nacker User
![]() Posts: 6 | Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Saturday, June, 29, 2013 3:40 PM
I scanned and searched for this topic and did not find it...
I've just started playing multiplayer - reached level 30 last night.
a few level 50ers destroy me with one throw.
What loadout might they be using?
What's your favorite and why?
I use:
Bomb Mod
Heavy Mod
Health Ping
and experimenting with Gen 3 lightcycle
Discs-Of-Tron_ User
 Posts: 86 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Sunday, June, 30, 2013 8:08 PM
Heavy disc, heavy mod 2.0, power spike are the common loadouts. I swap the heavy 2.0 for the stasis auxiliary. Rock the Gen 4 bike.abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion
nacker User
![]() Posts: 6 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Monday, July, 01, 2013 10:09 AM
I've gone back to the gen 5 cycle. But I like having the bomb mod for extra power against tanks and the heavy disc for boost.
There are a few programs that come in (usually level 50s) who kill me with one throw.
Are they probably using the heavy disc and power spike?
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Discs-Of-Tron_ User
 Posts: 86 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Monday, July, 01, 2013 10:45 AM
Yeah, that's the common loadout for that.
nacker User
![]() Posts: 6 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Monday, July, 01, 2013 12:35 PM
Sweet. Thanks man.
My username is xxxMufassaxxx by the way.
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Discs-Of-Tron_ User
 Posts: 86 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Monday, July, 01, 2013 3:49 PM
I'll have to jump on my bro's 360 some time I'm out there!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
emdeesee User
![]() Posts: 218 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Sunday, July, 07, 2013 10:05 PM
I'm partial to Heavy Mod/Stasis Mod/Power Spike. I prefer the Gen 5 bike, but sometimes mess around with the Gen 2 or Gen 4. If I have the chance, I'll swap Heavy Aux for Stasis Mod on disc maps.
One shot derezzes are almost certainly the result of Heavy Mod/Power Spike. You might consider Heavy Aux or Ward Codex for damage resistance to reduce the likelihood of 50s getting you with one shot. Also try to keep terrain and obstacles between yourself and opponents you can't see, so they can't pick you off from clear across the level.
Compromised health can also lead to one shot derezzes. Make sure you're hitting those ETCs whenever your health is below maximum.
Rinzler2010 User
![]() Posts: 120 | RE: Tron: Evolution - Favorite Loudout? on Tuesday, July, 09, 2013 1:36 AM
i have forgotten most of my upgrades on my loadouts but what i can remember is that my favorite is the Gen-2 Light Cycle mixed with the top available Heavy Mod and Heavy Auxiliary and Health Ping maxed out because of the speed and power boost capabilities and the health gain is excellent! order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill