that shape the path for the enemies. Also, if anyone has any gameplay element ideas, feel free to post them here. I will put a link to the game here when it is done. I have also made a primitive classic Tron lightcycle game, since I noticed that most of the lightcycle games are based off of Legacy. If anyone wants to help with artwork, then I will tell you the dimensions and things to be drawn. Here is a link to the lightcycle game I made: Enjoy!order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 23
RE: Tron: Legacy Tower Defense Game

on Friday, March, 07, 2014 7:41 PM
Yeah, for some reason I wasn't logged in before I posted this, so, yeah. This topic belongs to GridBugs2, and no one else.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

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 Other Games 
 Tron: Legacy Tower Defense Game