allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN & Barcadium arcade/bars in Des Moines on Wednesday, November, 20, 2013 5:10 PM
I used to play a TRON game in Broaddus, Texas in 1985 on my way home from school. I really didn't see the game again until I moved to Iowa and found they had one at the local amusement park, Adventureland. Their TRON wasn't in great shape, and had a replacement joystick that just didn't feel right. Sadly, a few years ago, they lost part of their Main Street area in a fire, including the games in their old arcade there.
In October 2013, a new bar/arcade opened in Des Moines called UP-DOWN ( They filled the place with old 80s and early 90s video games, and have TRON. I have been stopping by on my way home (all games are a quarter/token) and relearning how to play.
See you on the game grid...order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN in Des Moines on Thursday, December, 05, 2013 2:58 PM
Finally broke 200K... Unfortunately, the other guy in town (who owns his own TRON machine) came in a week before and set the high score to 216K. Darnit.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN in Des Moines on Monday, December, 09, 2013 9:20 AM
I started playing this TRON on November 8, 2013, and on Saturday, I finally got the top score on the machine... 242,233. I bumped TJ (Todd) off the top spot, with his 216,900.
Re-Rez-Ram User
 Posts: 52 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Monday, December, 09, 2013 1:35 PM
I wish I had an arcade stocked with those old games I could visit nearby. I'm jealous. Oh, congrats on the high score! order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Monday, December, 09, 2013 2:42 PM
Re-Rez-Ram Wrote:I wish I had an arcade stocked with those old games I could visit nearby. I'm jealous. Oh, congrats on the high score! |
It has been a great escape. This place does 2-for-1 tokens on Wednesdays, and gives ten free tokens to the first 100 folks that stop by on Friday. I will buy $5 of tokens, and that brings them down to .10 per game.
Some games are still a ton of fun -- Dig Dug, for instance. Some games just instantly bore me -- Space Invaders. I am surprised at how much fun I have there when I stop buy and play a few games on my way home from work.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Monday, December, 09, 2013 11:43 PM
I did 323K tonight... Holy cow.
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Thursday, December, 19, 2013 12:23 AM
After getting to 374K and pushing Todd down to sixth place! he came in last night after I left and had a rocking game. He broke 661K setting a new high score of our machine. Amazing stuff! Now I have a new goal...
Von Gruber User
 Posts: 6 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Tuesday, December, 31, 2013 1:32 PM
Ok I am here now.  Visited last night and beat my 661. I put up 791K. Took me 1:20 min. Looking for a million soon!
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Friday, January, 03, 2014 9:14 AM
Von Gruber Wrote:Ok I am here now. Visited last night and beat my 661. I put up 791K. Took me 1:20 min. Looking for a million soon! |
Awesome job! I'm right behind you now, with 643K. I died stupidly at the end else I think I would have had 2nd place on the machine. I might have had the top spot if I had been going for points -- I did that without any bug mashing or block blasting -- just getting through them as fast as I could to try to get to the higher levels and test my theory on the light cycle patterns. I knew you said you used the Recognizers to track things, but I didn't understand the sequence until taking notes last night.
At least through USER in the 20s, it does seem that two levels after the Recognizer tank screens will be the change up on the light cycles. After the first three levels, I have one basic pattern (with slight variations on how fast I turn) that I use on every Light Cycle level except the change ups (ASSEMBLY, USER 3, USER 8, USER 13 I think, etc...). Once I figured that out, it became a matter of not doing something stupid like crashing in to a wall or walking in to a block.
For these change up patterns, I have a new pattern I use that seems to work better. I head up a few grids, the left until I leave room for two or three cycles vertically, then down to the wall and back to the right. Two cycles will dive down the left and both die, and the third always seems to crash. Previously, I was doing it so only one was crashing there, and I had to box myself in quickly to deal with a third loose cycle.
It took me from November 8, 2013 to January 2, 2014 to figure this out. I am hoping to get the top slot soon so I can have my picture up on the wall briefly before you blast through 1 million.
I couldn't do it without the challenge of seeing TS on that scoreboard all those weeks!
Von Gruber User
 Posts: 6 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Friday, January, 03, 2014 11:20 AM
Nice on your score! Notes? LOL Allen you put a lot more thought into it than I. Like I have always said. You find what works for you go with it! I need to get my monitor fixed on mine at home!
With games taking as long as they do now.....I will not play but once or twice per week at Up Down. I love the game but after an hour it gets tedious. A million will take I think close to 2 hours depending on things. That is a long time to play a game.
And yes you and I are motivating each other well.
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Friday, January, 03, 2014 1:52 PM
Von Gruber Wrote:Nice on your score! Notes? LOL Allen you put a lot more thought into it than I. |
I had too use notes for the direction of the MCP Cone originally, until I got fast enough to not need them. Then I was always getting killed by the Light Cycles, so I had to write everything down so I could see the sequence. After I figured that part out, I was good. I just had to see it to visualize it.
I was never very good at video games -- always liked playing them to see the levels and hear the music, but there's only a handful I was ever able to complete (some Sega Genesis games and some on my TRS-80 Color Computer). I just lack timing, and have a poor memory
I have found that when I go play Dig Dug now, or even Galaga, I get farther than I ever would have in the 80s. I saw a lady there get a photo from Ms. Pac Man last night. I really need to see if there are any other games I might enjoy playing enough to get a score on.
Von Gruber User
 Posts: 6 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Friday, January, 03, 2014 9:01 PM
Yes have fun, that is what is important. If you can get a HS in the process even better. But FUN is the key. There are a lot of good classics down there at Up Down to play. on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlineorder abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
allenhuffman User
![]() Posts: 17 | RE: TRON back in Iowa - UP-DOWN arcade/bar in Des Moines on Sunday, January, 19, 2014 12:18 AM
I guess it's now a trend. A few days ago, a second bar arcade opened... And they also have TRON! Theirs is in better shape and even has the side art on the cabinet. Amazing going from not seeing the machine to having two places to play. The new place is called Barcadium, but no website yet.